The Prodigies War

The third thousand and thirty-six chapters solve the mystery

The starting mountain.

Pine Bamboo Peak.

When seeing Lin Xun returning safely, Xi and Ji Shanhai both breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Ji Shanhai couldn't help but ask, "Brother Lin, is this trip going smoothly?"

Lin Xun shook his head and said, "Something happened."

Xi's heart tightened, and she asked aloud: "What happened?"

Lin Xun smiled and said, "It's just a small matter."

With that said, he announced the news that the three eternal protoss of Xingtian, Ye, and Panwu had evacuated and escaped one step earlier.

Xi and Ji Shanhai were both startled, only then did they understand what Lin Xun said about the accident, it was just that the three eternal protoss were not destroyed.

"So, the other Eternal Protoss have already..." Ji Shanhai was surprised, his pink lips parted slightly, and his beautiful eyes widened.

"Yes, they have been removed from the world."

Lin Xun nodded.

Xi and Ji Shanhai were stunned and lost their way uncontrollably.

Less than seven days before and after,

Except for the three Eternal Protoss who escaped early, other Eternal Protoss have suffered?

Their hearts trembled, their heads were dazed, and their eyes stared straight at Lin Xun.

Although they knew that Lin Xun had stepped on the Yang clan and cleaned the Ji clan, they still felt an unprecedented shock when they heard such news.

This is almost equivalent to swept the major Eternal God Races of the Ninth Heaven Domain by one's own strength!

After a while, Ji Shanhai asked excitedly, "Brother Lin, tell us what happened."

In the past, she was like an orchid in the empty valley, independent from the world, beautiful and arrogant, but now she is like a girl full of admiration and no longer hides the emotional fluctuations in her heart.

Xi was still calm, but the eyes that looked at Lin Xun were also brilliance.

Lin Xunna might refuse, and smiled and shared some of his actions.

The two sisters were both heartbroken.


On the same day, the Ji clan also learned of Lin Xun's brilliant record, and they were all shocked. They didn't know whether to be happy or fortunate.

It feels so contradictory.

If it wasn't for Lin Xun's mercy, the Ji clan would not have survived at all.

It cannot be denied that Lin Xun also killed many members of their Ji clan...

Therefore, the mood of these Ji clan people is so entangled.

As for Ji Wangtu, after learning these things, the grudge and resistance to Lin Xun in his heart completely disappeared.

There is only happiness left!

Of the twelve Eternal Protoss, three fled like lost dogs, and eight were uprooted. Compared to this, even though the Ji clan suffered a bloody purge, they survived after all!

What else can Ji Wangtu not be satisfied with?

It was also on the same day that the Ji clan learned the news that Lin Xun would leave the Ninth Heaven Domain three days later, and when he left, he would leave with all the Ji clan members.


Outside, the news about the demise of the major Eternal Protoss is still fermenting and spreading.

But to hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the world, they all know that the world pattern controlled by the twelve eternal protoss that has been formed since ancient times has been completely broken by Lin Xun.

This ninth heaven domain has completely changed!

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would see those eternal gods who rule the world and enslave all beings fall one by one. Father, mother, if you know about it, you will be very happy, right?"

Someone was crying and screaming with excitement.

Those who were once enslaved and persecuted and those who were cultivators are now in this mood, excited, excited, joyful, and unable to control themselves.

One move to turn over, no longer have to suffer oppression, no longer have to live in stealth, this is undoubtedly a great blessing for them.

"Quick, do all you can to hunt down the remnants of the Taihao Clan!"

"The tree has fallen and scattered, this time, it's time for us to take revenge!"

In the major frontiers of the Ninth Heaven Domain, countless forces launched actions, murderous, and went all over the world to hunt down and kill the remnants of the eternal protoss that had long been destroyed.

Like the twenty-four immortal gods that are also distributed in the ninth heaven,

have also been dispatched.

In the past, those Eternal Protoss each occupied an endless territory and controlled countless sites, but now, as these Eternal Protoss fall one by one, these sites naturally become dishes in the eyes of others.




Like gunpowder smoke, it fills the sky above the Ninth Heaven Domain.

As Lin Xun had expected at the beginning, as long as he broke through the Eternal Protoss, there was no need for him to take action personally, and the remnants of the Eternal Protoss would be surrounded and suppressed by the world!

It can be said that Lin Xun alone ended an era in which twelve eternal gods dominated the world!

This is by no means limited to the Ninth Heaven Domain. As the news spreads, as time goes by, the entire pattern of the Nine Heaven Domains of the Eternal True Realm will be affected by this, resulting in profound changes like the sky!


While the outside world was in turmoil, Lin Xun was taking stock of the spoils.

Countless rare treasures, magical medicinal materials, ancient books and exercises, divine treasures, and treasures that are densely packed and dazzling, can all be piled up into mountains!

This is the accumulation of countless years of the eight Eternal God Races. When they are gathered together, that wealth can definitely surpass the heavens and the sky, unparalleled!

Just the complete order of the gods, there are eight...

Just the various treasures that can satisfy the cultivation of the people in the eternal realm are enough for Lin Xun to get inexhaustible and inexhaustible before he proves the immeasurable realm...

Just counting and sorting out these wealth took Lin Xun half a day!

In the end, Lin Xun couldn't help but feel a little dazed, completely shocked by the wealth possessed by these eternal protoss.

It is no wonder that these Eternal Protoss have been able to stand in the ninth heaven until now, and they can make all living beings in the world only awe and look up.

Just from these huge and unimaginable wealth, you can glimpse a clue!

Not to mention, Lin Xun also captured more than 20 Eternal Realm characters in this battle, and they are now suppressed by him in Wuyuan Sword Cauldron.

In the future, as long as the power of "Five Orders to Return to the Ruins" is used, all these captives can be refined.

In the end, Lin Xun kept all the eternal treasures suitable for his cultivation, and the rest of the wealth was planned to be distributed by those relatives and friends in the future.

"Wait some time in the future, and come back to the Ninth Heaven Domain."

Lin Xun secretly said in his heart.

He would never forget the three eternal protoss, Ye Clan, Pan Wu Clan, and Xing Tian Clan, who escaped one step earlier.

But now, he has no time to search for the whereabouts of these three eternal gods one by one, which is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

On the contrary, as the situation calms down in the future, the three Eternal God Races will reveal some clues sooner or later, and at that time, it will be relatively easy to clean up them.

On the same day, Lin looked for Ji Wangtu, Xi, and Ji Shanhai, and told them his decision to leave.

"There is a path to the Eighth Heaven Domain on my Ji's site. Although this path has been banned in the early years, it can be opened at any time."

Ji Wangtu said.

Xi nodded and said, "Right now, the situation in the ninth heaven is turbulent and chaotic. It's better to leave early."

"By the way, I still have something to ask the seniors for advice."

Lin Xun suddenly remembered something and looked at Ji Wangtu.

"What's the matter?" Ji Wangtu wondered.

"Back then, my master Fangcun, the master, came to this ninth heaven. I want to know what his old man experienced in this ninth heaven."

Lin Xun revealed a mystery deep in his heart.

Ji Wangtu's expression suddenly showed a strange emotion, as if hesitating whether to tell Lin Xun or not.

"Senior, but it doesn't matter." Lin Xun said softly.

Ji Wangtu took a deep breath and said: "Speaking of which, this is also an old story. Not long after the Lord Fangcun arrived in the ninth heaven, he invited twelve old guys from the Eternal God Race to 'Tianyin Mountain'. , said that there is a major matter to discuss..."

"After deliberation, the twelve Eternal Protoss decided to send an immeasurable existence to each. After arriving at Tianyin Mountain, there was a conflict."

"Conflict?" Lin Xun's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, it is said that the master of Fangcun hopes that the twelve eternal gods will join forces to fight against the existence behind the calamity of the era."

Ji Wangtu's eyes were complicated, "How can the twelve eternal protoss agree? In the past, I don't know how many era civilizations have been destroyed, but they are not the opponents that exist behind the scenes."

After a pause, he continued, "After being rejected, the Master Fang Cun threatened that sooner or later, when the Immortal Supreme Path appears, it will break the cognition of everyone in the world, and everything in this Ninth Heaven Domain will be broken. It will also be completely overturned.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lin Xun with a strange color.

Lin Xun has embarked on the road of immortality, and now he has swept the twelve eternal gods with his own power, subverting the situation of the ninth heaven in one fell swoop, which undoubtedly fulfilled the words of the master of Fangcun back then!

"Could it be that a conflict broke out just because of such a sentence?" Lin Xun frowned.

Ji Wangtu shook his head, "That's not the case, but an immeasurable existence of Zen Buddhism at that time came and brought a stone statue with him."

"The stone statue in the beginning?" Lin Xun's pupils shrank.


Ji Wangtu was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Lin Xun to know about it, and he continued, "It is this stone statue that made the twelve eternal gods completely break with the master of Fangcun, and that day a war broke out on Yinshan. ."

"In the end, the Lord of Fangcun suffered."

Speaking of this, Ji Wangtu hurriedly added, "But I later learned that the only thing that was destroyed by the master of Fangcun was the power of a will."

"According to the inference of the twelve great figures of the Eternal God Race, the deity of the Lord of Fangcun, I am afraid, has already gone to the Zhongmiao Dao Ruins and will never be able to return. Therefore, we released news that the Lord of Fangcun suffered a disaster in the Ninth Heavenly Domain... …”

Hearing this, Lin Xun completely understood.

No wonder in the past, the news I heard always said that the master suffered in the ninth heaven, and he didn't know his life or death.

It turned out that what was destroyed in the past was only a will of the master!

And the root cause of the battle that year was the "stone statue of the very beginning" brought by that Zen person from the immeasurable realm.

Undoubtedly, this is destined to be related to the black hand behind the robbery of the era!

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