The Prodigies War

Chapter 2784: The ninth restricted area

From the memory of the black-clothed and white-haired woman, Lin Xun learned about this world.

This realm is called Daqin God Territory, and there is a complete cultivation civilization.

Its cultivators are called spiritual warriors.

Its cultivation realms are the realm of one yuan, the realm of two ceremonies, the realm of three talents, the realm of four images, the realm of five elements, the realm of six harmony, the realm of seven stars, the realm of eight wastes, and the realm of nine extremes.

Further up, there are the three realms of Wu Zun and the legendary Wushen realm.

Knowing the names of these cultivation realms, combined with his own perception and understanding of the rules of this world, made Lin Xun immediately understand.

In this Daqin Divine Realm, from the Yuan Dynasty to the Five Elements Realm, they correspond to the five realms from the True Martial Realm to the Revolving Wheel Realm respectively. The Nine Levels of the Emperor Realm...

By analogy, the three realms of Wu Zun must correspond to the three realms of immortality.

And the legendary Martial God Realm may correspond to the Eternal Realm!

This discovery made Lin Xun quite interested.

Although the epoch civilization he belongs to is different from the epoch civilization of this Daqin God Territory, and the names of the cultivation realms are also different, the search and division of the path has produced a faint correspondence with each other!

This more and more proves Lin Xun's judgment, the civilization of the era, the cultivation system, the rules of heaven...

These can be different, but the cultivator's cognition and pursuit of the Dao, as well as the control of power, have the same goal!

In short, no matter what the name of the cultivation realm is, in the final analysis, it is all to seek self-transformation and evolution.

"When I can use the power of the immortal level, I will be able to perceive the rules and order power distributed in this world. At that time, in this world, I will no longer be hindered or hindered by any..."

Lin Xun murmured in his heart.

In addition to these, Lin Xun learned that the area where he appeared, called the "Ninth Forbidden Area", had existed countless years ago.

The ninth restricted area covers an area of ​​30,000 miles. Long ago, it was regarded as an "unknown place" by the Daqin Protoss, so they sent forces to block off these 30,000 miles of mountains and rivers.

The many major forces that are vassals under the command of the Daqin Protoss have taken turns stationing and guarding the "Ninth Forbidden Area" for countless years until now.

From the memory of the black-clothed and white-haired woman, Lin Xun learned that there is another purpose for these big forces to block and guard the "Ninth Forbidden Area"—

Capture the outsiders!

The reason is that the ninth forbidden area is regarded as an "entrance" from the outside world into the Daqin Divine Realm.

The cultivators who do not belong to the Daqin Divine Realm will definitely appear in this ninth forbidden area as long as they come to the Daqin Divine Realm.

This is the will of the Daqin Protoss, and it has continued to this day.

But in the memory of the black-clothed and white-haired woman, Lin Xun learned that in the past countless years, no other "outsiders" have appeared in the ninth restricted area except himself.

This is so anomalous.

"The Sword of Fortune replaced itself in the ninth forbidden area of ​​the Great Qin Divine Region, and this place was regarded as the entrance to capture outsiders, and it was tightly sealed, and it was ordered by the Great Qin God Clan in person..."

Lin Xun was quite puzzled.

One side of the Protoss, who controls the world of an era of ruins, why is it so mobilizing and blocking this "Ninth Forbidden Area" to this day?

Lin Xun realized that the identity of the black-clothed and white-haired woman should not be enough to understand the real secret behind the blockade of the ninth restricted area.

And if you want to know this secret, maybe you can only start with the "Great Qin Protoss"!

According to this woman's memory, the Daqin Protoss is the well-deserved supreme overlord in this world, and their ancestors once walked out of the real "Martial God".

For countless years, in the eyes of hundreds of millions of cultivators in the Daqin Divine Region, the status of the Daqin Protoss,

Just like the "Eternal God Race" in the eyes of the cultivators of the Eternal True Realm, it is unattainable, like a legend.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Xun shook his head and continued to meditate.

He came to the Ruins of Creation for two purposes.

One is to rescue the trapped parents.

The second is to inquire about the clues related to Xiazhi's life experience.

As for other things, not interested at all.

As time went by, the aura diffused from Lin Xun's body became stronger and stronger, showing signs of rising steadily. Occasionally, many swirling divine rays of light appeared, and the sound of Taoism was thunderous.

Fortunately, this underground cave house is covered by forbidden forces, so it is not likely to be noticed by the outside world.

three days later.

The aura on Lin Xun's body was comparable to that of a saint and king, and it was roughly equivalent to the Dao Xing of the Seven Stars of the Great Qin God Realm.

"I don't know if with my current strength, if I display the power of the quasi-emperor realm, or the power of the emperor realm, the oppression of the rules of heaven and earth will be much weaker..."

Lin Xun thought.

At this moment, a small chatter suddenly came from the forbidden formation in the cave.

This is a wonderful forbidden formation, called "The Wind and Grass Moves", which can capture the movement within the range of ten thousand feet in the first time.

"Haven't found the murderer who killed Feng Ying and the others?"

"No, but it can be inferred that the murderer is definitely still in the ninth restricted area. The forces we have stationed nearby have already set up a net, and it is almost impossible for the murderer to escape."

"For countless years, there has never been any abnormality in this ninth restricted area, but such bloody things have happened today. Could it be that there are really outsiders?"

"Don't talk nonsense, keep searching! No matter what, we must find out the murderer. Otherwise, when Lord Fengyun arrives tomorrow, if he hears the news of Feng Ying's fall, who can bear that kind of anger?"

"Quick action!"

...the chatter soon disappeared.

Lin Xun's black eyes surged.

Undoubtedly, during these three days, the big forces stationed near the ninth restricted area have dispatched forces to search for themselves.

Moreover, they have already learned of the deaths of the three men and one woman.

"Feng Ying..."

Lin Xun remembered the news he got from the memory of the black-clothed and white-haired woman. This Feng Ying was the black-armored man who was killed by him, and he came from the "Feng's" clan, a powerful force in the Daqin Divine Region.

For nearly 10,000 years, the ninth restricted area has been guarded and guarded by the power of the Feng clan.

Lin Xun thought for a while and decided to hold his ground.

However, for safety's sake, he got up and rearranged the restraining forces covering the surrounding cave.

Today, he has been able to exert the power of the Saint King Realm, and the power of the forbidden formation is naturally completely different from before.

After doing this, Lin Xun meditated again.

According to his estimation, within two days, he will be able to exert his own strength to the level of the quasi-emperor realm without being suppressed by the rules of this world.

However, it is impossible to increase the strength like before.

The reason is that the higher the realm, the more mysterious and obscure the Dao mysteries that need to be understood and mastered, and the longer it will take.

However, Lin Xun didn't care.

No matter how long it takes, it will never take more than a year for his strength to fully recover to its previous peak.

This is not a re-cultivation of the road, it is just to adapt to the rules of a strange cultivation civilization.

But only a day later.

Lin Xun, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.


Almost at the same time, this cave dwelling, which was opened thousands of feet underground, shook violently as if it was bombarded by a terrifying bombardment. The restraining force covering the surrounding area roared, and the light and rain fell, making a sound like it was overwhelmed.

Someone is coming!

A cold light flashed in Lin Xun's black eyes.

"The thief is really hiding here, you get out of the way!"

An indifferent and cold old voice sounded from the outside world.


This piece of land was smashed to pieces, the mud and stones splashed and splattered, and the terrifying radiance of Daoguang poured out, as if to wipe out this place completely.

After all, the restraining force arranged by Lin Xun was overwhelmed and shattered.

At this moment, Lin Xun's figure broke out of the sky.

"Thief, why didn't you hide?"

As soon as Lin Xunfu rushed out of the ground, a violent shout resounded, and a silver halberd slammed into the head. The aura of destruction was like a river of destruction, and the terror was boundless.

clang! !

Lin Xun shook it hard with the palm of his hand, and the silver halberd was shaken violently, and a dazzling turbulent flow of divine light erupted between the two.

At the same time, Lin Xun's figure moved and stood far away.

It was only then that he could see clearly that the shot was an old man covered in silver armor, his beard and hair were as red as fire, his eyes were like a pair of golden lamps, and he was holding a silver halberd, which was extremely powerful.

Not far from the silver-armored old man, there are still about thirty strong men standing, all of them holding swords, their breaths are strong, and dazzling Dao light is flowing all over their bodies.

"Thief, was my grandson Feng Ying killed by you?"

The silver-armored old man looked cold and murderous.

Everyone else looked at Lin Xun.


Lin Xun looked calm, "He wants to kill me, I have to kill him."

This silver-armored old man is a character comparable to the first level of the Emperor Realm. In the eyes of others, he may be extremely powerful, but for Lin Xun...

In those years in the eternal real world, he has not paid attention to such a weak role for a long time.

It's not contempt or disdain, but it's almost impossible to see. You must know that in the entire Yuan Sect, the weakest ones have the highest ancestral realm!

Seeing Lin Xun admit it so frankly, the silver-armored old man's face was ashen, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he shouted: "Looking for death!"


He waved the silver halberd, moved the void to kill, and the power was amazing.

Lin Xun couldn't retreat, he stayed where he was, his palms and fingers were imaginary, and he smashed them lightly.

clang! !

The silver-armored old man only felt severe pain in his wrist, and the silver halberd was so shocked that it almost flew out of his hand, and his face couldn't help changing. In his eyes, the aura on Lin Xun's body was only at the level of the Eight Desolate Realm, but it was able to shake him. The power of the 1st layer of the Nine Extremes Realm is incredible.

When thinking about it, he did not move slowly, and turned his own way to the best of his ability. The silver halberd was like a nine-day galaxy, wrapped in light and rain, and violently killed Lin Xun.

"I don't have time to waste time with you."

Lin Xun frowned, and he grabbed the silver halberd that was oncoming.

And his left hand protruded like lightning, broke through the defensive power of the silver-armored old man's body, grabbed his neck, and was picked up like a chicken.

With one blow, the next Jiuji realm is captured!

That destructive scene immediately shocked the others present, making them terrified, like falling into an ice cave.


PS: Add more tonight.

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