The Prodigies War

The second thousand nine hundred and forty-six chapters come one after another to show their magical

The world is dead silent!

The wills of the six Eternal Realms who had fought with Lin Xun before were all relieved and evacuated back.

They looked at the thin and tall figure that turned out in the sky, and their expressions were full of shock and even awe.

It is also an Eternal Realm Will Dharma, but it is much stronger than them!

The aura of chaos permeates the sky and the earth, causing the collapsed and turbulent void to return to a kind of extreme peace, like surrender.

"Respectfully invite the ancestors to come to the world!"

"Respectfully invite the ancestors to come to the world!"

...The voice drifted between the heavens and the earth, adding a shocking power that reached the hearts of the people.

Tu Mubang and other old antiques have all lived for an unknown number of years.

But at this time, they all saluted the disciples in unison, with a respectful look!

Anyone who sees this scene will be shocked.

"The Patriarch of the Witch Sect... Heavenly Witch!"

Lin Xun's eyes narrowed, and his heart was tumbling.

He has heard Yan Ji say that the founder of the Shamanism Sect is named "Tianwu", and he has successfully passed through many times of "Deathless Tribulation" in many epochs and changes!

Like the deity of the Xia Solstice, "Eternal Night God Emperor", he had to hide in the Forbidden Realm of Streaming Light because he had suffered the hardship of "Great Silence and Lifeless Calamity".

Undoubtedly, the Heavenly Witch is a more terrifying existence than the Eternal Night God Emperor!

At this time, although it was only a law of will of the Heavenly Witch that appeared, Lin Xun felt a fatal threat. That kind of power was far from comparable to the law of will of the eternal realm present.

If there is a real comparison, it is completely the difference between clouds and mud!

At this moment, Tu Muxun was transmitting a voice, saying something to the "Tianwu"'s will law.


Xuan Feiling's figure appeared in front of Lin Xun's body and said, "It's time to move on, leave the next thing to me."

He looked solemn, but did not show panic.

"This should be their biggest trump card..."

Lin Xun's eyes flashed.

He had long expected that since Shamanism and Zen Buddhism came this time, they must have prepared enough power to threaten the foundation of Yuanjiao.

And the previous wills of the eternal realm are far from being able to achieve this step.

Now, when he sees the appearance of the will of the ancestor of the witch sect "Tianwu", how could Lin Xun not understand that this is the biggest trump card of the ancestral court of the witch sect?

And the shamanism has dispatched such power, the Zen religion... how could it be unprepared?


Lin Xun just thought of this, and suddenly there was a peaceful and Zhuang Su's Sanskrit Chan singing.

Followed by the falling flowers in the sky, the golden lotus on the ground, the soaring birds, the long cry of the white elephants, and the dense Buddha's light like a rain of light falling from the sky, illuminating the world.


A majestic and majestic figure with a treasured image appeared on the scene.

His forehead was clean and he looked like a young man. He stepped on an auspicious cloud with bare feet. His handsome face was filled with holy and ethereal light of wisdom. A Brahma circle of light was reflected behind him, showing the appearance of "Elysium".

Following his appearance, Ji Kong and other old antiques put their hands together, bowed their heads and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"The dharma of the will of the founder of Zen Buddhism, Shi!"

Xuan Feiling's expression suddenly became unprecedentedly dignified, and his brows were furrowed.


One who also walked in ages before eternity,

Looking down on the supreme giants who have turned and changed in the world, a mythical figure who personally opened up the Zen Taoism!

At this moment, with his appearance, the terrifying power is also crowding the universe, making the old monsters of Zen Buddhism show their piety.

Lin Xun felt depressed in his heart, his face was solemn, he grabbed Xia Zhi's hand, and said, "If a fight breaks out later, no matter what, don't act without authorization!"

Xia Zhi hummed.

At this moment, Xuan Feiling did not hesitate to use a flying sword.

The flying sword whirled and spun in the void, and then suddenly stopped, and the sword edge steamed out a circle of obscure power ripples, which spread out.

Then, a chubby figure got up from the sword energy.

His beard and hair are snow-white, his eyebrows are kind, he wears a white robe, but his body is very bloated, the tip of his nose is red, and there is a huge purple gold gourd hanging by his waist.

As he appeared, the flying sword gradually dimmed, and the rustling turned into powder and dissipated.

"Patriarch, in today's situation, you can only come forward."

Xuan Feiling sighed, and looked a little ashamed.

Lin Xun was stunned, this fat old man with white hair and beard was actually the founder of Yuan Sect, "Yuan Chu"! ?

More than him, Tu Muhun, Ji Kong and others in the early Yuan Dynasty were all startled, they didn't expect that the Yuan Sect Patriarch would look like this.

However, the chubby Yuan Sect Patriarch patted the Zijin Gourd beside his waist, and said carelessly, "What a shame, it's already amazing to be able to force Tian Wu Lao Za Mao and Shi this old bald donkey to show the law of will, isn't it? "

The voice was loud, like a thunder on the ground, making people's eardrums buzz.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, if you were alone, you wouldn't be able to stop today's calamity."

In the distance, Tian Wu's figure was thin and tall, and his body was filled with chaotic energy.

"It's just one-on-two."

Yuan Chu said indifferently, "It's not like we haven't fought before."

"But today is different from the past."

The ancestor of Zen Buddhism, "Shi", looked peaceful, "You traveled to Beihai to prove the Tao for eternity, Taixuan was trapped in the mysterious realm of Wuxuan, and the order of the Yuan religion was suppressed by the catastrophe. Even if you can stop the two of us from joining forces, the aftermath of the battle can be rushed. If you enter the Yuan religion, you will suffer no casualties, and you will be affected when you travel to the North Sea to prove Taoism."

Saying that, he looked at Lin Xun, "This son is not a descendant of your Yuan religion, but a disciple of Bodhi. Is it worth it to destroy the foundation of Yuan religion for him?"

At this moment, there is no other person present to interrupt at all.

The three founders of the patriarchal level confrontation, even if they are placed in the ninth heaven, there are not many who can interject!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he touched his snow-white beard and said with emotion: "How many years have you been, you bald donkey still acting like this? It's too hypocritical, so if you threaten to say it bluntly, why do you need a fake face?" (First issue, domain name (Please remember_ three

Shi frowned and said, "Right now, in the Yuan religion, only Taixuan exists in the eternal realm. If he takes action, someone will definitely deal with him. If he suffers from the backlash of the rules of heaven and earth, I am afraid that he will not be able to survive the era of the era that will come within a thousand years. Kalpa. Is it worth it for Bodhi's successor?"

He repeated it again.

The implication is that your Yuanjiao is Yuanjiao after all, not Fangcunshan. It is stupid to destroy the foundation of your ancestral home in order to protect a descendant of Fangcunshan.

Not far away, Tian Wu snorted coldly, and his voice was thunderous for nine days, "Mother-in-law, let's do it together, let's see if he can stop him at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

His aura was fierce, filling the world with a chilling air.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he rubbed his palms and laughed: "In the final analysis, I still appreciate Tianwu Lao Mao Mao more, go straight and never talk nonsense!"

Shi let out a sigh and said, "It seems that today's events can't be good after all."


His dharma body is solemn, the Brahma light roars between heaven and earth, and the terrifying pressure spreads, whether it is Tu Muhun, Ji Kong, Lin Xun, Xuan Feiling, they are all stiff, feeling unprecedented oppression, on the verge of suffocation feeling.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he clapped his hands, his waist straightened suddenly, and an unparalleled aura of divine might spread out.

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Tian Wu sneered and was about to shoot.

"Wait a minute, how can this liveliness be less of a poor road?"

Suddenly, a long whistle sounded from far away.

When the voice sounded, it was still far away, but when the voice fell, a thin figure appeared out of thin air and joined the field forcefully.

This person was wearing a dirty Taoist robe, with a wooden hairpin slanted between the gray-white hair, twisted into a loose Taoist bun, walking on a pair of straw sandals, and a smile on his thin face.

As soon as he appeared, his slender figure transpired into a clear light, penetrating the sky and the earth, and forcibly squeezed the power belonging to the other three patriarchs away.

"The founder of the spiritual sect, Xu Yin!"

Xuan Feiling was astonished and slightly excited. He did not expect that under such a situation, the Spiritual Church would not hesitate to dispatch the will of its founding patriarch to come to help.


Lin Xun couldn't help but be moved, this is also a big man who walked in many eras a long time ago, and the background is terrifying unimaginable.

"Yo, Niubi, why did you come here?"

Yuan Chu smiled and asked.

"If the poor Dao doesn't come, you are afraid that you will be beaten to death." Xu Yin snorted coldly, but there was still a smile on his face.

"It's a two-on-two situation right now. How many chances do you two think you have?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he smiled and looked at Tian Wu and Shi in the distance.

But seeing Tian Wu's expression is cold and severe, his words are as terrifying as the sword's edge, "100%!"

"Ten percent?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he looked at Shi, the founder of Zen Buddhism.

"After all, it's just a dharma image, so what's the matter if it falls here?"

Shi put his hands together, Qingqi's cheeks were calm.

"Then fight!"

Xuyin rolled up his sleeves and pointed at Shi at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "I'm here to fight this old bald donkey, and I will leave it to you." The 33 novel was first published https:// https://

Saying that, he punched directly from the air.


This punch is like an eternal river, breaking free from the shackles of time and space, above the cage of heaven and earth, and tyrannical to the point of despair.

Anyone who sees it will feel as small as a mayfly.

Lin Xun couldn't help but be shocked.

It is also the law of the will of the eternal realm, but the power of the founders of the founders such as Xu Yin has obviously reached an unimaginable level, so powerful that Lin Xun can't even think of any resistance!

Shi let out a Buddha's name, and his expression was solemn and calm.


His monk's robe swelled, and a burst of Brahma light condensed, turning into a tiny grain of gravel, which silently resolved the fist strength of Xu Yin.

"One sand is one world, all beings see how small it is, but don't know how big it is. The old bald donkey's hand is really amazing."

He sighed with emotion.

Having said that, with a swipe of his palm, the heaven and the earth split apart like a canvas, a clear light was born from the chaos, and it turned into a phantom sword intent, pulling the eternal trend out.

At this moment, the eternal supreme divine might covers this piece of heaven and earth, causing the void, time, space, light and shadow... all to show signs of distortion and collapse.

But watching the battle from a distance, whether it was Lin Xun, Xuan Feiling, or Tu Muhun and Ji Kong, they all felt extremely distant.

It was as if the four founding patriarchs seemed to be in front of them, but they had already stood outside the endlessly distant Zhou Xu, giving people a sense of height that could not be touched.

It's scary!

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