The Prodigies War

Chapter 2992 The big sweep

The mist was steaming, and the blood-colored light filled the air.

On the undulating Yingzhou Mountain, Lin Xun swept forward rapidly.


A bloody fierce spirit rushed in, and without waiting to display its fierce power, it was taken away by the gate of exile, as easily as a big fish was taken away.

Ling Xuanzi followed Lin Xun closely, his eyes lit up.

He unleashed his own best practices and deliberately caused great movements to attract the bloody spirits along the way to cooperate with Lin Xun to sweep away the prey.

Sure enough, the harvest began to grow in this way.

On their way forward, the bloody spirits scattered in different areas of Yingzhou Mountain were disturbed, and they rushed out and killed like a wave of blood.

Without exception, they were all taken away by Lin Xun's gate of exile.

Just a quarter of an hour.

They were hunted by their two brothers and sisters and hunted more than 40 bloody fierce spirits. This kind of harvest made Ling Xuanzi's whole person full of energy, radiant and joyful.

However, when Lin Xun's "Gate of Exile" was exhausted, Ling Xuanzi suddenly became nervous and said, "Junior Brother, do you want to leave Yingzhou Mountain first and take a rest?"

Lin Xun shook his head and said: "It's okay, let's continue, brother, you continue to be the bait, I'll clean up those prey."


Ling Xuanzi glared at Lin Xun angrily, although he did play the role of a bait along the way, can you tell it without a face?

Of course, Ling Xuanzi would not contradict Lin Xun at this time, otherwise, when he finally "divides the spoils", he would be at a loss!


As Lin Xun once again activated the magical power of the gate of exile, the two brothers and sisters swept away again, and they cooperated more and more tacitly along the way.

There is no need for Lin Xun to remind him, Ling Xuanzi can understand the meaning of a small look, a casual action, and take corresponding actions in a timely manner.

This made Lin Xun couldn't help but admire, the fourth senior brother is definitely a good player in attacking!

The world is passing little by little.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Xun's gate of exile magical power was exhausted again. He made a decisive decision and left Yingzhou Mountain directly with Ling Xuanzi.

No way, his physical strength has also been severely exhausted.

Canyon Cave House.

Lin Xun meditated cross-legged to recover his strength, while Ling Xuanzi planned his next move on one side.

"This operation lasted for about half an hour. Seventy-three fierce blood spirits were easily hunted, and almost 30% of the area of ​​Yingzhou Mountain was swept away... And the younger brother needs to recover at this time..."

Ling Xuanzi pondered in his heart, "If you plan this way, you can sweep the entire Yingzhou Mountain in three days!"

Thinking of this, he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

He has been lingering here for many years, but the number of blood and fierce spirits he has hunted is destined to be far less than Lin Xun's work in just a few days!

After half a day.

Lin Xunyi regained his strength, and the two brothers and sisters did not have any nonsense, and went to Yingzhou Mountain again.


Not as Lingxuanzi expected, in just three days, they swept the area of ​​30,000 kilometers up and down the Yingzhou Mountain all the way, and all the bloody spirits wandering on the mountain became prey.

The number adds up to nearly 500!

And this means that they will get nearly 500 "Eternal Blood Stones"!

"Senior brother, you've worked hard."

Returning from Yingzhou Mountain, Ling Xuanzi enthusiastically took out a pot of wine and handed it to Lin Xun, "Come and take a good rest, you have made great contributions to this action, senior brother, I don't want to admire it or not."

Lin Xun said with a smile while drinking, "Brother, don't worry, you must have a share of the eternal bloodstones transformed by these fierce blood spirits, but now is not the time to divide them up."

Ling Xuanzi was stunned for a moment, then realized something and said, "Are you planning to sweep the other four mountains in one go?"

Lin Xun nodded: "Yes."

Although Yingzhou Mountain is extremely large, the number of blood-scarring spirits that are born is not large. They swept them once in just three days, and the blood-scarring spirits they obtained were only close to 500.

"it is good!"

Ling Xuanzi slapped his thigh,

Filled with ambition, he said, "Then let's go to Penglai Mountain, this mountain stretches for 99,000 miles, and there is one of the original rules of returning to the market, the 'Body Transformation Rule', and the eternal murderous corpse born in it is the The power of the body after the fall of the Eternal Realm has been transformed, and the combat power is stronger than that of the blood and fierce spirit, but, with the door of your exile, you will be able to deal with them without any effort..."

He talked eloquently and described the situation of Penglai Mountain.

Lin Xun's response was simple, one word: "Go."


Penglai Mountain.

Above it, the black mist is steaming, the strange rocks are jagged, and the rolling hills are like a twisted Canglong body entrenched on the ground.

The source rule power covered on it is completely different from Yingzhou Mountain, but this can't stop Lin Xun's immortal rule power.

Not long after stepping on Penglai Mountain, Lin Xun saw an "eternal murderous corpse".

This murderous creature looks like an old man, with a slender body that is broken and rotten, half of its head seems to have been split off, and it hangs crookedly around its neck, looking extremely eerie.

On him, he was still wearing a torn blood-stained robe.

This is different from the fragments of corpses seen on the way to the place of burial. Although this eternal murderous corpse is broken, it is obviously complete.

Moreover, the breath of the eternal corpse is extremely strange and terrifying, full of destructive violent killing power.

When it does it, the eternal power is transpiring all over its body, as if it is burning, and it swipes out with a palm, as if it is going to break the world!

This is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than the bloody fierce spirit.

After Lin Xun used the "Gate of Exile" supernatural power, he didn't care about saving, and directly expanded to a thousand zhang range, rushing towards the eternal corpse.


The power of the eternal corpse's palm is extremely terrifying. Although it was swallowed up by the gate of exile, it also shook the gate of exile violently.

Fortunately, the Eternal Fierce Corpse also has no intelligence. Seeing Lin Xun rushing towards it, it does not dodge or evade.

The fierceness of that body made Ling Xuanzi sweat coldly.

Fortunately, in the end, this murderous thing was swallowed by the gate of exile, which was considered a false alarm.

"To take away one eternal corpse will consume close to 30% of the power of the gate of exile. If this goes on, if you cast the gate of exile once, you can only deal with three eternal corpses at most..."

Lin Xun couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Junior brother, be content, I have never dared to attack the eternal murderous corpse during these years in this burial place. These murderous creatures are more terrifying than the 'dao spirits' on Daiyu Mountain."

Ling Xuanzi sighed.

Lin Xun nodded, the two did not linger and continued onward.

Compared with the bloody evil spirits, the number of eternal murderous corpses on Penglai Mountain is obviously much less, and it has swept the area of ​​nearly 10,000 miles, and only two eternal murderous corpses were hunted by Lin Xun, and one was. Physical strength has also been severely exhausted.

In desperation, they could only leave temporarily and return to the canyon cave to restore their strength.

After half a month.

It was only after Lin Xun and Ling Xuanzi swept the Penglai Mountain once that they hunted down twenty eternal corpses in total. In terms of number, they were far from being compared to the bloody feral spirits they hunted.

But according to Lingxuanzi, every Eternal Ferocious Corpse means that in the last era, an Eternal Realm boss fell in the Kunlun Ruins!

And refining the eternal corpse, you can get the "eternal law" condensed by this eternal character!

Although it is destined to be damaged, it is extremely rare, far from being comparable to the Eternal Blood Stone.


After sweeping Yingzhou Mountain and Penglai Mountain, the two brothers did not stop. After resting for a day, they went to Fanghu Mountain.

Fanghu Mountain is only 9,000 miles away, but it is extremely steep and lonely, and it is filled with a kind of original rule called "soul transformation".

The immortal spirits are distributed in this mountain. The so-called immortal spirits are transformed by the divine soul power of the Eternal Realm characters who fell in the last era.

The number of immortal evil spirits is extremely numerous, like a swarm of locusts, mighty.

This is because when the characters of the eternal realm fall, their souls have already been shattered into powder, and these inextinguishable souls are only transformed by the breath of the primordial spirit after the fall.

Its ferocity is far inferior to the bloody spirits, and it is far from being compared with the corpses of the avenues. The only thing to fear is the large number of them.

However, this did not trouble Lin Xun.

With the gate of exile, hunting these hordes of inextinguishable spirits is no different from catching fish with a large net.

Just seven days.

The immortal spirits on Fanghu Mountain were swept away.

After that, Lin Xun and Ling Xuanzi kept on going, and began to target the "Dao Spirits" on Daiyu Mountain and the "Eternal Fierce Soldiers" on Yuanjiao Mountain.

The original law on Daiyu Mountain is called "Tao Transformation", which is extremely terrifying and can transform the cultivation realm mastered by all cultivators in the world.

The Dao spirits distributed on Daiyu Mountain are transformed by the power of the cultivation base of the eternal realm, and their combat power is not inferior to the eternal corpse. There are many means, and it is more difficult to deal with than the eternal corpse.

It took Lin Xun and Ling Xuanzi a full month to hunt down the 18 Great Dao Spirit Monsters on Daiyu Mountain one by one.

On the Yuanqiao Mountain, there is a kind of origin law called "Chemical Soldiers". The shape of the mountain is like a huge cage, and there are immortal soldiers with brilliance and murderous aura.

These are the natal Dao soldiers of the Eternal Realm powerhouses of the previous era. Although they are all broken, each of them has been stained with the blood of the enemy, and has accompanied its master to fight for endless years. It can easily crush any creature under the eternal realm!

These murderous soldiers have no spirituality, but they are permeated with eternal ferocity and have different mysteries. Some eternal murderous soldiers can even hide in time and space and kill them abruptly, which is extremely terrifying.

When Lin Xun dealt with them, he was almost in danger several times, but thanks to the gate of exile, as long as he hides in the area covered by the gate of exile, no matter how wonderful those eternal murderous soldiers are, when they get close, they will be involved in exile. inside the door.

In the end, Lin Xun and the others spent more than 20 days to sweep the Yuanjiao Mountain, and together they obtained more than 40 pieces of eternal murderous soldiers.

Of course, they are all incomplete.

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