The Prodigies War

Chapter 2423 The magical power of ancestry

The sword qi covering the strange Dao pattern finally vanished.


Lin Xun let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Before listening to Qingque's advice, he was still a little disapproving.

But after he really killed an undead monarch, he realized how terrifying these murderous souls were.

Who would dare to imagine that the obsession of this undead monarch is actually a sword energy?

And it's so weird, covered with obscure and eerie Dao patterns!


Suddenly, Lin Xun noticed that after the death of the undead monarch, an old and broken jade slip was left behind, which was already mottled.

Lin Xun put it away, and his divine sense penetrated into it.

"Father, mother said that you are coming back soon. Is it true? Mother and I miss you very much. You have been gone for three hundred and nineteen years and eighty-seven days..."

"Father, I must wait for you to come back for my wedding banquet. If you don't come back, I won't get married..."

The words in the jade slip were intermittent, extremely vague, and most of them were incomplete. It was hard for Lin Xun to see two complete sentences.

After that, Lin Xun fell silent, his heartstrings trembled as if being plucked by an inexplicable force.

He thought that since this incomplete jade slip was the only thing on the body of the undead monarch, it must have a great secret, who would have thought.

This is a home book.

A letter with deep thoughts about her daughter.

He even remembered clearly how long his father had been gone. It was a trivial matter that only close relatives would miss.

And before this undead monarch was alive, he should have... also missed his daughter immensely, right?

Lin Xunqing couldn't help but think of Zhao Jingxuan and Lin Fan who stayed in Xixinfeng. Although they were only separated for more than a year, their mother and son would still miss and care about themselves, right?

Immediately, Lin Xun smiled.

This kid Lin Fan,

I definitely won't think too much, the young man doesn't know the taste of sorrow.

On the contrary, Jing Xuan...

She must have missed herself more than once...

Thinking of this, Lin Xun couldn't help sighing softly, and carefully put away the worn and mottled jade slip in his hand. This kind of item is very common, but it is precious and worth saving.

For killing the undead monarch, Lin Xun has no regrets.

Because the other party is just a fierce soul transformed by an obsession, its deity is afraid that it has already fallen into the destruction of the previous era.

"No matter the era changes, the ups and downs of the world, the family love, after all, is eternal..."

Lin Xun murmured in his heart.

With the fall of the undead monarch, the undead in this ravine seemed to realize that they were powerful, and disappeared into the vast mist, never to be found again.

Lin Xun stabilized his mind and looked at the bottom of the gully.

A dazzling halo the size of a futon was suspended on the dark-brown ground, emitting a magnificent and colorful avenue of light and rain.

Looking closer, there is a strange and pure ancestral power surging in the light group, and the aura of the Great Dao permeates the air, which is extremely dazzling.

Qing Que jumped on Lin Xun's shoulder, tsk tsk admiration: "Your luck is not bad, looking at the appearance of this Dao Ancestor, it can be classified into a first-class level. In the past, once such a Dao Ancestor appeared, it was destined to be sparked a massive bloodbath."

Seeing that Lin Xun stepped forward and wanted to take away the ancestral source of the avenue, Qingque quickly reminded: "These divine objects are left over from the last era and cannot be taken away. Once they are used strongly, their power will be exhausted in an instant. ."

Lin Xun stopped suddenly and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Meditate on its side and refine it." Qingque


Lin Xun thought for a while, waved his sleeve robe, and arranged the Nine Nether Trapped Divine Formation around him. Then he sat cross-legged on the side of the Great Dao Zuyuan and concentrated on meditation.

As he breathes and breathes, the light and rain of the Great Dao gushing out from the ancestral source of the Great Dao seems to be being pulled, and turns into strands of light flowing from Lin Xun's mouth and nose. The scorching torrent spread out with a bang.

At this moment, the pores of Lin Xun's body opened, the meridians and acupuncture points, the internal organs, the limbs... Every inch of the place, there was a thirst-like rhythm, like countless small mouths waiting to be fed, emitting eagerness and excitement cheer.

Even the Benming Emperor Realm produced an unprecedentedly strong rhythm, roaring and boiling.

When the scorching torrent of the ancestral energy of the Great Dao was continuously absorbed from the inside and outside of the body, Lin Xun was so comfortable that he could not help but groan.

This feeling is really amazing.

It's like eating a sumptuous and tempting feast when you've been hungry for a long time, and like a long-dried desert ushered in a heavy rain...

When Lin Xun practiced before, he had never experienced such a wonderful feeling.

This ancestral power of the Great Dao, buried here from the last era, is undoubtedly magical!

Two hours later.

That group of Dao Ancestors has shrunk to the size of a baby's fist.

And Lin Xun clearly felt that his Taoism has skyrocketed, and he has entered the middle stage from the early stage of the sixth stage of the emperor realm!

The change was so great that Lin Xun couldn't help but be amazed.

The ninth level of the emperor's realm, the first-level one-day moat, the higher the Taoism, the more difficult it is to improve. Even if it is a super talented generation, the speed of breaking the realm will gradually slow down with the improvement of the realm. ‘

As for ordinary cultivators, it is still a question whether they can break through the realm.

And now, in just two hours, the cultivation base has undergone such a big change, so how can Lin Xun not be surprised.

It should be noted that his Taoist foundation is unparalleled, far exceeding that of ordinary peers, and even in the supreme emperor realm, he is unparalleled.

The cultivation base can move from the early stage to the middle stage, this kind of entry is already very fast!

"No wonder in the past years, all the powerhouses who entered the realm of dead souls did not hesitate to fight for the ancestral origin of the Dao. This kind of treasure is really incredible..."

Lin Xun quickly abandoned his distracting thoughts and continued to practice.

until an hour later.

That group of Dao ancestral sources have been completely refined, and Lin Xun's own cultivation has already begun to move towards the late stage of the sixth level of the Emperor Realm!

Feeling the change in himself, Lin Xun was also completely tempted.

"One month, if you hurry up, maybe it will be enough for me to take my Taoism to a new level..."

Lin Xun murmured.

"This time, you were lucky, and you were fortunate enough to own a group of Dao Ancestors with first-class quality. Next time, you may not have such good luck." Qingque said, pouring cold water on Lin Xun.

Lin Xun smiled, disapprovingly.

His figure flickered, swept out of the gully, and continued to search along the cold and silent starry sky filled with mist.

"You really are a crow's mouth..."

After a long time, Lin Xun sighed. On the way, he didn't find the ancestral source of the Great Dao, but there were many undead hunters.

"You're unlucky, you blame me instead?" Qingque glared at him.

Right at this moment-

A ferocious roar suddenly came from a distance, revealing the taste of tyranny and madness.

Qingque immediately said: "Someone has been attacked by the obsession of the undead, and it is no accident that the other party has lost his mind and fell into a madness.


Lin Xun's consciousness spread, and he vaguely caught the sound of fighting.

And the battle that takes place in the realm of the dead is destined to be inseparable from the struggle for the ancestral origin of the Great Dao!

"Go and have a look."

Lin Xun's figure flashed, and he moved away from the starry sky.

After realizing the magic of Dao Zuyuan, how could he miss any opportunity to compete for Dao Zuyuan.

"Greed makes people crazy..." Qing Que sighed.

"What kind of greed, this is called Dao race, Dao Ancestral Source is an ownerless thing, others can grab it, why can't I, Lin Xun, be able to grab it?"

Lin Xun said and quickened his pace.

Soon, a floating land appeared, extremely vast.

A melee is being staged in it, and the figures of the emperor's characters flicker in it, and each of them shows a monstrous power, swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, and treasure bottles... All kinds of imperial soldiers are wrapped in gorgeous and dazzling terror. The power is criss-crossed, and the rolling roar is like thunder, which is also mixed with various sounds of killing, roaring, screaming, and wailing...

This was indeed a big melee. Lin Xun saw at a glance that there were at least four or five groups of Emperor Realm characters from different camps fighting, and the aftermath of the turbulent and spreading battle destroyed the world.

And not far from the battlefield, there is a huge space vortex like a stagnation, quietly suspended there.

In the depths of the whirlpool, from time to time, a magnificent and colorful rain of light erupted.

Obviously, it is the breath of the Great Dao Ancestor, and it is extraordinary!

And this melee was naturally also triggered by the struggle for the ancestral origin of the Dao.


Lin Xun suddenly noticed that around this floating continent, there was still a lot of aura lurking, paying attention to the battlefield and waiting for an opportunity.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xun immediately concluded that it would not be that easy to swallow the ancestral origin of the Great Dao.

Too many opponents are eyeing!

Lin Xun thought about it for a while, and then stopped in a gray fog not far from the floating continent.


During the melee, some Emperor Realm characters felt that they had no chance of winning, and resolutely retreated.

Some people noticed that there were more opponents lurking in the area near the land. They realized that it was not good, and decided to protect themselves first.

But there are still some people who are fighting and fighting, and the battle is tragic.

Lin Xun looked around and found that most of the figures in the battlefield were unfamiliar. They should be cultivators who entered the Great Thousand Battle Territory from other gates.

Only Xingmutian and his party were familiar to Lin Xun.

"It seems that with the passage of time, more and more powerful people have entered the realm of the dead from the ancient nightmare battlefield..." Lin Xun frowned.

This also means that there will be more and more opponents in the competition for the ancestral origin of the Dao.

The most difficult thing is that the ancestral source of the Dao cannot be taken away, and can only be refined on the spot. Even if it is to seize the first opportunity, once an enemy kills, there is not much chance of refining.

"Step aside!"

Just as Lin Xun was thinking about it, a voice with an indifferent and cold taste suddenly resounded between the heavens and the earth.

I saw a group of figures swept in from a distance, the breath of the whole body was not concealed, and they came straight to the floating continent.

The powerhouses hiding in the dark, as well as the powerhouses who are fighting, can't help showing vigilance and fear.

Because the leader of the group of people who came suddenly was one of the "Five Absolute Emperors" from the immortal emperor's Wen clan.

Wen Shaoheng!

. Literature Museum m.

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