The Prodigies War

Chapter 2806 Eternal Night God Emperor

West of the city, Silent Night Hill.

Under the ink-like night, this mountain ridge is winding like a snake.

At the foot of the mountain are rows of houses, sparsely dotted with lights and mottled with light and shadow.

It is close to the area where the "Fortune Star Vault" is located, but because the spiritual energy is thin and the mountains are barren, most of the cultivators living here are characters under the emperor realm.

It was less than half an hour when Lin Xun arrived here.

To avoid attracting attention, this time, he restrained his breath and was not followed along the way.

It's just that he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, who would let him come here?

He walked along the winding mountain road at the foot of the mountain, and it seemed to be slow and fast all the way. It didn't take long for him to come to the halfway of Silent Night Mountain, and further up, it was a dark night.

"No one is following?"

A cold voice sounded.

Lin Xun suddenly raised his head and looked into the darkness at the top of the mountain, where he could vaguely see the outline of an ancient temple.

When the consciousness spreads, it will be resisted by a mysterious force in the darkness, so that Lin Xun can't see who the owner of that voice is.

But it is certain that it must be hidden in that ancient temple.


Lin Xun said, "Your Excellency sent a message late at night, why are you looking for me?"

"Come in and talk."

When the voice said this, it was silent.

Lin Xun thought for a while and walked straight ahead. When he reached the dark area, he felt an invisible mysterious force sweeping across the figure, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

Without hesitation, he stepped into the darkness.

There are stars twinkling in the sky, shedding light, but this area seems to be swallowed by darkness, and no light or shadow can be seen.

Fortunately, the consciousness is still there, and I can clearly sense the ancient temple that looks dilapidated and desolate.

Then, Lin Xun "saw" a figure.

He stood in front of the gate of the temple, with a thin figure, wearing broken armor, scribbled beard and hair, and a desolate figure, only a pair of eyes were cold and sharp.

Lin Xun's pupils suddenly condensed: "Thirteen?"

In front of the dark temple in the forbidden area of ​​​​Liuguang, Lin Xun had witnessed scenes that happened a long time ago, and he had also seen the injured Thirteen, calling the Xiazhi deity "Lord"!

"Why didn't your great-grandfather Luo Tongtian come here?"

The figure's voice was cold, and he did not deny the title of "Thirteen".

Lin Xun frowned and said, "Could it be that my great-grandfather promised you back then that he would come back in the future?"

"He didn't tell you?"

Thirteen's eyes became colder and harsher, staring at Lin Xun like a sword, extremely frightening.

Lin Xun was silent for a moment and said, "He can't come."

Thirteen: "Why?"

Lin Xun realized that if he didn't tell the truth, it would be difficult to gain the trust of "Thirteen".

After thinking for a while, he said directly: "A long time ago, when he went to the gate of eternity, he was robbed by someone while he was on fire, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

Thirteen was silent for a long time, then turned and walked into the hall: "Come in."

At this moment, Lin Xun felt a little nervous in his heart.

On the thirteenth floor, following Xia Zhi’s side, you can definitely know the identity and past of Xia Zhi from the thirteen mouths!

"In the end, we have to face it..."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and walked into the old palace shrouded in darkness.


Thirteen had already sat cross-legged on a futon.

Lin Xun sat down on the futon opposite him and said, "Senior wants to see me this time, what exactly are you going to do?"

"The coffin of eternity."

Thirteen did not cover up as before, and said bluntly, "That is the hidden treasure of my lord. Luo Tongtian promised when he left the Ruins of Fortune that he would bring this coffin as long as he found a way to rescue my lord. Return to the ruins of creation."

Lin Xun was shocked, his eyes were complicated, he had realized that Tai Xuan should be right, Xia Solstice... It is very likely that the life and soul of the person in the coffin was transformed!

"Senior, can you tell me how you and my great-grandfather met?" Lin Xun said.

Thirteen was silent for a moment, and said, "That was a long time ago,

I was chased and killed by the enemy, and soon after escaping to this divine city of creation, I fell into a coma. At that time, the situation was critical. Once discovered by the enemy, my life would be at risk. "

"It was also at that time that Luo Tongtian, who had just come to the Ruins of Fortune, rescued me. Later, Luo Tongtian was chased and killed by those enemies, making the city of Fortune's God jump."

"I thought that, in such a dangerous situation, he should have handed over me, a stranger, earlier, so he wouldn't have to worry about him. After all, the origins of those enemies are too powerful..."

"But I didn't expect that Luo Tongtian didn't give up, and kept taking me and those enemies to mediate and fight. When I woke up, he was seriously injured and was on the verge of desperation..."

Speaking of this, Thirteen's cold and stern eyes flashed with reminiscence and sigh, "At that time, I was completely shocked, I couldn't imagine, how could there be such a person in this world, obviously I don't know each other, but they acted righteously, even I don't even want to die."

"Later, I left with him, who was seriously injured and dying, and escaped that murder."

"I asked him at the time why he did this, and even suspected that he was a spy sent by the enemy to deceive my trust and deceive the Sword of Fortune from my hands."

"But Luo Tongtian said that saving people... need a reason?"

Thirteen's expression was stunned, and the cold and hard lines between his eyebrows softened, "A sentence that is very ordinary, but it makes me unforgettable to this day."

"When his injury recovers, I plan to give him the sword of good fortune and bring it out of the ruins of good fortune. Who ever thought about it, but was rejected by him."

"He said he didn't save people for anything in return."

"In the past, I definitely sneered at him, but I believed him. Even in my opinion, his conduct at that time was low and unbearable, but he was a man of great vigor, mind like a mountain, upright and arrogant. Absolutely, it is definitely not comparable to those mundane things in this world.”

In the thirteen words, it is difficult to hide the appreciation and admiration.

It can be seen how prosperous Luo Tongtian was back then.

The spirit is like the sea and the mind is like a mountain!

These eight characters alone made Lin Xun feel how amazing his great-grandfather was when he was young.

"Later, after arriving in the Forbidden Realm of Streaming Light, Luo Tongtian realized the brand that belonged to my Lord from the coffin of eternity, and thus obtained the forbidden talent 'Great Abyss Swallowing the Sphere'."

Thirteen said, "After that, I asked him to help and took away the Sword of Fortune and the Coffin of Eternity. He promised me that when he found a way to wake up the Lord, he would enter the Ruins of Fortune again, but I didn't. Thinking of it, after countless years, it was you who came."

After all, he fell silent.

Lin Xun couldn't calm down.

Only then did he probably know what happened to his great-grandfather when he came to the Ruins of Fortune.

I finally understood why my great-grandfather told Mr. Lu that when he obtained the coffin of eternity, he was already infected with a cause and effect.

It can be said that Da Yuan's talent for swallowing the sky also comes from the coffin of eternity, and it comes from a fortune that originally belonged to the Xia Zhi deity!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun finally asked aloud: "Dare to ask the predecessors, what is your status as the head of your family?"

Thirteen Road: "I don't know."

Lin Xun was stunned and almost thought he heard it wrong, "I don't know?"

Thirteen said: "Only she knows the origin of the Lord, and I have never asked about it."

Lin Xun was speechless for a while. In addition to his disappointment, he couldn't help but feel unspeakably relaxed, as if... at least he didn't have to face an extremely difficult choice.

"Then what do seniors know about your master?" Lin Xun asked.

"A long time ago, the Lord walked in the 'Era of the Gods'. When I met her, she was already the legendary 'Eternal Night God Emperor' in the Era of the Gods..."

Thirteen's eyes flashed with reminiscence, "In those years, the Lord seems to have been avoiding something and looking for something, always thinking silently by himself."

"It wasn't until a long time later that the Lord took me away from the Era of the Gods and came to this City of Fortune God."

"The Lord said that if she wants to find out who created this 'Fortune Star Vault', she may be able to find the answer she wants to know."

Speaking of this, undisguised hatred and a trace of undisguised fear appeared in Thirteen's eyes: "But on the way to the God City of Good Fortune, the Lord suffered a catastrophe!

"The sound of that catastrophe came silently before I even noticed it. I only remember that a mysterious bell ripped apart time and space and rushed towards the Lord..."

Hearing this, Lin Xun was shocked and remembered one thing.

A long time ago, when the great-grandfather Luo Tongtian went to the gate of eternity, he was blocked by a golden figure. When he paid an extremely heavy price and finally killed the golden figure, inside the gate of eternity there was a A mysterious Dao bell surrounded by a chaotic atmosphere appeared.

Just a bell tolls Luo Tongtian back!

And now, listening to Thirteen's words, the terrible catastrophe that Xia Zhi's deity encountered that year was actually related to a Dao bell. Could this be the same Dao bell?

"and then?"

Seeing Thirteen fall into silence, Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

"Although the Lord survived the catastrophe, she was seriously injured. With her supreme power, which is enough to disdain the gods, she could not repair her own injuries... And at that time, a group of terrifying existences from the era of the gods Appear, let the Lord leave the good fortune on the body..."

Thirteen said this, and bone-like hatred and anger welled up in his eyes.

"It's taking advantage of the fire again!" Lin Xun frowned.

Thirteen said: "In the past, the Lord's strength was enough to suppress those terrifying existences easily, but that catastrophe hurt her too seriously, and this gave them an opportunity to take advantage. It took me all the way to the forbidden area of ​​​​Liuguang."

"At the cost of sacrificing his own avenues, the Lord has drawn the power of time and space to seal the forbidden area of ​​​​the streamer, and this has blocked the enemy's attack. But because of this, the Lord's injury has become more serious, to the point of hopelessness."

"Later, the Lord ordered me to leave with the sword of creation, and the Lord placed himself in the coffin of eternity..."

Hearing this, Lin Xun has completely understood, and remembered the scenes he saw in front of the dark palace in the forbidden area of ​​​​Liuguang.


PS: Before 7:30 in the second update, we will continue to add more tonight~

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