The Prodigies War

Chapter 297 Feng Wan Restaurant

Qingliu Town is built adjacent to the Fengwan Mountains. Most of the residents in the town make a living by collecting herbs and hunting. They are not poor, but they are not rich either. Township, village, 暁, said, network [_]suimеng.

Like most towns in the empire, Qingliu Town has a small layout, but it is better than densely populated and convenient transportation, with restaurants, inns, and commercial firms.

It was noon.

The most famous Fengwan Restaurant in the town is already bustling with excitement. Here, you can see young cultivators who are roaming the rivers and lakes, merchants who are running around all the time, and rich young masters and young ladies who sneak out to eat, drink and have fun...

All kinds of people can be seen here.

\u0026amp;[][]nbsp; The restaurant is a special place. It is always lively here. People from the three religions and nine leaders gather together, drink and chat, talk about the north and the south, as far as the important events above the imperial temple, and as close as the market street. The little things in the alley have become the most interesting topics when drinking.

Today's Fengwan Restaurant is as lively as ever, but on the second floor of the restaurant, the atmosphere seems a little quiet.

It is not very deserted here, on the contrary, most of the wine tables are full of figures.

It's just that these figures are all drinking and drinking, and there are not many conversations, which makes the atmosphere a bit dull.

"Any signature dishes?"

"Hui Keguan, there are so many signature dishes, those that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground, and those that swim in the water, we all have them here, such as braised purple tail fish, stir-fried green sparrow tongue, and stewed mountain delicacies..."

"Then have one, and wine?"

"Guest officer, the 'Steamed Maple Brew' in our Fengwan Restaurant is a must. Guests who come and go here should drink more and say better."

"Come and taste a pot first."

"Okay, you go upstairs and wait."

Accompanied by a chatter, a pretty figure walked up to the second floor of the restaurant.

He was wearing a simple white shirt, and his long black hair was tied behind his head with a straw rope, revealing a handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

Behind him, there was a basket on his back, and in the basket sat a little girl of three or four years old. She was lying in front of the basket and looked around curiously with her big black eyes.

this man,

Naturally it was Lin Xun.

The clothes he was wearing were the clothes given by the little girl Luoluo's mother.

Walking up to the second floor, he glanced around at the diners who were dining by themselves, his pupils narrowed imperceptibly, and he smiled at the corners of his lips. He found a seat by the window and sat down. He took Luoluo out of the basket and put it on the on the seat beside him.

"Brother, I want to play with Chiu Chiu."

Luoluo raised her little face and stared at Lin Xun.

Lin Xun readily agreed, took out Chiu Chiu out of thin air, threw it directly on the wine table, and played with Luoluo. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

Many diners in the vicinity witnessed this scene, their eyes could not help but squinted slightly, and immediately withdrew their eyes and stopped watching.

Lin Xun didn't seem to notice all this, he smiled and looked at Luoluo who was playing with Jiu Jiu, his attention was suddenly attracted by the noisy conversation on the first floor of the restaurant.

"Damn, the spirit pattern shuttle fell when it said it fell. I heard that there are hundreds of people riding there, and there are many cultivators!"

"I also heard that this is news that came a few days ago. It was said that when a spirit-pattern shuttle was crossing the Fengwan Mountains, it was attacked by a ferocious bird in the sky, and it ended up crashing and killing people."

"All dead?"

"Of course, even if you don't die and fall into the Fengwan Mountain Range where the beasts are ravaging, how can you still survive?"

"Oh, this is called a disaster."

Hearing this, Lin Xun suddenly felt an indescribable sullenness in his heart. What is an inconceivable disaster? What is being attacked by a vicious bird?

This is clearly a premeditated massacre!

But obviously, this news has been completely blocked and suppressed by the enemy, and then used an absurd reason to "attack by ominous birds" to deceive the world!

Lin Xun had long thought that since the enemy dared to do this, he must have no fear, but he still underestimated the shamelessness of the enemy.

And this may be the means by which those self-proclaimed great figures deceive the world. All they need is a convenient excuse to cover up all the truth.

Lin Xun had no doubt that even if he told the truth at this time, no one would believe him!

After all, who would believe that warships from the Empire would slaughter the people who belonged to the Empire?

Just as Lin Xun's mood was fluctuating, a burst of complacent laughter suddenly sounded——

"A Jiao, brother, let me say something humbly, in this Qingliu Town, my Rui family dares to call themselves the second, but no clan dares to be the first! A woman of interest."

"Brother Rui Qing, I don't want other people's attention, as long as you can treat me well."

A delicate female voice also sounded.

Lin Xun was stunned for a moment. Is there anyone in this world who praises himself so much?

What surprised Lin Xun the most was that the woman's voice was squeamish, and when she heard it, she knew it was exaggerated.

Immediately, at the entrance of the stairs, a young man in a golden robe and a jade robe walked up, and beside him was a beautiful woman with fair skin.

The two walked up to the second floor and found a seat to sit down. The son and brother Rui Qing boasted from time to time how good his family was, while the girl Gillian flattered her wholeheartedly and chatted extremely hotly.

Lin Xun couldn't help shaking his head and stopped paying attention to these. At this time, the wine and dishes were also presented, and Lin Xun and Luoluo immediately concentrated on eating.

Chiu Chiu lay on one side lazily, yawning, and looked like he was about to fall asleep. He didn't like these meals, and his favorite food was Lingjing.

"Hey, what a cute little guy, look at Brother Rui Qing, what kind of spirit beast is that, I really want to pinch its round belly."

Suddenly, Gillian on the nearby table pointed at Jiu Jiu and let out a scream like a nympho.

"Haha, since you like Gillian, my brother will help you get it over."

Rui Qing next to him laughed loudly, then got up and walked over, squinting at Lin Xun, and said, "Dude, is this spirit beast yours? Well, I'll give you one hundred silver coins, and you sell this gadget to me. ."

As he said that, he took out a money bag and slapped it on the wine table, without asking if Lin Xun agreed, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards Chiu Chiu.


A pair of chopsticks fell down and precisely hit Rui Qing's wrist joints. Seeing that Rui Qing was shocked, she suddenly retracted her arm, and she gasped in pain.

A Jiao let out a scream, got up and ran over, anxiously: "Brother Rui Qing, are you alright?"

In front of his own woman, he suffered a big loss, which made Rui Qing unable to hang his face, and sneered: "I'm fine, but today this kid should have something! Damn, in Qingliu Town, I have never Eat this kind of loss!"

Saying that, he slapped Lin Xun with a slap.

Simple, direct, and irritable, this is Rui Qing, and Lin Xun doubts whether this guy is too arrogant or lacking in heart.


Lin Xun sat there and didn't move, but the chopsticks in his hand precisely poked Rui Qing's palm joints again, causing the latter to scream in pain, and his cheeks twitched.

"Fuck, you're courting death! How dare you hit me! You're done, don't even think about leaving Qingliu Town alive today!"

Rui Qing growled.

After being taught twice in a row, not only did he not take the lesson, but he was aggressive. Lin Xun fully realized that this time he had encountered an arrogant and ignorant dude, not only lacking in heart, but also an idiot with no eyesight.

Suddenly Lin Xun noticed something, his eyes swept around inadvertently, he frowned, no longer hesitated, stood up, and said with a smile: "My friend, how about I send you to rescue soldiers?"

Rui Qing, who was roaring spontaneously, was taken aback: "What the fuck do you mean?"

Lin Xun's hands were like lightning, he grabbed Rui Qing's clothes and threw him out of the window next to him.

Hearing a muffled sound on the street outside, Rui Qing's shrill scream came out: "You bastard, wait for me!"

A Jiao was so frightened that she screamed, "You you... do you know who Rui Qing is? He is the third young master of the Rui family, the first force in Qingliu Town. If you offend him, don't think about it today..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was also held by Lin Xun and threw it out the window.

After doing all this, Lin Xun shook his head: "It's a wonderful couple."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and asked Luoluo, "Are you full?"

Luoluo nodded obediently, holding Chiu Chiu in her arms, as if she was afraid that Chi Chiu Chiu would be taken away.

"Then let's get ready to go."

Lin Xun picked up Luoluo, put it in the basket, and carried it on his back.

"Brother, were those two bad people just now?"

Luo Luo asked.

Lin Xunkou said: "These two are not bad, at best they are a pair of idiots."

Speaking of this, Lin Xun glanced at the diners who were dining around, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips, "However, Luoluo, close your eyes first, and the real bad guys will appear later."

Luoluo was startled, but still obediently covered her eyes, squatted in the basket, and said, "Brother, don't worry, I'm not watching."

Lin Xun snorted, and his black eyes suddenly became indifferent. He glanced at the diners who were dining on the second floor, and said with a smile, "Everyone, we have eaten, and it's time to go on our way. What do you think?"


With that said, the streamer war sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he saw Lin Xun's figure in a vertical position, the blade swept the terrifying and fierce aura, and slashed towards the three diners at the nearest table.

Almost at the same time, the three diners rushed up, and obviously they were already ready to fight. When Lin Xun attacked, they subconsciously launched a counterattack.

"It was seen through, let's do it together!"

With a loud shout, the diners who were sitting around the second floor of the restaurant for dinner suddenly got up at this moment, their expressions were chilling and cold, and they held various spiritual tools in their hands and attacked.

In an instant, the original calm atmosphere was broken, and it was like a battlefield, where swords, lights and swords were everywhere, and the murderous aura was raging like a storm!

The movement was so loud that all the diners who were dining on the first floor of the restaurant were horrified, screaming in panic and running away.

The entire Fengwan Restaurant was caught in a bloody slaughter, with strong winds raging, walls collapsed, and the sound of tables, chairs, cups and saucers shattering.

Even the pedestrians on the nearby streets were alerted and avoided this area for fear of being affected.

No one noticed that, with Fengwan Restaurant as the center, figures lurked quietly on top of many residential buildings, shops and other buildings around.

Each figure held a short crossbow or a spiritual bow in their hands, all aimed at the Fengwan Restaurant in the center!

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