The Prodigies War

Chapter 2617 Heartbroken Peng Tianxiang

The sixth day domain.

Should be windy city.

in a restaurant.

Peng Tianxiang sat alone by the window, drinking and drinking, feeling unhappy.

"You said, does the ruthless person from the square-inch mountain forest really have the courage to come to the Sixth Heaven Domain?" There was a loud discussion in the distance.

"I don't know if he dares to come. I only know that in this sixth heaven, the immortal emperors of Wen, Heng, He, Luo, Zhu, etc. have all become the laughing stock of the world."

Someone whispered.

The expressions of many people present became strange.

Since Lin Xun appeared in the first day domain, a group of immortal emperors all dispatched their forces, and there was a great movement in the sixth day domain, which attracted much attention.

Countless people are speculating as to when Lin Ruren will be killed, and under which immortal imperial clan he will die.

Only no one thought that Lin Xun was still alive.

Because the power gathered by the immortal emperors is really too terrifying, so terrifying that people can't see any hope of living from Lin Xun.

However, no one thought that under this chase, Lin Xun not only survived miraculously, but also killed all the way from the first day domain to the fifth day domain!

What is even more incredible is that even though many immortal emperors set up a net of heaven and earth, in the end, they still failed to kill Lin Xun in the fifth heaven.

On the contrary, those immortal emperors who were struggling to find no trace of Lin Xun were the first to be defeated and returned after years of waiting and exhaustion!

This incident has now spread in the Sixth Heaven Domain, causing a lot of uproar, making those immortal emperors lose face and become a joke.

"If I were Lin Ruren, I would definitely not come to the Sixth Heaven Domain. It's too dangerous. After all, this is the base camp of those immortal emperors. They would have given up their ruthless words a long time ago. If Lin Ruren dared to appear, they would surely let him die. No corpse."

Someone sighed.

"Everyone will say anything about threats, but the point is, how could a character like Lin Ruren be afraid of these threats? Don't look at how he got here? As long as you are an enemy, it doesn't matter what your identity is. No matter what status you are, you can kill it!"

Someone opened his mouth leisurely, with a look of admiration.

"Everyone, you're wrong, in the fifth heaven, Lin Ruren could only be a tortoise with a shrunken head, and he didn't dare to show any traces at all, otherwise, how could he possibly survive? Based on this inference, even if he is real If you have the courage to enter the Sixth Heaven Domain, you will continue to act as a shrinking turtle, and you will not dare to sway the market, otherwise, when his identity is exposed, it will be the day of his suffering!"

Some people analyzed it calmly, and many people agreed.

The sixth sky is like a watershed, and it is completely different from the fifth and the sky below.

Just the number of immortal emperors entrenched in this world has reached an astonishing twenty-four!

If you compare the vastness of the territory and the number of cultivators, it is far from comparable to the fifth heaven and the world below.

And the immortal imperial clan that Lin Xun has sinned against, such as Wen, Heng, He, Zhu, Luo... add up to at least ten.

That is to say, in the Sixth Heaven Domain, half of the Immortal Imperial Clan are all enemies of Lin Xun!

Under such circumstances, even if Lin Xun entered the sixth heaven, how could he dare to show his face?

Don't say it's him, even if it's an immortal existence, I'm afraid I'll have to shrink back!

"Brother Lin, Lin Xun, no wonder you are treated differently by Miss Youran. Back then, when you were in the Great Thousand Battle Territory, who would have imagined that you could achieve such a great reputation?"

Listening to people's discussions, Peng Tianxiang couldn't help but think of the years he met with Lin Xun in the Great Thousand Battlefield, and he was filled with emotion.

"It's a shame that Yun Luohong, when he was at the ninth immortal gate, took Miss Youran away by force, otherwise, we would definitely not parted so quickly..."

Peng Tianxiang felt depressed again.

Back then, Yun Luohong, who was the ancestor of the supreme emperor, appeared and took Dugu leisurely away. Peng Tianxiang didn't feel anything at that time.

But until he returned to the eternal real world and planned to use the power of his clan to go to the seventh heaven and continue to chase Dugu leisurely,

It was only then that he discovered that even if he was a direct descendant of the Peng family, he was not able to go casually.

In this way, it is impossible for him to see Dugu Lean again, and until now, he can only sit here drinking boring wine.


Suddenly, Peng Tianxiang glanced inadvertently, and through the window, he saw a familiar figure flashing across the bustling and bustling street.

It's just that when he was about to identify it carefully, that familiar figure had already disappeared into the vast crowd.

"Could it really be..."

Peng Tianxiang frowned, and immediately remembered something, he got up and hurried to the outside of the restaurant.

The streets are crowded with traffic, noisy and lively, and creatures from different ethnic groups gather, with all kinds of strange appearances, and it is undoubtedly difficult to find someone under such circumstances.

But Peng Tianxiang ignored it and chased in the direction where the silhouette disappeared, and his heart was filled with indescribable excitement.

"If it is really him, then he is too bold!"

Peng Tianxiang searched as he walked.

"Peng Tianxiang?"

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of him.

Peng Tianxiang paused in his footsteps, looked up, and saw that blocking him was a red-robed man with long gray hair and a youthful appearance.

He is tall and slender, standing there at will, but like a moat, giving people an unshakable sense of oppression.

Peng Tianxiang's pupils shrank and said, "Who are you?"

This is Yingfeng City, which belongs to the territory of Tianqing Shenzhou, and the Peng family is the overlord of Tianqing Shenzhou!

In other words, in Tianqing Shenzhou, the Peng family is respected!

Therefore, although he was stopped by a stranger, Peng Tianxiang was not panicked.

"My name is Yu Ting, and this time I was ordered to come here and send a message to Young Master Peng."

The gray-haired man in red robe smiled slightly, his eyes scrutinized, and he looked up and down at Peng Tianxiang.

This unbridled scrutiny made Peng Tianxiang feel uncomfortable for a while, and frowned, "Speak quickly if you have something to say."

The red-robed man smiled disapprovingly, flipping the palm of his hand, revealing jewels the size of pigeon eggs.

All of a sudden, Peng Tianxiang's face changed suddenly, as if he had suffered great irritation, his eyes were red, and he stared at the red-robed man who claimed to be Yuting, and said, "How could these 'world news spirit beads' fall into your hands? !?"

World News Lingzhu!

A kind of mystical treasure that can transmit messages across realms, and through special secret techniques, it can convey the world news bead from this realm to another realm.

In fact, it is no different from sending a letter, except that the "World News Spirit Bead" can be transmitted between the two heavenly domains.

The value of these treasures is so precious, each one is worth a million first-class Eternal Void Source Crystals, and ordinary cultivators are not willing to buy them at all.

"It seems that these 'world news spirit beads' are indeed from your handwriting."

Yu Ting ignored Peng Tianxiang's anger completely, and laughed to himself, but that smile was already full of ridicule and sarcasm.

"I have to say, you are quite infatuated, but your writing is too poor, and there are some unsightly words between the lines, just like crazy dreams, ridiculous, and fortunately you didn't let Miss Youran see, otherwise, she would be afraid It would also be deeply... disgusting."

"You... you actually peeked at my World News Spirit Orb!?"

Peng Tianxiang only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and an indescribable anger surged up his whole body.

"This is on the street. If you are angry, if it spreads to other people, it will be a heinous crime."

Yu Ting suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on Peng Tianxiang's shoulder. The latter couldn't dodge, and his entire body's strength was firmly imprisoned in an instant, and he could no longer move at all.

This made him startled and calmed down a little, but his expression was still extremely ugly, and said, "No wonder you have been so slow to reply to me all these years, it turned out to be blocked by you! Who are you and why? To do this to me?"

Yu Ting said disdainfully, "If it wasn't for you who have been writing these nonsense all these years, do you really think I'd pay attention to such an over-the-top toad?"

Peng Tianxiang's face turned red all of a sudden, his dignity was greatly trampled and humiliated, and hissed: "What do you want to do?"

Yu Ting's eyes flashed a frightening cold light, stared at Peng Tianxiang, and said, "My young master asked me to tell you that such a noble person as Miss Youran is not something you can care about, and dare to live again in the future. Some thoughts that you shouldn't have, you will die ugly."

There was unabashed contempt in the voice.

Peng Tianxiang's expression changed: "Did Lean let you come here?"

Yu Ting sneered: "What kind of identity is Miss Youran, how can you care about these trivial matters? You just need to remember my words, otherwise, the entire Peng family will not be able to save your life!"

As he said that, between his palms and fingers, the crystal clear world news spirit beads were crushed one by one, making a cracking sound.

Watching this scene, Peng Tianxiang only felt that his heart was crushed, his eyes were bloodshot, and his mind was blank.

The letterheads in the world news spirit beads are all written by him with all his heart and soul. They are the sustenance of his emotions over the years. Maybe to others, they are not important, but to him, they have different meanings. the same special meaning.

But now, they have been ruthlessly destroyed one by one!

"Can't stand the blow? Oh, what a pitiful and sad infatuated child." Yu Ting laughed, his eyes were playful, full of jokes.

Peng Tianxiang's eyes were about to split open, staring at the shattered world news spirit beads, his whole person seemed to have lost his soul, and his eyes became gray little by little...

His heart is showing signs of collapse!

And this was exactly what Yu Ting wanted to see. It would undoubtedly be better if he could kill his heart without killing anyone.

"Isn't it fun to play like this?"

Just when Peng Tianxiang's heart was about to collapse, a familiar indifferent voice sounded.

This voice had a strange magical power, and it turned into a warm force, which stabilized Peng Tianxiang's Dao Heart that was on the verge of collapse.

He was stunned at first, and then suddenly raised his head. In his field of vision, he saw a familiar figure, and he did not know when he appeared beside him.


ps: Around 5th next week, I will definitely do my best to explode a 10-point update!

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