The Prodigies War

Chapter 2264 The Order of Destiny

Xia Zhi's clear eyes are full of seriousness and solemnity.

Lin Xun's heart was tumbling, and he couldn't describe the warmth, and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Xia Zhiqing's eyes drooped slightly and whispered: "If you can't do it, I will be very angry."

Before, she faced a fatal threat from Yanxing, and Lin Xun stood in front of her, and would rather suffer heavy losses than take a step back.

That waiting scene made her very angry, angry why Lin Xun did this desperately, doesn't he know how important he is to himself?

She was also angry that she was too useless, and asked Lin Xun to help her cover the danger...

But, she didn't say these thoughts.

Zhao Yuanji, who was not far away, looked at Lin Xun and Xia Zhi again, and sighed inexplicably in his heart, he was a visitor, how could he not see that the relationship between Lin Xun and Xia Zhi was unusual?

It's just that he doesn't talk much about such emotional matters.

I can't help it, thinking that in the Zi Yao Empire, he was also a man with three palaces and six courtyards...

Zhao Yuanji looked at Ao Xingtang and reminded, "Xingtang, the Dragon Palace world is chaotic and turbulent at the moment. The most urgent task is to smooth the situation as soon as possible and rectify the clan."

Ao Xingtang nodded: "That's right." He said to Lin Xun, "You are seriously injured, so just recuperate here."

"Auntie, let Rhubarb go with you." Lin Xun said hurriedly, kicking Rhubarb who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

Rhubarb was furious: "Boy, are you addicted to using this seat?"

Before Lin Xun could speak, Ao Xingtang said with a smile: "If you help fellow Daoists, you can choose the loot you have counted along the way. I lack everything in my true dragon lineage, except for treasures."

The true dragon family likes to collect treasures the most.

Da Huang's eyes suddenly lit up, he coughed dryly, and pretended to be deep: "Forget it, since you are kindly invited, then this seat will reluctantly walk."

Everyone could not help laughing.

"With these array flags, you can reopen the ban on the Dinghai Road Monument,

In this way, there is no need to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies. "

Lin Xun turned his hand and took out the forty-nine array flags, "Also, Da Huang, you help me spread the news to the nine imperial clans, and tell them to withdraw their troops now, and in a few days, I will visit their clans in person."

"I'm the dignified Xiaozhan Emperor, but I'm here to run errands to spread the word." Da Huang complained, but agreed.

Immediately, Ao Xingtang, Zhao Yuanji and Da Huang left the Ancestral Dragon Mountain together.

Before leaving, he also took away the real dragon princes and princesses who had already fainted from the previous battles.

"I'll go take a look too." Xi said, and turned to leave.

By the Longchi, only Lin Xun and Xiazhi were left.

Lin Xun was seriously injured. He sat cross-legged on the ground, and while taking out many magical medicines to heal his wounds, he asked Xia Zhi: "Before, Yan Xing was desperate to kill you, do you know why?"

Xia Zhi sat on one side, with his fair and slender hands wrapped around his knees, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Lin Xun said thoughtfully: "Before, she said that you have the power of destiny and order. I suspect that her eagerness to kill you should be related to these powers. Have you noticed it yourself?"

According to Yan Xing's displayed combat power, if he wanted to escape before, no one would be able to stop him.

But she would rather be wounded and be killed than kill Xia Zhi, which is too abnormal!

Xia Zhi frowned and thought: "In the past, when I was in the end of the law, someone said that the source of my life is covered with a layer of mysterious power, like a shackle. It is because of this mysterious power that I can Nirvana in the midst of utter destruction, transformation in the line of life and death..."

"For me, the mysterious power like a shackle is like a treasure house, which can transform my power."

After a pause, Xia Zhi said, "Now it seems that this may be the reason why I like to rotate and transform in silence when I cultivate."

Lin Xun's pupils contracted when he heard it, and the source of his life was shackled by a layer of mysterious power. Could that be the "power of destiny order" in Yanxing's mouth?

"Who was that who told you this?" he couldn't help asking.

"Chen Linkong." Xia Zhi thought for a long time before he remembered the name, "He also said that the world calls him Fen Xian."

Lin Xun's heart trembled, how could he forget this mysterious legendary figure?

Back in the days of Burning Immortal Secret Realm, he had seen with his own eyes a mark of will left by the other party.

According to Lao Ha, the ancestor of the three-legged golden toad lineage was only one of the 108 generals under Chen Linkong's command!

"Did he say anything else?" Lin Xun said.

Xia Zhi shook her head. Except for Lin Xun, she never cared about other people's affairs in this world.

Lin Xun fell into contemplation, so it seems that the mysterious power in Xiazhi's body like a shackle must be related to the order of fate, which makes Yanxing become so crazy.

And when he thought of the word fate, Lin Xun's heart tumbled for a while. Now he is the third-level supreme Taoist of the Emperor Realm. How could he not understand the mystery and horror of these two words?

The power of life is the most mysterious and obscure, it can carry the weight of the Dao, and it can prompt the cultivator to transform again and again.

The essence of life is called numerology, and it is also regarded as destiny and destiny.

The so-called fortune-telling is to infer numerology, survey the number of fortunes, so as to glimpse the fate of this life.

However, this fortune-telling technique is only for ordinary people.

In the eyes of cultivators, the power of life is the most obscure and mysterious, just like the way of heaven. The transformation and breakthrough of the realm that cultivators strive for is actually the transformation and sublimation of their own life.

It is precisely because of the transformation that the life of the cultivator is full of variables. It is almost difficult to infer the numerology of the cultivator and investigate their fate.

In short, the changes in life can be called the way of "destiny".

In the eyes of cultivators, the Avenue of Destiny and the Avenue of Time are the most mysterious and incomprehensible avenues in the world!

And Xia Zhi's body is suspected to contain the power belonging to the order of destiny, which is incredible!

Lin Xun himself controls the innate supernatural powers related to time achievement, so he knows too well that if people know about the mysterious power in Xia Zhi's body, it will definitely lead to endless troubles and disturbances.

Thinking of this, Lin Xun looked at Xiazhi and warned seriously, "From now on, don't tell anyone else about this."

Summer Solstice nodded.

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief and began to concentrate on repairing his injuries.

And in the Dragon Palace World, Ao Xingtang launched a big purge!

Controlling the Zhenjiezhu, she can manipulate and use the source power of the Dragon Palace world, even if the cultivation base is not as good as some old antiques of the real dragon lineage, but with the Zhenjiezhu, she can suppress those old antiques one by one.

But Da Huang rushed out of the Dragon Palace world, and after passing Lin Xun's words to the nine imperial clans one by one, he turned around and left, regardless of whether the nine imperial clan coalition forces would be ordered to evacuate.

Soon, Da Huang waved the formation flag again, opening the ban on the Dinghai Road Monument, and the passage to the Dragon Palace World was also sealed again.

"Lin Xun ordered us to withdraw. So, the old nest of the true dragon lineage was really broken by him?"

Outside the Dragon Palace World, there was a sensation, and countless uproars sounded, even those old antiques were full of shock.

"Definitely so! Hahaha, his true dragon lineage also has today?"

Some people are ecstatic and laugh up to the sky.

"This is simply unprecedented. Who would dare to imagine that the True Dragon Clan, who has been honored for countless years, has always been high above the ten thousand races, would be trampled by a young human race to break the nest?"

There were tremors and shortness of breath.

"Wuwuwu, the ancestors and sects have spirits in the sky, and finally we have the opportunity to change the fate of the clan!"

Some people wept with joy, choked up their voices, and burst into tears.

"Go, go! Spread the news!"

More people are excited, excited and joyful, looking forward to a better future.

A day later, with the return of the coalition of the nine imperial clans, the news spread quickly, which immediately caused a sensation among all clans in the world, setting off an unprecedented uproar.

The first reaction of all living beings is:

This is absolutely fake!

The true dragon lineage is like the ruler of the sky, and no one has been able to shake it since the ages.

Right now, how could it be beaten by the most despicable human race powerhouse?

This is absolutely impossible!

But as more and more news spread, all the tribes in the world finally changed from disbelief to skepticism, and only later did they dare to accept such a fact that was enough to shock the past and present.

Shock, excitement, ecstasy... All kinds of discussions are like volcanic eruptions, set off in different territories, cities, and ethnic groups in the True Dragon Realm.

Believe it or not, but no one dares to take advantage of the turbulent situation of the true dragon lineage, and no one dares to wait for the opportunity to take advantage of the fire and devour the territory controlled by the true dragon lineage.

After all, the true dragon lineage has ruled this world for countless years, and is inviolable as a master in the hearts of all clans. The awe of the true dragon clan has long been deeply rooted and imprinted in the heart.

For a moment, this deep-rooted awe cannot be changed at all.

And with the continuous spread of the discussion, the name of Lin Xun has spread all over the world.

"For countless years, the first creature to defeat the true dragon lineage came from the most humble human race!"

"Even if you don't want to admit it, the status of the human race is destined to change from today!"

"Come on, let all those human slaves go. Lin Xun is now a dominant existence. If he wants to vent for those human races, the consequences will be too serious..."

Some ancient ethnic groups make decisions in the first place.

"Lin Xun...Lin Xun...I am so fortunate for the human race to finally have hope!"

"Hahaha, God has eyes, and finally brought a turning point to my human race!"

In some territories where the human race was distributed, when they heard the news, both men and women, young and old, were full of tears and could not help themselves.

For nearly 100,000 years, the iron law of human beings being slaves and never turning over has finally been broken!

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