The Prodigies War

Chapter 2408 Zhou Xuyuan Crystal

In the cold and silent universe, a majestic giant city is located, with thousands of weather, and the surging Daoguang is like the ups and downs of billions of tides, and it is immortal.

When he first saw it, Lin Xun couldn't help but be moved. The giant city was not located on the stars, nor was it standing in the world plane, but directly suspended in the universe, which was shocking.

Before this city, the sun, moon, and stars seemed extraordinarily small!

Extradition City!

Qing Que turned into a streamer and returned to the sachet. It transmitted a voice, "If someone from the Immortal Imperial Clan sees me, it will definitely bring disaster for you."

Lin Xun nodded and swept away towards the extradition city.

The closer you get, the more you can discover how majestic and huge the extradition city is, it is almost more magnificent than a world.

The city wall stretches endlessly like mountains, exuding a faint golden light, and the tower is like a moat, majestic and heavy.

In the nearby starry sky, countless splendid Dao lights whistled, heading towards the city from all directions.

The rainbow is like rain, the figure is like a tide!

Some ride on magical beasts, some ride on gorgeous treasure carriages, some stand on auspicious clouds and futons, and some control Feidun Daobao...

Whether it is a ferocious beast, a gorgeous treasure chariot, a futon, or a treasure... all of them can be called the top level in the world.

Looking closely, most of these figures appear in groups, and there are also solo travelers like Lin Xun.

Lin Xun swept his eyes and saw figures of emperor-level figures everywhere, whistling around the world, chasing the stars and the moon, with mighty divine might and boundless mana!

Lin Xun couldn't help taking a deep breath.

On the ancient road of the starry sky, the trip of the emperors can definitely cause a sensation in the world, but it is not uncommon outside this city of reception!

"That is the extradition city. Every once in a while, there will be powerful people from different universe worlds gathering to go to the Dikun Realm Gate. However, our next visit is just to travel, see the scene here, and prepare for the future. ."

"Since ancient times, it is only in this extradition city that we can see so many people in the emperor realm. This is one of the wonders of the world."

"Just think about it,

The Great Thousand World includes an unknown number of cosmos planes. Although the emperor realm characters in each cosmos plane are extremely rare, if they gather near this city, the number is also spectacular. "

"Yeah, someone from the old generation said that in the city of Jieyin, there are so many emperors, I still don't believe it. Now it seems that the ancients are honestly not deceiving me."

A group of emperors chatted and whizzed past Lin Xun.

Hearing their conversation, Lin Xun was startled. Obviously, these Emperor Realm characters did not want to go to the Great Thousand Battle Territory, but simply came to travel.

"For you cultivators of the Starry Sky Road, the journey to the Great Thousand Battle Territory is long and dangerous, full of bumps, but for some cultivators in the cosmos plane next to Jiyin City, coming here is like traveling. Mountain and water. Of course, the premise is that you must have a cultivation level above the emperor realm."

Qingque transmitted his voice and gave Lin Xun some pointers, "Just like this Tiandu Star Region, which is closest to Jieyin City, it is the fifth-ranked Cosmic Plane in the Great Thousand Worlds. It will take three days to arrive at Jiyin City.”

Lin Xun nodded, followed the figures one after another, and swept towards the city.

He was alone, with a restrained aura and a calm temperament, and he looked no different from ordinary people.

But none of the emperor-level characters you saw along the way dared to despise them. After all, those who could travel around Zhou Xu and go to Jiyin City were at least the same emperor-level characters as them!

After entering the lofty city gate, you will see a scene of shoulder-to-shoulders everywhere, the rays of light rising, and the treasures are overflowing.

As a city that is well-known in the world, there are not many horror characters coming in every day. Similarly, there are also many chambers of commerce and trading places here.

Whether it's a medicinal herb workshop, a treasure pavilion, an alchemy workshop, or places such as restaurants and inns, most of them are opened for people in the emperor realm, and there are huge forces behind them.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have a place in the city.

In fact, in addition to being a gateway to the Great Thousand Battle Territory, Jieyin City was also an extremely prosperous and prosperous city of commerce.

Many emperor-level characters from different universes gathered here, not to go to the Great Thousand Battle Territory, but purely to exchange the divine materials, medicinal pills, exercises and other items needed for cultivation here.

And the trading place that can attract the emperors of the heavens, the items traded are naturally no trivial matter.

What surprised Lin Xun was that most of the characters in the city, except for the Emperor Realm, were characters under the Emperor Realm. They acted as various roles, such as restaurant servants, shop waiters and so on.

"That's right, how exist the characters of the emperor realm, how could they be shouting and selling treasures here..." Lin Xun thought thoughtfully.

"Is this the first time senior came to pick up Yincheng?"

It didn't take long for a chubby man who looked honest and honest to come over. Although he only had the cultivation base in the Holy Land, he was not afraid at all, and his face was full of enthusiastic smiles.

"Not bad." Lin Xun nodded.

Fatty's eyes lit up and said, "Is the senior here to travel, or to buy and exchange treasures? Or is it to go to the Great Thousand Battle Territory?"

Lin Xundao said, "Let's take a tour first, and then consider whether to go to the Great Thousand Battle Territory."

Fatty smiled and said, "My dear Suo Zhong, who has been in this city for many years, may be able to help the seniors. As long as the seniors feel satisfied, you can pay me some rewards."

Only then did Lin Xun understand the other party's intention, and said with great interest, "What kind of payment do you want?"

"The best is 'Zhou Xu Yuanjing'."

As the fat man said, he explained that it turns out that this Zhou Xuyuan crystal is a kind of currency that spreads from the eternal real world, and it is a kind of divine material with a surging chaotic atmosphere.

Each piece of Eternal Void Origin Crystal is cut into the size of a copper coin, which is not only a kind of currency, but also can be used for cultivation.

In Eternal Realm, Zhou Xuyuan Crystal is a currency in circulation that is recognized by the world, and can be divided into three grades according to the quality.

The first-class Eternal Void Source Crystal is the most precious.

The third most times.

After listening, Lin Xun said, "I don't have this on me."

Fatty smiled and said: "Senior don't have to worry about this, there is a place in the city to exchange Eternal Void Origin Crystals, 10,000 Dao Crystals can be exchanged for one third-class Eternal Void Origin Crystal. One hundred third-class Eternal Void Origin Crystals , can be exchanged for a second-class Eternal Void Origin Crystal..."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, seniors can also sell the divine materials, medicinal pills, exercises, and treasures in their hands to exchange for the Eternal Void Source Crystal."

Lin Xun nodded and couldn't help asking: "I heard that if you want to go to the Great Thousand Battle Territory, you need to exchange the letter talisman certificate in the 'City Lord's Mansion' under the jurisdiction of the city protector. How much is this letter talisman certificate worth?"

Fatty stretched out a finger: "One thousand first-class Zhou Xuyuan crystals, that is, one hundred billion Dao crystals."

When this number was reported, even Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

It's not that he can't afford it. As a supreme emperor, the wealth he has accumulated during his travels in the world over the years is already immeasurable.

Even if the treasures that are not needed are left in the Xinxin Peak, but in this year, the trophies he obtained from the enemy all the way across the starry sky is an astronomical figure.

But this price is beyond Lin Xun's imagination.

What is the concept of 100 billion Daojing?

Converted to ordinary imperial soldiers, they can be piled up into a hill!

He thought that going to the Great Thousand Battle Territory was to embark on a road of no return, which was dangerous and unpredictable. Who would have thought that it would cost such a large amount of wealth just for a letter certificate leading to the Dikun Realm Gate.

"Senior, the Dikun Realm Gate is located in the deepest part of the Taoist Canopy. If you don't have the credential, you won't be able to board the realm ship that leads to the Dikun Realm Gate. After all, although the price is outrageous, it's not worth it to the emperor's realm. As a character, it must be affordable.”

The fat man quickly explained.

"Okay, before heading to the Great Thousand Battle Territory, just follow me." Lin Xun nodded.

Fatty looked happy, and then whispered: "Senior, let's talk about it first, I will charge ten third-class Zhou Xuyuan crystals a day."

Lin Xundao: "Well, take me to exchange Zhou Xuyuan Crystal first."

Fatty agreed happily, and led Lin Xun to turn left and right, and walked through more than ten blocks before entering an ancient building called "Zhou Xuzhai".

"Senior, now the people in Zhou Xuzhai and the city lord's mansion are the same as the protector 'Yunyuan Emperor Ancestor', the immortal emperor He clan from the eternal real world, you must remember that in the city you can't offend the most , is the person of the He family."

Before entering Zhou Xuzhai, Fatty specially reminded him through voice transmission.

Yunyuan Emperor Ancestor.

Immortal Emperor He Clan.

Lin Xun nodded.

In Zhou Xuzhai, there are many emperors who came to the extradition city for the first time like Lin Xun, and they are all exchanging Zhou Xuyuan crystals.

Although there are many people, it is orderly.

Obviously, everyone knows that Zhou Xuzhai cannot be offended.

Soon, Lin Xun lined up in front of a cabinet and handed out a storage bag, which was filled with Daojing like hills.

But in the end, only three first-class Eternal Void Source Crystals, fifty second-class Eternal Void Source Crystals, and eighty third-class Eternal Void Source Crystals were exchanged.

It was also at this time that Lin Xun finally saw the appearance of Zhou Xuyuan Crystal.

Each piece is the size of a copper coin, the third is cyan, the second is silver, and the first is gold.

Each piece of Eternal Void Origin Crystal is extremely heavy, and contains a strong and pure chaotic atmosphere, and the higher the rank, the more chaotic atmosphere it contains.

Lin Xun sensed that this Zhou Xuyuan Crystal was indeed much more precious than Dao Jing, and even if it was not used as currency, it was enough to meet the cultivation needs of the emperors.

In particular, the first-class Zhou Xuyuan crystal can at least support Lin Xun, who already has the sixth-level cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, and practice for a whole day!

After walking out of Zhou Xuzhai, Lin Xun handed fifty third-class Zhou Xuyuan crystals to Fatty and said, "This is the prepaid reward."

The fat man smiled brightly. For him who only had the cultivation base in the Holy Land, this prepaid remuneration was already a huge amount of wealth!

After carefully putting it away, Fatty said, "Senior, where are you going next?"

"Sell treasures and continue to exchange Zhou Xuyuan crystals."

Lin Xun thought without hesitation.

There are only three first-class Zhou Xuyuan crystals in his hand, which is far from the number of a thousand, not to mention the exchange for a letter certificate leading to the Dikun Realm Gate.

Fortunately, although he lacks Dao Jing, he does not lack all kinds of divine materials and treasures!

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