The Prodigies War

Chapter 2744: Tianjue Arena

Lin Xun's Tribulation was a success!

This fact is like an invisible slap in the face, slapped on the faces of Rune Li and the others, causing burning pain.

Before, they still regretted that they wanted to collect the ashes for Lin Xun and bury them well. They seemed to say that Lin Xun would die this time.

But at this moment, these words were like a slap on his face, and it hurts, and it's no wonder that his face looks good.

It can be said that Lin Xun's success in crossing the robbery means that all their previous plans and efforts have been in vain.

All the way to lose!

For these enemies, the most intolerable thing is that Lin Xun, the heir of the Fangcun who is waiting for Eternal to break through and enter immortality.

To this end, they have worked hard and painstakingly. Recently, they have frequently attacked all those related to Lin Xun within Yuanjiao, and even took action against other Fangcun heirs and Luo family outside Yuanjiao.

He even sent forces to the Ancient Starry Sky Road to capture Lin Xun's relatives and friends!

All these plans are to shake Lin Xun's state of mind and make him fail in the calamity.

But now, it's all empty talk.

The unspeakable frustration and unwillingness fermented in the hearts of these big men, making their faces increasingly gloomy and ugly.

Many people in the field were cheering and cheering for Lin Xun.

This made the silent Rune Li and the others seem out of place, and of course it also attracted the attention of big figures such as Xuan Feiling.

Seeing the unlucky and stinky faces of Rune Li and the others, they couldn't help but smile knowingly, the taste of failed planning, after all... not so good...

Under the sky.

Lin Xun stood alone, his figure was sturdy, and his whole body was surrounded by wisps of crystal clear immortal aura, which turned into an immortal god ring, brilliant and radiant, and guarded his whole person.

A dress fluttered in the wind, like a banished immortal.

At this moment, he is no longer the supreme emperor, but an immortal existence with the Taoism of Tianshou Realm!

Live with the sky, live forever!

He was feeling his qi in meditation.

This transcendence brought him an unprecedented transformation. The brand-new Taoism, laws, and power filled his body, which made him feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"Junior Brother Lin Xun, Senior Brother congratulates you on your success in proving the Dao and becoming immortal, but do you remember what you said last night?"

Suddenly, Qi Ling spoke in a deep voice, and the sound spread to the audience.

The eyes of big figures such as Xuan Feiling, who were originally smiling, suddenly froze, and they screamed badly.

But Rune Li and the others, who were feeling annoyed and angry, were refreshed, and they suddenly remembered one thing as if the sun was breaking through the clouds.


At the moment, Lin Xun, who has just broken the calamity and proved the Tao, has entered the realm of longevity from the supreme emperor. The new realm and the new power make him unable to truly exert the power of immortality in a short period of time.

At this time, a "veteran" like Qi Lingzhen who has been immersed in the Tianshou Realm for many years is enough to kill him easily!

The best part is that Lin Xun's battle is not only against Qi Lingzhen, but also Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin, and Fu Chaosheng!

Four young giants who have been proving immortality for many years, still can't destroy a "newcomer" who has just broken through the promotion?

Thinking of this, the inner haze of Rune Li and others was swept away, their spirits were full of energy, and their eyes were bright.

"of course I remember."

Under the sky, Lin Xun stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes glanced at Qi Lingzhen and the other four, and said, "Even if the brothers forget, I will not forget."

"Lin Xun, you've just broken through the truth, why are you so anxious to discuss with others?"

In the distance, Xuan Feiling frowned and reminded him to come to Japan for a long time.

Fang Daoping, Duguyong and others also looked at Lin Xun, which meant that they didn't want to let him succeed for a while.

"Everyone, if I remember correctly, it was Lin Xun who took the initiative to fight last night, not Qi Lingzhen and other disciples who deliberately chose to make things difficult for Lin Xun at this time."

Rune Li spoke up, but he didn't smile, "Qi Lingzhen and the others also asked me and the deputy pavilion master Qi Xiaoyun yesterday. I didn't want to see the same disciples cannibalize each other, but according to Qi Lingzhen They said that Lin Xun insisted on doing this, but in desperation, the two of us could only nod and agree."

Qi Xiaoyun next to him said solemnly: "Brother Fu said it well."

"This is an endless battle!"

Xuan Feiling said coldly, "It's too hasty for you to make such a decision. I won't agree to this matter!"

If you want to live and die in the Tianjue battlefield, you need the unanimous consent of the three deputy pavilion masters of Yuankong Pavilion, which means that as long as one person does not agree, such a battle cannot be carried out.

After all, they are all descendants of Yuanjiao, and the battle of life and death is too serious. Under normal circumstances, no one wants to see such a thing happen.

The faces of big figures such as Rune Li became gloomy.

"Junior brother, you promised me last night that you would let the deputy pavilion master Xuan Feiling agree to this appointment, but now..."

Qi Lingzhen sighed, and the words were full of excitement.

Xuan Feiling's eyes widened, and he was about to speak. Lin Xun had already said first: "Senior, I hope to complete this battle between me and your brothers!"

The words were calm and resounded throughout the audience, causing countless uproars.

In people's expectations, Lin Xun has just broken through the situation, and there is no need for such an endless confrontation. With the heritage and strength he showed when proving the Tao, and the immortal road he embarked on, he is destined to shine in the future.

But who would have thought that Lin Xun insisted on fighting at this time!


Xuan Feiling was a little angry, how could this kid be so confused!

"Brother Lin, this is not the time to joke around, don't be like this, you just shouldn't fight, who would dare to laugh at you in this Yuan Sect?" Xuan Jiuyin also tried to persuade him.

Jin Tianxuanyue, however, uncharacteristically did not dissuade him.

A long time ago, she used to follow Lin Xun's side and witnessed how Lin Xun turned things around in unfavorable situations.

In her heart, she already had a blind confidence in Lin Xun.

Just like this breakthrough, who would dare to believe that Lin Xun could survive such a terrifying catastrophe?

Right now, Lin Xun dares to insist so much, so that Jin Tianxuanyue can also be sure that his son must be sure!

It's just that she is only one person after all, big figures like Dugu Yong, Fang Daoping, Qin Wuyu, but it is difficult for Lin Xun to understand why Lin Xun insists so much.

"What if I don't agree?"

But he saw Xuan Feiling's gloomy face.

Lin Xun was silent for a moment, and was about to speak.

In the void, a snow-white jade slip suddenly appeared and came to Xuan Feiling. The latter was startled and took the jade slip and opened it.

Suddenly, Xuan Feiling raised his eyebrows, and his expression changed.

Everyone noticed this scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

And the big people present were all awe-inspiring, and they recognized that the aura on the snow-white jade slip came from the Yuankong Pavilion Master!

What is the pavilion master doing?

All eyes are on Xuan Feiling.

Xuan Fei Ling took a long time to put away the jade slip, took a deep breath, and said, "Forget it, since you insist so much, I will no longer refuse."

The whole place shook.

A jade slip actually changed the attitude of the deputy pavilion master Xuan Feiling!

And the hearts of those big men also rolled over, realizing that it was Pavilion Master Yuankong who changed Xuan Feiling's attitude!

However, no one knew whether he was helping Lin Xun or Rune Li and the others.

But no matter what, at this moment, Rune Li and others couldn't help laughing, feeling relieved and looking forward to it, as if they saw the scene where Lin Xun was killed.

And Lin Xun was also relieved. To be honest, if Xuan Feiling insisted on not agreeing to this appointment, he would have nothing to do.

Fortunately, it finally came true.

He looked at Qi Lingzhen and others in the distance, and said, "It's not too late, are you all ready?"

Qi Lingzhen smiled and said: "Why do you need to prepare, you can go to the heaven to fight!"

Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin, and Fu Chaosheng couldn't help laughing.

They were overjoyed and even a little unbelievable that this battle could be realized. After all, who doesn't know, Lin Xun just broke through?

Under such circumstances, isn't he courting death?

"Go, go to the Tianjing Arena!"

Rune Li and the others couldn't wait, worried about what would happen again, and immediately started action.

How could everyone present miss such a life-and-death confrontation?

They are also rushing to the Tianjue Arena like a tide.

"Really sure?"

Duguyong looked at Lin Xun and couldn't help asking.

Lin Xun nodded with a smile.

Dugu Yong, Fang Daoping, Xuan Feiling and others looked at each other and sighed in their hearts, knowing that they could no longer be persuaded, so they all took action.

"Sir, I believe in you."

Jin Tianxuanyue stepped forward, white clothes fluttering, and her beautiful face was full of seriousness, but in front of Lin Xun, she seemed extremely well-behaved.

"Xuan Yue still understands me best."

Lin Xun couldn't help laughing.

Farther away, Dugu, who was wearing a long cyan dress, looked at this scene leisurely, and felt a little uncomfortable and inexplicable in his heart.


Battlefield of Heaven.

Located on the bank of Yuankong Mountain, it has always been controlled by Yuankong Pavilion.

This arena is huge and looks like a land floating in the void. The whole body is pitch black and glowing with a strange metallic luster. The whole body is made of thousands of immortal divine materials and covered with ancient prohibitions. This arena cannot be destroyed.

At this time, all the great figures and descendants of Yuanjiao have arrived in a mighty manner, and dense figures surround the Tianjue Arena.

When Lin Xun arrived, the kid became the focus of the audience.

Everyone knows that once you step on the battlefield, there is no possibility of repentance and withdrawal, either life or death!

And Lin Xun's eyes looked at the Tianjing Arena, where Qi Lingzhen's flamboyant figure was already standing on it.

"Junior Brother, please!"

Qi Ling said loudly.

He was dressed in a bright yellow robe, his face was handsome, and he was surrounded by immortal law, like a god coming to the world, and his momentum was extremely amazing.

He has only practiced for three thousand years, and he is extremely young in the level of immortality.

Of course, it's also amazing.

But Lin Xun didn't act immediately, but frowned and said, "Why are you the only one? The four of you are the ones I'm dating."

The whole place was dumbfounded, almost stunned.

What does it mean?

Could it be that he still intends to play a one-on-four! ?


PS: The fifth update is posted first, and the sixth update is being written, it will be a bit late, about 10:30~

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