The Prodigies War

Chapter 2642: Li Fuyao?

A supreme emperor is enough for the top ten giants of the eighth heaven to compete to recruit!

The Luo family's branch exhausted all resources, and it was worthwhile to accumulate such a supreme emperor as Luo Feng.

After all, the general immortal imperial clan wants to use resources to smash a supreme emperor ancestor, but also depends on luck.

Unfortunately, all of this was nothing in Lin Xun's eyes.

Strictly speaking, the power under the immortal level has been ignored by Lin Xun at all!

However, one thing Lu Boya said caught Lin Xun's attention.

The first is the Promise Divine Book, which is one of the six treasures left by the Lord of Heaven.

This is a rare treasure. There are nine volumes in total, and each volume is drawn with a secret map related to the spirit pattern.

And according to Lu Boya's statement, the treasure of the Promise Divine Book is actually a treasure inherited from the master's sect that he got from the last era!

"Mr. Lu, my mother said that you were a teacher of a hidden talisman sect from the last era?" Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

Lu Boya nodded, with a look of reminiscence in his expression, and said: "Yes, from the day I became a teacher and cultivated, I was warned by my master not to mention things related to the sect in this life, otherwise, it is very likely that I will provoke me. An unimaginable catastrophe."

Speaking of this, Lu Boya showed a weird and helpless smile, "I later found out that Shizun lied to me. He was worried that I would do something wrong under the name of Shimen, so he warned me like this."

"However, I have never complained about Master, and it is under his teaching that I have mastered the most unique Talismanic inheritance in the world from an ordinary wild boy."

In the voice, there is gratitude and admiration from the heart.

"Mr. Lu, can you tell me in detail about your apprenticeship?" Lin Xun couldn't help but become more and more curious, because his Taoist skills were inherited from Lu Boya.

Over the years, relying on the inheritance of these Dao patterns, he has helped him resolve many dangers and dangers.

It also made Lin Xun deeply realize how difficult the inheritance of these Taoist patterns is, because in these years of Taoism career, he has never seen any kind of Taoist pattern inheritance in this world, which can be comparable to what he has mastered. .

As Mr. Lu said, this heritage is unique because it does not belong to this era at all!

"It's okay to tell you, my master's surname is Li, and my name is Fuyao..."

Lu Boya's eyes filled with trance, as if immersed in memories from a long time ago.

"Li Fuyao..." Lin Xun secretly said, this name is not bad.

"Master Xiang claims to be a sword cultivator. In fact, Master's kendo skills are indeed terrifying... Anyway, in my years of cultivation, I have never seen anyone who can block Master's sword, even if it is known as a great master. The supreme figure of the capable person... also can't do it!"

"But Shizun often said that although his swordsmanship is strong, he is not as good as his younger brother..."

When Lu Boya said this, he couldn't help but sigh, "Unfortunately, the master never said who his little junior brother is."

Lin Xun couldn't help but be surprised: "Since they are brothers from the same school, why don't you want to mention their names?"

"I don't know."

Lu Boya smiled bitterly, and immediately he showed a sentimental look, saying, "Before the era of the era, the master told me that the era of the era of destruction is coming, he is going to help the master's battle, and let me be careful in the future. "

"And I specifically said that the Promise Divine Book is the highest biography of our teacher's sect.

Inheriting the secret treasure, with this thing, it should be enough to help me survive the destruction of the era..."

"But although I survived, I still don't know where the master went to fight back then, and whether he survived..."

Lu Boya's expression became more and more disappointed, "The funny thing is, I still don't know the origin of the master's door where the master is located..."

Lin Xun was stunned for a while, and said, "So, the teacher's sect where this senior Li Fuyao lives is indeed mysterious enough."

Lu Boya laughed, shook his head and discarded his distracting thoughts, and said, "These are all things from the past, and they are things from the last era. Now, it doesn't make much sense to talk about them. I just want to tell you that this time I went to Luo's house,

In any case, we must take back the Promise Divine Book! "

There was determination in his voice, "After your great-grandfather saved me back then, I made up my mind that I must choose a descendant from his descendants. One is to repay my kindness, and the other is not to let my teacher's inheritance be cut off."

"In the beginning, I chose your grandfather. Although he has never awakened his innate power, it is no problem to cultivate a spirit pattern."

"But I didn't expect that when he was about to inherit the position of the patriarch, there would be a sudden change, so that the sword of light and shadow, the divine stone of talent, and the divine book of Wuji that he had mastered were also taken away by Luo Chong."

"Fortunately, your comprehension is good, and you have followed me to cultivate a spiritual pattern since childhood. When you take back the Wuji Divine Book in the future, it will be enough to keep the incense of my teacher's sect alive forever."

When Lu Boya said this, his expression was full of relief.

When he was young, he was just an ordinary wild boy with mediocre aptitude, and it was only by chance that he was accepted as an apprentice by his master.

In comparison, Lin Xun's talent is much stronger than his!

In Lu Boya's view, as long as he can inherit the Promise Divine Book, his future accomplishments in the spiritual pattern must be above him.

Lin Xun took a deep breath and replied solemnly: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will not disappoint you!"

Immediately, Lin Xun hesitated: "Mr. Lu, I still have a doubt in my heart that I want to ask."

"you say."

"Back then, my grandfather and Luo Chong were fighting for the patriarch's seat, even if my grandfather was inferior to Luo Chong in every aspect, but he was the direct son of his great-grandfather after all, and behind him stood a group of old people from the main line of the Luo family, but why was Luo Chong usurping power ?"

Lin Xun was very puzzled.

Luo Qingxun once said that before inheriting the patriarch's position, his father Luo Xiao disappeared mysteriously and his whereabouts were unknown, which gave Luo Chongke an opportunity.

But at that time, the old man of the Luo family's main line didn't realize that this was most likely a conspiracy?

In other words, why can't we wait until the truth about Luo Xiao's disappearance is found out before choosing the patriarch?

There must be something strange about this!

There was a hint of mockery in Lu Boya's expression, and he said, "Your mother didn't tell you the truth. I'm afraid you are worried that you will look down on those old people who are the main line of Luo family. Since you asked, it's okay for me to tell you."

"When your mother and your uncle were still young, Luo Chong, who was the same generation as your grandfather, had the Daoxing of the emperor's ancestors, but he never got married and had children."

"Before inheriting the position of the patriarch, not long after your grandfather disappeared, there was a woman suddenly beside Luo Chong."

Hearing this, Lin Xun narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is there something wrong with this woman?"

"Yes, the origin of this woman is mysterious, and her methods are even better.

It is incomparable. Many immortal figures from the Seventh Heaven Domain have been summoned to come to the Luo family, saying that they are coming to visit and be guests, but they are actually cheering for Luo Chong! "

"After this woman showed such a background and power, she immediately released rumors that she would become a Taoist partner with Luo Chong, and promised that as long as Luo Chong became the head of the Luo family, she would do her best to help the Luo family rise, at least not suffer any more. To the exclusion of other immortal emperors in the seventh heaven domain."

"Those elders of the main line of the Luo family agreed?" Lin Xun also frowned.

Lu Boya sighed: "At that time, the Luo family was already in a state of failure and was in a bad situation. It was crowded out by the Seventh Heaven Domain, and if no changes were made, it was very likely that it would no longer be able to gain a foothold in the Seventh Heaven Domain. "

"At that time, your grandfather's whereabouts were unknown, and the old people from the main line of the Luo family... also agreed to this..."

The voice got lower a little bit.

Hearing this, Lin Xun felt uncomfortable for a while. These old people from the main line of the Luo family were too confused. How ridiculous was they pinning their hope of preserving the status of the Luo family on a woman of unknown origin?

"The situation of the Luo family at that time was indeed not optimistic, and the means that the woman and Luo Chong showed were also very powerful, and they swore to guarantee many things, which made the whole clan excited, thinking that they saw the hope of re-emergence. ."

Lu Boya's expression was complicated, "At that time, your mother and uncle were young and had no ability to stop this, and I was investigating the disappearance of your grandfather outside. took over the power of the patriarch."

Lin Xun also sighed in his heart, how is the practice of these Luo family mainline elders different from seeking skin with a tiger?

"However, even if I was there at that time, I'm afraid I couldn't stop all this, because I promised your great-grandfather that I would never interfere in the internal affairs of the Luo family."

Lu Boya laughed at himself, "This may be called cocooning yourself. I didn't even expect that your great-grandfather would suddenly suffer, and I didn't expect that the Luo family would become so chaotic and unbearable..."

Lin Xun comforted: "Mr. Lu, at least you helped my mother and uncle escape from the Luo family back then, that's enough."

He was worried about Lu Boya's self-blame, and immediately changed the subject, saying: "It's just that after Luo Chong became the patriarch, it didn't seem to change the fate of the Luo family being expelled from the Seventh Heaven Domain. Could it be that the woman changed her mind?"

Lu Boya sneered: "It was not long after I returned to the Eternal Realm a few years ago that I found out the news. Not long after Luo Chong took over the position of the patriarch, under the instruction of the woman, he immediately overturned all the previous guarantees and ordered Suppressing and imprisoning all the old people in the main line of the Luo family, other people in the main line of the Luo family are also implicated, and they are all in a bad situation, like prisoners under the order."

"Later I learned that the woman and Luo Chong became a Taoist companion, and the purpose of supporting him as the patriarch was for the secret realm, the sword of fortune and the coffin of eternity left by your great-grandfather!"

"But you also know that these three treasures were taken away by me, your mother, and uncle, so that the woman's wishful thinking was in vain, how could she sincerely help the Luo family to stand firm in the Seventh Heaven Domain ?"

After listening, Lin Xun understood completely, and couldn't help sneering: "I'm afraid those Luo family members didn't expect that the woman who shared the bed with their patriarch had hidden evil intentions from the very beginning, right?

There was an undisguised sneer in the voice.


ps: make up later. (=Easy to read novels)

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