The Prodigies War

The second thousand two hundred and twenty-five chapters lose their conscience

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Hou Tianxing didn't dare to play tricks again, and told Lin Xun everything he knew.

"Do you hate me?" Lin Xun asked.

Hou Tianxing was disheveled and said bitterly, "How dare you."

Lin Xun said indifferently: "Hate is useless. If we were defeated today, would you...will you let us go?"

Hou Tianxing's expression was blank, his grief was no greater than his heart's death, this was how he felt at the moment.

"Well done."

Until Rhubarb returned with a full load, Lin Xun put down these words and left with Xiazhi, Xi, and Rhubarb.

It wasn't until their figures disappeared that Hou Tianxing woke up like a dream. Those human race emperors... didn't kill them all?

This left him confused and unable to return to his senses for a long time.


"Why not kill them all?"

On the way, Rhubarb couldn't help but ask.

"Are they a threat?" Lin Xun asked.

"No." Da Huang shook his head, "There is no chance of revenge at all."

This trip is just a passerby after all, and it is impossible to stay in the real dragon world forever.

"Some people deserve to die, and some people are innocent. I, Lin Xun, have never thought of becoming an indiscriminate murderer since my practice."

As Lin Xun spoke, he suddenly thought of the young Jin Chan, who had made a great wish that all beings in the world could one day become holy!

How broad-minded is this?

Compared with this, using bloody and brutal means to slaughter some innocent people, what is the difference between that and the evil people that you hate?

"What about all the enemies in the world?" Da Huang suddenly asked.

"Then I will seek an invincible way." Lin Xun laughed.

Da Huang laughed scornfully: "Invincible in the world? Looking at the sky and up and down, looking at the past and present,

On this avenue, who dares to be truly invincible? "

Lin Xun Youyou said: "I didn't have it before, but what if there is in the future?"

Da Huang laughed, obviously not taking Lin Xun's words seriously.

Xi glanced at Lin Xun thoughtfully, it might be possible for him to have the immortal supreme road heritage.

Xia Zhi has been with Lin Xun all the time, as long as she is by Lin Xun's side, she is very quiet.

"Where are we going next?" Rhubarb asked.

"East China Sea."


A day later, the news of the great disaster of the Zhenyu Emperor's clan came out, which shocked all clans, and made countless creatures tremble.

What really impressed the students of all races in the real dragon world was that this disaster that almost wiped out the real emperor's clan was suspected to have come from the handwriting of the great emperor of the human race!

But no matter how the outside world inquired about, the Zhenyi Emperor never revealed any truth.

ten days later.

East China Sea.

The blue sea is like washing, the waves are rolling, and the horizon is endless.

In the real dragon world, the East China Sea seems to be the most sacred territory, just like the Middle Earth Daozhou in the Hongmeng world.

The reason is that, the master of the real dragon world, the real dragon lineage is entrenched in the depths of this East China Sea!

The East China Sea is incomparably vast, like a boundless ocean country, in which many creatures live.

Among them, the nine imperial clans attached to the real dragon's lineage are the most powerful, and they are regarded as the nine strongest imperial clans under the real dragon's command!

On the banks of the East China Sea, there are tens of thousands of cities and ferries on the winding coastline, strung on the coastline like pearls.

Yunfu City.

One of the cities by the East China Sea, in the early morning, Yunfu City Ferry.

Many figures were already waiting at the ferry.

On the sea not far from the ferry port, there is a huge treasure ship belonging to the "Oi Emperor Clan" moored, like a floating land, comparable to a small city.

This treasure ship will sail to the "Cuihong Shendao" in the East China Sea, which is an island controlled by the Biqi Emperor, famous for its "prosperous commerce and prosperity".

Every day, all kinds of creatures from all over the world will carry all kinds of rare treasures and cultivation resources, and choose to go to the Cuihong Divine Island for trade and exchange.

Therefore, Cuihong Shendao has the reputation of "the place where all ethnic groups trade".

Lin Xun paid 3,000 True Dragon Coins, got a boarding token, and followed the crowd onto the huge treasure ship.

Depending on the price, the treasure ships provide different accommodation for passengers, and some high-end caves even need to be reserved in advance.

When Lin Xun bought the boarding token, there was only the most ordinary room left, which was at the bottom of the treasure ship.

He didn't care about that either.

At this time, although he was still in his original appearance, the aura emanating from his body was unique to the beings of the Cloud Spirit Clan.

As for Da Huang, Xia Zhi and Xi, they were all placed in the Endless Tower by him, and doing so was also convenient.

The Yunling Clan is an ethnic group attached to the Zhendi Clan, and they are naturally good at doing business.

And Lin Xun went to the Cuihong Divine Island this time, not to trade goods, but to contact a woman named An Xue from the Biqi Imperial Clan.

Through An Xue, you can get in touch with the real dragon.

Walking into his own room, Lin Xun began to meditate cross-legged. Suddenly, a childish cry came from the room next to him.

Followed by a cold voice shouting: "Shut up!"

Then, there was silence.

At the bottom of this treasure ship, there are many densely packed rooms. Although they are next to each other, the rooms are covered with forbidden power, which can isolate the detection of spiritual consciousness.

Apparently, the restraining force was activated in the next room, isolating the sound in it.

It's just that for characters like Lin Xun, this restraining power is like a fake. In his consciousness, he will soon see it.

In the next room, two roe-headed and rat-headed men with gray hairs were sitting in front of a wooden table.

On the wooden table, a little girl in her teens was bound with her hands and feet, her clothes were ragged, her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were full of tears and pain.

She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

One of the thin men held a silver knife, and the sharp blade cut open the girl's chest, and a smear of bright red blood flowed out immediately.

Another short and fat man took the porcelain bowl and caught the blood, his eyes were greedy, and he licked his mouth and said: "Be careful, don't kill it, the blood of a human girl's heart is the first-class delicacy in the world."

The thin man grinned: "Don't worry, if such a little girl is sent to Cuihong Shendao, she can be sold for 3,000 True Dragon Coins. I'm not willing to kill her."

With that said, he took out an elixir, smeared it on the girl's wound, picked her up, and threw it in the corner.

The chubby man divided the blood in the bowl into two and handed it to the thin man, "Come on, you and I will drink this cup of blood from the girl's heart, and I hope we can make a fortune this time!"

At this moment, the door of the room opened silently, and walked in a seductive woman wearing a light black veil, with a graceful posture and a looming snow-white body.

"You guys are so brave, how dare you drink blood secretly, not afraid that the boss will know and throw you into the East China Sea to feed the fish?"

The woman looked at her with a charming look, and her voice was tender and sultry. Even though she said that, she grabbed the porcelain bowls in the hands of the two and drank the blood in them.

The thin man and the short, fat man looked at each other and seemed relieved.

"Is there any more?" The woman licked her scarlet lips incessantly. She was wearing a black gauze, and a large piece of plump white was exposed on her chest. It was trembling and dazzling.

"Yes, yes, sister Mei, wait a moment." The thin man said, opened a treasure bag, and quickly picked up five or six figures.

They are all human girls, the youngest is just ** years old, and the oldest is only thirteen or fourteen years old, with immature faces, ragged and dirty clothes.

As if they had been through a lot of torture, their bodies were bruised, their faces were numb, and their eyes were filled with fear and anxiety, like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The dim and mottled lights shone on their thin bodies, making them look so fragile and pitiful.

The seductive woman's eyes lit up, as if she was picking a prey, she pointed at one of the youngest girls, and said, "Just her."

The little girl trimmed her bangs, her eyes were big, and she looked like she was only 12 years old. She didn't know what she was about to face.

Hearing this, she asked with hope: "Sister, do you want to buy me and go? I'm young, but I can grow flowers and collect herbs. When I grow up, I will definitely be a good slave."

The seductive woman and the two men couldn't help laughing. This lowly thing of the human race has known since childhood that it is a commodity, can it be chosen as it pleases?


"Good, my sister is just thirsty."

The seductive woman stretched out her hand and gestured at the little girl's chest, "Later, I want to drink some of your blood, you are not allowed to cry."

drink blood!

The little girl's face was pale, her eyes were full of horror, and her eyes filled with tears, she said, "Sister, can you not drink my blood..."

With a thud, she knelt there.

The other girls nearby were also trembling all over, and fell to their knees, each with a look of unease and trembling.

"As a human race, you are born with original sin. You can be slaves, goods, or food, understand?"

The seductive woman said with a smile, "If you don't agree, you will die. Didn't your parents tell you that if you all died, the number of human races would become less and less, and if you don't know, it will become extinct in the future. "

"Sister Mei, it's just some small things. Tell them what to do."

The thin man said, picked up the **-year-old little girl, pressed it on the table, bound her hands and feet, and acted rudely and arrogantly, even though the girl screamed and cried, she was indifferent.


He took out the bright silver knife and pointed at the position of the little girl's chest, "This little thing is too young to bleed too much. Sister Mei, choose a position."

The seductive woman thought about it and said, "What if I want to taste this little girl's heart?"

The thin man wondered: "In this way, she will die. Dead people are the least valuable. Even if she is chopped into meat, it will only be worth a hundred or ten real dragon coins at most..."

It's like a butcher in front of a meat stall, treating little girls as livestock.

"No?" The seductive woman frowned.

"Since Sister Mei proposed to try it, what nonsense are you doing? Hurry up!" urged the chubby man next to her.

The thin man sighed, picked up the silver knife, and fixed his eyes on the little girl's chest.

When the other little girls saw this scene, they all closed their eyes in fright, their bodies trembled violently, and some of them cried.

м.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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