The Prodigies War

Chapter 2938: Soldiers approaching Wanxinghai

Yan Ji, Xuan Feiling and others were startled, and looked at Lin Xun to see what he was going to say.

Lin Xun said calmly: "From today onwards, I will guard Wan Xinghai alone."

Everyone was surprised.

The entrance to Yuanjie is located on the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars.

Back then, when Lin Xun came to Yuanjie for the first time, he had crossed the Wanxinghai Sea and conducted trials and assessments in the "Wanjue Divine City" located in the depths of the Wanxinghai Sea, and finally had the qualification to enter Yuanjiao cultivation.

It can be said that Wan Xinghai is the first line of defense outside the Metaverse.

Once disaster strikes, the enemy will definitely appear above the sea of ​​​​stars.

Lin Xun actually proposed that he should guard Wan Xinghai by himself, which is undoubtedly equivalent to guarding the front line and guarding the Yuan Sect gate with his own strength!

"No, it's too rash to do so."

Yan Ji shook his head.

Just as he was about to dissuade him, Lin Xun interrupted with a smile: "Under the Eternal Realm, when no one is my opponent, in this case, it is most suitable for me to sit in Wan Xinghai."

After a pause, he looked at Xuan Feiling and others, "You seniors don't need to persuade them any more, I have made up my mind."

Xuan Feiling and others narrowed their eyes slightly, and their emotions were tumultuous.

They all saw that this time it was really impossible to dissuade Lin Xun.

"It's not half a year, what are you worried about?"

Yan Ji frowned, "What's more, to let you stand outside and let those opponents know, wouldn't you be laughing at me that there is no one in Yuanjiao?"

Lin Xun smiled and said, "Senior, there is no need to persuade."

Yan Ji was silent for a moment, and said, "If you encounter danger, you must remember to return to the sect as soon as possible."

Lin Xun cupped his hands and nodded.

"Look, this kid's wings are getting harder and harder, and now even us old guys can't speak well."

Xuan Feiling teased.

"No way, who told us that we can't beat him together?"

Duguyong sighed softly.

Everyone else couldn't help but laugh.

Ridiculously ridiculed, they all know that in the current Yuan religion, Lin Xun is indeed the deputy pavilion master with the highest combat power. Under the eternal realm, he should be the most!

"Old Monster Xuan."

Yan Ji looked at Xuan Feiling and the others, "In the next period of time, it will be time for you to come forward in person to gather the major clans and clansmen who have been placed in Yuanjiao, and make sure that before the old traveler proves the eternal realm, the They are all brought into the 'Tianyuan Secret Realm'."

The secret realm of Tianyuan is transformed by the power of the order of the gods of Yuanjiao, and it is also the core forbidden area of ​​Yuanjiao, and it is the safest.

Xuan Feiling and others nodded solemnly.

"There are also the descendants of the Nine Peaks and Three Pavilions, and those under the detachment are also brought to the Tianyuan Secret Realm. The others, etc., are all with you to guard the Yuan religion."

Yan said quietly.

"Leave these to us."

Xuan Fei Ling said.

On the same day, Xuan Feiling and the others took action.

And Lin Xun left Yuanjiao alone.



The waves are vast, like an expanse.

Hundreds of millions of stars are inlaid on the blue sky like gems, shining brightly, making this mysterious sea like a sacred and eternal place.

In fact, this place is like a forbidden place all the year round, covered by the power of order, without the permission of Yuanjiao,

Ordinary monks can't break in at all.

In the center of Wanxinghai, there is an ancient giant city, bathed in the brilliance of Wanxing.

The City of God!

This city was built by the ancestors of Yuan Sect "the early Yuan Dynasty", and there are as many as tens of thousands of immortal divine materials alone.

In the center of this city, there is a building shaped like a divine sword, straight into the sky!

This is the Wanjue Sword Palace.

Back then, the Yuanjiao assessment that Lin Xun participated in was conducted on the dojo in front of Wanjuejian Palace.

In a flash, nearly a hundred years have passed.

Now he is the deputy pavilion owner of Yuanjiao Yuankong Pavilion.

At the highest level of Wanjue Sword Palace, Lin Xun leaned on the railing and looked into the distance.

From this place, you can have a panoramic view of the vast sea in all directions, and the clear light sprinkled by countless stars floats on the sea, quiet and far away.

"Summer Solstice, battles will soon break out in this sea area."

After a while, Lin Xun retracted his gaze, looked at Xia Zhi who was standing quietly on one side, and said, "If you want to fight with me, you must promise me one thing."

Xia Zhi said without hesitation: "You said."

Lin Xun said seriously: "If there is a fatal danger, you must not stand in front of me recklessly."

Xia Zhi was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

Lin Xun laughed and said, "Of course, with the combat power you and I have now, unless someone from the Eternal Realm makes a move, no one in this world can threaten us."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of emotion in his eyebrows.

In the past, when he and Xia Zhi encountered danger, most of them could only avoid and escape. Even to resolve them, they had to pay a serious price.

But now, it's completely different!


half a month later.

A piece of news spreads all over the world - 33 novels are updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/novel first release

"The Witch Sect and the Zen Sect joined forces and announced that the Yuan Sect would hand over Lin Xun, the successor of Fang Cun, otherwise, within a month, he would go to the Yuan Sect to capture and kill Lin Xun in person!"

One stone shocked a thousand layers of waves, and the major forces in the Seventh Heaven Domain were the first to get the news, causing an uproar.

"Back then, the Ten Clan War Alliance also had to deal with Lin Xun, but it is said that in the Sixth Heaven Domain, the Ten Clan War Alliance's strength suffered heavy casualties. Who would have thought that the two great ancestral courts of Shamanism and Zen Buddhism would join forces together, and also To deal with Lin Xun!"

Someone trembled.

"The world is going to be in chaos after all!"

"How detached the four ancestral courts are, and how terrifying their backgrounds are. Now, except for the ancestral court of the Spiritual Religion, the other three ancestral courts are facing each other. Once a war breaks out, it will definitely affect the entire world!"

"I just don't know if the Ten Clan War Alliance will be involved..."

Various discussions sounded, and the declaration of war by Shamanism and Zen Buddhism also made the situation in the world tense and depressed.

And as time passed, more and more news came out.

"The ancestral court of Zen Buddhism has assembled a group of transcendental powers and is ready to go! It is reported that the army of Zen Buddhism will be led by the Buddha Jikong!"

"In the ancestral courtyard of the Shaman Sect, a group of sacrifices have been dispatched. It is said that there are only more than 20 old monsters at the level of transcendence!"

"It is said that a pavilion master of Yuanjiao is about to prove the Eternal Realm. By then, the power of the order of the Yuanjiao will no longer be able to protect Yuanjie!"

"Yuanjiao is in danger!"

... The world was completely agitated, and countless cultivators from all major forces were trembling with fear.

For countless years, the Four Great Ancestral Courts have stood in the world with a detached status, making the ten immortal giants of the Eighth Heaven Territory fear three points.

Who would dare to imagine that such a conflict would break out among the three ancestral courts of Yuan religion, Shamanism, and Zen?

And once such a conflict breaks out, the impact is destined to spread to the entire eternal real world! 33 Novels update the fastest Computer: https://

On the banks of Wanxinghai.

Time flies by a month.

Today, the sky is clear.

With a buzzing sound, the void fluctuated for a while, and a multitude of silhouettes appeared, men and women, old and young, all of them imposing, majestic and supreme, incomparably terrifying.

This is a group of detached beings!

There are sixty people!

The man at the head was dressed in black, with his hands on his back, and his aura was raging like a dark night.

His face was old, and his eyes were full of turbid vicissitudes.

But with his appearance, a dark color suddenly appeared on the originally clear sky.

Sacrifices to the Shaman Sect, Tu Mu mix!

Behind him, there are twenty-four people in the Great Perfection of Transcendence, thirty-five people in the late stage of Transcendence, and together with him, there are a total of sixty people.

You must know that even the first immortal giant Wang Family has only emerged nine transcendental great perfection existences in countless years.

But now, there are as many as twenty-four people in the Great Perfection of Transcendence sent by the ancestral court of Shamanism!

From this, it can be seen how terrifying the background of Shamanism is as one of the four great ancestral courts.

Tu Muhun put his hands on his back, his old eyes stared at the vast sea in the distance, and his voice was hoarse and low, "This is Wan Xinghai, where the old lair of Yuanjiao is located."

Others are also looking at Wan Xinghai.

They all felt that there was an obscure order force covering the vast sea.

"It won't be long before You Beihai will prove the Tao of eternity. At that time, the eternal catastrophe will come, and the power of the god-order order that shelters Yuanjiao will be severely suppressed, and that time is also the best time for us to enter Yuanjiao. ."

After a while, Tu Muhun spoke softly, his cloudy eyes full of indifference and coldness, "However, before that, we may have a good talk with Yuan Jiao."

Everyone's eyes flickered, as if they all knew what Tu Muhun was going to do next.

"The old man is worshipping Tu Mubang in a witch sect, and he led a group of people to visit today!"

Tu Mu opened his mouth, and his hoarse voice rumbled through the sky like thunder, spreading into the depths of the Wanxinghai.

At the top of Wanjue Sword Palace, Lin Xun opened his eyes from the meditation, and there was a hint of coldness in the depths of his pupils.


This is clearly a bad visitor!

Just as he was about to respond, he heard a sneering voice: "Tu Mu, what time is it, and he pretended to say a meeting, just directly express his intention!"

With the voice, Xuan Feiling's figure appeared beside Lin Xun.

Lin Xun was startled and said, "Senior, didn't you say that I should guard this place by myself?"

Xuan Feiling smiled and said: "Isn't the war not yet broken out, I just came to see what these old scumbags want to do."

Lin Xun said helplessly: "Then you can do whatever you want."

On the bank of Wan Xinghai, after hearing Xuan Feiling's voice, Tu Mu's eyes swelled with divine light, and said, "Xuan Feiling, since you are here, I might as well say it bluntly, as long as you Yuanjiao will take Lin Xun this way. I hand it over, and the old man will take him away immediately."

The sound rumbled away.

"What if you don't pay?"

Xuan Feiling spoke slowly and talked to him in the air.

Tu Mu said expressionlessly: "Then I'm afraid that in the future, there will be no place for the ancestral courtyard of Yuan Sect to stand!"

The voice is chilling, filled with endless chills, making people tremble.

Hearing this, Xuan Feiling was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "You witch sects are really arrogant, you have the guts to come in now?"

The voice was ridiculed and disdainful.

An irrepressible killing intent appeared on the eyebrows of the great figures of the witch sect.


PS: Calvinka is amazing, the second is a little later~

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