The Prodigies War

Chapter 2241 The Treasure Mirror of the Sky Survey

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Lin Xun stared at Ao Zhentian for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh: "In the beginning, you tried to persuade me to leave, do you think that even if I, Lin Xun, come, your true dragon lineage will not allow me to take away Jingxuan and mine. child?"

Ao Zhentian shook his head: "I'm just worried that something will happen to you, whether you believe it or not, I... don't want to lose your friend."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and said, "I understand."

The voice was calm and unwavering.

But it made Ao Zhentian's heart tremble and said, "Brother Lin, don't mess around! This Dragon Palace world is far more terrifying than you think."

Lin Xun said: "I understand you and respect your position, because we are friends, but in this matter, you should also consider my feelings!"

Ao Zhentian's face turned pale and lost.

"Yin Huan, do you want to stay with him or come with me?"

Lin Xun looked at Yin Huan, "You should know that if the real dragon finds you again, the consequences will be more serious than the last time."

Yin Huan was taken aback for a moment.

Ao Zhentian's eyes were red with anger: "This time, even if it costs my life, I won't allow Yin Huan to suffer a little grievance!"

"Looking at your current situation, what guarantees all this?"

Lin Xun said, "If it wasn't for me, the woman you love would have already become a plaything for those scumbags!"

Yin Huan pleaded in a low voice and said, "Brother Lin, don't say any more, this time, I will be with Zhentian, even if I die, I will be together."

The mournful and sincere voice made Ao Zhentian stunned, the dignified and dignified seventh prince of the dragon, but at this moment, tears filled his eyes and his mind was out of control.

"I'll take you out of the Forbidden Mountain, whether to leave the true dragon lineage or choose to stay, you choose."

After Lin Xun finished speaking, he removed the restraining force, and a formation flag appeared in his palm, which sprinkled a dream-like restraint wave, shrouding him, Ao Zhentian and Yin Huan, and then they left together.

Outside the forbidden mountain.

"Take this thing,

It can hide the breath on your body from being detected. "Lin Xun took out another array flag branded with the power of the intricate prohibition and handed it to Ao Zhentian.

"Brother Lin..."

Just as Ao Zhentian was about to say something, he was interrupted by Lin Xun, "If you still persuade me, don't mention it again, or you can try to stop me."

When speaking, Lin Xun raised his eyes and looked into the distance, scanning the four fields, and was about to leave.

Ao Zhentian gritted his teeth and threw a jade slip to Lin Xun, "This is the map of my Dragon Palace world. I have already marked the large and small areas on it. If something unexpected happens..."

After speaking, he took out a jade token from his body and threw it to Lin Xun, "This is my token, which can open the ban on leaving this Dragon Palace world."

"That's all I can do. I hope... you can take Cousin Jingxuan and my nephew with you."

"Yin Huan, let's go."

After all, he took Yin Huan and went straight away.

Lin Xun looked at the jade slip and token in his hand, and then looked at Ao Zhentian and Yin Huan who were far away. He was also a little surprised, and immediately said, "Thank you."

Ao Zhentian didn't look back, but Yin Huan turned his head and waved at Lin Xun with a smile.


Lin Xun took a long breath and opened the jade slip. The topographic map of the Dragon Palace world was depicted in detail on it. Different places were marked with detailed information.

For example, the central place in the Dragon Palace world, called "Dao Wanlong Palace", is the core of the true dragon lineage. From ancient times to the present, only the direct relatives of the true dragon patriarch lineage can enter it.

Near the Wanlong Palace on the avenue, there is also a winding and majestic mountain range, like a coiled dragon.

This is the "Ancestral Dragon Mountain", which is the original ancestral land of the true dragon lineage. There are old antiques sitting in it all the year round. Usually, the people of the true dragon lineage can't get close.

The Wanlong Fairy Club a few decades ago kicked off at the "Dragon Pond" in Zulong Mountain.

Soon, Lin Xun noticed the forty-nine paths leading to the outside world, each of which was clearly marked by Ao Zhentian.

After staring at the map carefully for a long time, Lin Xun put away the jade slip and the jade plaque, and then set off and swept away.

"Hahaha, the true dragon lineage is going to be unlucky!"

As soon as Lin Xun left, in the depths of the forbidden mountain, in a dark prison, there was a burst of laughter full of madness.

"All of this is the evil result of the traitor Mingluo Dragon Emperor. God knows, and finally a big change is about to happen!"

This voice was rumbling and turbulent. I don't know how many prisoners who were detained in Tianjin Mountain heard it.


"Come on, go and clean up the old junk that imprisoned the Niu Imperial Clan!"

"Quick action!"

It didn't take long for the guards who looked after Tianjin Mountain to move out like a tide, holding a long whip that shone with thunder and lightning, and rushed into Tianjin Mountain.

But not long after, someone panicked and voiced, "No, the seventh prince is gone!"


For a time, the guards who were looking after Tianjin Mountain changed their expressions and panicked.

The seventh prince was imprisoned here. It was an order issued by the patriarch himself, but now it has disappeared. This consequence...they guards can't bear it at all.

"Quick, there is news that there is a big change in Tianjin Mountain!"

Someone screamed and roared.

Not long after, a group of figures moved across the sky, headed by a mighty old man dressed in a mysterious robe, with golden hair and beard, exuding a monstrous aura belonging to the emperor realm.

Ao Tiankun, nicknamed "Zhankun Dragon Emperor", is a big man with five attainments in the Emperor Realm.

After learning what happened in Tianjin Mountain, Ao Tiankun's face sank, and he frowned: "Where's Lord Hunye Zhandi? After such a big thing happened, why isn't he here?"

The guards looked at each other in dismay, and someone said: "Before, the fourth prince brought people here, and it was Lord Hunye Zhandi who personally received them, and the youngest saw them entering the Tianjin Mountain."

"Go find it!" Ao Tiankun gave the order.

Soon, Zhan Emperor Hunye, who was seriously injured and fell into a coma, was found, but everyone was full of horror.

No one would have thought that in this Dragon Palace world, there are still people who dare to commit murder in Tianjin Mountain!

Ao Tiankun's old face turned ashen, and with a wave of his hand, he beat the unconscious Emperor Hunye back to life.

"Say, what happened!? What about the fourth and seventh princes?" Ao Tiankun shouted, his eyes terribly cold.

Even if they are both in the emperor realm, in his eyes, the Emperor Hunye is just a worshiping elder, and he is not worthy of his respect.

Although Emperor Hunye felt ashamed and angry in his heart, he still bowed his head to endure the anger in his heart, and told everything that happened before.

"So, you were also injured by the outsider? I want to see who this outsider is!"

Ao Tiankun's eyes flickered, and he suddenly took out a bright and clear cyan treasure from his sleeve robe.


As the cyan treasure mirror glowed, many pictures suddenly appeared on the mirror.

It didn't take long for Ao Tiankun to see that Ao Xuanfeng and his party took Lin Xun to the Dragon Palace World from the entrance, and all the way to Tianjin Mountain.

Emperor Hunye kept his head down, but he knew that the cyan treasure was called "Treasure Mirror of the Sky", and every big figure in the dragon family had one in their hands. Through this treasure, one could see the scenes that took place in the world of the Dragon Palace. scene.

When talking with Lin Xun, he also specifically mentioned the existence of this treasure to Lin Xun.

At the same time, Ao Tiankun also saw the scenes of Lin Xun and Emperor Hunye entering the cave together.

Not long after, Ao Xuanfeng and his party also entered.

In the end, only Lin Xun walked out of the cave.

When he saw this, Ao Tiankun's old face was covered with frost, and there was a strong sense of badness in his heart. The fourth prince and the others... I am afraid they have been captured by the outsider!

"Come on, let's go and see if the fourth prince's life and soul lamp is still on." As he ordered, he continued to check.

Until he saw Lin Xun walking towards Yaping, where the seventh prince Ao Zhentian was, all the sights disappeared.


Ao Tiankun's pupils shrank, guessing a possibility, that outsiders set up a forbidden formation, covering the power of the treasure mirror!

It wasn't until a long time ago that Ao Tiankun could see clearly the Yaping where the seventh prince was originally imprisoned, but it was already empty, not to mention the seventh prince, even the figure of the outsider was gone.


A terrifying gleam appeared in Ao Tiankun's eyes, "This person is obviously prepared, otherwise, it would be impossible to avoid the investigation of the treasure mirror!"

"Hunye War Emperor, do you know the identity of this person?" He looked at the Hunye War Emperor.

Emperor Hunye said: "The fourth prince only said that this thief came with the token of Lord Fuhai Longdi, and his identity is very strange. I don't know about other things."

"Humph! It's just a piece of trash!" Ao Tiankun snorted coldly, so angry that he must be furious.

Emperor Hunye also roared secretly in his heart, "I'll wait for the fate of the nine imperial clans to change in the future. At that time, I'll see if your true dragon lineage is still the only one in the world!"

"The fourth prince and the seventh prince have disappeared... It seems that this outsider has a great plan..."

Ao Tiankun took a deep breath and gave the order, "Pass my order and report this thief to all creatures in the Dragon Palace world. No matter where you find traces of this thief, be sure to report it as soon as possible!"


Immediately, many entourages and first-class guards in the vicinity took action.

At the same time, Ao Tiankun took out a shell-shaped treasure and said to the shell, "Elders, there are thieves infiltrating the Dragon Palace World..."

He finished talking about what he had discovered, and finally his fingers exerted force, and with a bang, the shell treasure exploded, turning into a bright streamer in the sky, and whistling away in all directions.

This is the "sound transmission shell", which is extremely magical and can be heard by those who also hold the sound transmission shell at the first time.

After doing all this, Ao Tiankun took a deep breath, revealing a cold look,

"From time immemorial to now, except for one Lu Boya, no one has been able to break into the Dragon Palace World and not die. This time, I want to see how capable a thief you are, but don't let me down! "

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