The Prodigies War

The 2814th chapter explores the mystery

Lin Xun quietly closed his eyes.

He began to re-deduce hundreds of cultivation systems on the star dome with the power of Dao Run.

Every practice system is the crystallization of the wisdom of a practice civilization, but in the final analysis, it is derived from the rules of heaven and earth.

At this time, in Lin Xun's mind, different cultivation systems are like different Taoist patterns, and the mysteries contained in each realm outline the avenues of the pattern...

In short, what Lin Xun is doing now is to imitate different cultivation systems with Daowen, and then use the power of Daowen to deduce it.

There are hundreds of cultivation systems, each of which is different, but they can all be integrated into Dao patterns, so that these hundreds of cultivation systems use Dao patterns as a medium to form a relationship.

This is like stringing hundreds of scattered beads together with a thread to form a whole!

The ultimate goal is to include the cultivation systems of hundreds of epochs into one system!

Before, when Lin Xun realized this, he couldn't help being shocked, and vaguely understood the purpose of the "Supreme Person" who created this "Creation of the Star Vault".

If you can really achieve this step, it means you have mastered the power that can surpass the cultivation system of the Hundred Era!

Therefore, when Lin Xun looked at the sky again, he finally understood that in the eyes of the supreme figure, the cultivation system of the Hundred Era was just stars.

And that star dome can completely encompass them!

Creating such a "star dome" is the ultimate goal of that "supreme figure"!

When Lin Xun understood this, when he went to deduce the cultivation system of the hundreds of years, his state of mind was no longer the same.


Another year has passed.

Lin Xun who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

At the same time, in front of him, fist-sized Dao pattern arrays appeared, each of which shone brightly, and a completely different Dao atmosphere emerged.


in the nearby area,

Many cultivators noticed this scene and couldn't help but be surprised, what is Lin Xun doing?

For six years, Lin Xun has been meditating here, ignoring world affairs and disputes.

This is the first time in six years that people have seen him act like this.

Seeing Lin Xun's whole body, hundreds of Dao pattern patterns soon emerged, all of which were sparkling and bright, exuding a very different Dao atmosphere.

Then, these hundreds of arrays turned into streamers, and they rushed to the quiet star dome, like hundreds of torches, lighting up the hundreds of stars in the star dome, as if burning It looks like it's shining brightly!

The sky and the earth suddenly brightened, and everyone felt a sting in front of their eyes, and then they were shocked.


"Could it be that Lin Xun has realized the final mystery of the creation of the star vault?"


The uproar resounded, and in people's field of vision, on the dome of creation, this moment was like boiling and burning, every star was dazzling and flaming, pouring out a boundless light!

"What happened?"

At this moment, in every area and corner of the entire God of Fortune City, hundreds of millions of cultivators stopped their movements and looked at the sky.

I saw the stars shining brightly, burning the blue sky!

That incredible scene caused a sensation in the city.

"It's on the side of the fortune star dome, hurry up, go and see!"

Many people shouted and swept towards the area where the Fortune Star Vault was located.

Everyone was very excited.

In the countless years since ancient times, the creation of the star vault has always been a mystery that no one can solve. I don't know how many big figures of the Protoss have come, exhausted their efforts and time to think about it, and they have achieved nothing.

To this day, all cultivators in the world believe that the ultimate mystery of the creation of the stars does not exist at all.

But now, such a vision of heaven and earth has occurred in the city. Does this mean that the mystery that no one has been able to solve since ancient times has been solved?

When many cultivators arrived at the area where the fortune star vault was located, they saw that the white, burning starlight sprinkled down, completely submerging a figure.

"It's him, Lin Xun!"

"How is it possible..."

"Did he really let him explore the final mystery of the creation of the star vault?"

"Doesn't this mean that he will get a treasure left by that 'Supreme Person'?"

More and more cultivators came to this place, and when Lin Xun saw that it was Lin Xun who caused these phenomena, they couldn't calm down.

It seems that no one thought that Lin Xun would solve the final mystery of the creation of the star vault in just six years. This is incredible.

And some characters who hate Lin Xun are even more jealous.


These Lin Xun can't feel it.

When he deduced hundreds of cultivation systems one by one in the form of Dao patterns, he was blessed to find the key to the ultimate mystery!

Then, guided by his own Dao behavior, he transformed hundreds of cultivation systems into hundreds of Dao pattern patterns, which immediately resonated with hundreds of stars on the fortune star dome, thus triggering such a vision of heaven and earth.

At this time, the white and burning starlight filled the air, and in a trance, Lin Xun saw a sturdy figure.

This figure was wearing a blue shirt, carrying an ancient sword, and walking in the long river of time.

He seemed to be searching for something. Whenever he passed an era civilization, a magnificent and mysterious array would appear behind him, and the practice system belonging to this era civilization would be clearly interpreted in the array.

And that formation map, is the Promise Divine Treasure!

The figure in green shirt seems to be unafraid of the fetters and impacts of time and space, and like a god, walking in different eras, that kind of detached style makes Lin Xun's heart be shocked.

Time and space cannot be blocked, and eras cannot be trapped. What kind of realm is this?

Until a long time, the figure of green shirt appeared in a chaotic area.

Then, a catastrophe suddenly came!

This robbery has no form, no color and no quality. It was born in nothingness. Although Lin Xun couldn't see it, he could feel a real breath of despair and death.

It seems that the rules of the Great Dao, time and destiny will all be wiped out by this catastrophe!

The indescribable feeling of suffocation hit Lin Xun's state of mind like a landslide and tsunami, making him feel like a collapse.

Right at this moment-

The figure in green shirt sighed: "Sure enough, there are black hands behind all this."

When the sigh sounded, a light appeared in front of him and spread out suddenly.


Lin Xun's eyes were blank.

Immediately, another mysterious picture appeared.

That figure in green shirt opened up a city in the chaos, which is extremely vast and vast, and it is the prototype of the city of creation!

Then, he waved his sleeve robe, and suddenly a dome of stars appeared in the city, and various cultivation systems born from different eras of civilization were transformed into stars, which were embedded in the dome of stars.


In the end, the man in the blue shirt took out a round black tortoise shell and threw it lightly, which instantly turned into an invisible force of rules and order, shrouding the sky over the God of Fortune.

"In this way, the source of creation will not be destroyed..."

The man in the blue shirt murmured.

He remembered something and turned his head.

At that moment, Lin Xun only felt that the eyes of the man in the blue shirt passed through the boundless time and space, and looked at him in the distance, which made him feel a sudden shock.

"In the future, if someone can explore Chen's layout here, it may mean that on this road, there is no one Chen..."

The voice of the man in the blue shirt was still echoing, and the scene in front of Lin Xun's eyes disappeared like a bubble.

When I looked up again, the sky was quiet, the stars were clear, and all the previous visions disappeared.

But at this moment, a picture emerged in Lin Xun's heart.

A complete pattern of the God of Fortune!

Every area of ​​the city, every building, every corner, and even the every move of the billions of beings living in it, are all clearly presented in this painting.

He didn't even have to look to know what was going on anywhere in the city.

A sense of enlightenment came to Lin Xun's heart, and he had become the controller of the City of Fortune!

As long as your mind moves, you can change any place in the city.

In the same way, you can also control the mysterious forbidden power covered by this city and kill hundreds of millions of living beings in the city!


Lin Xun was immediately shocked. Could it be that the divine city of good fortune was the treasure left by the "supreme person" after the final mystery was solved?

This was completely beyond Lin Xun's expectations. Who would dare to imagine that the so-called first city of the Ruins of Fortune, with the title of "God Doesn't Care", is actually a treasure?

This is incredible!

"The man in the blue shirt must be the 'Supreme Person', but he calls himself Chen, is it Senior Chen Linkong, or a senior in his clan?"

There were countless doubts in Lin Xun's heart.

Before Lin Xun could understand, a loud uproar sounded.

Lin Xun raised his eyes and looked around, and saw that in the nearby area, countless cultivators were looking at him, and everyone's expressions were full of shock, envy and disbelief.

Undoubtedly, the scenes that happened before have been seen by everyone present.

"Dare to ask Senior Lin Xun, have you solved the final mystery of this place?" A cultivator gathered his courage and asked in a trembling voice.

Lin Xun said casually, "If I say no, you probably won't believe it either."

He was shocked in his heart, recalling the scenes he had seen before.

The answer that Xia Zhi's deity is looking for is what the "supreme person" surnamed Chen did in the Ruins of Creation?


The supreme person surnamed Chen also suffered a terrifying and bizarre catastrophe, but he did not suffer and was unscathed!

Moreover, after this calamity, he built the city of good fortune here, and completely enveloped the city with the power of the rules of heaven and earth transformed by the black tortoise shell treasure.

And the purpose of his doing this is to avoid the occurrence of "the source of creation is destroyed"!

Does this mean that the place where the City of Fortune is located is the origin of the Ruins of Fortune?

When Lin Xun thought about it, because of his answer, the audience was completely shocked.

"This is actually true!"

"I didn't expect that this unsolved mystery would be solved today!"

"I just don't know, what is the treasure left by that supreme figure..."

The noisy sound was like a frying pan, tumbling between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, Lin Xun, who cracked the final mystery of the Star Vault of Fortune, undoubtedly became the most eye-catching person present.


PS: Calvin card is very serious, delete a lot of waste manuscripts, and feel very irritable and bored.

Today is a chapter, I owe you a chapter, I will make it up tomorrow, sorry, gentlemen~

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