The Prodigies War

Chapter 2951 The height of the golden cicada

The atmosphere is chilling and terrifying.

The young Jin Chan was not nervous at all, but sighed softly and said, "There are some things in this world, after all, you have to rely on your fists to speak."

Yuan Chu said: "Daoist friend, why don't we do it together?"

Jin Chan shook his head: "It's still up to me."

As he said that, his sleeves dipped and he stepped forward and said, "Everyone, please enlighten me."


Tian Wu took the lead in attacking, flipping his palm and fingers, and a dark purgatory-like world appeared, covering the sky and covering the sun, filled with a boundless energy of eternity.

As the founder of the Shaman Sect, even if it is a dharma of will, the power of the shot can make those who are present in the real eternal realm can not help but be moved.

too strong!

It is worthy of being a terrifying bigwig who has survived many times of "dead silence" and walked in many epochs!

Jin Chan stood still, and the avenue bell suddenly rang out in his hand.


For others, the bell sounded immeasurably loud and mind-blowing.

But for the Heavenly Witch, it was no less than the most terrifying blow in the world, seeing the dark purgatory-like world released by him, like a leaf torn apart by a hurricane, turning into powder in an instant.


And his figure swayed violently, and he was shocked and staggered out, and his face changed at this moment.

So strong!

The audience was shocked by this scene.

It should be noted that the weakest people in the field all have detachment, and there is no lack of real eternal existence. Everyone knows how powerful the will of the celestial witch is.

But it is such a powerful existence, but it can't stop the impact of a bell, which is too surprising.

"Let's do it together!"

Zen Patriarch Shi Qing drink.


His monk's robes were swollen, and the Great Thousand Brahma Realm was condensed in front of him, filled with mysterious and vast rule fluctuations, and the dazzling rays of light shone through the nine heavens and ten places.


Yuan Feihu and other Eternal Realm existences also attacked boldly at this moment.

Some condensed the sound of the Dao, some urged the sword, some called for wind and thunder, and some directly bombarded with fists...

For a time, the rules of heaven and earth here again showed signs of collapse.

The will of the two patriarchs and the seven eternal realms join forces, and these forces can run rampant in the ninth heaven!

At this moment, Yuan Chu and Xu Yin glanced at each other, and they were all ready to fight.

But at this time, Jin Chan's sleeve robe waved.


The Great Road Wu Matrix bell rose into the sky, the vast and heavy bell body glowed, followed by bursts of thunder-like bells resounding through the world.

clang~~~ clang~~~

As the bell rang, the attacks of Tian Wu, Shi and others were severely suppressed, and the collapsed world was about to be strengthened again. 33 Novels update the fastest Computer: https://

Moreover, this bell produced extremely terrifying power, constantly impacting the figures of Tianwu and the others, causing every one of them to be suppressed in their conduct and power.

It seems to be stuck in a quagmire, with a feeling of being tied up, even if you attack with all your strength, you can't escape from the impact of the rolling and spreading bell!

Seeing this scene from a distance, Lin Xun couldn't help but stare blankly.

He also traveled with the spirit of the Dao Wu Mo Clock,

But how could it have been thought that this treasure born in the Kunlun Ruins could be so terrifying?


It should be said that Jin Chan's power is too strong.

Otherwise, with just one treasure, how could it be possible to shake such a group of terrifying bigwigs?

"Everyone, please go on your way."

Dressed in sackcloth, Jin Chan, who was barefooted in the air, spoke softly.

I saw him grabbing a hand.


Heavenly Witch's will law was caught in the air.

"It's a shame that the old man is not here, otherwise, how can you be so humiliated!"

Tian Wu was furious, his face was ashen, he struggled with all his strength, and even tried to destroy the law of his will, to burn with the young Jin Chan.

But it was all in vain.

No matter how hard he exerted his strength, he couldn't break free, his entire body image was firmly grasped, and he was thrown into the space-time portal that was suspended in the void.

In an instant, the dharma image of the will of the ancestor of the witch sect, Tian Wu, disappeared.

Seeing this, Yuan Chu, Xuyin, and Taixuan couldn't help but be moved, and their eyes were full of shock.

And in the distance, Tu Mu mixed with them, these old witches, all of them were dumbfounded. If they were struck by lightning, how could this be possible! ?

More than them, the Zen ancestor Shi, Yuan Feihu and others who were fighting were all shocked and shuddered.

too strong!

This golden cicada is really as rumored, the Tao is higher than the sky!

At this point, they didn't dare to hesitate and attacked with all their strength. One by one, their breaths soared, and they were terrifying beyond imagination, but their strength was suppressed by the constantly ringing bell.

The most heart-wrenching thing is that the power of the Dao Momo Clock is still maintaining the stability of the rules of heaven and earth at the same time, otherwise, once the fighting breath spreads, it is destined to spread to the entire seventh heaven.


The young Jin Chan reached out and grabbed it again.

Under the shocking gazes of the crowd, the dharma of the will of the founder of Zen Buddhism was also grabbed from the air, and it was equally powerless to struggle!

" can you be so strong..."

There was an unbelievable look in Shi's eyes.

Even if it is the law of will, he clearly feels that even if the deity is here, if he is against the young Jin Chan, he is not necessarily sure of winning!


The voice was still echoing, and Shi's figure was thrown into the vortex portal and disappeared.

This time, the expressions of the past Buddha Jiaxiu and the future Buddha Jiajing, who had stimulated Zen teaching, changed. They dispatched the power of the deity. However, under these circumstances, they were still suppressed. How could they not understand that they were on the eternal path? The attainment is very different from that of the young Jin Chan?


Invariably, they chose to retreat.

Now it's not a question of whether to capture Lin Xun and destroy the Yuan Sect, but a question of whether he can save his life and leave from here!

"Let you retreat for a while, it is destined to be a disaster for the rest of your life, and you can't break the grievances of today. No matter who you are, you must not leave."

Jin Chan spoke calmly.

He pressed his hands together.


The figures of Buddha Gashiu in the past and Buddha Gazion in the future were covered by an illusory mysterious light, as if they were fish caught in a net.

In an instant, he was also sent to the vortex portal and disappeared.

In this scene, Ji Kong and other old Zen monsters were seen with chills on their backs, like falling into an ice cave.

That is the existence of eternity!

It is the power of the deity!

In the eternal real world, it is the real existence of the ruler of the heavens.

But now...

But he was caught like a worm!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Yin looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. 33 Novels update the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

"How tall is it?" Yuan Chu voice asked.

"I can't guess." Xu Yin sighed.

Looking at Taixuan, Yanji, and Kongjue again, all of them are like seeing gods, their eyes are bright, with a flaming taste.

This kind of demeanor makes them yearn for it!

"Second Senior Brother, Senior Jin Chan's avenue is really higher than the sky?" Lin Xun murmured.

Zhong Qiu quickly transmitted his voice and said, "Then it depends on where the 'heaven' is. An existence like him who has traveled through many epochs has been reincarnated in the eternal realm. If you want to know how powerful he is, I am afraid you have to ask Just ask Master."

The words couldn't hide the surprise.

Lin Xunqing couldn't help but recall the scene when he saw Jin Chan when he was in the mulberry forest.

At that time, Jin Chan did not show much power.

But now, Lin Xun has vaguely understood that for Jin Chan, every era is a reincarnation, and every reincarnation has to go through thousands of calamities. His strength is no longer a realm to measure!

Even the founders of the Four Great Ancestral Courts have heard rumors about him, so one can imagine how unusual Jin Chan is.

"Jin Chan, can you give me a way out? I promise, I won't leave the Ninth Heaven Domain for half a step before the calamity of the Era arrives!"

In the field, only Yuan Feihu and the other five from the Eternal Realm of the Ninth Heaven Territory exist, but at this moment, they all have the intention of retreating.

"Before all of you, have you given a retreat to Yuanjiao, and have you given a retreat to the common people in this world?"

The young Jin Chan looked calm, "However, don't worry, everyone, I just give you a chance to decide the outcome. When you arrive at the Kunlun Ruins, whether you are dead or alive, I will not interfere again."

Having said that, Yuan Feihu and the others' faces were ugly and gloomy.


They attacked with all their might and tried to leave.

But in the end, it was of no avail. They were captured by Jin Chan one by one, and they were thrown into the vortex portal and disappeared.

So far, all the terrifying beings in the Shamanism, Zen, and Ninth Heaven Domain have all been spared and have been sent to the Kunlun Ruins!

In the distance, Tu Muhun and other shamanist people, Jikong and other Zen people were all stunned by this series of changes, and they were sluggish there.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xuyin, and Taixuan were also stunned.

Just one person, simply and neatly captured a group of old guys who can be called the strongest in the heavens, and sent them to the Kunlun Ruins one after another.

The young Jin Chan put away the Dao Wu Mo bell, turned around and looked over, saying, "Everyone, this grievance, after all, needs you to resolve it, I'm not suitable to intervene, please go on the road."

"Senior, why is this?"

Lin Xun couldn't help but said.

How could he want to see Yuanchu, Xuyin, Taixuan and the others go to Kunlun Ruins desperately?

"I can't do it."

The young Jin Chan's voice was gentle, pointing to the depths of the sky, "If it is mixed in, no matter where I go in the future, no matter how many reincarnations I have gone through, I will be targeted by the black hand behind the scenes."

One word shocked thousands of waves!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xuyin and the others seemed to understand, and they cupped their hands and said: "Thank you for your help, I will not forget the grace today."

Jin Chan youth said: "I am only entrusted by others, and I cannot accept such a great favor. You should act early, and don't make Brother Bodhi wait for a long time."

"Second Senior Brother, Master is also in Kunlun Ruins?"

Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

"It's just a law of the will of the master."

Zhong Qiu said softly.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and Xu Yin no longer hesitated, they swept straight into the vortex portal.

Immediately following, Taixuan, Yanji, Kongjue, and Dongli and Zhizheng of Lingjiao's two eternal realms exist, and they all have to act. 33 Novel First Release

Lin Xun couldn't help but said, "Senior, do you really need to leave?"

Without Taixuan and the others, who would be in charge of Yuanjiao?

"Junior brother, don't stop it any more, it's a good thing, I'll explain it to you later."

Zhong Qiu whispered on one side.

He could see that Lin Xun was reluctant to let Taixuan and the others fight, worried that they would encounter danger.

However, there is another mystery behind this incident.

These people must leave now, otherwise disaster will befall!


Plus more to send!

Thank you brother "Little Brother Daji" for the leader reward, thank you brothers and sisters for your reward and monthly pass!

Speaking of an important thing, during the double monthly pass period, there were three more Alliance Leaders, and the current number of Tianjiao Alliance Leaders is exactly 50.

Dao Dao is fifty, Tianyan is four or nine, and one of them is escaped. It seems that there is a coincidence in the dark?

No matter, the goldfish promised that there will be a big outbreak this month! Congratulations to all the leaders and brothers and sisters who voted~

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