The Prodigies War

Chapter 2333 familiar strangers

? Boom!

The entrance of the spring is like turning into a storm whirlpool, splashing frantic time and space turbulence.

Lin Xun's figure disappeared into the depths of the spring one step earlier, and this was how he avoided this disaster. Otherwise, he would be swept away by the turbulent flow of time and space, and he would be as powerful as an emperor, and he would be shredded into powder in an instant.

After a while, the area near the spring's eye returned to calm, but compared with the past, the power of time and space lingering in the vicinity was obviously weaker...

The stars are moving, the sky is spinning.

Lin Xun only felt that his whole body was hot, and he was being dragged and moved uncontrollably, with twisted and colorful lights and shadows in front of him.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Xun's body gradually regained its calmness, and the originally drowsy consciousness also recovered little by little.

As soon as his mind moved, he immediately noticed that the source spiritual veins were crystal-like, translucent and crystal clear, and an unparalleled power of time was surging within them.

It felt like a transparent bottle filled with water...

It even gave Lin Xun the feeling that he had finally had a full meal after he had been starved for a long time.

However, there was no transformation, but it seemed that it would undergo transformation at any time. Lin Xun immediately realized that kind of wonderful induction.

Perhaps, when the source spiritual veins completely refine the devoured power of time, there will be a third transformation!

It is the so-called third-stage power of swallowing the sky!

"However, it was still too dangerous at the time. If there was a slight error, maybe..." Thinking of the time and space around the spring at that time, Lin Xun couldn't help but have lingering fears, and he felt like the rest of his life.

"Little friend, how are you feeling now?" Wu Mozhong's voice sounded, showing concern.

"It's all right." Lin Xun took a deep breath, looked up, and found that he had come to a vortex portal at this time.

"Beyond this portal, is the entrance to the return to the ruins."

Wu Ju Zhong said, "However, you have to be mentally prepared, outside the ruins, it is the sea of ​​annihilated souls, subject to the oppression of the rules of the avenue, your Taoism will be suppressed under the emperor's realm.

However, as long as you enter the Returning Ruins, you can recover with your Taoism. "

Lin Xun nodded.

Annihilation Soul Sea!

The deepest part of the East China Sea, which is connected to the lower realm of Zi Yao Empire, has been regarded as the category of "lower realm".

A long time ago, when the old man and the old priest were dormant in the Forbidden City of the Zi Yao Empire, their strength was also suppressed.

Otherwise, with their Taoism, it is enough to easily pierce the sky!

As far as Lin Xun knew, after the Shifang Dao War broke out in the ancient times, the ancient wasteland, the place where the ten thousand Dao originated, was sunk, and its original power was lost and turned into a "lower realm".

In other words, the lower realm is where the core of the "Land of the Origin of Myriad Dao" is transformed!

Such as the return to the ruins, the sea of ​​annihilation, the sea tomb of the burial, the battlefield of killing blood... these mysterious places are all located in the lower realm.

How could Lin Xun not understand now that this lower realm is by no means a barren and abandoned land, but has a great history!

When he thought that he was still in Kunlun Ruins before, how long it was before he was able to return to the Sea of ​​Oblivion, Lin Xun couldn't help but be in a trance.

Counting the time, it has been decades since he entered the ancient starry sky. Even Lin Xun did not expect that under such circumstances, he would have the opportunity to return to the lower realm.

Without delay, Lin Xun rushed into the whirlpool portal.

A blue sea and ocean appeared in the field of vision for the first time. As far as I could see, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, the blue waves were tidal, and the vastness was vast.

But at the same time, Lin Xun also noticed the emergence of a law force from the Great Dao, which oppressed his own breath and continued to sink, until he fell under the emperor's realm, and he was able to stabilize when he was at the perfect level of quasi-emperor.

At the same time, the oppression of the Dao Law also disappeared.

"The law of order in this world is by no means simple."

Lin Xun put his hands behind his back and stood above the blue sea with a sigh of relief.

When he was young and his cultivation base was shallow, he couldn't appreciate the wonders of this world at all. Now when he returned, he was already the Daoyuan Emperor who shook the stars and the heavens, and he just realized how different this lower realm is.

Wu Ju Zhong said: "The ancient road of the starry sky is vast and boundless, covering all the heavens and the world, but there is only one ancient road leading to the Kunlun Ruins. And this lower realm, as if sitting in the place of returning to the ruins, is naturally very extraordinary."

Lin Xun's eyes looked around, and memories of his youth came to his mind bit by bit.

I still remember that he was invited by Zhao Jingxuan back then, and together with the descendants of the Holy Land of Spirit Treasures, he set off from the Zi Yao Empire, crossed the Sea of ​​Oblivion, and arrived at the Returning Market without any risk.

It was also in the "Murder Road Sea Tomb" that I saw the three-legged Jin Chan's descendant, the only one, the old clam gold...

Later, together with Lao Ha, he broke into the secret realm of the demon saint, and fought against the younger generation of holy sons such as the Dragon Whale Clan, the Golden Luan Bird Clan, the Vigorous Demon Bull Clan, the Xuanao Clan, the Yunji Clan, and the Yuling Clan.

Repeated dangers, repeated opportunities.

Until he entered Fangcun Ruins, he used the Endless Pagoda to obtain the verse of the karma left by the master of Fangcun.

It was also at that time that he was able to win the inheritance from the big brother in the fierce battle of the opponents - the holy method of fighting!

Thinking of all kinds of things back then, Lin Xun couldn't help but feel a little erratic.


Unconsciously, it has been more than a hundred years since I snapped my fingers, and I am no longer young...

"When the fourth senior brother's matter is resolved, be sure to return to the Zi Yao Empire to take a look."

Lin Xun secretly made a decision.

A noisy voice suddenly sounded from a distance:

"Don't panic, everyone, the entrance to the ruins has continued to appear for more than a month. According to the words of the Dao Zun, within three months, all beings in this world will have the opportunity to enter the square inch of the ruins and listen to the Taoist Lord to explain the mystery of the Dao. "

"There is such a good thing in the world?"

"This is called creation!"

"Come on!"

... On the blue sea in the distance, there are many figures, either riding spirit birds, sitting on the backs of huge sea sharks, or flying away with treasures, there are hundreds of people, men and women, Spectacular.

The leader was an old man in a mysterious robe with a fairy style and a bone. He stepped on an ancient sword and had elegant sleeves.

Lin Xun glanced over and immediately recognized the origin of these figures.

In this sea area, inhabited the remnants of the ancient ten thousand clans, each of which has been divided into forces, and has survived to this day.

As early as when he was young for the first time, Lin Xun had seen the power of these ancient remnants, and even suppressed many dazzling arrogances.

Such as Niu Tuntian from the Dali Bull Demon Clan, Kong Xiu from the Yunji Clan, Meng Lianqing from the Jinluan Clan, etc.

The figures whistling in the distance are obviously from the forces of the ancient remnants, belonging to different ethnic groups, and their appearances are also strange.

When they saw Lin Xun standing alone above the blue sea, the black-robed old man and others were startled, but they didn't feel too surprised.

During this period of time, the sea area near Guixu was extremely lively, attracting an unknown number of strong people every day.

Just glanced at Lin Xun, no one wanted to waste time, the old man in the dark robe and the others left.


Suddenly, a slender figure stood still, and a pair of eyes looked at Lin Xun, showing a look of stunned expression.

This is a woman, wearing a long pale golden dress, extremely tall and beautiful, with a body as white as snow, with black hair hanging down and a waist that is gripped, the whole person exudes a stunning, arrogant, and cold verve .

As she stood still, some people nearby also stopped, crowded around her, and asked questions with doubts.

"Miss Lianqing knows this person?"

Their eyes are also looking at Lin Xun.

At the same time, Lin Xun couldn't help being a little stunned, and recognized the identity of the beautiful woman——

Meng Lianqing!

Back then, in the secret realm of the demon saint, Meng Lianqing was extremely dazzling among the saint sons.

It's just that Lin Xun and her are rivals, and they even had fierce conflicts in order to fight for the Holy Law.

At that time, Lin Xun suppressed Niu Tuntian, Xuan Luozi, Kong Xiu and other saints successively in a one-to-many manner, but Meng Lianqing chose to retreat after knowing that he was defeated.

However, Lin Xun did not expect that just after returning to the sea near Guixu, he met such an "old friend".

Lin Xun didn't know that after so many years, Meng Lianqing had long been an outstanding and dazzling figure among the remnants of the immemorial tribes.

She is the first character in the younger generation of the Jinluan clan to reach the quasi-emperor realm, and her status is so high that she can be compared with those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

Over the years, among the immigrant forces of the immemorial tribes, Meng Lianqing has become an existence that no major force can ignore.

Coupled with her gorgeous appearance, it can be said to stand out from the crowd, and is regarded as a fairy in my heart by many young Junyan.

In fact, those young people with different looks nearby are the admirers of Meng Lianqing, either from a very good background or outstanding achievements on the avenue.

But seeing Meng Lianqing at the moment, sometimes frowning, sometimes in a trance, a pair of clear eyes are also changing, as if recalling the past, only after a while with a trace of doubt, said: "You are..."

She came to Guixu today and planned to listen to the Lord Daoist explaining the mysteries of the Great Dao, but she did not expect to see a familiar figure, which reminded her of the experience she had when she first entered the Guixu Demon Saint Secret Realm many years ago.

That experience was like a nightmare. Although many years have passed, Meng Lianqing still feels unwilling and bitter whenever she thinks of it.

"Is something wrong?" Lin Xun asked.

He didn't plan to reveal his identity. The disputes of the past, in his eyes now, are as worthless as petty troubles.

Now, although his strength is suppressed, no matter his appearance or appearance, there is a qualitative transformation from when he was young. If you don't want people to recognize him, it is not enough to be familiar with his great emperor.

Facing Lin Xun's plain eyes, Meng Lianqing was a little hesitant, and said, "Sorry, fellow Daoist looks very similar to an old friend of mine, so it must be the wrong person, but can I know the name of my fellow Daoist? No?"

"Daoyuan." Lin Xun casually announced his Taoist name.

"Daoyuan? Sure enough it wasn't him..."

Meng Lianqing was stunned, as if relieved and a little lost, her clear eyes were filled with subtle complex emotions.

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