The Prodigies War

Chapter 2856 Qingli Jingshi gun

( ) In the six years since he entered the Ten Directions Demon Realm, this is the first time Li Zhen has seen such a large-scale beast tide.


Swept the mountains and rivers!

This is not like an ordinary beast tide, but like countless dense order forces gathered together, and the power of covering the sky and covering the earth is causing harm to the world.


The earth shook, the mountains and rivers collapsed one by one, and the terrifying atmosphere of order was spreading towards this side at a very fast speed.

Just as Li Zhen was about to remind, Lin Xun, who was meditating, had already stood up, and there was a hint of consternation in his eyes, "Senior, go back."

When he spoke, he and Li Zhen had already moved the void and swept away to the extreme distance.

Looking down from the sky, Lin Xun and Li Zhen couldn't help gasping for breath. In the distance between the heavens and the earth, the figure of the desolate beast of order was like a black storm raging. It was devastated as if it had been smashed to pieces.

Lin Xun and Li Zhen didn't dare to neglect, they avoided his edge and avoided him from afar.

What surprised both of them was that the huge beast tide did not come for them, but was running wildly from east to west.


Under the sky are densely packed ominous beasts, and there are countless ominous beasts on the earth.

"Where are they going?"

Lin Xun frowned, a little suspicious.

In his consciousness, there should be tens of thousands of this huge beast horde, of which more than 90% are desolate beasts of the order of the earth, and only a few are desolate beasts of the order of heaven.

Li Zhendao: "It is rumored that before the world barrier to the Demon Realm opens, the orderly wild beasts distributed in these eight Demon Realms will all feel the sensation and gather in groups to go to the 'Earth Demon Great Abyss'."

Lin Xun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that the Demon Territory was located in the deepest part of the Demon Abyss!

"These wild beasts of order achieve their own evolution by swallowing and absorbing order power. The more order power they swallow, the stronger they can evolve. Under the abyss of Earth Demon, there is an unimaginable order power buried."

Li Zhen said, "The orderly desolate beast that turned into a beast tide,

It must have been noticed that the world barrier of the Demon Realm began to change, so he rushed to the Demon Abyss as soon as possible. "

"In the past immortal Dao battles, similar things have happened. If I infer correctly, in the next three years, there will be more and more similar beast tides."

Lin Xun's eyes flickered, "But there are also rumors that there is a Beastmaster of Order under the Great Abyss of the Earth, and it is the summoning of the Beastmaster of Order that attracts countless wild beasts of order."

"And in the end, these wild beasts that reach the Great Abyss of Earth Demon will be eaten as food for the Beastmaster of Order. The Beastmaster of Order does this in order to accumulate enough power to rush into the Demon Domain."

"Only by entering the Earth Demon Realm can the Order Beastmaster achieve a further transformation of his own power."

Hearing the words, Li Zhen also nodded, "There is indeed such a saying, it is certain that there is a real order beast king in the Demon Realm, and the ninth-rank order power he possesses is intact, and other order wild beasts are intact. totally different."

Lin Xun looked into the distance, and suddenly smiled: "Senior, there are so many orderly desolate beasts, we can't just let them slip away from our eyes."

The mighty beast tide was about to disappear into the far-away world in the west.

"As long as you don't confront the beast tide head-on, you can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

Li Zhen was also eager to try.

"Go, catch up."

Lin Xun rushed into the distance for the first time.

It was also at this time that Li Zhen suddenly discovered that during the five-day retreat, Lin Xun's Taoism had quietly broken through and advanced!

Late Nirvana Realm!

Although it was already determined that Lin Xun's breakthrough would not cause any setbacks, Li Zhen couldn't help feeling shocked when he witnessed all this with his own eyes.

For more than six years, from the initial stage of Nirvana God, it has risen sharply, and has broken through to the late Nirvana God stage one after another!

With such a speed of breaking through the borders, who can be compared throughout the ages?

Boom! Boom!

In the distance, the beast tide swept the mountains and rivers, and the world trembled.

Gradually, Lin Xun and Li Zhen chased up from behind.

However, before they could make a move, on the other side of the beast tide, a cyan light suddenly burst out, like a hazy mist and rain, spreading out in the void.

Puff puff!

There was a muffled sound, and the more than thirty orderly desolate beasts covered by the azure brilliance, their bodies were all incinerated, and they disappeared in an instant.


Suddenly, another azure light flashed out, like a big net that was thrown down, burning more than twenty orderly wild beasts again.

The most terrifying thing is that these wild beasts of order have clearly sensed the danger and launched a counterattack, but when they touch the cyan light and shadow of Shenhua, they are incinerated like moths to a flame.

This domineering scene made Lin Xun and Li Zhen's eyes narrow, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

At this time, Lin Xun finally saw clearly that it was a woman who cast the azure light.

She is tall and slender, plain clothes with wide sleeves, black hair hanging down her waist, fair and pure face, as beautiful as an orchid in an empty valley, and she is independent from the world.

It is Ji Shanhai!

At this moment, she is holding a cyan long spear eight feet long, the body of the gun is crystal clear and light cyan, and as she swings it, the spear will release a cyan light, which is as soft as mist, but it is full of terrifying and boundless incineration. Wei, the previous deaths of the orderly wild beasts came from her handwriting.

"Ji's Qingli Purification Spear!"

Li Zhen was surprised.

Qingli Jingshi gun!

A legendary divine weapon in the Ji family's protoss has the power to burn down the world and purify the world. The one who cast this divine weapon was a supreme figure who did not belong to this era, known as the "Article Emperor".

When the King of Items was refining this weapon, he searched all over the world, picked the essence of one hundred thousand divine flames, and quenched it with countless immortal gold and divine iron in a furnace. During the refining, this soldier has gone through the catastrophe of nine strange taboos. On the day of completion, it will take away all the good fortune.

It is rumored that this soldier is psychic and cannot be subdued, and only those who are recognized by it will become its master.

According to legend, when Ji Shanhai was first born, the Qingli Jingshi Spear, which was imprisoned in Ji's Protoss, produced a shocking spear, broke the confinement in one fell swoop, rushed to Ji Shanhai's side, turned into a strand of blue silk, and wrapped around it. On her little finger, still in swaddling.

This is also one of the most fascinating stories.

Before Lin Xun participated in the Immortal Dao Battle, when he learned the information of the participants, he had seen records about Ji Shanhai and Qingli Jingshi Spear.

It was a bit surprising at the time.

And now when he saw the power of this spear, Lin Xun was also moved, because he felt the power of time from the Qingli Jingshi spear!

"To make Yuan Changtian and Cang Fufeng respect three points, and carry such a treasure, this woman is really not easy..."

Lin Xun was thoughtful.

He still remembered that every time Yuan Changtian talked about Ji Shanhai, the subtle look in his eyes was both hot and fearful.

He also remembered that when Ji Shanhai appeared in Shamanism, he became the center of attention in the field.

All this is enough to prove that Ji Shanhai is not simple.

"Would you like to compare?"

While Lin Xun was thinking about it, a quiet and clean voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

At the same time, Lin Xun noticed that Ji Shanhai's eyes were looking at him from a distance, a pair of phoenix eyes like crystal clear stars.

"How to compare?"

Lin Xun raised an eyebrow.

Ji Shanhai waved the Qingli Jingshi spear, pointed at the beast tide in the distance, and said: "From now on, to the abyss of the Earth Demon, see who hunts and kills the most orderly wild beasts. It only depends on the quantity, no matter the rank, as long as you win Now, I'll tell you a secret."

Lin Xunrao said with interest, "Secret?"

"If you want to know, you can beat me."

With that said, Ji Shanhai has already started action, the blue spear swept away, and the blue light and shadow flowed in the sky, like a dream, like a phantom, like a glimmer of light, hazy like a poem.


In the far distance of the herd, the bodies of more than a dozen orderly desolate beasts were incinerated into ashes.

Ji Shanhai's slender figure strides, seemingly slow and fast, and has caught up with the beast tide in an instant. During the battle, she has an outstanding demeanor and has the potential to travel through the sky and latitudes!

"Then I want to see what a secret you will tell me."

Although I don't understand why Ji Shanhai did this, I have to say that this success aroused Lin Xun's interest. He immediately smiled brightly, took out the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron, and stepped forward.


The Dao Xing, which had broken through to the late stage of Nirvana, turned into a roar, and Lin Xun's whole personality changed.

The Wuyuan Sword Cauldron was sacrificed by him immediately.

Looking from a distance, it looks like an ancient sacred mountain descending from the sky, smashing into the beast tide, and suddenly the figures of orderly desolate beasts burst into pieces, and the earth was blasted into a huge pothole, filled with blood.

One blow, slaying twenty-nine wild beasts of order!

This domineering and bloody scene made Li Zhen's eyelids jump. Lin Xun, who was in the late stage of Nirvana Realm, became more and more powerful than before.

"Later Nirvana Realm?"

In the void on the other side, Ji Shanhai also showed a hint of surprise. Immediately, she narrowed her eyes, flicked the Qingli Jingshi spear in her hand, and rushed away.

The beauty is like jade, the momentum is like a rainbow!

The mighty herd of beasts was running wildly in the sky and the earth, and anyone who was involved in it would be in danger of dying.

And when they are attacked, these wild beasts of order will not be slaughtered, but will be provoked, and counterattack like crazy, and that kind of power is not anyone who dares to shake it casually.

But today, neither Lin Xun nor Ji Shanhai are afraid of these.

The beast tide ran from east to west, and the two of them were on the north and south sides of the beast tide, chasing the beast tide and making shots.

For a while, I saw that in the beast tide, from time to time, there will be a piece of orderly wild beasts killed, or burned to ashes, or bombed to slag, leaving blood all the way.

Li Zhen, who had been chasing at the back, couldn't bear to be shocked, and chased all the way behind like a chorus to collect the spoils along the way.

"Hahaha, Li Zhen, when did you become a dirty worker?"

Not long after, a loud laugh came, with a taste of ridicule.

Accompanied by the voice, the figures of Pu Songzi, Tan Liuyun, and Le Youfeng, who were participating in the spiritual sect, appeared, and it was Tan Liuyun who made fun of Li Zhen.

A long time ago, he and Li Zhen met, and they belonged to the kind of friendship that didn't know each other.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't want the achievements of Ji Shanhai's hunting, if you don't want it, then it will all belong to me."

Li Zhen snorted coldly, the action of cleaning up the spoils became faster and faster, and he robbed a lot of the spoils that Ji Shanhai had killed all the way.

Tan Liuyun suddenly became anxious and furious, "Old boy, stop me!"


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