The Prodigies War

Chapter 2758 Killing and robbery come again

"Little Junior Brother!?"

The farmer man's dark face showed a rare surprise, and then he grinned, "Haha, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

Not far away, the thin and wounded figure also froze for a moment, and laughed heartily: "It's been a long time to meet again, how lucky!"

Looking at Lin Xun again, his expression was full of excitement, and he said, "Senior Brother Park Zhen, Brother Xueya, you... how did you become like this?"

The reunion after a long absence should have been a great event.

But looking at the injuries on the two brothers, Lin Xun was a little worried.

"It's nothing, I met a few powerful characters in Zen and got into a fight."

Park Jin smiled honestly.

"Hey, it looks like our embarrassed appearance makes the younger brother worried."

Xue Ya hurriedly used a secret technique to repair the blood stains and wounds on the body surface, and then stroked the messy long hair, and the whole person suddenly looked less embarrassed.

But his face was pale and transparent, his qi was a little disordered, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Lin Xun saw this in his eyes and said, "Two senior brothers, go to the house to rest and chat while healing."

"it is good."

Park Zhen and Xueya agreed with a smile.

in the room.

The three brothers and sisters sat cross-legged, and Lin Xun personally poured tea for them.

"You focus on healing, I'll talk to the younger brother."

Pu Zhen told Xueya that the latter's injury was serious and must be repaired as soon as possible.

"Hey, a little injury, it's not that I haven't suffered before, senior brother, you don't have to be nervous, I..."

Before Xueya could finish speaking, Pu Zhen glared at him, who immediately shut up and meditated obediently.

Lin Xun couldn't help laughing, and he could see that Senior Brother Xueya, who was known as "the champion of the emperor's way, the master of the world", was still in awe of Senior Brother Park Zhen.

"Junior brother, why are you here?" Park Zhen asked.

Lin Xun told all the things he had experienced when he went out from Yuanjiao this time. When he learned that Lin Xun killed the four ghosts and ghosts in the empty world, Park Zhen was finally moved.

"Little Junior Brother, you've finally become a talent."

He sighed with emotion, and his dark and simple face was full of relief.

Thinking back to the first time I saw Lin Xun, the latter was only in the holy realm.

And now that we meet again, he is already a man on the road to immortality, sweeping all the monsters by himself!

"Brother, how about you?"

After talking about himself, Lin Xun also asked about Park Zhen.

Jun Huan once said that the six senior brothers, Douzhandi, the fifth brother Chijun, the eighth brother Bu Shuanzi, the eleventh brother Pu Zhen, the 12th brother Shenyan, and the thirteenth brother Li Xuanwei, went to " The Real Realm of Taiyu" is said to be a great creation related to "detachment".

And Senior Brother Xueya, Senior Brother Qingting, Senior Sister Chengyu and the others went to the ancestral courtyard of the Spiritual Sect together with Third Senior Sister.

But now, Senior Brother Park Zhen, who went to Taiyu Realm, was with Senior Brother Xueya, who went to the ancestral courtyard of Lingjiao, and was severely injured by the powerhouse of the ancestral courtyard of Zen Buddhism, which was undoubtedly strange.

"It's a long story."

Park Zhen was silent, as if pondering and deliberating.

Brother Xueya on the side closed his eyes,

But at this moment, he quickly said: "Senior brother, you are clumsy, let me tell you, little junior brother, this is the case..."

He gushed about it.

I have to say that Senior Brother Xueya is worthy of being a person who has read poetry and books. His witty words are like pearls, and he vividly explains what Lin Xun wants to know.

Pu Zhen was also helpless for a while. He also knew that he was stupid. Although he was worried about Xue Ya's injury, he did not interrupt Xue Ya's words in the end.

When Xueya finished speaking, Lin Xun finally understood.

It's not that complicated.

Senior Brother Park Zhen and the others accompanied the senior brother to seek "transcendence" in the real world of Taiyu, but they encountered resistance from the power of the ancestral courtyard of Zen Buddhism.

In the end, although the big brothers and the others won the fortune related to breaking through the "transcendence", they were trapped in Taiyuzhen by the power of the Zen ancestral courtyard.

The ancestral courtyard of Zen Buddhism is extremely ruthless, and it has set up a net of heaven and earth to block the real world of Taiyu, and it has also joined forces with the immortal giants of the eighth heaven to sit outside Taiyu.

However, although they were trapped, the senior brothers and the others did not suffer a fatal blow. They have been hiding in a forbidden area in the real world of Taiyu, but they can guarantee their lives without worry.

And according to the thoughts of the senior brothers and the others at the time, they were not in a hurry to leave the real world of Taiyu, but planned to wait for the opportunity to let the fifth senior brother Chijun, the eleventh senior brother Pu Zhen and others also seek a breakthrough of detachment.

Decades passed like that.

What the senior brothers and the others didn't think about was that the immortal giants in the Eighth Heaven Domain sent their power to convey the news to the three senior sisters in the ancestral courtyard of the Spiritual Sect—

It is said that the senior brothers and the others have been besieged, and their lives will not be long!

Although the third senior sister Ruosu also speculated that this was most likely the conspiracy of the immortal giants in the Eighth Heaven Domain.

But because he was worried about the situation of the senior brother and the others, he sent senior brother Xueya to Taiyu Realm to inquire about the news.

Just to inquire about the news, one person is enough.

In addition, Senior Brother Xueya has all kinds of cards and trump cards, which are enough to deal with some dangerous situations.

But they still underestimated the intentions of the ancestors of Zen Buddhism and the giants of the Eighth Heaven Domain. When Brother Xueya was on his way to Taiyu Realm, they were ambushed and attacked.

The ancestral court of Zen Buddhism dispatched a detached "Buddha" and four "Brahma Lords" from the Nirvana Realm, which severely damaged Senior Brother Xueya in one fell swoop.

At a critical moment, Senior Brother Park Zhen appeared, rescued Xueya and returned to Shouyunzhai.

When he heard this, Lin Xun was shocked.

Although Senior Brother Xueya talked eloquently and witty words like pearls, there are great dangers behind these things!

After calming down, Lin Xun couldn't help asking: "Senior Brother Park Zhen, how did you know that Brother Xueya suffered?"

Park Zhendao: "Although we are trapped in the real world of Taiyu, with the help of Senior Brother Bu Shuanzi's innate secret technique, we can spy on the movements and conversations of external enemies."

"When we learned that the enemies had reported that they wanted to lure the third senior sister and the others to Taiyu Realm, we realized that it was not good."

"So, the senior brother made a decision, no matter what, he must send one person out to inform the third senior sister that they should not come."

"Then, Senior Brother, they shot together. After a great battle, they obtained a first-line opportunity for me to rush out of the siege of the enemy."

"And then, I saw Junior Brother Xueya on the road, and after he rescued him, he fled here."

Senior Brother Park Zhen deserves to have a dull temperament.

Lin Xun could only make up for some bloody, dangerous, and shocking killing scenes at that time.

But fortunately, although Senior Brother Park Zhen's words were simpler, he still explained what happened clearly.

"Senior Brother, are they all right?" Lin Xun asked.

Park Zhendao: "They are all wounded. Outside Taiyuzhen, there are at least ten detached old things stationed there. If it is not for the master brother who has proven the detachment of himself to block all kinds of killings, the consequences are destined to be serious."

Lin Xun's heart tightened.

Xueya next to him smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, junior brother, our senior brothers have not experienced any big terror or danger, and they will be fine."

Park Zhen nodded: "Yes, this is exactly what the senior brother wanted to tell you after he asked me to come out. You can do your own business, and you don't have to worry about things in Taiyu's real world."

As if worried that Lin Xun would not understand, Xueya next to him added: "Senior Brother, they are hiding in Taiyu Realm, so they are not worried about their lives being in danger, but if we go to rescue now, we will fall into the enemy's carefully arranged. in a trap."

"That's why Senior Brothers and the others will do their best to send Senior Brother Park Zhen out, in order to tell us, let us do our own thing, don't be affected by this, otherwise, it is equivalent to being fooled by the enemy."

Xueya talked a lot, but Park Zhen nodded and said one word: "Yes."

"But in case..."

As soon as Lin Xun opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xue Ya, "There is no contingency."

Lin Xun was silent for a moment and said, "Then when are we going to rescue the big brothers and the others?"

"Wait for the third senior sister and the others to do a good job of the ancestral courtyard of the Spiritual Religion, and wait for the younger brother to do a good job of the ancestral courtyard of the Yuan Sect." Xueya said seriously.

Lin Xun was shocked: "Becoming the Yuanqing Pavilion Master? Wouldn't it take nearly a hundred years?"

Park Zhen said in a stern voice: "We can afford it, they can't afford it."

"Little Junior Brother, don't worry, how many years we have waited for Fang Cunshan to finally wait for today's situation, don't worry."

Xueya smiled warmly and her voice was clear, "Variables can happen at any time, but they can only passively wait outside the real world of Taiyu. Their every move will be noticed by us. This is our advantage."

After a pause, he continued: "Now, they are in such a big battle, which undoubtedly proves that they have felt the real threat from us. This is not a bad thing. They don't care about the descendants."

Lin Xun calmed down a little and said, "What are the two brothers going to do next?"

Pu Zhen and Xueya looked at each other, Xueya said, "Go to the ancestral courtyard of Yuanjiao and warn the third sister and the others not to act rashly."

Lin Xun nodded, and suddenly asked, "Senior brother, Master, is his old man... still alive..."

This was the biggest doubt in his heart.

Because the enemies of the Eighth Heavenly Domain are all eloquent, saying that the master of the master Fangcun had already suffered a disaster when he went to the Ninth Heavenly Domain that year.

"Alive." Park Zhen calmly said.

"It must be alive." Xue Ya said firmly.

Whoever it is, it seems certain.

"Then where is his old man now?" Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

Xueya laughed heartily: "Hahaha, we don't know that, we just need to do our own thing."

Park Zhen also nodded and was about to say something.

At this moment, a vigorous Sanskrit sound resembling a morning bell and a twilight drum resounded:

"Daoist Xueya smiled so happily, do you think that you really escaped this disaster?"

Every word has a strange and deafening power that reaches people's hearts.

As these words resounded, an indescribable breath of peace, tranquility, and majesty filled every inch of the room.

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