The Prodigies War

Chapter 2735 tearing the face

The thunder sounded like a horn of the end.

The world began to collapse, the world began to crack, and everything began to wither...

Unprecedented disasters have occurred in the cultivation civilization. The cultivation base of the cultivators began to decline, the body of the Tao began to decay, the soul began to dim, the state of mind began to fall, and the will began to collapse...

No matter how shocking Xiu is, even a giant on the road to immortality cannot be spared from such a catastrophe...

In the end, the world will perish, the heavens will collapse, and all things will perish!

Everything has returned to chaos, forever falling into darkness...

Seeing this, Lin Xun broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart was replaced by an indescribable terror.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down.

What I have seen before is actually a real epoch change, from the birth of an epoch to the demise of an epoch, the years are up and down, and there are endless changes.

Until the moment of demise, return to the original darkness and silence.

Among them, there are too many mysteries, such as the birth of all things in the world, the changes of the world, the rise and fall of civilization, the continuous evolution of the road...

All of them have hidden avenues of mystery!

In particular, the emergence of the immortal path is like the search for a long time, and finally a key is found, leading the world to a brilliant golden world.

But all of this disappeared in the end.

Disappeared in that catastrophe like doomsday!

Thinking of the scenes of demise that he saw before, Lin Xunwu had a lingering fear in his heart.

"Is it the Five Decaying Dao Tribulation..."

Lin Xun murmured in his heart, thinking of Di Shi Xie Shen, Wei Mingzi, the Spirit of Order Wushuang, and Mr. Lu.

They have all experienced era changes, and have survived to this era in the Five Decaying Dao Tribulations.

After a long time, Lin Xun raised his eyes and looked at the "Book of Era" floating in the void.

Only then did he understand that this immortal inheritance, which Yuanjiao regarded as the inheritance of Zhenjiao, was so different.

Lin Xun began to meditate cross-legged.

In my mind, I recalled what I had seen and felt before, and my heart began to scrutinize the mysteries and mysteries contained in it, gradually forgetting myself.

time flies.

Ten days later, Lin Xun quietly opened his eyes.

He stood up and probed into the Book of Era again.

It was still the darkness, chaos began to appear, the turbid air began to divide, and all things began to be born...

The birth of an era is like a magnificent picture scroll, and like an epic epic, one by one in Lin Xun's heart.

It's just different from the first time, he began to meditate to feel the mysteries in the changes of the era, to understand the changes before the immortal path appeared...

The mind is immersed in it, just like feeling the changes in the world in the long river, without realizing the passage of time.

In the end, the terrifying sound of thunder resounded again, the doomsday catastrophe came again, and the entire era fell into ruin.

Only this time, Lin Xun was well prepared and used all his strength to feel and realize.

Because he knows that even if the Five Decaying Dao Tribulation can destroy an era, there are living beings who can survive from it!

Such as Di Shi, Wei Mingzi, Wushuang, Mr. Lu...


Finally, at the moment when the era was shattered and everything would return to darkness, Lin Xun's mind keenly caught an anomaly.

In the emptiness, there is an obscure aura like eternity, dormant in the darkness!

Then, darkness descended, and everything was silent.

But Lin Xun finally knew that although the era was destroyed, some "eternal" auras did not dissipate, but dormant in the darkness, waiting for the coming of the next era!

"Are these breaths the power that can be obtained from the Eternal Realm?"

Lin Xun murmured.

He did not expect that from this book of the era, he would be able to comprehend such an incredible mystery!

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the Eternal Protoss of the Ninth Heaven Domain can not be afraid of the threat of the destruction of the era?" Lin Xun couldn't help but be shocked when he thought of this.

After a long time, Lin Xun meditated cross-legged again and began to meditate.

The Five Decaying Dao Tribulations and the eternal mysteries are, after all, too far away for him to figure out now.

The most urgent task is to realize the mystery of the road to immortality.

The beginning and prosperity of an era often means the emergence of an immortal path. Only by figuring out its mysteries and grasping the essence of this key is enough to make oneself transform!

Another ten days passed in a hurry.

Lin Xun, who was meditating cross-legged, got up again and probed into the Book of Era.

There are many mysteries that he has penetrated, but there are also some that are still vague and elusive.


Book Mountain.

Outside the old hall.

Jiang Ye sat in the rocking chair, his eyes closed, and said, "You'd better leave now."

A group of descendants stood there, looking indignant. They came to Shushan to read the classics, but they were blocked by Jiang Ye.

"Could it be that if he Lin Xun doesn't come out for a lifetime, we won't be able to enter the hall for the rest of his life?"

Someone said angrily.

"Don't worry, it can't be as long as a lifetime."

Jiang Ye still closed his eyes and said indifferently, "What's more, Lin Xuncai has only read it for three months, maybe he will come out soon."

In the end, these heirs had no choice but to leave.

Sitting in the rocking chair, Jiang Ye felt a little pressure in his heart.

It's been three months.

There are many descendants of the sect who come to Shushan, wanting to enter the hall to read the classics, but every time they are turned away by Jiang Ye.

This caused the dissatisfaction of many big people.

Even some old people in Yuanxu Pavilion were quite critical of this.

But Jiang Ye had to do this. It would be fine if he just entered the hall to borrow books. What makes people worry is that if someone's purpose is to destroy Lin Xun's retreat, the consequences will be serious.

these three months.

A lot of things happened in Yuanjiao, and the undercurrent was turbulent, most of which were aimed at Lin Xun.

Jiang Ye couldn't help but worry about whether Ruo Linxun's mood would be affected when he learned of some things that had happened in the past three months when he came out of the ninth hall.

Half a year after Lin Xun entered the ninth hall.

A big man has come to Shushan, Rune Li, the deputy pavilion master of Yuankong Pavilion!

"I have seen Pavilion Master Fu." Jiang Ye, who was lying in the rocking chair, did not dare to neglect, and stood up to salute.

He is just an elder, far less powerful than Rune Li.

"Lin Xun is still reading the Book of Era?"

Rune Li asked, expressionless, he was tall and thin, dressed in black robes, handsome in appearance, and a pair of eyes glowed with a palpitating mysterious light.

"Exactly." Jiang Ye nodded.

Rune Li asked again: "Because of his relationship, your Yuanxu Pavilion prevents other descendants from coming to borrow books?"

Jiang Ye was silent for a moment, then said: "The pavilion master must also know that when borrowing the Book of Era, the most taboo is to be disturbed by the outside world."

Rune Li snorted coldly: "In the past years, there have been many people who borrowed this book, but there are no rules, and others are not allowed to come and borrow the book. If you do this, where do you place the rules of the sect?"

Jiang Ye's heart sank, realizing that the other party came to Xing Shi to ask for guilt!

As the deputy pavilion master of Yuanxu Pavilion, Fu Wenli is in charge of criminal law. If he cares about this matter, it will be extremely difficult. It is definitely not that he, an elder of Yuanxu Pavilion, can compete.

"I can give you a chance to rehabilitate, but you'd better not stand in your way."

Saying that, Rune Li raised his foot and was about to walk towards the hall.

"Fu Pavilion Master, wait!"

Jiang Ye suddenly raised his head and said, "My duty is to guard the book mountain, even if you are the pavilion master, you can't break into this place arbitrarily!"

He had white hair in green clothes, his expression was calm, and he looked directly at Rune Li, not intending to take a step back.

Rune Li's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said, "I don't know how to praise you. If that's the case, then don't blame me for punishing you according to the rules of the sect!"

A terrifying coercion spread from him, making Jiang Ye's expression change.

But he still did not back down and said: "The Master Fu's words are bad, the rules on the book mountain have always been decided by me, Yuanxu Pavilion, if you want me to back down, you can, but it also needs my Yuanxu Pavilion's will. Row."

But he saw Rune Li nodded and said, "Okay, this is what you said."

The voice fell, and under the mountain of books, a figure appeared out of thin air, wearing a red robe, a white jade belt around his waist, and an alchemist's crown.

It is Chi Wen, the deputy pavilion master of Yuanxu Pavilion!

"Jiang Ye, why don't you step back?" When Chi Wenfu arrived, he became unhappy.

Jiang Ye's heart became more and more heavy, and the two deputy pavilion masters came together, and the situation became more and more bad.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: "The land of the mountain of books has always been in charge of this seat. When did you, Chi Wen, get involved?"


The void fluctuated, Dugu Yong's voice appeared, and he gave Chi Wen a cold look.

Jiang Ye was instantly relieved.

Chi Wen frowned and said, "Brother Dugu, there are no outsiders here. I just ask you, are you sure you want to be involved? Don't forget, your Dugu clan is still entrenched in the seventh heaven!"

This is undoubtedly a threat.

Duguyong said with a blank face: "Don't push me too hard, otherwise, I can do anything, and the consequences are yours to weigh."

Chi Wen's face sank, and his eyes turned to Rune Li on one side.

"Dugu Yong, remember what you said today." Run Li glanced at Dugu Yong and turned away.

Chi Wen also left together.

This made Jiang Ye feel a bit of a surprise, and he came aggressively, but now he just left?

Duguyong's eyes were cold and he said, "They didn't come to embarrass you at all, but to test my attitude. Now, they already know my attitude, so there is no need to stay."

"Does this mean that from this moment on, they have regarded you as an opponent?" Jiang Ye's face changed slightly.

"Sooner or later, you will have to tear your face, don't bother about it."

Dugu Yong said indifferently, "You just have to be optimistic about this place. No matter how arrogant they are, they will not dare to trample the rules of the sect at this time."

After all, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Ye stood there alone, silent for a while.

Did the situation become so tense just because Lin Xun was about to break through?

Rune Li, what are they afraid of?

Jiang Ye vaguely felt that the immortal path that Lin Xun was seeking was very likely to be extremely special, so special that Rune Li and Chi Wen, who had been hiding in the dark, couldn't sit still and wanted to stop all this!

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