The Prodigies War

Chapter 2537 throws a hug

Lin Xun's figure appeared on a Sendai.

The surrounding fields are vast and all are white as haze.

Not long after, a wisp of fairy sound resounded, and vaguely, a splendid scroll seemed to emerge from the mist, spread out, and there were countless obscure and mysterious inheritance breaths on it.

"Original Dao!"

Lin Xun was shocked, the rumor was actually true?

Before entering the ruins of the gods, he had heard that in the battle of the heavenly election in the previous era, anyone who won nine consecutive victories in the battle would receive a reward.

This reward comes from the "Origin Dao" of the Central Immortal Court.

It is rumored that this is the general outline of the inheritance of the immortal world. It gathers the inheritance of 3,000 Dao methods from ancient times to the present. It is known as the source of all the methods in the immortal world!

In the last era, the Central Immortal Court was the supreme being that ruled all worlds, and the origin scripture compiled by it was regarded as the first scripture in the Immortal World!

But this is a rumor after all, Lin Xun never thought that the last era has been destroyed for an unknown number of years, but this origin of Taoism actually still exists...

Lin Xun took a deep breath and calmed down.

"The Nine-source Royal Immortal Method can open up nine immortal sources, the nine palaces of Dao Rong, and the beauty of yin and yang. If you practice it to the extreme, you can create nine immortal roots, so that practitioners can control nine times the way..."

"The Book of Stars and Stars in the Great Sky, can manipulate the power of the stars in the heavens and refine the stars into the Book of Origin, also known as the Book of Stars, which can suppress the universe..."

"The Sutra of the Immortals and Demons of Confusion, like immortals but not immortals, like demons but not demons, melts the spirit of immortals, and refines the body of demons. Once it runs, it can control the power of confounding the world, step on the world, and be lawless..."

"The way of the emperors of the world..."

A kind of supreme inheritance aura belonging to the immortal way, like a tide, flooded into Lin Xun's heart, hundreds of thousands, constantly flashing and reflecting.

At this moment, Lin Xunsheng came to a realization and realized that as long as he made a choice to occupy one of the inheritance powers with his divine sense, this reward would end.


It's so hard to choose.

It's not that those supreme inheritances belonging to the previous era are not strong enough,

On the contrary, each of them has extremely unique magical effects, so Lin Xun didn't know what to choose.

After a moment of silence, his eyes gradually became clear and calm, "My current Taoism is not lacking in inheritance at all, even without this reward, it will have no effect on my Taoism..."

"So, what do you need most right now?"

Lin Xun's mood became as calm as snow, and he was no longer affected by the temptation of inheritance, and began to examine his own path.

After a long time, he made a decision.

It is like breaking through a karmic obstacle, making the mind detached from the cage, and with a flash of spiritual consciousness, it falls on the scroll transformed by the "originality dao".

He was in a mood of no desire and no desire, and decided to go with the fate...

But at this moment, a strange humming sound emerged, and a jade white as snow flashed before Lin Xun's body.

Immediately after that, all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable fairy tales spread in order, and a magnificent rain of light circulated.

This is like a fatal temptation, there is no need for Lin Xun to choose, and there is no need to take the initiative to attack the jade plate.

The next moment, the countless inheritance powers in the Origin Dao Canon turned into beams of light, took the initiative to break away from the scroll, and flew into the embrace of the Jade Plate...

Lin Xun was stunned, showing disbelief.

After a long while, he vaguely understood that the jade plate of good fortune is said to include the supreme order power of the immortal realm, maintaining the rules and operation of the entire 4,900 continents of the immortal world...

The Origin Dao Code, known as the first and highest Dao Code in Immortal Realm, includes all kinds of inheritance of Immortal Dao.

If there is no "dao" as the source of inheritance, it will be a rootless tree, duckweed on the water, which may be understood and controlled, but it is no longer the "orthodox source".

Just like Lin Xun, if he chooses one of the inheritances to practice, he will only comprehend the mystery and integrate it into the Dao he controls for royal use, and the laws of immortality that match this inheritance are destined to be uncontrollable. of.

But the existence of the jade plate of good fortune can undoubtedly solve the problem of the "core" of the entire origin of Taoism, because what is contained in the jade plate is the power of the complete order of the Dao of immortality.

Any kind of inheritance in the Dao of Origin can be obtained from the jade plate of good fortune.

In short, the Jade Plate of Fortune is the source of the Dao of the Origin Dao!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun finally understands why it is so easy to let the Origin Dao "to embrace" as soon as the jade plate of good fortune comes out.

"Doesn't this mean that the reward for defending this time, let me get the entire Origin Dao..." Lin Xun's eyes became strange.

This is really called unintentional insertion of willows and willows.

Not long after, the jade plate of good fortune turned into a white light and swept into Lin Xun's body.

Fortunately, this is the last moment of the end of the battle of defending. The cultivators who have already advanced in these seven days have already been rewarded and entered the second stage of the "big hunt".

Otherwise, if someone succeeds in defending the fight, I am afraid that they will no longer receive the reward from the Origin Dao...


Soon, a rainbow descended from the sky and landed on Lin Xun, who was standing on the platform. The next moment, his figure disappeared from the platform.


Beyond the ruins of the gods.

Many terrifying figures whose cultivation realm has long surpassed the ancestral realm have been waiting here for seven days.

When the battle of defending came to an end, many figures of cultivators who were eliminated were forcibly removed from the crack leading to the outside world.

"You eliminated so many people?"

Someone was surprised.

There are about 30,000 cultivators who entered the ruins of the gods this time.

But now, more than half of them have been eliminated!

"Ten do not exist, it seems that the rumors are true. The battle of the last era is really cruel..."

Someone whispered, with a hint of emotion.

"This is only eliminated in the first level, and there are not a few people who die in the battle of defense. In contrast, the second level 'Big Hunt' is more bloody and cruel..."

Someone frowned.

The ruins of the gods are related to the "Battle of Heaven's Choice" held every 100,000 years in the Central Immortal Court in the last era. According to rumors, the Battle of Heaven's Choice was the most brutal selection battle in the last era!


Suddenly, a stalwart figure bathed in ten thousand layers of Dao light made an angry voice.

This is a middle-aged man with a graceful temperament, fluttering willow whiskers, and a god-like demeanor. He is surrounded by threads of immortal law, and his power is like the sky.

Fly to the South!

An immortal being in the Nan clan.

At this moment, all the Nan clan members bowed their heads, silent like a cicada, and their expressions were full of suffocation and bitterness.

Before, they had already told everything that happened in the battle of defense, and did not dare to hide anything.

And when Nan Feidu heard the bad news, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The deaths of Nan Yongqiang, Nan Tianzheng, and Nan Tianba made his heart aches, and the fact that the Nan clan was eliminated completely made him completely angry.

A Lin Xun actually ruined their Nan clan's pursuit of the "Supreme Secret Treasure"!

The most humiliating thing is that in the battle of defense, their Nan clan simply lost all face, and this news is destined to be hidden at all.

Sure enough, in this nearby area, there was a burst of discussion, all related to the fact that their Nan clan cultivator was eliminated by Lin Xun alone.

This made Nan Feidu's old face unable to hold back, and it was ugly as hell.

"Brother Feidu, don't be angry about this, no matter how fierce this Lin Xun is, he will surely die this time!"

In the distance, a woman wearing a golden robe and a snow-white flying sword appeared between her palms and fingers.

She is extremely tall and uneven, with black hair in a bun, revealing an extremely gorgeous face, with strands of pale golden immortal law power, she is set off like a legendary female sword god, and she is still the kind of absolutely beautiful The most beautiful sword goddess.

Gu Lingzhen, an immortal figure of the Gu family, placed in the Seventh Heaven Domain, is also a terrifying existence with an extremely loud reputation.


Nan Feidu's face was gloomy and he said it lightly, but it wasn't your Gu's face that was lost!

But he also knows that things have happened and cannot be made up, so he can only continue to wait, and when all this is over, he will have a chance to kill Lin Xun.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Xun did not die in the battle of heaven.

"The second stage of the big hunt will take place in the 'Great Void Wonderland'. Those strong men who have succeeded in defending will all carry out a different kind of hunting in it. Everyone is a hunter, and everyone is a prey."

An old man in gray robe riding on Qing Si's back approached, "The hunting time is three days, only those who survive will have the opportunity to enter the third stage of 'awarding'. In this fight, this forest Xun Ke may not be able to survive."

The old man was immortal, holding a lavender jade ruler, and his demeanor was leisurely. Qingsi, who was sitting down, shook his head and looked calm and docile.

Li Shangjun!

An immortal figure in the Li family.

"This son is only in the eighth-level emperor realm, and he can kill the emperor with his own combat power. It's just a big hunt, how could it possibly hurt his life?"

Nan Feidu's expression was gloomy and watery, "You don't have to comfort the old man, there is no doubt that this little thing's combat power is very terrifying and terrible, but I want to remind you all, you have to be prepared, my Nan clan has fallen. Those people in your respective tribes... in case there is any danger..."

Before the words were finished, the beautiful Gu Lingzhen and the immortal Li Shangjun could not help frowning. This old man, whose own clan suffered heavy losses, actually said such harsh words to them.

"Everyone, don't let other people see jokes, don't forget, the purpose of our trip is not just for the chance here. In my opinion, no matter how many accidents happen, as long as Lin Xun is captured by us, All the losses, all the sacrifices, are worth it.”

Suddenly, a slender figure with gray hair, like a teenager, walked over, stepping on a blood-stained scabbard, with a fierce and terrifying aura.

Yun Jiuwei!

The immortal figure of the Yun family.

A terrifying existence above Nanfeidu, Gu Lingzhen, and Li Shangjun, whether it is Taoism or prestige!


PS: The goldfish has just arrived home and is very tired, but... there will be no more updates today.

The second is a little later~

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