The Prodigies War

Chapter 2516: Innate supernatural powers in the third stage

After calming down, Luo Ling remembered a lot.

Today's Lin Xun is already one of the seven most important emperors. In the ruins of the avenue, he has even single-handedly executed the emperors from Luo, Wen and Heng!

Moreover, he also has the talent of swallowing the sky in the great abyss and is in charge of the secret realm of the sky. If he really has a chance to reach the eternal real world alive...

Even if it can't immediately threaten the Luo family, it must be a serious problem that can't be ignored!

And with Lin Xun's background and Taoism now, as long as he doesn't suffer, his achievements in the future are destined to be extremely terrifying!

The more he thought about Luo Ling, the heavier his heart became.

She looked at Lin Xun and was about to say something.

I saw Lin Xundao: "In order to practice today's words, I will not kill you, but I can only suppress you for the time being."


Before the words could fall, Luo Ling was stunned.

With a wave of Lin Xun's hand, Luo Ling's treasures were ingested one by one, including storage rings and various treasures...

In the end, Lin Xun's eyes fell on a strange jade.

This thing is dark, with a small blood stain on the surface. Although it has long dried up, it is still bright red and translucent, exuding a heart-pounding aura.

When Lin Xun saw this thing for the first time, he had a wonderful feeling. The breath flowing in this strange jade was exactly the same as the breath of his original spiritual vein!

"It seems that Luo Ling used this stone to sense my trace before..." Lin Xun took this thing in his hand and played with it.

But let him use his divine sense to sense it, but he couldn't find any other mysteries, so he couldn't help frowning.

Think about it.

He mobilized the power of the source spirit veins.

Suddenly, the black jade made a buzzing sound, and the blood stains on it seemed to come alive, turning into strands of blood, spreading in the lines of the black jade.

Gradually, the lines on the black jade began to appear a little crack, and finally.


The black jade suddenly burst.

An incomparably dazzling brilliance, with an obscure atmosphere of the years, poured into the heart of Lin Xun before he could react.


In an instant, Lin Xun's head seemed to explode, and scenes of terrifying battles emerged.

In the starry sky, a dazzling portal opened, and a stalwart figure bathed in golden divine flames stood inside the portal, and only a big hand stuck out, and a figure that was about to rush into the dazzling portal was shaken back.

And the figure who was shaken back was the Lord of Tongtian Luo Tongtian!


A terrifying and boundless devouring power surged around Luo Tongtian, and the torrent of time spread over him, causing the starry sky to constantly distort, collapse, and burst...

Time turbulently splashed, like a long river rolling in anger, accompanied by Luo Tongtian, violently killing inside the bright portal.

That kind of power is too terrifying, it involves the law of time, and it seems to be able to destroy everything in reincarnation!

But his opponent was even more terrifying, with golden flames burning all over his body, blocking the dazzling portal, and his every move was filled with supreme power.


The slaughter of the two turned the starry sky into nothingness, leaving only a dazzling portal.

Outside the door, is the Lord of Heaven.

Inside the portal, is the golden figure.

The power used in the fight between the two is completely beyond Lin Xun's imagination and cannot be understood at all. It is related to immortality and is accompanied by the power of time!

for a long time.

Luo Tongtian is already injured and tired, but in the end he is the one

The golden figure standing in front of the bright portal shattered abruptly.

The golden flames danced wildly in the sky.

"This gate of eternity can't stop the killing of this seat!" Luo Tongtian, who was heavily wounded, let out a heroic laugh.

But when he stepped into the dazzling portal with one foot, a bell filled with a chaotic atmosphere suddenly appeared.


The bell rang.

All the pictures in Lin Xun's mind exploded, as if he could not bear it, showing terrifying power.

And Lin Xun's mood almost collapsed, his soul stinging, and his face couldn't help changing.

This is just a picture of a brand, but it is still full of such terrifying power. One can imagine how incredible the power of that bell is!

When Lin Xun calmed down, another scene appeared in his mind.

In the endless nothingness, Luo Tongtian was bleeding all over, and his figure was blurred, as if he had suffered a terrible and extremely heavy injury.

That bright door has disappeared.

But not far from Luo Tongtian, there are silhouettes one after another, and the breath of each one is like an immortal master, reflecting the heavens and overlooking the great world.

Lin Xun couldn't see clearly at all, because those figures were too bright, such as gods above the nine heavens, their faces could not be seen.

"Haha, are you taking advantage of the fire? You guys, you can't go to eternity yourself, but you have to prevent others from entering. How shameless!"

Luo Tongtian laughed loudly, his voice full of undisguised contempt and irony.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, as long as you leave the innate mystery of the Great Abyss swallowing the sky and hand over the secret realm of Tongtian, I will leave after this."

A figure spoke, indifferent and calm, as if the Lord of God was proclaiming his will.

Everyone else looked at Luo Tongtian.

"This is the face of the eighth Tianyu immortal giant? Even if I die, it is impossible for you to meddle in such power!"

Luo Tongtian laughed.

Afterwards, his body suddenly turned into a great abyss, spanning the void, covering all the figures like immortal masters.


The next moment, the great abyss burst into pieces, and the endless void was chaotic.

The screen also disappeared here.

Lin Xun was stunned there.

"Has the Lord of Tongtian fallen..." His mind was tumbling.

The dazzling portal, the figure bathed in golden flames, Lin Xun had seen a long time ago.

That was the scene he saw when he first opened the Secret Realm of Tongtian when he was in Feiyun Village.

At that time, the Lord of Tongtian broke through the Qingming with a fist, opened the gate of the stars, and fought with a star road god, but he failed to win in the end.

In the scene at this time, the Lord of Tongtian clearly opened the gate of the stars together again, and killed the star road god who was covered in golden flames.

But when he entered the gate of the stars, he was defeated by a bell filled with chaotic aura, and he was severely injured!

Then, a massacre struck, trying to seize the power and treasures of the Lord of Heaven.

Thinking of those scenes, Lin Xun's back shivered with chills, and the figures that were like immortal masters were simply unimaginable!

Obviously, according to the Lord of Tongtian, those figures are all from the immortal giant forces of the Eighth Heaven Domain!

"The Gate of the Stars was originally called the Gate of Eternity, and the disappearance of the Lord of Heaven is not only related to the mysterious Dao bell in this gate, but also to the immortal giants of the Eighth Heaven Domain... "

Lin Xun vaguely understood



Soon, he noticed that there was an obscure and mysterious power in the source spiritual vein, covered with a seal-like power.

At the same time, Lin Xun felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

"Blade of Time!"

This obscure mysterious power is actually a taboo-like supernatural power that can reverse time and slay the Tao!

Lin Xunqing couldn't help but remember that in the battle between Luo Tongtian and Wei Mingzi in the ruins of the avenue, when he punched Wei Mingzi back to a teenager, his Taoism also fell to his youth!

The power of that punch, going against the flow of time and depriving Dao Xing, seemed incredible.

And now, when he obtained the "Blade of Ages" supernatural power, Lin Xun suddenly realized that Luo Tongtian's punch contained this kind of power!

But Lin Xun also noticed that this "Blade of Time" magical power was sealed and could not be touched by him today.

According to the breath he sensed, it was also the first time that he realized that only by awakening the innate power of the third stage of the Great Abyss Swallowing Sphere, can this seal be broken and the inheritance of the blade of the years be obtained.

"It turns out that this is a magical power related to the third-stage talent..."

After Lin Xun calmed down, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Luo Ling probably never thought that she would "send" an opportunity related to the swallowing of the sky by Da Yuan by mistake, right?

That strange black jade has disappeared.

But Lin Xun knew that from this moment on, the "Blade of Ages" magical power had already been possessed by him. As long as he awakened the innate power of the third stage, he would be able to control this magical power as soon as possible!

"It's just that the Blade of Ages is the innate supernatural power awakened by the Lord of Heaven, and when my third-stage innate power is awakened, I should also be able to have my own innate supernatural power..."

"If it is inferred like this, doesn't it mean that in addition to the blade of time, I can also master another magical power related to time?"

Thinking of this, Lin Xun couldn't help but have strong expectations.

Forbidden magical powers are already so defiant, how tyrannical should the blade of time be? And what kind of new supernatural power can he awaken?


Suddenly, Lin Xun's pupils shrank.

A deadly dangerous aura, like a sudden flood, filled the entire room in an instant.

Lin Xun's figure dashed violently, and the power all over his body suddenly roared.

Wuyuan Jianding appeared for the first time.

clang! ! !

The deafening explosion sounded, and a fierce and terrifying force hit the Wuyuan sword cauldron, and the Wuyuan sword cauldron roared violently, and was shaken and almost flew out.

However, Lin Xun only felt the qi and blood tossing, his body was in severe pain, and he couldn't help groaning.

But he also reacted very quickly, dodging immediately.

But the terrifying and terrifying attack was extremely terrifying, as if it were omnipresent and omnipresent.

clang! clang! clang!

The earth-shattering collision continued to sound, and it could be clearly seen that the strange sword qi was falling like a divine whip, densely like a violent storm, emerging from nothingness, attacking from all directions, and the Wuyuan sword cauldron was smashed and buzzed constantly. Light and rain splashed.

At this moment, Lin Xun looked rather embarrassed, and he was in a dangerous situation. Since he was seized of the opportunity, whenever he tried to stabilize his figure, he would be oppressed by the dense sword energy, which made him extremely passive.

If it weren't for the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron's resistance, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to withstand this sudden and fierce assassination!

:. :

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