The Prodigies War

Chapter 2535 The moat is like a fake to me

On the battlefield of the gods, as if chaos had reopened, the entire space was torn apart, turned into the center of the storm, and countless space debris swept up.

Lin Xun ripped apart the void, and even carried the sword qi and rushed in front of Gu Yongqiang. The scene of such a heroic and unparalleled slaughter and slaughter was so shocking that many people's eyes almost fell out.

Gu Yongqiang's eyes were slightly condensed, but he was not panicked, and the sword blocked.


Wuyuan Jianding blasted down.

The ancient sword with a hint of immortality permeated with Gu Yongqiang's handle, could not withstand Lin Xun's attack, and hummed violently, and the sword qi splashed like rain.

But when he suffered such an impact, Gu Yongqiang's figure flickered, and he was actually shocked to retreat a few steps in the void. His old face turned blue for a while, and he couldn't help but feel a dignified expression on his brows.

This son, what a tyrannical way!

In the dojo, everyone was stunned at the same time, unable to believe it.

A dignified sword ancestor was also shaken! ?

It almost makes one suspect a dream.

"That's it..."

Gu Yongqiang shook his head slightly, his eyes surging, and he said with a hint of pity:

"Forgot to tell you, what I just displayed was just the power of the general emperor, and now, it is the real power of the sword ancestor!"

After he finished speaking, a wave that was several times stronger than before suddenly surged out of him, and he stood there out of thin air, like a pillar supporting the sky and moving the earth.

The entire space on the battlefield of the gods, with Gu Yongqiang as the center, suddenly collapsed and turned into a huge sword vortex.

He stood in the center of the vortex, like a god!

But this is not the end.

I saw Gu Yongqiang gently stretched out his hand, the fiercely buzzing ancient sword returned to silence, and then mysterious pictures emerged from the sword.

There is a tyrannical strike that kills the gods and demons, there is a stunning flash that runs through the sun, the moon and the stars, and there is a scene of destruction that destroys a great world with sword energy like a long river, and...

"The old man has set foot in the ancestral realm for 36,000 years,

I was immersed in the way of killing. I used immortal material as a sharpening stone for the sword. It has been polished for thousands of years. Today, I will let you know this little thing. What is the real sword ancestor? The power. "


Gu Yongqiang flicked his fingers lightly.

The ancient sword was originally only one foot long, but it turned into three feet long, and the pictures of the sword were merged into a complete sword picture.

Nine monstrous sword energies turned into nine-color sword rainbows, moving and shining in the sword figure.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Yin, Yang!

Nine completely different Dao Ancestral Sword Intent, surrounded by the sword map, accompanied by that ancient sword roared passionately!

In the end, the ancient sword and the sword map turned into an illusory sword intent, which was grasped by Gu Yongqiang, and the terrifying sword intent rose into the sky.

Before the sword qi has arrived, the sword will has already advanced. The void was suddenly torn apart by the sword intent, and a space gap as long as a thousand meters spread rapidly from the front of Gu Yongqiang.

Everyone only felt that they saw a strange scene.

Heaven and earth split a huge gap, overflowing with countless sharp swords. Before Gu Yongqiang could use his sword, he even split the space!

The defensive and forbidden forces covered on the battlefield of the gods roared violently, as if touched by such terrifying sword power.

At this time, Gu Yongqiang, just like the legendary sword god, released a majestic sword energy like the world's proud.

An ancient sword.

The sword qi pierces the nine heavens and ten earths!

And when Gu Yongqiang really slashed out with one sword, everyone finally understood how terrifying the power of the real sword ancestor was.

This sword slashed out, and the battlefield of the gods turned into a cage that was imprisoned. Lin Xun's whole person and the thousand-zhang space where he was located were frozen.

Take control of the space!

Gu Yongqiang's sword turned out to be the ultimate manifestation of the profound meaning of space!

"In those days, Gu Yongqiang became an ancestor with the way of space, and it also caused a sensation in the seventh heaven. It was with the sword of space that I didn't know how many of my peers were defeated by this sword, and all of them were convinced."

In the dojo, an old man couldn't help but sigh.

In the Seventh Heaven Domain, Gu Yongqiang's sword of space simply amazed one domain, and made many immortal figures look at him differently and regard him as a great talent. If he can embark on the road of immortality in the future, his achievements are destined to More dazzling!

Even people who don't know Gu Yongqiang's past can't help trembling when they witness this scene at the moment.

Then Lin Xun, how to block this sword?

Under the attention of countless people, the Great Yuan in front of Lin Xun's body was broken open layer by layer under this sword, like a chicken and a dog.

The illusory space sword energy has not yet arrived, and the terrifying sword energy has already rushed to Lin Xun.

Lin Xun suddenly laughed, which made everyone puzzled.

"It turns out that you have hidden your strength, just right... I have also hidden it." Lin Xun said calmly.

Then, the power of Lin Xun's body climbed at an incredible speed, boiling, and a more terrifying power than before suddenly emerged from his body.

If the previous Lin Xun is said to be the invincible overlord in the Eighth Realm, he has the power to compete with the emperor.

Then at this time, the power he showed completely exceeded the limit of this realm and reached an incredible level. The whole person was like a furnace and a great abyss. With a roar, it radiated radiance and radiance to its figure.

This is his ultimate combat power, and it is at this moment that he fully interprets the way of the whole body!


The void suddenly burst open, and the space that was previously imprisoned like a cage exploded in front of Lin Xun, turning into countless space fragments.

Immediately after.

That terrifying space sword intent just hit Lin Xun's body, like hitting an iron plate, making a piercing crackling sound. Lin Xun's body was like a black hole in the universe, turning into a halo, crushing and swallowing all the shocks one by one.

Finally, in the horrified eyes of everyone.

Lin Xun slammed the Wuyuan sword cauldron horizontally, easily smashing the illusory space sword light into smashes, blasting the light rain, splashing for nine days.

"how can that be?"

Not only many spectators, but also Gu Yongqiang also looked horrified, and his expression changed greatly.

This sword is the perfect presentation of his ancestral realm, but now, Lin Xun has not even injured a single hair, which is incredible.

The terrifying power under Lin Xun's control at this moment is simply not like the possession of the eight great emperors, and it is also unseen and unheard of in the eternal real world!

"What if I can't use my trump card? In the past few years, there were far more than one emperor who was killed by Lin himself. I really thought that I got to this day with external force? Lin may wish to say bluntly, in the eternal real world, the ancestors are in the realm of nature. Maybe it can't be broken."

"But if I want, I can break it with one foot!"

Lin Xun came from the void, shrouded in the heart-pounding abyss, and walked towards Gu Yongqiang step by step.

Regardless of Gu Yongqiang's madness, he cut out a space sword intent, and the overwhelming sword energy shone across the sky, imprisoning all spaces.

But they were all like unbreakable shackles and cages, smashed by Lin Xun step by step, smashed on the body, and all blocked by Wuyuan Sword Cauldron.

All the spectators were stunned at this moment.

What power is this? How could it appear on the body of a supreme eight great emperor?

At this moment, their previous inherent cognition and deep-rooted ideas have a feeling of being completely subverted.

In fact, it is simply unimaginable that the Heavenly Moat of the Emperor's Ancestor may be overtaken or broken!

Gu Yongqiang was also completely unable to calm down. His expression was unprecedentedly solemn, with a faint tinge of iron blue.

The superimposed space is like petals blooming layer by layer, and it is like a world of sword qi coming from mountains and seas. Every blow is enough to easily obliterate those great emperor characters, which is too terrible to imagine.

But these killings were all disintegrated and defeated by Lin Xun!

"If you didn't want to see how capable your sword ancestor from the Seventh Heaven Domain is, you probably wouldn't be able to live now."

Lin Xun's eyes were cold and his demeanor was calm.

Back then, he was able to fight against Heng Tianshuo when he was in the seventh-level emperor realm. At that time, he was only fighting and could not really kill each other.

But in the past 18 years, his Taoism has been completely different. Not only is it as simple as stepping into the eighth-level emperor realm, but he has already possessed the background of suppressing and killing emperor ancestors in the frontal shock.

What a natural moat, what a barrier, for him, it is no longer a hindrance!

"It's impossible, even if it is the top ten emperors of the seventh heaven domain, when they were cultivated in the eighth emperor realm, they would never have such a power to defy the sky, you..."

Gu Yongqiang's eyes flashed a trace of panic, his face was ashen, unbelievable, and he couldn't even speak.


Contrary to everyone's expectations, at this moment, Gu Yongqiang actually pulled out to retire.

However, a sneering arc appeared on the corner of Lin Xun's lips, and the next moment, the five Dao bodies rushed out, surrounded from all directions, and blocked all the retreats of Gu Yongqiang.


The five Dao bodies rushed to kill together, like a raging sea, Gu Yongqiang's figure was completely overwhelmed by various Dao methods and divine brilliance.

This sudden scene once again exceeded everyone's expectations, and the shocked shouts also sounded one after another.

Gu Yongqiang roared again and again, like a fierce beast of ancient times fighting for his life.

At this time, Lin Xun's deity appeared out of thin air, and the Wuyuan Dao Sword, which had been waiting for it, stabbed out at an incredible speed.


This sword is beyond the space, and almost stabbed in the middle of Gu Yongqiang's forehead as soon as he broke out of the siege.

Gu Yongqiang was stunned for a moment, his eyebrows were directly penetrated, and then his head exploded, followed by the entire body, soul, and terrifying power in the body, all exploded in this sword, turned into a cloud of blood, and dissipated between heaven and earth .

One step swept out, killing the emperor with one sword!

It is an understatement, without a trace of fireworks, as if searching for something.

When Gu Yongqiang was about to die, he didn't even have time to scream, he was wiped out by ashes, and was completely wiped out from the world by that vast sword intent.

too fast!

This bloody scene, like a nine-day thunder, suddenly exploded in the world, enough to make all living beings in the world tremble.

At this moment, there is silence in the sky and the ground.

Those spectators all looked sluggish.

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