The Prodigies War

Chapter 2542 give up

Blood splashes.

The screams shook the sky.

Between the mountains and rivers that collapsed and collapsed in the war, a scene of death like purgatory was staged.


Lin Xun's deity and the Three Great Ways are rampant, and all kinds of power are superimposed, covering this sky, as if showing the trend of destroying the dead.

Not long after, four more Li clan members were killed in the field.

Some were strangled by the sword rain,

Some were smashed by Wuyuan Sword Cauldron,

Some were incinerated by horrific Taoist laws...

During this process, some people also used trump cards such as killer cards, which could either be avoided by Lin Xun in time, or resolved by Lin Xun with the killer cards he mastered.

In fact, Lin Xun has confirmed in the battle that the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron, which has refined and absorbed many immortal substances over the years, can completely resist some so-called killers.

Such as the immortal will power imprinted in the jade talisman, such as the secret treasure containing the power of order, can be resisted by the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron!

In other words, the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron, which has been nurtured by various order forces over the years and has absorbed many immortal substances, has already become incomparably miraculous, and is no longer an imperial soldier in the ordinary sense.

Therefore, after the fall of Li Henshui, this battle was completely one-sided.

At this point, there are only three Li clan members left in the field to support!


The thick cyan battle shield cracked and exploded, and an opponent with the eighth-level emperor realm was directly smashed into the chest by Lin Xun.


The remaining two charged like crazy, trying to break out of the siege and escape.

Suddenly, Lin Xun's three avenues swarmed up and killed one of them.


Divine splendor sweeps through,

The man was immediately knocked out of his head.

Lin Xungang was about to deal with the last opponent, but he suddenly realized what was going on and stopped, frowning.

The next moment, he decisively abandoned the fleeing opponent, and together with the Three Great Dao Body, he took the spoils of the field, turned around and left.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In the battlefield that showed signs of destruction, the only remaining Li clan member couldn't help but be surprised, his expression changed, and he seemed unable to believe that Lin Xun let him go so easily.

Then, he glanced at the field, looking at the shattered mountains and rivers, the whole person stayed there, and his mind completely collapsed.

He is the only one left!

The clansmen around him have all turned to ashes and dissipated in this world...

Unspeakable anger, fear, grief, and despair flooded his entire being like a tide.

When Gu Banzhuang and Yun Luohong came with a group of clansmen, they saw such a scene.


Gu Banzhuang and the others all changed in discoloration, their pupils dilated, how could they not understand that a bloody and cruel fight broke out here before they arrived.

As for Li Henshui and others, it is very likely that they have all fallen!

"What about Li Henshui and the others?" Gu Banzhuang took a deep breath and asked, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Dead, all dead..." The solitary Li clan was paralyzed on top of the ruins of the mountains and rivers, lost in spirit.

Gu Banzhuang and the others looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with great shock.

Li Henshui and his party, a total of nineteen people, each of which is not comparable to ordinary characters, but now, only one person has died!

"That's what Lin Xun did?" Gu Banzhuang couldn't help but ask again.

"Who else is there besides him?"

The Li clan shuddered all over, and seemed to remember some terrifying and bloody scene, and let out a mournful roar like a beast, "It's all of you, it's all your fault, the promise was just to hunt and kill a clone, but all of this is fake! Fake! of--!"

The sound shook the world, and the thick despair and anger caused Gu Banzhuang and the others to have a gloomy look on their faces.

"How could I have thought that even Li Henshui is not his opponent?"

Gu Banzhuang sighed, her charming and delicate face became much gloomier.

As far as she knew, Li Henshui held a taboo-like killer in his hands.

But under these circumstances, Li Henshui died...

This was undoubtedly bad news, which made Gu Banzhuang's mood even more heavy.

"In addition to his fighting strength, this son must also have an extremely difficult killer in his hand. Otherwise, Li Henshui would not have suffered such a big defeat."

Yun Luohong opened his mouth, his expression indifferent as before, but his eyes were replaced by a dignified look.

"Show us what you see with a secret technique."

Gu Banzhuang turned her gaze to the Li clan. She was eager to know how Lin Xun killed Li Henshui and others.

But I saw the Li clan roaring: "How about showing you? Can you kill that Lin Xun? Can you!?"

Being questioned like this, Gu Banzhuang and the others all felt a little embarrassed.

In the battle of defense, the Nan clan suffered a heavy defeat.

And now, the Li family has also been killed, and only one person is left. All this is enough to prove that Lin Xun is dangerous and terrifying.

Under such circumstances, with the strength of their Gu Clan and Yun Clan, can they really suppress Lin Xun?

Everyone's hearts could not help shaking.

"Haha, you can't either. In this Void Wonderland, no one can kill Lin Xun, no..."

The Li clansman stood up, like madness, and staggered toward the distance, walking further and further away, and the voice of grief reverberated in the sky and the earth.

"Brother Luohong, what should we do?" Gu Banzhuang looked at Yun Luohong with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Yun Luohong was silent for a rare moment.

Before, he led and Gu Banzhuang to chase Lin Xun in the other direction, but in the end, he was in vain.

Until before, they suddenly received a jade talisman from Li Henshui for help, and they rushed here without hesitation, but obviously, they were one step behind.

"This son is too dangerous. If you chase him further, I'm afraid there will be more and more casualties."

After a long time, Yun Luohong spoke in a deep voice, and a gloomy look appeared between his brows.

Like him, the ancestor of the first from the Seventh Heaven Domain, saying such words is no different from admitting that he is inferior.

Those Gu Clan and Yun Clan members all felt stuffy in their chests and depressed, so Lin Xun... is he really unbeatable?

This makes them all very uncomfortable.

"It's okay to give up."

Seeing that Gu Banzhuang was relieved, he reached out and patted the towering snow-white plump in front of him, saying, "Anyway, there are some immortal figures sitting in the city outside the ruins of the gods. If Lin Xunzhen has his life to leave this place alive, it will definitely be difficult to stop it. The murder of those immortals."

"Is it too shameful to admit it like this?"

Someone can't help but ask.

Gu Banzhuang's beautiful eyes stared, "Shame? Okay, why don't you continue to die?"

The man shut up immediately.

"That's it, that's it."

Yun Luohong made a decision, his expression was as cold and indifferent as before, but when he made this decision, there was an indescribable sense of frustration in his heart.

An eighth most important emperor from the ancient starry sky road, but they caused heavy casualties among the four Eastern Emperor clans, and they had to give up the action of chasing and killing. This... is indeed too shameful!

If it spreads out, the prestige of the four Eastern Emperor clans will be dealt a heavy blow, and they are destined to become the laughing stock of the Eternal True Realm.

But there is no way...

There is really no way!

When you really go to fight against Lin Xun, you will find out what a terrifying and heaven-defying stubborn stubble is, powerful enough to make the emperor's ancestors palpitate and shudder!


Lin Xun didn't know that both Gu and Yun had given up the idea of ​​continuing to hunt him down.

At this time, he appeared in the depths of a golden desert filled with a faint blue fairy mist.

Instructing Xiao Wu to make a big formation, Lin Xun immediately began to meditate cross-legged, swallowing bottles of rare elixir into his mouth.

In the previous battle, he was also consumed a lot, and his stamina was in urgent need of recovery.

However, this battle also gave Lin Xun a very rich reward.

There are 18 more records on that letter talisman, adding up to 21 records!

In addition, the treasures and cultivation resources carried by Li Henshui and others have also become Lin Xun's trophies, and their value is simply incalculable!

And what attracted Lin Xun the most was undoubtedly the statue that was suppressed in the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron.

Only half a foot tall, sitting on the knees, the whole body shows a dark color, the face of the god is clumsy, the eyes are closed, the expression is like a smile but not a smile, like a cry but not a cry, its hands are wrapped around the abdomen, pinched into a strange shape. The handprints give people a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

Lin Xun now knows that this is a statue smelted from the remains of an immortal figure. It is well preserved and can be called a real immortal body!

According to rumors, such remains, which have been infiltrated and tempered by immortal power for many years, can already be called an alternative "immortal substance".

After all, this is the remains of an immortal figure!

And this statue is only half a foot high, but it is equivalent to condensing the power of the immortal golden body to the extreme. To anyone, it can be called a supreme treasure.

At the same time, Lin Xun also noticed that inside this immortal statue, there was an unimaginably powerful force of will, and it was this force of will that Li Henshui tried his best to awaken.

Lin Xun didn't doubt at all, if the immortal statue was awakened at that time, he would definitely be able to kill himself easily.

Because it is so powerful!

Far beyond Lin Xun's cognition of immortal characters.

It's a pity that these treasures are not for Lin Xun to use, because to awaken that willpower, it needs to inherit the power from the blood of the Li family, and outsiders can't be motivated at all.

But Lin Xun doesn't care about this. In his eyes, this immortal statue is a huge treasure made of immortal matter, and it can be used as a "nutrient" for tempering the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron!

As for the willpower that is silent in it, it will also be refined with the immortal statue, and a little bit by the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron, it is impossible to recover again.

After a few hours.

Lin Xun woke up from meditation, and his breath had returned to the perfect peak level of the Eighth Emperor Realm.

"There are less than two days left..."

Lin Xun stood up, thought for a moment, and decided to continue.

Now there is still the power of the two immortal imperial clans Gu and Yun, and he intends to take advantage of these two days to destroy them in one go!

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