The Prodigies War

The second thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the world economy

Qingliu City.

On the bustling street, Xiaoxi was a little bit nervous.

One of the things she had experienced before had a huge impact on her, and it took time to calm herself down.

Lin Xun didn't say anything else.

This may be the price of growth.

No matter how simple a piece of white paper is, after being tempered by the world, it will turn into a different picture.

"Brother Dao."

Dressed in a deep purple crane cloak, Nie Qingrong, with a vulgar appearance, caught up with her. This woman's skin was as thick as fat, she was charming and charming, her waist was full, and a pair of plump breasts was extremely amazing. She was originally a peerless beauty, but her temperament Cold as ice, giving a strong visual contrast.

"Just say something."

Lin Xun stopped and looked at Nie Qingrong, not surprised that the other party would catch up.

Nie Qingrong lowered her beautiful eyes and said softly, "I saw that this little sister is going to sign up for the selection, and I think she plans to go to the Liangyi Academy to practice."

Lin Xun nodded: "Not bad."

Nie Qingrong took a deep breath and, as if gathering courage, looked at Lin Xun with the pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes, and said, "Brother Dao, if you trust me, I can help with this matter."

"Why do you do this?" Lin Xun asked.

Nie Qingrong considered it for a while, and then said, "If I say that I want to have a good relationship with Daoist brother, will Daoist brother believe it?"

Lin Xun said: "Trust."

Nie Qingrong couldn't help but be surprised by such an unthinking answer. She had been prepared to explain patiently, but now, she didn't know what to say.

"Girl, would you like to go to the Liangyi Academy to practice with her?" Lin Xun looked at the stream beside him.

Xiaoxi was obviously very excited, and Shui Lingling's eyes were full of longing, but he still hesitated: "Brother Daoyuan, I will listen to you."

This scene made Lin Xun suddenly think of Zhao Jingxuan.

When he was in the sea of ​​chess and chess in the ancient wilderness, Ao Zhentian once came to pick up Zhao Jingxuan to go to the real dragon world to participate in the "Wanlong Fairy Club". At that time, Zhao Jingxuan also had the same mood and answer.

Remember this past,

Lin Xun couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "Then go."

He also wanted to understand that in the future at Liangyi Academy, if Nie Qingrong could take care of her, Xiaoxi would definitely not be bullied.

Because of this, when he answered Nie Qingrong before, he would give him a positive answer, which could be regarded as an expression of goodwill.

Nie Qingrong was obviously also very excited, her beautiful eyes were fringed, and the autumn waves were moist, and she said softly: "With the talent of the little sister, in the future in the Liangyi Academy, you will definitely be able to shine."

Lin Xun said, "I just want her to be safe."

Nie Qingrong was stunned for a moment, and said, "Don't worry, Daoist brother, no one dares to bully this sister in the Liangyi Academy."

The voice carried a touch of absolute confidence.

"I happen to have nothing to do. I wonder if the Liangyi Academy would welcome an outsider like me to visit?" Lin Xun asked.

Nie Qingrong's beautiful eyes lit up, and her voice was soft with a hint of joy, and said, "If Daoist brother can come, it will definitely make my Daoist Palace shine."

"grown ups."

In the distance, Huo Xing came hurriedly, first bowed to Nie Qingrong respectfully, and then bowed to Lin Xun, "The Qin family and their sons have been disposed of properly, this old man is here to report to the senior."

Lin Xun hummed, noncommittal.

Nie Qingrong said, "Huo Xingdu, I will be leaving today. You will be responsible for the selection of disciples."

Huo Xing nodded quickly and agreed.

"Brother Dao, do you want to leave immediately?" Nie Qingrong looked at Lin Xun.


Lin Xun agreed.

It wasn't until the figures of him and Nie Qingrong disappeared into the distance that Huo Xing wiped his cold sweat secretly.



In the depths of the clouds in the sky, a huge treasure ship galloped.

On the treasure ship, Lin Xun leaned on the bow at will, drinking with a wine gourd.

In the cabin behind him, there was a burst of pleasant laughter from time to time, one soft and charming, the other crisp ding dong.

That was Nie Qingrong talking with Xiaoxi. From the moment he stepped on the treasure boat, Nie Qingrong had intentionally made friends with Xiaoxi and put down his posture to communicate with Xiaoxi. It didn't take long for the two to get along quite well.

Lin Xun looked in his eyes and didn't say anything.

In fact, this is the first time Xiaoxi has walked out of Yunying Village and has seen everything in this first day domain, and why is he not like this?

Unlike Xiaoxi, he just has an extremely rich experience.

While drinking, Lin Xun took out a jade slip.

This is a book called "Zhu Shi Jing Lun" that I bought when I was wandering around Qingliu City. It records some things related to the first day domain.

"Four realms."

"Four University Palaces."

"The world is forbidden."

"Lingshan Blessed Land."

"Ancient Secrets."

"Extraterritorial Immortal Mountain."

...In this "Jing Lun", there are only hundreds of catalogues, each catalogue is all-encompassing and vast, and almost all the matters of the First Heaven Domain from ancient times to the present are written down in detail.

Lin Xun couldn't help but open his eyes and watched with relish.

Gradually, I also gained some understanding of the first day domain.

According to the records in the book, in the entire eternal real world, the first sky domain is located at the outermost periphery, and its territory is comparable to the area of ​​hundreds of big worlds!

Such a large territory is divided into four major areas, namely Donglai, Xixia, Beifeng, and Nanhuo.

In each domain, there is an academy, namely Liangyi Academy in Donglai Domain, Xingdou Academy in Xixia Domain, Araki Academy in Xixia Domain, and Binglin Academy in Nanhuo Domain.

These four university palaces represent the top four major forces in the first sky domain, which can be called overlords. Behind each academy, stood different immortal emperors.

These immortal emperors are almost all behemoths in the sixth heaven!

not only that.

The same is true for the second, third, fourth, and fifth domains.

Like the second day domain, there is a great power that dominates the world, named "Nine Mysteries Academy", it is definitely the number one force in the second day domain, unparalleled.

But the high-level bigwigs in this "Nine Mysterious Academy" are almost all from different immortal emperors from the Sixth Heaven Domain.

In other words, a Nine Mysteries Academy actually represents the power of the immortal imperial clan in the Sixth Heaven Domain!

Similar situations are also in the third, fourth, and fifth day domains.

The reason for this is simple.

Those immortal emperors in the Sixth Heaven Domain, like the princes and nobles who stand above the Nine Heavens, seem to be entrenched in the Sixth Heaven Domain, but their power has already penetrated into the different domains under the Sixth Heaven Domain.

The purpose of this is nothing more than to obtain more cultivation resources.

For example, like Liangyi Academy, located in the first day domain, it is the overlord of Donglai domain, but every once in a while, the collected cultivation resources need to be sent to the sixth day domain.

Only in this way can the support and support of those immortal emperors be exchanged.

These cultivation resources include various minerals, spiritual veins, divine materials, rare treasures, treasures... In short, as long as they are related to cultivation, they will be regarded as "tributes" and sent to the sixth heaven.

In addition, if you can discover new "Order Power", you will also get special rewards!

At the same time, the existence of the Liangyi Academy has another purpose, that is, to collect good seedlings with outstanding talents for the immortal emperors of the Sixth Heaven Domain.

By analogy, most of the forces like Liangyi Academy are shouldering the task of helping those immortal emperors collect cultivation resources and send outstanding children.

This is like "taxation" in secular dynasties. Taxes and silver are collected layer by layer from counties, prefectures, and provinces, and then transported to the land of the imperial capital.

In the same way, the imperial examinations held in counties, prefectures, and provinces were nothing more than to send talents to the imperial capital.

In this comparison, the first day domain is equivalent to the role of the county.

On the first day, the four university palaces in the domain are equivalent to the four yamen in the county in charge of collecting taxes and selecting talents.

Knowing this, Lin Xun couldn't help being shocked and shocked.

Exhausting the financial resources, material resources and manpower of the five major heavens, working together for the immortal emperors of the sixth heaven, it is difficult for those immortal emperors to be strong!

However, Lin Xun also knows that this is like the law of big fish eating small fish. The cultivation resources collected by those immortal emperors in the sixth heaven must also "tribute" to the seventh heaven.

Such a gradual progression constitutes the power structure and system of the entire Eternal True Realm.

After thinking about it, Lin Xun began to focus on studying the power of the Four Great Palaces.

Behind the Liangyi Academy, stood three immortal imperial families, namely the He Family, the Zhu Family, and the Hong Family.

Among them, the He family Lin Xun is very familiar with, it is the He family of the four immortal imperial clans, Wen, Heng, Peng, and He, that is, the immortal imperial clan where the "Yunyuan Emperor Zu" is located.

Zhu family, Lin Xun is no stranger.

When he was in the city of the Second Immortal Heaven Pass in the Great Thousand Battle Territory, he attended the banquet held by Peng Tianxiang in the city lord's mansion. It was at that banquet that Lin Xun killed a supreme emperor named Zhu Lin.

This Zhu Lin is from the Zhu Family of the Sixth Heaven Domain!

When he saw this, Lin Xun couldn't help frowning slightly.

He did not expect that there was such an enemy force among the immortal imperial clan forces standing behind the Liangyi Academy.

It should be noted that among the immortal emperors who are wanted by Lin Xun in the most wanted list in front of the city, there is this Zhu family!

Lin Xun was not afraid of anything, but he had to think about whether the Xiaoxi related to him would be implicated in the Liangyi Academy if his identity was revealed in the future.

"It seems that this matter has to be resolved..." Lin Xun pondered, if this hidden danger is not eliminated, it will definitely be harmful to Xiaoxi.

While thinking about it, Lin Xun seemed to notice something, and his eyes squinted into the distance.

Almost at the same time, a loud laughter came from the depths of the clouds far away:

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to see Palace Master Nie's treasure ship here. Could this be God's will?"

I saw that the clouds collapsed, the void trembled, and a group of powerful and dazzling figures moved out of thin air.

As soon as it appeared, it blocked the front of the treasure ship from a distance, set up a battle, and swept across the sky like a road of divine consciousness.


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