The Prodigies War

Chapter 2382: 10 Emperors come to see you

three months.

For Lin Xun, it was like a flick of a finger.

In the Forbidden City, in three months, too many things have happened.

These things are all related to the establishment of Yuanshi Taoism.

There are too many people from all over the world to come to apprentice, making the Forbidden City an unprecedented lively during this period of time.

At the same time, Lin Zhong, Zhao Tailai and the other elders also felt great pressure.

Yuanshi Taoism has just been established, and all the rules and regulations are still being gradually improved. Although it has been announced that it will not recruit disciples in the near future, even so, there is still an endless stream of people who come to worship.

These apprentices seem to show their perseverance and determination. Even if they are rejected, they still refuse to leave. They stand near Xixin Peak every day and night, obviously not planning to give up easily.

So that in just three months, the vicinity of Xixin Peak was already overcrowded!

Even, the nearby housing prices and land prices have skyrocketed dozens of times!

In the end, after discussions among the top officials of the Yuanshi Taoist Sect, it was decided to hold an assessment ceremony for the disciples one year later.

At that time, regardless of their background, the top 100 who pass the assessment can become the first batch of outer disciples of Yuanshi Taoism.

Although he was an outer disciple, and even though there were only 100 places, when the news came out, it caused a sensation in the world for the first time.

Countless people are gearing up for this, studying and practicing hard for this, and they are desperate to become stronger.

For this reason, countless major forces have not hesitated to spend a lot of resources, just to cultivate some children who can pass the examination of Yuanshi Daozong.

And those who were guarding outside the Xinxin Peak finally dispersed.

The matter of recording the disciples was finally effectively resolved, but before Lin Zhong and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, news came—

"The Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance will send ten great emperors to visit Emperor Lin in the Forbidden City!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the whole world looked at it.

"The good will not come,

The comers are not good, and the Annihilation Sea Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance has coveted the opportunity of the avenue in the Forbidden City for a long time. If they come here, they will cause trouble! "

Someone analyzed.

"Yes, if you are visiting, why do you need to dispatch ten emperors? It is clear that you want to use such a huge lineup to test the depth of Emperor Lin, and the plot is not good!"

Many people realize that a storm will sweep from the Sea of ​​Oblivion, and the target is Lin Xun, who is now sitting in the Primordial Dao Sect!

"The Yuanshi Taoist sect has just been established, and the sect is up and down, only Lin Dijun is in charge, and I don't know if this problem can be resolved..."

Some people are worried.

"Those emperors in the ancient wasteland have been killed, and their foundations have been uprooted. With the power of Emperor Lin, how could it not be able to resolve this storm?"

Many people have full confidence in Lin Xun.

No one can forget the bloody battle that took place in the Forbidden City a few months ago, and it was this battle that established Lin Xun's supreme status as a god in the hearts of all cultivators.

"No, it is impossible for the Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance not to understand how the forces of the ancient wilderness were destroyed, and it is impossible not to know how terrifying the combat power of Emperor Lin is. Since they came here, they must have something to rely on!"

Some major forces analyzed that since the Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance dared to do this, it must have been a long-planned action after careful consideration.

This turmoil is destined to be no trivial matter!

"If you can't even get through this difficulty, who in this world would be as eager to worship the Yuanshi Dao Sect as before?"

"By that time, the newly established Yuanshi Daoist Sect will be completely devastated!"

The world was turbulent, and countless discussions sounded.

At the same time, within the Yuanshi Taoist Sect.

Lin Zhong, Zhao Tailai, Zhao Xingye and other high-level officials also learned the news, and they all frowned, realizing that the situation was serious.

Yuanshi Taoist Sect was only established not long ago. At this juncture, Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance sent ten emperors to visit together. It must be a bad visitor.

Even Lin Zhong and the others knew it well, saying that they were visiting, but in fact they were trying to test the details of Yuanshi Taoism.

No, strictly speaking, it should be said that it is to test the details of Lin Xun!

If Lin Xun did not show the power to suppress these ten great emperors, it is foreseeable that these Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance will take the opportunity to stir up trouble.

"I'm going to see the young master."

Lin Zhong made a decision.

At the top of Xinxin Peak, in a dojo, nearly a hundred teenagers and girls are practicing martial arts.

These teenagers and girls are the first generation disciples of Yuanshi Taoism, and they were selected from the Lin family, the imperial family, the Lingwen Master Commune, Qinglu Academy, and Jinyutang.

Both talent and aptitude are outstanding.

But for Lin Xun, what he values ​​most is perseverance, character, and courage.

In the years of traveling around the world, Lin Xun has seen many amazing talents, but often only those with great perseverance, great courage, and a firm mind can go further on the road.

Diligence rewards diligence, and diligence can make up for clumsiness. Although this saying is vulgar, it is an unbreakable truth in ancient and modern times.

For example, the ninth senior brother Ge Yupu and the eleventh senior brother Pu Zhen are all such characters.

At this time, Lin Xun's Aoki Taoist body was holding Shi Yu's daughter Linlang, standing in the distance watching these young girls practice martial arts.

Linlang snuggled in Lin Xun's arms, blinking her watery eyes, like a curious baby, asking questions.

Some questions are very naive, but Lin Xun still explained patiently with a smile, teasing the little girl from time to time, and it was fun.

"Uncle Zhong, is something wrong?"

When Lin Zhong's figure came from a distance, he was immediately noticed by Lin Xun.

Lin Zhong hesitated for a while, but still told the news about the Great Emperor sent by the Ten Thousand Demons War Alliance to visit.

After hearing this, Lin Xun's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately smiled: "It's a trivial matter, tell others what to do and what to do, if those guys really dare to come and pick things up, it depends on whether they can bear it. Wait for the consequences."

Seeing Lin Xun's unconcerned appearance, Lin Zhong was taken aback, and he couldn't help saying: "Master, those are ten great emperors, and they must have been planning for a long time and come prepared."

Lin Xun laughed: "It's just a clown jumping on the beam, Uncle Zhong can rest assured."

Although Lin Zhong was still a little unsteady in his heart, he still nodded and hurried away.

"Uncle, are you going to fight again?" Lin Lang's big eyes glowed.

Lin Xun tapped her forehead and laughed.


The ten great emperors sent by the Ten Thousand Monsters War Alliance came earlier than people expected.

Just three days after the news broke.

Ten great emperors from different sea clans appeared outside the Forbidden City, and they did not hide their auras. They were discovered as soon as they appeared, causing a sensation in the city.

Countless people were nervous, and the atmosphere in the entire Forbidden City became depressed.

outside the city.

The clouds are heavy, and the world is chilling.

The ten great emperors stood on the ground, some were surrounded by silver thunder and lightning, some had a light wheel formed by the sun, moon and stars behind their heads, some stepped on the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and suppressed the purgatory, and some held the universe in their hands, and their eyes were full. Blossoming radiance...

The coercion belonging to the Emperor Realm gathered together, like a hurricane that swept wantonly, covering the nine heavens and ten places, and the oppression made the void outside the city buzz and whine, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

No one dared to approach.

The place where the ten great emperors stand, just by the breath they cover, can kill the cultivators in the emperor realm!

In this depressing and chilling atmosphere, the ten great emperors spoke one after another:

"Purple Shark Feng Xian, come to visit Emperor Lin!"

"Rui Chong of the Golden Flood Dragon, come to visit Emperor Lin!"

"Thunder Python clan is ruthless..."

"Flying clan..."

One after another full of majestic voices, they sounded outside the city, and then spread to the entire Forbidden City, shaking the clouds in all directions.

It was like a burst of thunder rumbled across the sky.

The cultivators in the city were all stunned and trembling in their hearts. Sure enough, the good ones didn't come.

All eyes were directed towards Xixin Peak, where Yuanshi Daozong was located.

Lin Zhong and the others looked solemn, and all the strong men of Yuanshi Taoism also stopped their movements.

in this oppressive atmosphere.


A sturdy figure rose into the air, dressed in snow-white clothes, with a peerless style.

It was Lin Xun's platinum body.

He stepped out, and in an instant he was outside the city.

"It's Emperor Lin!"

Many cultivators noticed this scene and couldn't help but be excited, and their eyes filled with admiration and enthusiasm.

Outside the city, the ten great emperors also saw Lin Xun walking out alone, and their eyes could not help but squinted slightly, but their demeanor was still calm and majestic.

"Lin is here, what do you want to say?" Lin Xun asked directly.

All the emperors were slightly startled.

One of them flickered and said solemnly, "I'm waiting here because I want to discuss with Emperor Lin about my entry into the 'Holy City of Ten Thousand Paths'..."

"Not negotiable."

Lin Xun interrupted directly, "In the Forbidden City, except for my Yuanshi Dao Sect, no other forces are allowed to intervene, otherwise they will be cut."

Simply neat, with no wiggle room.

This made those great emperors frown, and their faces were a little ugly. They came prepared this time. They thought that with their strength, Lin Xun could restrain himself.

But I never thought that the other party's attitude was so rude from the beginning!

A tall and powerful man snorted coldly: "Fellow Daoist, you are going to occupy the entire Holy Land of Ten Thousand Taos by yourself. Isn't this too overbearing?"

"I came here with good intentions. I just wanted to settle in the Forbidden City. I didn't have any thoughts of being in trouble with Lin Dijun. I hope Lin Dijun thinks twice."

"Lin Dijun, the spiritual energy is revived, the great world has come, with your own strength... I am afraid that you can't monopolize the Forbidden City at all, why not give up some territory?"

The other emperors also spoke, and the words seemed to be discussing, but in fact, there was a vague threat.

But seeing Lin Xun stretch out a finger, he said indifferently: "Lin again, this matter is not negotiable, I advise you to disappear now, otherwise, don't blame Lin for being rude."

As soon as these words came out, those cultivators who were paying attention to this scene all gasped, Lin Dijun really had the arrogance and dominance, unparalleled.

That is ten great emperors coming under the city, how can they be so strong if they are other people?

Looking at those emperor realm characters again, the complexion at this time was a little gloomy.


ps: Please let me know in advance that Goldfish currently does not have a chapter on file. During the Chinese New Year, we will try our best to make time to code words.

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