The Prodigies War

Chapter 2237 49 Dinghai Stele

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three days later.

The Dragon Beard Mysterious Turtle crossed dozens of space enchantments, crossed a distance of thousands of miles, and finally arrived in a sea that was as clear as a wash, peaceful and quiet.

On the vast sea, there is a chaotic atmosphere, and the sea is like a mist of Ruixia light rain.

This is completely different from other sea areas in the East China Sea, full of sacred aura.

In the distance, there is an ancient stone monument with a height of thousands of feet, standing above the sea, its bottom is submerged under the sea and cannot be seen.

The stone tablet is ancient, filled with the atmosphere of the vicissitudes of the ancient years, and the two characters "Dinghai" are engraved with the original characters of the dragon tribe.

The Dragon Beard Mysterious Turtle paused, and in the palace, Lin Xun Yaoyao nodded secretly when he saw this scene.

He had heard from An Zheng earlier that the entrance to the Dragon Palace was on the sea with a Dinghai Monument standing there.

"How do I get in?" Lin Xun asked.

Beside him, the Fuhai Dragon Emperor looked uncertain, "Of course it was brought by this seat, otherwise, no matter who it is, as long as it is not my true dragon lineage, it is destined to be impossible to enter it."

"Not always."

Lin Xun's dark eyes were cold, "As long as I wait here, sooner or later I will be able to catch the true dragon people who came out of the Dragon Palace."

Fuhai Longdi's face changed slightly, "What do you want to do?"


Da Huang shot and slapped him down, Fuhai Longdi was knocked out, and he fell to the ground limply.

"Really not to kill?" Rhubarb swallowed.

"Such a big man must have treasures such as the life and soul lamp in the clan. Once he dies, he will alarm the other party."

Lin Xun said casually, "If we can return smoothly this time, then we can cook a pot of dragon meat and eat it."

Da Huang nodded again and again: "This is reasonable."

Next, Lin Xun took action, it only took a moment,

The Fuhai Dragon Emperor and his squires who came forward were all put away, and they were imprisoned and suppressed in the Endless Tower.

In the end, even the huge dragon-bearded tortoise was put away by Lin Xun.

"Da Huang, you are also hiding in the Endless Tower for the time being. After I infiltrate the Dragon Palace, if you see something wrong, you will shoot again."

Lin Xun warned.

Of course Rhubarb has no opinion.

Soon, in this peaceful and peaceful sea, only Lin Xun was left.

He waited there alone.

According to what Lin Xun learned, there are forty-nine entrances to the Dragon Palace, and there is a "Dinghai Monument" near each entrance.

According to rumors, these forty-nine Dinghai monuments are the treasures of the true dragon lineage. They have been suppressing the "forbidden zone of life" under the East China Sea, which has allowed countless creatures to walk safely on the vast East China Sea for countless years. .

And the most mysterious "Dragon Palace" in the hearts of all ethnic groups in the world is located in the core area covered by the forty-nine Dinghai monuments.

The sea area where Lin Xun is at the moment is one of the forty-nine entrances to the Dragon Palace, and it is a path exclusively for the great people of the Dragon Palace.

At the same time, Lin Xun knew that the background of the True Dragon lineage was extremely strong. These innate spiritual clans stood above all spirits and possessed unimaginable terrifying talents.

If it is really strictly compared, the power of the true dragon lineage is enough to keep pace with the Six Great Court forces in the Hongmeng world and the three giants in the dark world!

In this real dragon world, the real dragon lineage is the only master!

There is no need to think about it at all, entering the land of the Dragon Palace is destined to be extremely dangerous.

However, Lin Xun did not intend to push hard, and he had already made various preparations on the way.

"Then what happened at the Wanlongxian meeting... Why was that accident caused by Jing Xuan..."

"True dragons hate themselves so much that they even worry that they will find their way to the door, and they will not hesitate to sink the path leading to the ancient starry sky. Is this really just because of their relationship with Jingxuan?"

Lin Xun thought silently about his thoughts.


After a full stick of incense, along with the sound of the rolling sea current, I saw a tumbling on the sea near the "Dinghai Monument" in the distance, and a huge portal emerged from which a group of figures emerged.

The leader is a man dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe and a feather crown, exuding a kind of arrogance that belongs to the true dragon lineage.

The man in the dragon robe is followed by a group of squire-like characters, both male and female, obviously not the descendants of the real dragon, but the breath is more amazing.

"Huh? Are you... from the Zhen Clan?"

From a distance, when the man in the dragon robe saw Lin Xun, he was stunned at first, and then he recognized the aura of the Zhenxun from him.

This is of course Lin Xun's disguise, and he handed over calmly, "Young master has bright eyes like a torch, I am Hou Tianxing of the Zhenxun tribe, this time I have something to visit."

The man in the dragon robe nodded reservedly and said, "Which elder of my family sent you here?"

This sea area can only be reached by big figures of the true dragon lineage, which makes him subconsciously think that Lin Xun has climbed up a relationship with an elder.

Lin Xun took out a purple token engraved with a dragon-shaped totem and said, "I am here at the order of Lord Fu Hailongdi. This is the token."

Saying that, he handed the token over in the air.

The man in the dragon robe checked briefly, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is my sixth uncle's personal token. What are you here for?"

Lin Xun said without hesitation, "I want to pay a visit to the seventh prince, Ao Zhentian."

The man in the dragon robe frowned suddenly: "You want to see my seventh brother?"

Lin Xun cupped his hands and said, "I hope your son will be fulfilled."

The man in the dragon robe was a little puzzled: "Uncle Six didn't tell you, my seventh brother has been grounded now, let alone seeing guests, can't even step out of the house?"

Lin Xun's heart was also stunned, and he said, "Lord Fuhai Longdi only said that with his token, he can go to the Dragon Palace to visit the seventh prince. Other things... I really don't know."

The man in the dragon robe pondered: "Forget it, since you have the token of the sixth uncle, I will not embarrass you, so I will take you to see the seventh brother."

Lin Xun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could sneak into the Dragon Palace and contact Ao Zhentian, then many things would be revealed.

A squatter couldn't help reminding: "Fourth Prince, we are going out this time, don't we have to go..."

Before he could finish speaking, the man in the dragon robe interrupted: "Don't worry, it won't be too late for me to leave when I send this friend of the Zhenyi tribe to the seventh brother's residence."

As he said that, he turned around, took out a fiery red jade plaque in his hand, and took a picture of the Dinghai monument.


The sea rolled over and a whirlpool portal emerged.

"Let's go."

The man in the dragon robe leads the way first.

Lin Xun glanced at his back and followed, but he secretly thought, Fourth Prince? It seems that this guy is the Ao Xuanfeng who expelled Yin Huan from the Dragon Palace, right?

Lin Xun didn't make a sound, and followed Ao Xuanfeng and others calmly into the vortex portal.


When Lin Xun's vision was clear, he entered a secret world, boundless and boundless, filled with a strong ancestral atmosphere of chaos.

At the same time, there are all kinds of majestic dragon qi turned into auspicious clouds and auspicious clouds, spread on the sky, magnificent and splendid.

On the ground, the mountains, rivers and plants are all huge, and the soil is filled with rich vitality.

Breathing freely, the pure and surging energy of heaven and earth between the mouth and nose is refreshing, it is like being in the legendary fairyland.

Lin Xun was keenly aware that Ao Xuanfeng's eyes were looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, and he immediately said with emotion: "Is this the world of the Dragon Palace? It really is the first-class place of happiness between heaven and earth."

Ao Xuanfeng smiled, with undisguised pride, said, "It is no exaggeration to say that, looking at the heavens and the world, the blessed land that can rival the Dragon Palace of our clan, perhaps only the immortal imperial clan on the other side of the starry sky. A place to live."

Saying that, he took the lead.

Along the way, you can see the mountains and rivers, the four fields are verdant, and sometimes there are flocks of luan birds and birds flying in the sky, sprinkled with a string of clear and clear calls.

Auspicious spirit beasts can be seen everywhere on the earth, so Lin Xun has to admit that this dragon palace world is indeed very mysterious, and it is completely different from what he imagined.

In his spiritual consciousness, he did not know how many terrifying auras he sensed along the way, distributed in different territories, some lurking in the abyss, some living on the cliff, and some lying quietly under the lake...

There is no doubt that those terrifying breaths must be the tyrannical existences in the true dragon clan, living in different territories.

At the same time, Lin Xun also noticed that in this Dragon Palace world, there are many creatures of other ethnic groups, all of them are either handsome in appearance or have a strong enough breath.

Even Lin Xun saw the creatures of the nine great imperial clans, including Biqi, Bingchi, Pulao, Jairju, and Xiaofeng!

It's just that these creatures from all races all act as maids, guards, stewards, squires, and other miscellaneous roles.

"All races in the world respect my true dragon lineage. Anyone who can be selected and enter the world of my dragon palace to serve in my dragon palace world is the leader of their respective ethnic groups. Ordinary characters are not qualified to enter this place."

Ao Xuanfeng opened his mouth leisurely, with a monarch-like attitude, treating all spirits in the world as his ministers.

Lin Xun took the opportunity to ask, "Young Master, is there an Emperor Realm who lives in this Dragon Palace world?"


Ao Xuanfeng smiled reservedly and said, "If there are some emperors of the nine great imperial clans, they will be hired as worship elders of our clan."

One of the servants flattered: "You may not know this friend, just beside the fourth prince, he followed three worshipping elders who had the cultivation of the emperor. Like me, they were all loyal to the fourth prince and obeyed only orders ."

Lin Xun sucked in a breath, showing a look of surprise.

Of course, half of it is fake, and half is from the heart.

As far as he knew, there were nine princes and four princesses among the direct descendants of the real dragon lineage today.

With only one fourth prince, there are three strong emperors who act as followers. How many emperors should be worshipped in the entire real dragon lineage?

In addition, among the big figures like the True Dragon Clan, there is no shortage of terrifying existences.

In this comparison, you can see some clues about the horror of the true dragon lineage!

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