The Prodigies War

Chapter 2669 Promise Divine Treasure

"This is your trophy."

Lu Boya remembered something and handed a storage treasure to Lin Xun.

Lin Xun opened it and saw that there are more than ten pieces of Immortal Dao Soldiers alone!

In addition, there are still many divine materials containing immortal substances, and the value is equally astonishing.

Lin Xun was surprised for a while, these immortal existences were too rich.

He is only a thin line away from stepping into the realm of immortality. At that time, if he wants to completely temper the sword cauldron into an immortal Taoist soldier, the immortal material needed will probably be extremely amazing.

And the loot was exactly what he needed.

"I have ordered that if there is nothing important, no one will come to disturb you. During this time, you can stay at Jianjia Peak with peace of mind."

Lu Boya warned again, then got up and left.

Lin Xun got up from the bed and exhaled a long breath.

It has been a month, and his dao and spirit have recovered a lot, but he is still very weak, and it will take at least three or five months to fully recover.

"If you don't encounter a fatal threat in the future, you can't fight like this anymore..."

Lin Xun secretly warned himself.

The battle with Wen Tianshang and other immortal figures, although he won in the end, the price was too great.

The order of the eighth-rank Purple Ting was exhausted, and even his own strength and vitality were exhausted, and he fainted directly in the battlefield.

This is fortunately in the Luo family. If it were any other place, if there was another enemy casually, it would kill him!

The outside world is turbulent, but all this has nothing to do with Lin Xun.

From this day on, he hardly left Jianjiafeng for half a step.

Recuperate, cultivate, deduce the nine forbidden formations of the Promise Divine Book...

Occasionally, Lu Boya, Luo Xiao, and Luo Qingheng would come to drink and chat with him. Most of the conversations were related to cultivation, and they rarely mentioned external matters.


Time flies by in a hurry.

months later.

Jianjia Peak, the sea of ​​​​clouds, and the swaying pines and bamboos.

Lin Xun dressed in a white shirt and sat on a cliff at will, with the Wuji Divine Book quietly suspended in front of him, exuding desolate, vast and mysterious fluctuations.

At this moment, his expression was calm, and his hands were constantly clasping, condensing one after another obscure and mysterious method.

In front of him, the surface of the Promise Divine Book shone brightly, reflecting the pattern of the forbidden array of layers of Taoism.


Not long after, one of the forbidden formations suddenly released a turbulent flame, and hundreds of millions of runes flickered and circulated, interpreting the infinite mystery.

Vaguely, there is a god-like phantom standing in the center of the flame road forbidden formation, wearing an emperor's crown, wearing a red robe, a sturdy figure, and the power is raging and violent, like a god of flames born in the innate!

With the appearance of this god-like phantom, the entire Dao pattern forbidden formation resonated, and thousands of primitive mysteries related to the Dao of Fire were derived.

In the end, this flaming forbidden formation turned into a pattern of Dao patterns, and it floated beside Lin Xun, guarded by endless flames.

Soon, with Lin Xun's hands clasping together, among the nine forbidden formations covered by the Promise Divine Book, another forbidden formation roared into the air.

This forbidden array of water tumbling, like the water encompassing all the heavens, interprets the wonders of all waters in the world. The endless Dao patterns sometimes tumbling and rushing, sometimes calm like a mirror, sometimes setting off monstrous water waves, sometimes like spring wind and rain...

Indistinctly, a figure emerged from the forbidden pattern, dressed in a mysterious robe, with a blurred figure, surrounded by countless water currents, majestic and mighty, like a congenital god in charge of the water in the world?!

Soon, this forbidden formation also turned into a pattern of Dao patterns, suspended in front of Lin Xun's body.

In the following time, forbidden formations emerged one after another from the Book of Promise God, derived the mysteries of the original Dao patterns such as gold, wood, earth, wind, thunder, etc., and finally turned into Dao patterns. The pattern surrounds Lin Xun.

Until the patterns formed by the nine forbidden formations were arranged in the shape of nine palaces and surrounded Lin Xun's body, countless enlightenments suddenly appeared in his heart.

The nine forbidden formations are the nine basic formations inherited from Mr. Lu's division.

They are called "Nine Great Gods?"!

They are Qing Emperor Wood Emperor God, White Emperor Golden Emperor God, Black Emperor Water Emperor God, Chi Emperor Fire Emperor God, and Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor God.

These five gods are also known as the Five Elements Gods.

Then came the Emperor Xun, the God of Wind, the God of the Demon Ancestor Spirit, the God of Ziwei, the Emperor of the East, and the God of Thunder, the Emperor Xuan.

Together with the Five Elements God, it has become a supreme and unpredictable inheritance of Dao pattern!

At this time, Lin Xun's heart moved.

In the pattern of the nine gods surrounding the body, suddenly there are shadows of gods, emperors and emperors, all of them are imposing and mighty, and they are like gods!


Lin Xun's eyes suddenly opened, his tongue burst into thunder, and he uttered an obscure and strange syllable.


At this moment, the surface of the god floating in the void suddenly released hundreds of millions of dao patterns. These dao patterns are like a dense and vast starry sky, densely packed and almost endless.

They continuously cycled, combined, and constructed arrays, and then these arrays continued to evolve and echo, and finally combined into a brand new god?!

All of a sudden, all the gods roared into action, blazing brightly, shooting out a rain of billions of gods' rays of light, reflecting this mysterious space brilliantly and splendidly.

Among them, there are bright, dark, blurred and illusory stars, the quiet and faint light of annihilation, and the ever-changing spirit of creation, gorgeous and flamboyant to the extreme.

Watching this scene, Lin Xun felt more and more insights.

"Nine great gods, each formed into a system, but echoing each other, with different derivations, they can be combined into different gods array diagrams..."

"Such as the god of light? The god of darkness? The god of stars? And so on..."

"The way is infinite, and the gods are also infinite!"

Until later, with Lin Xun's continuous deduction of tricks, the nine gods continued to blend, evolve, and gradually merge into one.

It was at this moment that the Promise Divine Book glowed, producing peculiar fluctuations, and it flew up, blending with the nine great gods who had merged into one.


In a roar like the beginning of chaos, a mysterious god appeared in the book of the infinite gods.

This god is in chaos, with billions of dao lines, endlessly circulating, and different mysterious trajectories are evolving all the time, making people feel upset and want to cough up blood just by looking at them.

Because it is so vast, it seems to hide all the mysteries of the heavens and the sky in it.

At this time, even if the emperor is here, there will be a feeling of heart palpitations like the soul being swallowed!

And in Lin Xun's eyes, this god? It can be said to have taken all the good fortune. It is too mysterious and terrifying, like the source of the Dao pattern of the heavens.

It was also at this moment that Lin Xun realized that this god's name was "Wuji"!

The avenue is infinite, the Dao pattern is endless!

And this is also the core inheritance that belongs to Mr. Lu's division.

I don't know when, Lu Boya's figure appeared not far away, and he had a panoramic view of this scene, and there was a look of relief and excitement in his expression.

"Master, although I didn't really inherit the Promise God?, but now I finally have a successor who can inherit it!"

Lu Boya murmured in his heart.

He didn't tell Lin Xun that in the countless years he has been practicing since his apprenticeship, he has only mastered some of the mysteries of the nine gods, but has never truly integrated these nine gods.

And this has also prevented him from being able to touch the mystery of "The Promise God?"

I have to say that this is a regret, a regret that has been buried in Lu Boya's heart for many years.

And now, this regret has completely dissipated as Lin Xun opened the Wuji Divine Book and mastered the Wuji God!

until a few days later.

Lin Xuncai woke up from his perception.

At this time, all the secrets of the inheritance of the Promise God have been obtained by him!

"Wuji Divine Book, Wuji God?... It turns out that the Dao pattern is the rune, the spiritual pattern, the trace of the Dao, the cornerstone of the rules, and the origin of the forbidden array..."

Lin Xun's heart surged with unprecedented joy, mastering the inheritance of Wuji God was like opening the door to a new world!

Strictly speaking, Wuji God? is an extremely unique inheritance, and the way of prohibition it expounds is precious in the word "Wuji".

Because the heavens and the myriad ways are vast and infinite, and the traces of the Dao branded are endless, and all of these can be derived into Dao patterns, condensed into Dao maps, and combined into Dao formations!

And the cornerstone of Wuji God is the "Nine Great Gods".

As Dao Xing gets deeper and deeper, more and more incredible Dao pattern mysteries can be deduced from Wuji God, and more and more powerful forbidden formation forces can be constructed.

This is the meaning of the word Infinite!

"I really don't know this Promise God? Whose hand did the inheritance come from? It's so incredible..."

At this moment, Lin Xun couldn't help but sigh, with a shocking taste.

"Looking for children."

Lu Boya has been waiting until now, before opening his mouth with a smile, "From now on, I will have nothing to give you in the spirit runes. With this Wuji God? Inheritance, you will be able to stand out from the blue in the future. better than blue."

Lin Xun got up quickly and asked Lu Boya to take a seat.

"If there is no Mr. Lu, how can I be today." Lin Xun said with a smile.

Lu Boya also laughed, and after talking with Lin Xunpan for a while, he said: "Xun'er, you have a sword cauldron that can fight against the power of order, and now you have mastered the inheritance of Wuji God, I would suggest that you go to Chaos Haixuan Take a walk in the forbidden realm."

"The Realm of Profound Forbidden?" Lin Xun was surprised.

"Yes, that forbidden area is formed by the forbidden order that was born in the innate. There are nine kinds in total, all of which are above the heavenly rank. Among them, the forbidden order gave birth to the spirit of order. The sword of evil is refined by the order of prohibition that has been surrendered."

When Lu Boya said this, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, "Unfortunately, at the beginning, my ability was limited and I couldn't surrender the spirit of order."

Lin Xun was shocked when he heard that, there were nine innate forbidden orders, and one of the forbidden orders gave birth to the Spirit of Order!

That Profound Forbidden Realm is too miraculous!

He had personally experienced the power of the Sword of Forbidden Death, and he used this sword to kill immortal figures such as Pei Ru, He Boyang, Yu Huai, and Luo Chong one by one.

But now, according to what Mr. Lu said, if the spirit of the forbidden order can be surrendered, then the meaning is completely different!

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