The Prodigies War

Chapter 2863 The Great Perfection

( ) Li Zhen carefully put away the ninth-rank order of the sky.

Such a complete order of the heavens is enough to support a top immortal emperor in the seven heavens!

Its value is so great that Li Zhen is reluctant to refine it.

Lin Xun was looking for loot.

What surprised him was that after killing the three powerhouses of the witch sect, he found more than 30 heavenly order powers that had not been refined from their relics.

Think about it, who can think of Lin Xun, who can refine these order forces in the shortest time with the Nirvana order?

Lin Xun decided to concentrate on practicing.

For other fighters, there are many coveted opportunities in this Demon Realm.

But for the current Lin Xun, no chance can compare to the improvement of his own cultivation.

Like fighting Cang Fufeng before, when the opponent exhausted all his cards, Lin Xun also felt a lot of pressure.

Cang Fufeng is like this, and it is conceivable that such gods as Wen Qiaoshui and Yuan Changtian are destined to be no less.

"Lin Xun, all the participants this time have the plan to prove the Tao in the Demon Realm, and I am no exception. How about you, do you plan to do the same?"

Li Zhen asked suddenly.

Lin Xun thought to himself, "If the time is right, I'll give it a try."

He now also knows that compared to Earth Demon Realm, Heaven Demon Realm is undoubtedly a more mysterious place. It will only be opened after a year, and this realm will be closed again three months after opening.

The Heavenly Demon Domain has the greatest chance and good fortune among the Ten Fang Demon Domains.

According to legends, there are many eras of "God-Order Power" buried in this world, and the aura that fills the heavens and the earth contains the mysteries that belong to the god-order order.

There, it is also the most suitable for those who are in the Nirvana Realm to prove the Dao and transcendence.

The most amazing thing is that rumors say that anyone who proves the Tao and transcendence in the Demon Realm will be able to sense an opportunity in the calamity.

This ray of opportunity is related to the greatest creation in the Demon Domain!

In the past years,

There are many fighters who have broken through the realm to prove the Tao in the Demon Realm, just to sense this opportunity, so as to seek the greatest good fortune.

In fact, many people do succeed.

It's just that the creations born in the Demon Realm in the past are different, some are eternal magic medicine, some are the spirit of order, and some are some mysterious weapons and treasures.

And this time, it is very likely that a power of god-order order that tends to be complete will be born!

This is also the reason why Yuan Changtian, Ji Shanhai, Cang Fufeng, Wen Qiaoshui, and other god-child-level figures in the ninth heaven domain, also participated in this immortal Dao battle.

Because the order of the gods is too important!

It involves the mystery of eternity, and is often referred to as the eternal order. In the ninth heaven, only the twelve eternal gods have a complete power of god-order order.

Similarly, among the four great ancestral courts, there is also a kind of divine order power.

However, like the other twenty-four immortal god races in the Ninth Heaven Domain, although their ancestors also had characters from the Eternal Realm, the power of order in the clan is only the incomplete god-order order, also known as the demigod-order order. .

It is conceivable that if the greatest fortune born in the Demon Domain this time is a seemingly complete divine order power, how amazing it would be!

Of course, this is just speculation.

No one can be sure whether such a god-order order will be born in the Demon Domain this time.

But this still can't stop people's heart to get it.


Outside the Ten Fang Demon Realm.

In that vast starry sky.

The old monsters from the Four Great Ancestral Courts and the Ten Immortal Giants have all been waiting here for nine years.

At the beginning, they were still drinking and talking, but as time passed, they all started to close their eyes and meditate.

However, every once in a while, they get alarmed.

The reason is that whenever a fighter falls in the Ten Directions Demon Realm, it will be immediately noticed by these old monsters present.

For example, at the beginning of the Immortal Dao War, the old monsters of the ten immortal giants all looked ugly.

The reason is that at that time, they noticed that nearly half of the participants who belonged to their camp were killed in the Tenfang Demon Realm!

This caused an uproar from all the old monsters present, and they were surprised.

To this end, Fang Daoping also had a fierce dispute with the old monsters of the ten immortal giants.

Because these old monsters all believed that this was what Lin Xun did, so they made no secret of their hatred and murderous intent towards Lin Xun.

In the following years, similar situations occurred occasionally.

Until he noticed the fall of Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming, Fang Daoping frowned and vaguely guessed something.

And this also attracted the attention of other old monsters.

But all this is not as violent as the movement that broke out not long ago.

When they realized that Wang Juehuan and other fighters had been wiped out, the old monsters of the ten immortal giants who were present were about to go crazy.

Qingyun of the Spiritual Religion, Zu Wenheng of the Shaman Religion, and Kasyapa of the Zen Religion were also shocked.

Fifty fighters were wiped out. If all of them died in the hands of Lin Xun, how powerful would Lin Xun be?

More than them, even Fang Daoping was stunned for a while, unable to imagine how Lin Xun achieved this step.

But the fact is right in front of them, and they can't help but accept it.

And today, the fall of the three warriors of the witch sect has made Zu Wenheng's face gloomy.

"Immortal Dao Battle, the competition is for the ranking of the four ancestral courts, but it's not the competition who kills more opponents. In the past Immortal Dao Battle, such a bad thing has never happened!"

Zu Wenheng's voice was low and full of anger.

He didn't say anything about revenge.

But this made Fang Daoping's heart sink.

For more than nine years, the ten immortal giants have been angered, and now the witch sect is also angered. When Lin Xun returns alive from the Ten Fang Demon Realm, I am afraid that something unexpected will happen!

"Causes and losses are inevitable, and the immortal Dao battle in the past is not without it. According to the regulations, no matter what happens in the Ten Directions Demon Realm, the Four Great Ancestral Courts are not allowed to take revenge."

Qingyun Lingzun of Lingjiao said indifferently, "If anyone disobeys, then whoever is the public enemy of other ancestral courts."


Zu Wen snorted coldly and said nothing.

And from beginning to end, the Buddha Kasyapa said nothing.

Qingyun and Fang Daoping looked at each other, and there was a hint of worry in their brows.


Time passes day by day.

Fifteenth day of retreat in the canyon.

Lin Xun woke up from meditation.

The whole body rumbled and roared, revealing the charm of complete and accessible.

Li Zhen's eyes lit up, and said, "To the extent of perfection?"

He seemed to be even more excited than Lin Xun himself.

Lin Xun nodded with a smile.

"In more than nine years, from the early stage of Nirvana Realm to the stage of great perfection in the later stage of Nirvana Realm, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that anyone in this world could achieve such a miracle."

Li Zhen sighed.

Lin Xun was also full of joy in his heart.

However, after calculating the power of order that he refined, he knew that his cultivation base could produce such a rapid improvement, which was a matter of course.

Over the years, he has refined nearly 500 powers of the order of the earth, and there are a full 810 of the powers of the heavenly order!

For any Nirvana Realm, with only half of Lin Xun's order power, he has already proven the Great Perfection Realm.

In addition, the order of Nirvana also contributes.

With the refining of the order of Nirvana, Lin Xun can absorb the purest source of order without refining it himself, which has prompted him to achieve several transformations in his own way in just nine years.

It can be said that such an advanced miracle can only be realized in these ten magic realms.

On the same day, Lin Xun and Li Zhen left the canyon and continued to explore in the Demon Realm.

Perhaps because this world is too vast, in the next period of time, Lin Xun and the others were not allowed to meet any other fighters.

It was not until the third month of entering Earth Demon Realm that Lin Xun and Li Zhen finally discovered a Beastmaster of Order.

It was a ferocious beast like a giant python. Its body was undulating like mountains, and it was covered with icy scales that glowed with cold light. With every breath and breath, it resounded through the heavens and the earth like a nine-day wind and thunder.

The power of this beast is incomparably terrifying, possessing a ninth-rank order power related to wind and thunder. With a flick of the figure, thousands of thunderstorms fall from the sky, and every thunderbolt is transformed by the power of order, and its lethality is shocking to the world.

Lin Xun and Li Zhen joined forces, and it took half a quarter of an hour to kill the beast, and they got a ninth-rank order.

This time, Li Zhen said nothing.

Lin Xun had no choice but to accept the power of order himself.

After resting for a while, the two moved on.

During this period of time, in other areas of the Earth Demon Region, Zen Sect Wen Qiaoshui and his party, Spirit Sect Ji Shanhai and his party, Shamanism Sect Cang Fufeng and Huo Xiao, and Yuan Changtian, who acted alone, also gained something. .

Some hunted the power of the ninth-rank order of heaven.

Some found damaged fragments of the order of the gods.

Some also picked up the eternal magic medicine.

For anyone, Earth Demon Realm is simply a treasure trove, and all their thoughts are spent on finding opportunities.

Fortunately, the territory of the Demons is vast, and they spread their actions and go to different places, but it is rare that they meet by narrow roads.

Time flies by.

There is less than a month left before the opening of the Demon Domain.

During this period of time, Lin Xun hunted down another Heaven-ranked Beastmaster and obtained three fragments that belonged to the power of God-rank order.

The eternal magic medicine has not seen a single one.

But even so, the gains are staggering.

If you add the ninth-rank order of the rank that was snatched from Cang Fufeng and others, now Lin Xun and Li Zhen have obtained three complete ranks of the ninth-rank rank order, and three pieces of the god-rank order!

Putting it in the outside world, this is simply something that you can't even think about!

After distribution, Lin Xun took away two pieces of the ninth-rank order of heaven and a piece of order of gods, while Li Zhen got one piece of ninth-rank order and two pieces of god-order.


On this day, there was a vast sea of ​​clouds.

Lin Xun, who was flying in the air, seemed to notice something, raised his head suddenly, and saw a purple light in the depths of the sea of ​​​​clouds.


Plus more to send!

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