The Prodigies War

Chapter 304: A Secret Letter

"Quick! Go check if the target is still in the room!"

When he realized this problem, a bad premonition rose in the man's heart, and he gave orders almost subconsciously. Read the fastest chapter on xiāng cūn xiǎo shuō.cóm


Immediately, a subordinate hurried away.

Juxiang Inn.

6 Shaoyun tidied up his clothes and prepared to go to Lin Xun's door to "perform" as before.

At this moment, an inn attendant suddenly knocked on the door and sent a secret letter to Lu Shaoyun.

6 Shaoyun was startled and thought it was a secret letter from Shi Dingzhai in Huanglong City, but when he opened it, his pupils shrank.

I saw the text above: "Master 6, when you receive this letter, you will definitely be surprised. Don't guess, I'm the damn bastard in your mouth."

6 Shaoyun's face changed, isn't that guy in the next room, why did he send a secret letter to himself?

He continued to watch.

"Aren't you curious why I didn't kill you, but took you with me? It's actually very simple, I'm using you."

use! ?

6 Shaoyun was at a loss. Along the way, although Lin Xun had always been indifferent to him, he never showed any actions to take advantage of him.

"Of course, you must be very confused now, but you will understand it soon. I hope you don't blame me at that time. Who made you offend me? I have nothing to do with me, I am good at revenge."

6 Shaoyun became more and more suspicious, what the hell is this damn guy talking about?

"Well, are you more confused now? It doesn't matter, it's normal. I just want to tell you that I lied to you that day. In fact, you weren't poisoned. It's just a punishment."

6 Shaoyun's face suddenly cloudy and uncertain, Mahler Gobi, this guy is really playing with me! Deceiving too much!

However, knowing that he was not poisoned, he still breathed a sigh of relief, and asked a lot of counsel all over.

"Are you happy now?"

6 The corners of Shaoyun's lips twitched.

I scolded in my heart, I am happy for your uncle! Wait, boy, don't let me catch you!

"However, you won't be happy soon, I can be sure, so please don't take chances."

6 Shaoyun gritted his teeth, wishing he could shred this secret letter, it's already time, are you fucking planning to threaten me?

I will never believe you again!

However, due to the strong curiosity in his heart, Lu Shaoyun couldn't help but read it.

"I guess you will definitely think that I'm lying to you again, but if I were you, the first thing to do now is to quickly ask your father for help, maybe you can avoid this storm. If you are misunderstood by those enemies that you and I are in the same group, then you will be completely finished. Village, village, 暁, said, net.”

6 Shaoyun's heart is completely messed up, what enemy? What storm? Can you fucking make it clear! Um?

He also asked my father to ask for help, you damn bastard is so naive, I already contacted Shi Dingzhai a few days ago, just waiting to take care of you bastard!

Although he thought so resentfully in his heart, Lu Shaoyun was very unsteady in his heart. He always felt that Lin Xun's words seemed...not like he was lying to himself.

Too tangled!

"Remember, you and I have no deep hatred, don't be blinded by hatred, of course, if you really don't want to believe, then you can do it, I have already expressed goodwill, if you still can't escape this disaster in the end, It can only be said that you killed yourself."

At this point, the content of the entire secret letter is over.

6 Shaoyun is completely mad, what does this guy mean? Why write such a nonsense secret letter?

Taking a few deep breaths in a row, he suppressed the irritability in his heart. Lu Shaoyun finally shredded the secret letter and gritted his teeth: "I pretend to be a ghost, I won't believe it, what kind of bullshit disturbance can still harm me!"

When he thought that he was from 6 clans in the Forbidden City, and his father, 6 Tianzhao, was a deacon elder in the headquarters of Shi Dingzhai, Lu Shaoyun felt a lot more stable.

He didn't believe that what people like Lin Xun said about the storm and the enemy could do to him!

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, there was a rush of knocking on the door, almost like a reminder, which seemed extremely rude.

6 Shaoyun's face sank, who the hell is this, so impolite!

He stepped forward and opened the door, but was surprised to find an old man and a group of men in brocade clothes standing outside the door.

It was Li Tianbao, the shopkeeper of Shi Ding Zhai in Huanglong City, and his capable subordinates.

6 Shaoyun immediately frowned and said displeasedly: "Manager Li, why are you here all of a sudden? The time I agreed with you a few days ago was not this time."

In the face of Li Tianbao, Lu Shaoyun showed that arrogant and domineering look again. When it comes to identity, he believes that he is more than one step higher than Li Tianbao.

However, what surprised Lu Shaoyun was that Li Tianbao, who had been respectful to him last time, sneered and showed a touch of indifference.

He said coldly, "Young Master Liu, do you know that you have already caused a catastrophic disaster?"

6 Shaoyun's face changed: "What did you say?"

Li Tianbao's eyes showed a trace of hatred: "Young Master Liu, you don't need to pretend to be confused at this time, your actions this time almost killed the old man, and even nearly dragged your six families into the fire pit, are you still going to be obsessed? "

6 Shaoyun felt that the whole person was stunned, and shouted: "What are you talking about, why can't I understand it at all?"

He was really at a loss, what the hell was going on, how did the originally agreed upon things suddenly become like this?

When did you ever think about killing Li Tianbao? When did you ever think about dragging your clan?

But seeing Lu Shaoyun's stubborn and unrepentant appearance, Li Tianbao was completely angry and waved: "Take him away!"

Immediately, the men in brocade and splendid attire rushed forward, couldn't help but hold Lu Shaoyun down.

Like escorting a prisoner, no matter how Lu Shaoyun screamed and scolded, he couldn't break free, and was taken to the outside of the Juxiang Inn.

This time, Lu Shaoyun was completely panicked, scared, and begged, "Manager Li, can you tell me what's going on?"

Li Tianbao snorted coldly.

"Then you should tell me where to take me?"

6 Shaoyun showed despair on his face.

"Where to go? Of course you are escorted back to your six families! This is an order from your father himself!"

Li Tianbao looked at Lu Shaoyun with pity on his face, and said, "Young Master Liu, look back and have a full meal, maybe later... Hey, that's all, you can do it yourself."

Father's order!

Suddenly, Lu Shaoyun was struck by lightning and almost couldn't believe his ears. How could this be possible?

Why is this happening?

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Lu Shaoyun's mind, and he suddenly remembered the secret letter from Lin Xun that he had just seen.

"Instead of me being you, the first thing to do now is to quickly ask your father for help, maybe you can avoid this turmoil, if those enemies misunderstand that you are with me, then you can It's completely over."

When this paragraph came to mind, Lu Shaoyun froze, like falling into an ice cave, and finally realized the problem.

It turned out that Lin Xun's so-called "use" was to make his enemies suspect that he was with him!

What frightened Lu Shaoyun the most was, what was the origin of Lin Xun's enemies, so that his father would admit it and order him to be escorted back to his clan?

This storm... so big!

The moment he walked out of the Juxiang Inn, Lu Shaoyun glanced inadvertently and saw a group of people rushing into the room where Lin Xun was, but...

The room was empty, where could there be Lin Xun's figure?

"Male Gobi, I've been completely fooled by this bastard—!"


"Boss, look, that kid was taken away. This is called retribution. Is there something he can interfere with as a playboy?"

In the Juxiang Inn, a thin young man could not help chuckling as he watched Lu Shaoyun be taken away.

"This guy is not important, the important thing is that the target has sneaked away from our eyes!"

The man in the bucket hat looked so gloomy, he couldn't be happy at all.

"Boss, it's weird. The target dug a tunnel under the floor of the room. No wonder it slipped away from our eyes."

At this time, a subordinate came down to report.

"Go, go and see!"

The man in the bucket hat took a deep breath and strode towards Lin Xun's room. When he saw the traces of the tunnel under the floor, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Just by looking at the traces in the tunnel, you can tell that the target had already left when he checked into the inn on the first day!

"Can you find the exit of the tunnel?"

The man in the bucket hat asked in a deep voice.

"It's on a street, there is no trace of the target, but Xiao Mu has already dispatched, I believe that the breath of the target will be locked soon."

Hearing the name of Xiao Mu, the man in the bucket hat finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Mu was one of his companions and practiced a secret technique called "Six Senses Induction Technique". He could never escape his pursuit.

"There is news that the target may have left Yellow Dragon City, and let other teams be ready to search and encircle the target!"

The man in the bucket hat immediately gave an order, and then hurriedly left the Juxiang Inn with his subordinates.

All the forces on their side have been mobilized outside Huanglong City, including five Ziying warships. If they lose the target this time and let the target escape from the encirclement, the consequences will be disastrous!

Outside Huanglong City.

Lin Xun followed the flow of people and walked along the avenue to the distance. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, and his breath was inconspicuous, no different from ordinary cultivators.

And after dressing up, Lin Xun still looks like that, but his breath, expression, and behavior have undergone earth-shaking changes, and he is completely different from before.

This is an extremely profound disguise technique, a small skill that comes with learning the assassination technique from the blood-killing camp.

At this time, Lin Xun was like an honest, honest, and ordinary young man. His appearance was inconspicuous, and it was easy to be ignored.

"I don't know if Lu Shaoyun has reacted, but if he kills himself, he can't blame anyone."

Lin Xun thought while walking forward.

He didn't know that Lu Shaoyun had been taken away like a prisoner, and it was his father, Lu Tianzhao, who gave the order.


ps: Thank you brother "yoyon" for your support! I'm still not at home at night, but the update has been done. Everyone click on the next chapter and continue to watch the second update.


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