The Prodigies War

Chapter 2793 God does not care

The blow of Xuan Feiling's self-immolation will, which severely injured Qin Wenzhang.

But compared to the injury, what struck Qin Wenzhang even more was that Lin Xun fled!

After a long time, Qin Wenzhang gradually calmed down.

He took a deep breath, and the injuries on the outside of the body dissipated, but the inside injuries did not have three to five months and could not recover at all.

"It can't be like that!"

There was a frightening coldness in his eyes.

Lin Xun was Luo Tongtian's great-grandson, and he mastered the power of time. Obviously, he got a great fortune from the coffin of eternity.

If Lin Xun is allowed to escape like this, the meeting that their Qin family has been waiting for for countless years will be shattered.

This is something Qin Wenzhang cannot tolerate.


With a wave of his hand, a communication jade slip broke through the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And he himself walked into the ancient teleportation formation.

With a strange roar, Qin Wenzhang's figure also disappeared.

The once prosperous Luoyun Divine City has now been reduced to a dead ruin, as if silently telling the horror of the previous battle.

Cloud world.

The Great Qin God Clan.

When the patriarch Qin Jinghe got the news from Qin Wenzhang, it was already an hour later.


It was reported that the jade slip was smashed into powder in Qin Jinghe's hands.

His expression was as gloomy as water, and his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

Not long ago, three elders, Qin Jingtian, Qin Jingling, and Qin Jinglue, were killed in the seventh restricted area.

But now, even the uncle Qin Wenzhang made a move and let Lin Xun give away. This series of blows made Qin Jinghe almost runaway.

"I just hope that before this son goes to the Forbidden Realm of Streaming Light, his uncle can capture him, otherwise... everything is hanging..."

Qin Jinghe sighed and sat back down in his chair.

Lin Xun has escaped from the Daqin Divine Realm, which means that he has escaped from the territory that their Daqin Divine Clan can control. All this is doomed. No matter how much power they send, it is very likely to be of no avail!

The Ruins of Creation are too big.

Hundreds of epoch worlds are distributed.

After leaving the Great Qin Divine Realm, the Qin family can't control the affairs of the outside world.

What troubled Qin Jinghe the most was that once Lin Xun appeared in the Liuguang forbidden area, he would definitely be discovered by the other three top forces.

At that time, their Qin family will never even think about swallowing the "coffin of eternity" alone!

Once such a thing happens, for the Qin Clan, the countless years of destined to be nothing.

Right now, Qin Jinghe only hopes that his uncle Qin Wenzhang can capture Lin Xun as soon as possible.


In a vast starry sky, there is an ancient city floating.

The name of this city is "Qin".

From other era worlds to the Daqin God Territory, it will definitely pass through the ancient transmission formation in Qincheng.

Similarly, Qincheng is also a necessary place to travel from Daqin Divine Region to other era worlds.

In short, Qin City is a portal opened in the Ruins of Fortune. Inside the portal leads to the Daqin Divine Realm, and outside the gate is the entire Ruins of Fortune.

For countless years, forces belonging to the Daqin God Clan have been stationed in Qin City to guard the city.

Today, the city lord stationed in Qin City is a Wu Zun who is comparable to the realm of Nirvana, whose name is Qin Huailin.

"Sir, in the past two days when the ancient teleportation formation was closed, the number of strong people stranded in the city has reached tens of thousands."

City Lord's Mansion.

A subordinate reported, "There are many voices complaining and accusing in the streets and alleys, saying that we have delayed their business."

Qin Huailin lay lazily on the soft couch,

Said: "Don't worry about it, the Great Qin Divine Region is our Qin family's territory, and it is useless for them to complain."

He was thin, dressed in a Chinese robe, and had a graceful demeanor.

"My lord, someone opened the ancient teleportation formation and arrived in Qincheng from the Daqin God Territory!"

Suddenly, a hurried voice sounded outside the hall.

Qin Huailin was stunned for a moment, then stood up, and his eyes flickered: "Could it be that the matter was successful? Let's go and have a look."

Saying that, he strode out.

The ancient teleportation formation is on the huge square in front of the city lord's mansion.

However, when Qin Huai arrived, there was no one in the ancient teleportation formation.

"What about people?"

Qin Huailin's heart sank.

The guards near the teleportation ancient formation looked at each other in dismay, and they felt bad.

One person trembled: "Sir, that person was in a hurry, and he left as soon as he appeared."

Qin Huailin's old face darkened, he resisted the bad premonition in his heart, and said, "Where did you see this person?"

"Break away."

A guard pointed to the starry sky in the distance.

Qin Huailin felt more and more wrong, and said, "Can you recognize the identity of that person?"

"My lord, I can see it clearly, that man looks like a young man..."

A guard quickly described Lin Xun's appearance.

After Qin Huailin finished listening, he took out a jade slip, and with the flow of light and shadow, scenes of Lin Xun appearing in the ninth forbidden area emerged.

"Is it this person?" Qin Huailin asked.

"It's him!"

The guards said in unison.

Qin Huailin's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning.

In order to prevent the news of Lin Xun's presence in the Great Qin Divine Realm from leaking out, he was the only one in the entire Qin City who knew the reason for closing the ancient teleportation formation.

But now, the target escaped from under his nose!

"A bunch of trash! Why don't you stop him!?"

Qin Huailin was so angry that he slapped the nearest guard in the face, causing the latter to fly upside down, spurting blood from his nose and mouth.

The crowd was silent.

Everyone could see that Qin Huailin was furious at this moment.

It's just that they are also very aggrieved. They didn't open the ancient teleportation array, and they don't know the identity of the person who escaped. Not to mention that the person left immediately after he appeared. How could they have any chance to stop it?

On the streets in the distance, many figures appeared, all of them cultivators stranded in the city, obviously attracted by what was happening here.

Especially the angry appearance of the city lord Qin Huailin made countless people wonder, what is going on here?


Soon, the ancient teleportation formation roared again, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

It was exactly Qin Wenzhang.

Seeing the appearance of this old antique from the clan, Qin Huailin shuddered, bowed and saluted, "I have seen the ancestor."

"What about people?"

Qin Wenzhang glanced around and realized what was going on, his face was ugly.

"He...he just fled in that direction."

Qin Huailin pointed to the starry sky in the distance. Before, he was furious and terrifying, but now he was trembling and sweating on his forehead.

"Waste! Let you guard the ancient teleportation formation, but you watch the target escape. Do you know that because of your negligence, it is very likely to ruin the major affairs of the clan?!"

Qin Wenzhang was so angry that he couldn't help cursing loudly, "When I capture that little thing, I'll come back and settle the bill with you!"


The voice has not yet fallen, and the others have moved away out of thin air.

Qin Huailin's expression was uncertain for a while, and he felt aggrieved just like the guards who had been reprimanded by him before.

In the Great Qin Divine Realm, there is an old ancestor who has not been able to stop the other party in person. How can you blame me for the crime now?

When he saw those guards standing there stupidly, Qin Huailin's anger and grievance erupted, and he said, "What are you looking at? If the clan blames you this time, you will not be able to escape!"

After all, he walked away.

Those guards were bitter in their lips, dumbfounded like clay sculptures.

What can they do?

No matter how innocent and wronged, as a small person, you can only take the blame for the big one...

"What are you looking at, hurry up and leave!"

When they saw that there were many people watching in the distance, these guards were also angry and scolded.

Still, those onlookers saw a lot of mystery.

"It turned out that the ancient teleportation formation was closed to capture a person!"

"Who is that person? He was able to escape from the territory of the Daqin Protoss, and even aroused a big man of the third level of Wu Zun to hunt down himself?"

"This is so unusual!"

...people are talking about it.

"Send the news back quickly, saying that something extraordinary has happened in the Daqin Divine Realm. Please send a big person from the third level of Wu Zun to investigate."

In the crowd, a purple-robed woman quickly imprinted a ray of thought on a mysterious jade talisman, and then gently pinched it with her palms and fingers.

The jade talisman silently turned into a ray of light, rushing to the depths of the vast starry sky.

At the same time, in other parts of the city, there are also many people who, like the purple-robed woman, realized the abnormality of what happened just now, and they sent letters in secret.

It is foreseeable that it will not be long before what happened in the Great Qin Divine Region and Qin City today will be detected by the great figures in other eras of the world.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be waves in this Ruins of Creation!

In a restaurant in the city.

Lin Xun, who had already changed his face, drank the wine in the pot and stood up.

In the past, as soon as he walked out of the ancient teleportation formation, he moved the void and rushed into the depths of the starry sky, where he was watched by many eyes.

But in fact, this is just a trick, and when no one noticed, he has returned to the city.

At this moment, Lin Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Wenzhang break through the air.

He decided to leave, not to the Forbidden Realm of Streaming Light, but to the City of Fortune!

Lin Xun once searched Qin Jinglue's soul, and knew that in the Ruins of Fortune, there is a magical giant city, which is regarded as a place where "gods don't care".

That is the City of Fortune!

From time immemorial to the present, the gods of the hundreds of eras in the Ruins of Fortune have all tried to occupy the City of Fortune, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

The reason is that the City of Fortune is full of a strange forbidden power, and anyone who enters this city will be suppressed in their cultivation.

Even if it is an immortal character, the cultivation base will be suppressed to the "Emperor Realm"

People like Eternal Realm will be rejected by this city, and once they get close, they will be attacked by the strange forbidden power.

In history, there have been more than one Eternal Realm boss who fled in front of this city.

For this reason, the city of God of Fortune got the name "God doesn't care", which means that when the Protoss comes, there is nothing they can do in front of this city.

But now, the City of Fortune has become a place where civilizations of different eras gather for exchanges and gatherings. Powerhouses from hundreds of era worlds come and go every day, some for the exchange of cultivation experience, and some for exchange and sale. Treasures, there are...

The city of God of Fortune is also noisy and lively, and it is extremely prosperous.

When he learned of the existence of the City of Fortune from Qin Jinglue's memory, Lin Xun also remembered this miraculous city of "God does not care" at once.

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