The Prodigies War

Chapter 3020 Marriage

Yongxia Realm.

A vast territory controlled by the eternal protoss Ji clan.

The "Sacred Mountain of Beginning" that Ji's entrenched is located in the Yongxia Region.

Flying Cloud City.

One of the thousands of large ancient cities in Yongxia Region.


The ancient teleportation formation in the center of the city fluctuated, and Lin Xun's tall figure walked out of it.

He looked up and saw that the streets and lanes in the city were intertwined, prosperous like water, and there were bustling figures everywhere, which seemed extremely lively.

Lin Xun's breath was introverted, so he didn't attract much attention.

"Starting from Feiyun City, at my speed, within half a day, I can reach the starting sacred mountain where the Ji clan is entrenched..."

Lin Xun strolled on the street, thinking quickly about the Ji Clan of the Eternal God Race in his mind.

As one of the twelve Eternal Protoss, today's Ji Clan has three Eternal Realm characters who are beyond the realm.

They are Ji Xiaoyun, Ji He, and Ji Beifeng. They live in seclusion in the sacred mountain of the beginning all the year round, and rarely show up.

The patriarch of the Ji clan is named Ji Wangtu.

He is also the father of Ji Xi and Ji Shanhai.

In addition, the Ji family also has a large number of immortal figures, and when it comes to the background and power, they can be included in the top five positions of the twelve eternal gods.

Like Yang's background, it is slightly inferior to Ji's.

However, in the eyes of Lin Xun today, whether it is the Yang Clan, Ji Clan, or other Eternal Protoss, there is not much threat.

"I don't know how Xi is doing now..."

In Lin Xun's mind, Xi's exquisite and graceful figure could not help but emerge, and he remembered the scenes from his acquaintance with Xi when he was young until they parted at the Kunlun Ruins.

In those years, she was like her own guide, giving herself guidance and sheltering herself from the wind and rain.

Just thinking about it made Lin Xun feel incomparably hot and warm in his heart.

At that time, he was alone in the world, and he experienced blood and rain, but fortunately, Xi accompanied him all the way, so that he never felt lonely.

Later, when he was in Kunlun Ruins, Xi, who set foot on the road of immortality, was taken away by Jun Fenglie, a war commander from his clan. Since then, Lin Xun has never seen Xi again.

From then on, Lin Xun often thinks of Xi, and it was not until he saw Ji Shanhai in the Ten Directions Demon Realm that he finally knew Xi's life experience.

Only then did I finally know that such a peerless woman, who was once famous in the Ninth Heaven Domain, had such twists and turns in her life.

A long time ago, Xi's talent, heritage, elegance, appearance... were all the peers of Ji's peers, crowned the arrogance of the group, and was regarded as a woman who had the qualifications to inherit the patriarch's position.

Her name resounded throughout the Ninth Heaven Domain!

Maybe it was because it was so dazzling that it made her suffer a lot.

The root cause of the disaster was the marriage proposal of other Eternal Protoss. At that time, I don't know how many gods wanted to marry Xi. Even, because they wanted to fight for Xi, the big figures of the Eternal Protoss did not hesitate to come forward in person and competed with each other.

This incident also caused a sensation in the Ninth Heaven Domain, and everyone in the world knew it.

But no one knew, and because of this, serious divisions arose within the Ji family.

Some people hope that she will marry out, so that she can marry an eternal protoss, which can further consolidate the status of the Ji family.

Others are reluctant to do so, and accuse the old people who want her to marry off with evil intentions, in order to kick her out of the clan so that others can have a chance to claim the position of the patriarch's heir.

There were even conflicts among the clansmen who wanted to marry her. Some wanted her to marry the Ye Clan of the Eternal God Clan, some hoped she would marry the Jue Clan, and some hoped she would marry the Taihao Clan...

To this end, they quarreled fiercely with each other, and they had a lot of trouble.

The saddest thing is that, from the beginning to the end, no one asked Xi what she thought, and everyone imposed their will and ideas on her in the name of thinking for her, for her good, and for her.

If these things hadn't happened, Xi would still be the most dazzling star in the Ji clan, and the pride of the whole clan.

But when these things happen,

She is just a pawn in the eyes of others, for the so-called overall situation of the clan and the interests of the clan, she can only be at the mercy of her.

Later, Xi left the clan alone.

But because of her departure, her clan was completely outraged, and since then, her name has become a taboo of the Ji clan.

These things were all told by Ji Shanhai to Lin Xun.

Lin Xun felt extremely angry and angry even thinking about it.

How dazzling should Xi be at that time?

But it is such a peerless woman, but she has been reduced to a chess-like role in a storm.

How chilling and disappointing must she have been in those days before she resolutely left the clan?

Sadly, her departure was met with angry accusations from the clansmen and disappointment with her!

How ridiculous.

Countless years have passed, and her name is still a taboo in Ji's family, it is rarely talked about, and there are even many old antiques brooding about her!

"This time, I must breathe a sigh of relief for you!"

Lin Xun took a deep breath and suppressed the rolling emotions in his heart.

Back then, he had promised Ji Shanhai that he would one day set foot in the Ninth Heaven Territory to rescue Xi from the ban.

And now, it's time for him to make good on his promise.

Suddenly, a chatter caught Lin Xun's attention and woke him up from his thoughts.

"Tomorrow, the Taihao clan's welcome team will come to the beginning of the sacred mountain. It is said that the leader of the team this time is an eternal ancestor of the Taihao clan!"

"I've also heard that Ji's family sent out invitations a few days ago to discuss this marriage. It is foreseeable that the relationship between Ji's family and Taihao's family will definitely go further from now on."

"Speaking of which, the goddess Ji Xi was famous in the ninth heaven, known as the first goddess of the twelve eternal gods, regardless of appearance and talent, she is amazing and unparalleled, and now she is a peerless existence on the road of immortality. ."

"Taihao Zhi is not inferior. He is the first son of the Taihao clan, with a talent against the sky. Now he is a transcendental existence on the road of immortality. Sooner or later, he will take over the authority of the Taihao clan chief."

... After listening, a cold glow appeared in Lin Xun's eyes.


He suddenly remembered that Ji Shanhai had said back then that unless Xi agreed to marry Taihao's body Taihao, he would spend his eternity on grounding.

But now, this marriage seems to have already happened, and tomorrow, the Taihao family's welcoming team will arrive at the starting mountain!

"If this is Xi's own willingness, I'm not ready to start. But if not, don't blame me, Lin Xun, for being rude."

Lin Xun's black eyes became more and more cold.

The Wuyuan Sword Cauldron, which was cultivated in the body, also sensed his killing intent and jumped.

What the truth is, you can find out when you see Xi Jianxi in person!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun didn't hesitate any longer. With one step, the figure appeared and disappeared from the city, moved the void, and swept in the direction of the starting mountain.

Along the way, Lin Xun saw a lot of cultivators, who were in groups, obviously from different forces, but the goal was the same, swept towards the place where the city started.

Listening to their conversations, they all went to the Eternal Protoss to visit and celebrate.

"The marriage between Ji's and Taihao's is really a powerful force. If ordinary people, they really can't stop all this. It's a pity that I, Lin Xun, came this time..."

Lin Xun murmured in his heart.

He moved with all his strength, and his figure disappeared without a trace in a flash.

The journey that originally took half a day to arrive, arrived in just two hours.

Soon, the starting mountain came into Lin Xun's field of vision.

This mountain covers an area of ​​30,000 miles. The sky is filled with chaotic purple air, and the hundreds of millions of auspicious lights hanging down bathe the entire mountain in it, which is sacred and glorious.

When Lin Xun arrived, there were already many figures gathered in the area near the mountain gate.

Regardless of gender, age, and age, all of them are splendid, beautifully dressed, and obviously have a lot of background, but when they entered the mountain gate, they all presented invitations with great respect, and no one dared to mess around.

Tomorrow will be Ji's big day. There will be an endless stream of guests who come to see and congratulate, and there will be a steady stream of strong figures coming from all directions.

From this, it can also be seen how powerful Ji's prestige is as an Eternal Protoss.

However, only strong people with invitations can bring their relatives and friends into the Mountain of Beginnings.

Otherwise, it will be blocked by the order of the gods covering the top and bottom of the starting sacred mountain for the first time.

Lin Xun frowned slightly.

"Forget it, let's go find out Xi's whereabouts first, and then make a decision."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and suppressed his plan to kill directly.

"Fellow Daoist, stay here."

Seeing a figure in the distance, Lin Xun didn't move, and went straight forward.

This is an old man with beard and hair fluttering, immortal style and Taoist bone, with Nirvana Realm Dao Xing, and he is already a top-level big man in the ninth heaven.

Seeing Lin Xun blocking in front of him, the old man couldn't help frowning, "Young man, why are you blocking my way?"

Lin Xun bowed his hands slightly: "I would like to ask fellow Daoists to take it easy and bring me into the Ji clan together."

The old man's eyes showed disdain, "It turns out that there is no invitation, and I want to join Ji's family to participate in the wedding banquet, young man, this invitation is not something that anyone can get casually, the old man spent nearly 9,000 years. It was not easy to forge a first-line relationship with the Ji family, and now I can enter this door with dignity. What kind of thing do you want to sneak in? "

The words are proud, but also contemptuous, unceremonious.

After all, the old man will move on.

Lin Xun squeezed his shoulders and said with a smile, "For the sake of borrowing your invitation, I don't care about the disrespect in your words. Now, it's up to you to lead the way, let's go."

At this moment, the old man with the path of the Nirvana Realm was sweating all over his body, his face was ashen, and he no longer had the arrogance and disdain he had before.

Lin Xun's hand on his shoulder seemed to be casual, but it imprisoned him like a sword against his throat.

He didn't care to wipe the cold sweat that kept falling from his forehead, his voice was trembling, and he said shiveringly:

"Former...Senior, here...this is the territory of the Ji family. If something happened here...the consequences would be very serious."


Jiageng send ^-^

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