The Prodigies War

Chapter 2956 separate actions

Yuanqing Pavilion Master, in charge of the selection and appointment of Zongmen.

In the Yuanqing Pavilion, Fang Daoping, Yu Xing, Zhang Qianxi, the three deputy pavilion masters, as well as a group of elders, deacons, and deputy deacons, will all obey the instructions of the pavilion owner.

As a pavilion master, it is already equivalent to becoming the existence of Yuanjiao second only to the leader, with a high status, great authority, and the cultivation resources that can be used, far from being comparable to others.

But in the same way, as much power is possessed, so much responsibility must be borne.

In today's Yuanjiao, there are no Eternal Realm characters in charge, and in the Transcendence Realm Great Perfection level, there is no doubt that Lin Xun's combat power is the most powerful.

In a sense, from this day on, Lin Xun seems to be the youngest and most influential pavilion master in Yuanjiao!

On the same day, Yuanjiao held a banquet to celebrate the three new pavilion owners, Lin Xun, Xuan Feiling, and Duguyong.


late at night.

Lin Xun, who returned to Dongfu from the banquet, had a long conversation with his second senior brother Zhongqiu.

"Right now, the Witch Sect and Zen Sect have suffered heavy casualties, and the Eternal God Race of the Ninth Heaven Domain will no longer be able to intervene in the affairs of the lower realm in a short time. I have already sent a message to Junior Sister Ruosu of the Spirit Sect, and three days later, we will set off for Taiyuzhen together. environment, go and rescue the big brother and the others."

Zhongqiu told Lin Xun of his decision.

Lin Xun was shocked and said without thinking, "I'll go with you."

Zhong Qiu smiled and shook his head: "If you go, it will cause a lot of variables. If you are targeted by those enemies again, it will be bad."

Lin Xun frowned and said, "With my current combat power, unless it is the deity of the Eternal Realm, I am afraid that no one can do anything to me. In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Zhong Qiu said with a serious look: "Junior brother, I am not advising you to stay in Yuanjiao, but I have other arrangements for you."

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Senior brother, please instruct me. As long as I can help, I can do whatever I want."

Zhongqiu pondered: "A long time ago, the power of Zen Buddhism merged with the powerhouses of the ten immortal giants of the Eighth Heaven Domain, stationed outside Taiyuzhen, so that during these years, the senior brothers and the others have been trapped in it, Can't get out."

"But the situation is different now. When we attacked Yuanjiao a few days ago, all the forces sent by Zen were wiped out. Today's Zen has been severely damaged, and its foundation has become unstable."

Hearing this, Lin Xun nodded secretly.

In the war that took place in the Wanxinghai Sea, twenty-four transcendental great perfectionists headed by Jikong, thirty-six late transcendental realms, and more than ten eternal realms of will and law were all annihilated. !

In addition, the dharma of the will of the founder of Zen Buddhism, as well as the past Buddha Jiaxiu and the future Buddha Jiajing, were forcibly taken by Jin Chan to the Kunlun Ruins.

It can be said that after this battle, all the high-level figures of Zen Buddhism were almost killed or injured!

You must know that, like the existence of the Great Perfection of Transcendence, there are only 32 people in Zen Buddhism, and 24 people fell at once. How big a blow can be imagined.

And like the existence of eternity, there are only three in the entire Zen teaching, namely, the past Buddha Jiaxiu, the present Buddha Jia Nan, and the future Buddha Jia Jing.

Both the past Buddha and the future Buddha have been taken to the Kunlun Ruins, and only the present Buddha, Jia Nan, is left to sit in town.

So much so that the foundation of Zen has been greatly impacted!

The same is true of witchcraft.

"The foundation of Zen Buddhism is turbulent, and you can't take care of yourself. The top power possessed by the ten immortal giants has already been beaten to pieces by you, junior brother.

Under such circumstances, there is no threat to the enemy stationed outside Taiyuzhen. "

Zhong Qiu said, "Even if we don't need to take action, we can sweep them away with the means of the senior brothers. Of course, the senior brothers and the others may not know that the world has already undergone earth-shaking changes, so it is very likely that they are still hiding in Taiyu. In the real world, do not move." 33 novels first published

Lin Xun couldn't help nodding, this is true.

Zhong Qiu said with a smile: "So, this time to go to Taiyu Realm, it's up to me and the three junior sisters to go out together. As for junior brother, you might as well go to the eighth heaven."

"Eighth Heaven Domain?"

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, those Eternal Protoss in the Ninth Heaven Domain are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they take care of the life and death of those watchdogs, this is the best time to beat the underdogs."

Zhong Qiu pondered, "However, Junior Brother, when you go here, you should focus on testing. Under the current situation, if the ten immortal giants encounter danger, the Eternal Protoss of the Ninth Heaven Domain will join in."

Lin Xun readily agreed.

For him today, it is no longer necessary to worry too much about killing the Eighth Heavenly Domain!

"You must be careful, in case any old immortal brain of the Eternal God Race suddenly makes a move, you must retreat at the first time and leave the Eighth Heaven Domain immediately."

Zhong Qiu warned that he was worried that Lin Xun would make too much noise in the Eighth Heaven Domain in order to avenge that he would be targeted by the Eternal God Race again.

"Brother, don't worry, to deal with the ten immortal giants, I can only dispatch five clones."

Speaking of this, Lin Xun couldn't help but say, "Senior brother, why don't I let my deity go to Taiyu Realm with you? I haven't seen the senior brothers for a long time, and I really miss them very much."

Zhong Qiu's eyes were complicated: "If Junior Brother Jiu was still alive, he would be very pleased to see that the [Dao Huang Ting Jing] created by him has been perfected to such a degree."

Lin Xun felt sad when he thought of Ge Yupu.

The Great Dao Huang Ting Jing was taught by Senior Brother Ge Yupu, and the cultivation of the five Dao bodies contained in it only reached the Emperor Realm.

It can be said that Brother Ge Yupu laid the cornerstone of this Taoist scripture, and what he has done over the years is to continuously improve the Taoist scripture on this cornerstone and integrate it into his own Taoism.

"Senior brother, senior brother Ge Yupu... did he really fall without leaving any traces?"

Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

Zhong Qiu was stunned for a moment and thought, "This is not necessarily true. Perhaps there are some things left by the ninth junior brother in the hands of the master."

Lin Xundao: "No, I'm talking about the traces related to Brother Ge Yupu himself, such as his body, spirit, and even his fur."

Zhongqiu wondered: "Why are you inquiring about these things?" The 33 novel was first published https:// https://

Lin Xun took a deep breath and told how he brought his apprentice Tang Jiang back to life, "If Senior Brother Jiu also leaves a trace of life, maybe I can find a way to bring Senior Brother Jiu back to life."

Zhong Qiu was stunned there, a storm surged in his heart.

It was only now that he finally understood that the core secret of the Nirvana order was so defiant, resurrecting the dead, and changing his life against the sky. This was no different from a taboo-like method!

Immediately, Zhong Qiu couldn't help but look forward to it, and said, "Junior brother, I will help you ask about this matter. Apart from the ninth junior brother, there are other junior brothers and sisters who suffered in the Starry Sky Road. They should all have relics left. Perhaps From those relics, I can find something useful to you."

Lin Xun said: "Okay, Brother Lao will be involved in this matter."

"You can't talk to anyone else about this."

Zhong Qiu looked serious.

This kind of nirvana power is simply too miraculous. Once it is leaked, it is destined to be a disaster rather than a blessing for Lin Xun.

Think about it, among those eternal protoss, after many epochs have survived to this day, their ancestors must have lost many terrifying existences.

Once they know that Lin Xun's nirvana power can bring these terrifying beings who have fallen in the long river to "resurrection", I am afraid they will desperately snatch them!

Lin Xun nodded, and immediately said helplessly: "Senior brother, I'm asking if you agree to let me go with you, why did you change the topic again?"

Zhong Qiu laughed, patted Lin Xun on the shoulder, and said, "The current Yuan Sect, there is no Eternal Realm in charge, and you have just become the Yuanqing Pavilion Master, at this time, you need to be in charge, how can you do it for the sake of Did we leave the matter of Fangcunshan without authorization?"

After a pause, he said with a serious look: "In the past hundred years, Yuanjiao has given you the greatest protection, so that you have the opportunity to continue to break through and transform, allowing you to achieve today's achievements. We owe Yuanjiao to Fangcunshan. The great human kindness cannot but be repaid.”

"It's a time of trouble right now, and no one can guarantee that Yuanjiao is really peaceful, but no matter what, as long as you stay here, even if you encounter unexpected things, you can solve it as soon as possible."

After listening, Lin Xun was silent for a while.

Think about it, Yuanjiao has been like a towering tree all these years, shielding him from the wind and rain, and avoiding many threats and blows from the enemy.

Even, because of his own existence, Yuanjiao suffered a lot of implication.

Now, Yuanjiao has just survived the disaster, and the situation seems to be stable, but who can guarantee that there will be no disasters in the future?

As Zhongqiu said, in today's Yuanjiao, there is no Eternal Realm anymore, so someone must come to take charge!

And counting down the entire Yuan Sect, only Lin Xun has the strongest combat power, and he is already the master of the Yuan Qing Pavilion, so he must also shoulder such a heavy responsibility!

"Okay, I'll listen to Senior Brother's arrangement."

Lin Xun made a decision.

Zhong Qiu said, "Don't worry, junior brother, there will be no setbacks when we go to Taiyu Realm. If there is no accident, we will return soon. At that time, our senior brothers will be able to get together again."

Lin Xun took out a jade talisman left by Kong Jue branded with the law of will, and handed it to Zhong Qiu, "Senior brother, you take this thing."

Zhong Qiu was startled, but in the end did not refuse.

He could see that if he didn't take it, Lin Xun would not be at all worried about their actions this time. (First launch, domain name (please remember _ three

three days later.

Zhongqiu said goodbye and left Yuanjiao.

On the same day, he joined Ruo Su and others who had left the Spiritual Sect and went to Taiyu Realm together.


On the second day of Zhongqiu's departure, Lin found Xuan Feiling and Dugu Yong, two pavilion masters, and told him that he planned to send the Dao clone to the Eighth Heaven Domain.

Knowing that Lin Xun's deity would stay in Yuanjiao, Xuan Feiling and the others agreed with confidence.

Otherwise, they would never venture Lin Xun to the Eighth Heaven Domain alone. After all, there is a path leading to the Ninth Heaven Domain, and although the ten immortal giants are no longer threatening, they are standing behind them. The Eternal Protoss is also the easiest to be targeted by the power of the Eternal Protoss.

But if the Dao clone is dispatched, then there is no problem.


Will continue to add more tonight! But it will be late, maybe before 11:30 pm

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