The Prodigies War

The 2721st chapter takes the white cat as the pillow

Back then, when he was outside the mysterious world, Kong Jue was pierced through his chest by the Wang family's "Sword of Judgement" and was seriously injured on the verge of death.

Later, he was placed in Wuyuan Jianding by Lin Xun, and there has been no movement in these years.

At this time, Kong Jue woke up.

Lin Xun was about to invite Kongjue out, and the latter sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the wine gourd handed over by Lin Xun, and grabbing a burnt yellow animal leg and feasting on it.

Kong Jue's hair was disheveled and his body was dirty, but he looked very handsome.

Lin Xun looked at it carefully and finally felt relieved. The wounds on Kong Jue's body had obviously healed, but his mind was still confused, and his mood problems were still there.

Xia Zhi glanced at Kong Jue suspiciously, but did not ask.

But Lin Xun explained: "His name is Kong Jue, he is my uncle."

Xia Zhi nodded slightly, and continued to bury his head in all kinds of delicacies.

"Uncle Shi, do you still remember me?" Lin Xun asked tentatively.

Back in the days outside the mysteries, Kong Jue briefly recovered his sanity and Taoism, showing his terrifying and boundless power, killing those immortals to the point of shit.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Lin Xun couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

However, what disappointed him was that Kong Jue drank and ate meat on his own, ignoring him at all.

Lin Xun grabbed Kongjue's wine gourd and said, "Uncle, you really don't remember me? Back then, I took you away from Chaotian City."

"Drinking, I want to drink." Kong Jue was anxious, shouting to grab the wine gourd.

"Then answer my question, and I'll give you a drink." Lin Xundao.

Kong Jue looked at Lin Xun, but his eyes were full of confusion, and said, "I don't know who you are, but since you took me away, you will definitely not let me drink."

Lin Xun was speechless for a while, and returned the wine gourd to Kong Jue.

He quietly released his consciousness and swept into Kongjue's body to look at it, but found that his body was empty, and there was no trace of Taoism or strength at all.

"It's really weird. It seems that if Uncle Master's state of mind cannot be repaired, it is impossible for his sanity and Taoism to recover..."

Lin Xun pondered.

Back in the days of Nirvana Zizai Heaven, Master Fangcun's willpower once said that Kong Jue was in search of the way of immortality and supreme, causing problems in his state of mind.

And if you want to help him repair his Dao Heart, he should start with the Immortal Supreme Dao.

This also means that the only person in this world who can help Kong Jue is Lin Xun!

Because he is the unique lotus that the master of square inches waits for eternity, and has the order of nirvana. As long as he steps on the road of immortality in the future, he is destined to come into contact with the mystery of the immortal supreme road.

As the verse left by the Master of Square Cun says:

Immortal Supreme Road, Nirvana is free in heaven.

Eternal sinking into a calamity, only a lotus blossomed.

Every sentence of this verse contains a great deep meaning, which is closely related to Lin Xun's future path.

"When I set foot on the road of immortality in the future, I will definitely help my uncle to repair his mind. Master said, let me take you back to the ancient road of the stars in the future."

Lin Xun said softly.

Kong Jue turned a deaf ear, eating and drinking by himself, as if he didn't even know that Lin Xun was talking to him.

"The wine is good, and the food is good. Would you mind tasting it here too?"

Suddenly, a low and majestic voice sounded.

Lin Xun's body froze, and in his field of vision, he saw a fat big white cat who had walked in at some point. It walked slowly and silently, waving its fluffy tail gently.

While speaking, the big white cat was already squatting on one side, picking up a grilled fish with its paws and sipping it gently.

At this moment, Lin Xun's whole body was tense, his hair stood on end, and he couldn't calm down at all. How did this mysterious white cat come?

The restraining power around Cave Heaven and Paradise is like a fake!

Xia Zhi raised his head in doubt, glanced at the big white cat, but still did not speak.

As for Kong Jue, he didn't even look at the big white cat at all, and he drank very happily.

"This... this is a senior of my Yuan Sect ancestral court, don't be nervous." Lin Xun quickly explained to Xia Zhi.

However, he himself seemed very nervous.

No way, this big white cat with smooth and shiny fur has deadly power on it!

But whether it was the summer solstice, Kongjue, or the big white cat, they seemed to be very calm.

This scene saw Lin Xun's eyes widen, and after being stunned for a while, he calmed down a little.

The origin of the big white cat is definitely not simple. It came here this time, not just for food and drink, but Lin Xun couldn't guess why the other party came.

Is it the summer solstice?

Is it Uncle Kongjue?

Or Nirvana order?

"Anything else?" Xia Zhi suddenly asked.

The food has been wiped out, and as the summer solstice opened, Kong Jue and the big white cat also looked at Lin Xun.

Lin Xun's body froze slightly again, and said, "Of course there is."

Saying that, he took out all the delicacies related to eating and drinking that he had stored over the years.

Xia Zhi, Kong Jue, and the big white cat all immediately withdrew their gazes towards Lin Xun, and threw themselves back into eating and drinking.

It felt so weird that Lin Xun didn't know what to do for a while.

He has experienced countless storms, waves and dangers before, but he has never felt so restless for a moment.

After a long time, the drink made his cheeks flush, Kong Jue, whose eyes were blurred, hiccupped, let out a long sigh, and looked at the big white cat beside him for the first time.

Then, he reached out and picked up the fat body of the big white cat and put it on the ground, while he raised his head and rested on the big white cat.

This scene made Lin Xunzhi break into a cold sweat and almost tried to stop it.

And when he saw that the big white cat had not resisted from beginning to end, Lin Xun couldn't help being stunned, what's the situation?

"Lin Xun, I want to sleep too."

The summer solstice is also eaten, and the sound is clear.


Lin Xun was absent-minded, all his thoughts were on Kong Jue and the big white cat, worried that something unpredictable might happen.

Xia Zhi didn't notice anything at all, and went to sleep on the bed on the side of the cave.

"Brother Dao, you really don't remember me?"

The big white cat Qingbi's eyes filled with sadness and disappointment, and his voice became low and desolate, "Back then, you and I were like before, drinking, eating meat, and chatting on the avenues, how fun it is, now, I You have fallen into a state where you are neither human nor ghost, but you are also insane, and you have no mind..."

At the end, it let out a long sigh.

Kong Jue, who was cradling the big white cat, made a sound of slumber, his scruffy and unkempt hair was in stark contrast to the snow-white and silky fur.

Only then did Lin Xun suddenly realize that the big white cat came for Master Kong Jue!

And it seems that the two should be old friends!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun felt a lot at ease, but he was thinking that Uncle Kong Jue was the first group of leaders to go to the eternal realm in Taikoo. He was regarded as a "leader" in Taikoo. Respect it.

It is conceivable that after arriving in the eternal real world, with the ability of Uncle Kong Jue, he will definitely break through the famous hall!

Back then, in Nirvana Zizai Heaven, Master once said that Uncle Kong Jue was bewitched by the immortal giant of the Eighth Heaven Domain, so he came to Nirvana Zizai Heaven in order to seize the fortune related to the Immortal Supreme Road.

And those who can be bewitched by the immortal giants of the Eighth Heaven Domain are destined to not be ordinary people!

After all, let alone being bewitched by ordinary people, they don't even have the chance to be used for their worth...

At this time, Big White Cat's words undoubtedly proved from the side that Master Kong Jue must have had an extremely glorious past in the Eternal Realm.

The summer solstice falls asleep soundly.

Empty and sound asleep.

In this paradise, only Lin Xun and the big white cat are left awake.

The big white cat is obviously reminiscing about the past, and his eyes are full of sentimentality and loss.

Even though Lin Xun had countless doubts in his heart, he still refrained from disturbing the other party.

"Lin Xun."

After a long time, the big white cat looked at Lin Xun with its green eyes, and it had taken on a majestic color.

It's just that Kongjue's body is pillowed, and its majestic image is obviously reduced a lot.

"What advice does the senior have?"

Lin Xundao.

"Don't let her and him appear in Yuanjiao."

The big white cat said, "Even if you have the Nirvana order, you can't do this anymore."

Lin Xun's pupils narrowed slightly, but his heart was already tumbling, unable to calm down. After so many years of cultivation, the big white cat is the first to see that he has the Nirvana order!

"The power of the order of the Yuan religion has long exceeded the scope of the heavens. Even if the order of Nirvana can be resisted, it will cause fluctuations in the order of the Yuan religion."

The big white cat said solemnly, "I'm here this time, and I didn't let others notice the clue, but next time...but it's hard to guarantee that others won't notice it."

Lin Xun's face changed slightly, only then did he realize that it was when he released Xia Zhi from Wuyuan Sword Cauldron that caused the reaction of the Yuanjiao order, and the confrontation of the Nirvana order seemed to resolve the Yuanjiao order, but this was abnormal The change has attracted the attention of the big white cat.

That's what makes it so attractive!

"Thank you for the reminder, senior." Lin Xun said seriously, "It's just that the junior doesn't know the name of the senior, can I tell you?"

The big white cat shook his head: "Let's talk about it later. Originally, this seat will only see you after you have embarked on the road of immortality. This time it was just an accident."

Saying that, it shook its body, got rid of Kong Jue's head, stood up, and walked out of the cave.

Clearly planning to leave.


Lin Xun was full of doubts, and he didn't ask, how could he be willing to let the other party go like this.

Just the next moment, the big white cat disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace or breath.

This made Lin Xun speechless.

They have already recognized Master Kong Jue, so is it necessary to be so mysterious?

At this moment, the low and majestic voice of the big white cat resounded in Lin Xun's heart: "If you want to rise up in Yuan Sect as soon as possible, grab the opportunity and go to Yuankong Pavilion to practice as soon as possible."

"Yuankong Pavilion?" Lin Xundun was surprised.

"How can you be so stupid, to become the deputy pavilion master of Yuankong Pavilion, you can also compete for the position of Yuanqing Pavilion owner. Compared with entering Yuanqing Pavilion, Yuankong Pavilion can give you more opportunities." The voice of the big white cat It resounded in Lin Xun's heart again.

Lin Xun was suddenly stunned.


PS: The second one will be a bit late.

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