The Prodigies War

Chapter 2748 is like the sun

Chaotic Wheel.

It is the innate blood power of the Qi family's direct line, combined with the law of chaos, a natural supernatural power opened up.

Its power was prosperous, and it was famous for the Eighth Heaven Domain a long time ago.

Qi Xiaoyun, the great-grandfather of Qi Lingzhen, naturally knows the horror of such innate supernatural powers best.

But he didn't expect that even though Qi Ling used the Chaotic Wheel of Chaos, it would still be destroyed by Lin Xun's unparalleled repressive power!

When he saw Qi Lingzhen's body being smashed and his Yuanshen being held, his heart seemed to be held tightly, his face changed greatly, and he subconsciously shouted:


The two words resounded through the audience like thunder.

Xuan Feiling sneered immediately, since this life-and-death confrontation has already begun, no one can interfere or stop it.

He was about to scold Qi Xiaoyun for paying attention to the rules, when at this moment——


In the Tianjing battlefield, Qi Lingzhen's primordial spirit exploded in Lin Xun's palm, collapsing like a bubble.

And Lin Xun's figure had already dodged far away, avoiding the violent killing from Zhong Liran and the other three.

Everyone was startled by this scene, showing disbelief.

That is the first disciple of Yuankong Pavilion, and also the direct descendant of the Qi family, and his great-grandfather Qi Xiaoyun was on the sidelines of the battle.

But just killed it! ?

This unexpected death scene made those big men tremble in their hearts and their expressions changed.

Qi Lingzhen, was executed!

Its body and spirit are all destroyed, and there is no possibility of surviving!

This made some of the descendants frightened and stunned there.

In a one-on-four situation, Lin Xun forcibly shook the group of enemies and killed Qi Lingzhen at this moment!

This is simply shocking.

Looking at Qi Xiaoyun again, the blue veins on his face burst out, gloomy and terrifying, the murderous intent in his eyes is transpiring, and he looks like he is about to go berserk after being stimulated.

In the Tianjue battlefield, all the forces of order and forbidden secret treasures are suppressed, and the duel in it depends on their own Taoism and combat power.


That will make some life-saving cards on Qi Lingzhen's body invalid, and fail to save Qi Lingzhen's life at the last moment.

But even though he knew all this, when he saw Qi Lingzhen being killed right under his nose, it felt like he had stabbed a knife in his heart, causing Qi Xiaoyun to be furious!

In the battle arena.

Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin, and Fu Chaosheng also felt chills all over their bodies. Qi Lingzhen's death made them unable to calm down, and deep fear filled their hearts.

Before, they disdain to deal with Lin Xun together.

Then, realizing that Lin Xun's combat power was against the sky, he attacked together regardless of face, thinking that he would be able to kill Lin Xun.

But now it seems that they are all wrong!

"It's your turn."

In the distance, Lin Xun looked indifferent, killing Qi Lingzhen was not enough to vent his inner hatred.


As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he came to Zhong Liran and raised his fist to kill him.

There is no way to retreat in the Tianjue Arena, either life or death.

Zhong Liran didn't dare to neglect, and performed the Taoism to the best of his ability, as if he was desperate.

In addition, Fu Chaosheng and Gu Shaoyin also acted like madness and cooperated with Zhong Liran to attack Lin Xun.

However, with Qi Lingzhen before, they couldn't suppress Lin Xun, let alone now?

No matter how hard you try, it doesn't look enough.


In the fierce battle, Lin Xun threw his fists and rushed to kill, with boundless dominance. His immortal law sometimes turned into an obscure abyss, and sometimes it was interpreted as a cauldron in a chaotic world, as if unrivaled. That kind of power made many people in the audience terrified.

It didn't take long for Zhong Liran and others to be injured frequently!

"I fought with you!"

Suddenly, the wounded and bleeding Zhong Liran roared.

His eyes were bloodshot, his angry hair was flying, and a snow-white immortal divine flame suddenly emerged from his body, interweaving into a mysterious white mandala flower in the void.

Innate ability--

Pure white fire!

The white and strange flowers burned, transpiring snow-white flames, covering the area and drowning Lin Xun's figure.

There was an exclamation from outside.

This flame is too domineering, and in the raging battlefield, it will smelt that piece of heaven and earth. If it is not blocked by a forbidden force, once it is vented, it must destroy this mountain and river.

And this kind of power also makes some immortal characters tremble.

Undoubtedly, this is a desperate blow!


When the white flames and rain dissipated, Lin Xun's figure was reflected in people's field of vision intact.

Not even the shirt was damaged in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liran was like being struck by lightning. The blow was indeed too great. His most powerful blow was unable to injure the opponent in the slightest!


Lin Xun's lips softly spit out a word.

From his whole body, countless dense and peerless sword qi burst out, forming an immortal vast sword formation in the void, and rumbling down.

Zhong Liran couldn't dodge at all, because there was a lot of sword energy everywhere, and there was no way to escape.


He roared, the whole person was like burning, the immortal power erupted, and he wanted to break through the way of life.

What made him desperate was that the sword formation was unbreakable and could not be shaken at all.


The sword formation came, completely drowning Zhong Liran's figure, and his body disappeared, not even the scum.

Not far away, Fu Chaosheng and Gu Shaoyin had goosebumps in shock. They had tried to help Zhong Liran to block it before, but it was of no use.


Everyone outside the venue was dazed.

Qi Lingzhen and Zhong Liran fell one after another, deeply shocking everyone present. They could not imagine how immortal characters like them could be killed by someone like Lin Xun who had just broken through.

This is incredible!


Several big figures of Zhongli's clan saw this scene in their eyes, and they were all furious, eager to rush into the battlefield and kill Lin Xun.

"No wonder he insisted on letting the four of them enter the Tianjue Arena together. If not, other opponents would have been afraid to fight..."

Xuan Feiling let out a long breath.

The iron-blooded methods that Lin Xun showed made these old people shocked, and finally understood why Lin Xun would insist so much before the war.

"I'm afraid this son will be killed."

Dugu Yong said in a low voice.

Sure enough, in the battlefield that day, Lin Xun had launched an offensive, rushing towards Gu Shaoyin and Fu Chaosheng.

The two have long been frightened and fearful, but they have long since had no way out.

Because this is the Heavenly Judgment Arena, once you enter, you will never be able to leave, regardless of life or death!

If not, they still have the confidence to escape in such battles...

It is undoubtedly too late to say this now.


Lin Xun rushed over, and Gu Shaoyin fought to the death to fight against it, but in less than a moment, Lin Xun slapped him with a palm, his body exploded immediately, and the blood flew very high.

"Junior Brother, can you give me a way to survive?" Gu Shaoyin's Primordial Spirit hissed.


Lin Xun's words were cold, his palms and fingers were like a veil covering the sky, covering Gu Shaoyin's primordial spirit, and with a slam, Gu Shaoyin's primordial spirit was smashed.

Only the last Fu Chaosheng is left, and his mood is showing signs of collapse. Even if he is already at the immortal level, he can't help but feel remorse at this time.

If I had known this earlier, how could I have agreed to Lin Xun's appointment last night! ?

The battle broke out again, but there was no suspense anymore, and Fu Chaosheng was killed by one piece.

Before dying, his expression was full of bitterness, and he sighed: "Yuanjiao is not my pure land, and it will be a hundred after death..."

Outside, there was dead silence.

Everyone lost their voices and their minds were turbulent.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qi Lingzhen, Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin, and Fu Chaosheng, four immortal disciples of Yuankong Pavilion, fell in the battlefield of Tianjing!

And the one who killed them was Lin Xun, who just successfully survived the calamity today and proved immortal!

Everything is as unreal as a nightmare.

Rune Li, Qi Xiaoyun, Chi Wen, Yun Tianming and other big figures were all silent, but their faces became more gloomy and ugly.

In order to prevent Lin Xun from succeeding in the tribulation, they spent a lot of effort and used an unknown amount of power, but they failed.

No one could have imagined that Lin Xun's mood was so tenacious and tyrannical.

I thought that with the hands of Qi Lingzhen and the other four, Lin Xun could be eliminated in one fell swoop in this life-and-death confrontation, but in the end, the lives of Qi Lingzhen and the four were ruined.

And Lin Xun, became the final winner!

This made Rune Li and the others feel frustrated and sullen.

Immortal figures like Qi Lingzhen far surpassed those in the same realm from the outside world, and sooner or later will become the pillars of their respective clans.

But now, it's all ruined!

And Lin Xun is alive, which means that the immortal path he has embarked on will no longer be blocked in a short period of time!

Xuan Feiling, Duguyong, Fang Daoping, a kind of big man, were relieved and relieved. When they saw the faces of Rune Li and the others, they couldn't help laughing.

Fall short, probably so!

For Xuan Feiling and the others, as long as Lin Xun is alive, it is enough.

"Just won like that?"

Xuan Jiuyin was stunned, and some couldn't recover from the shock.


Next to Jin Tian Xuanyue's eyes shone brightly, she had expected this to happen, and she firmly believed that it would be the case.

Because in her heart, as long as Lin Xun wants to do things, there may be twists and turns, there may be accidents, but in the end it will never fail!


Qin Ruoling and other descendants of the ninth peak were extremely excited and their hearts were churning.

These days, the ninth peak has suffered a lot of repression, Ye Chunjun has been punished, the peak leader Qin Wuyu is being impeached, and even their disciples are in a very bad situation.

But at this moment, when they saw Lin Xun kill the opponents unceremoniously, the anger accumulated in their hearts was also vented, and they were extremely happy.

"From today, he will no longer be a pawn at the mercy of others."

Qin Wuyu sighed in his heart and was extremely pleased.

Step on immortality, you will have the background to fight against those big men, and you will become a chess player from the identity of a chess piece!

Undoubtedly, Lin Xun has achieved this step.

"Junior Brother Lin is magnificent!"

I don't know who was screaming uncontrollably, and the dead silence in the field was broken, followed by all kinds of noises resounding like boiling.

At this moment, in the Tianjing battlefield, the sturdy figure standing alone with his hands behind his back suddenly became the most dazzling focus of the audience.

In the middle of the day!


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