The Prodigies War

Chapter 2091 Baqi the Great

Miaoyun Mountain.

In the magnificent and beautiful palace, the Demon Emperor Feng Tu was drinking with the two domain masters, Hong Yu and Xuan Chong.

The Demon Emperor Fengtu was laughing and laughing with ease, but the two domain masters, Hong Yu and Xuan Chong, were rather uninterested and uninterested.

They were still worried that the Lord of the Black Kong Region would annex the territory they controlled while they were away.

"You two don't need to panic. In less than a day, I will send an expert from the ancient sect of the gods. At that time, no matter whether the old Heikong will be guilty or not, it will not escape the disaster."

The Demon Emperor Fengtu smiled slightly, picked up the glass and was about to drink it, when he suddenly noticed something and looked outside the hall.

A figure appeared at an unknown time, tall and thin, and the shadow reflected on the ground was a huge shadow.

That shadow gave birth to eight heads the size of houses and eight tails as huge as mountains!


The wine glass in Fengtu Demon Emperor's hand fell to the ground, and the wine poured out, but he didn't realize it, his whole body was stiff and his eyes were straight.

Breaking his head, he did not expect that the person sent from the sect to support him would be this unparalleled ruthless man known for his "bloody and cruel"!

"Your heart is twitching. If you cut your heart out at this time, the taste will definitely not be ordinary."

With a low, hoarse, icy voice, that figure walked slowly into the hall.

At this moment, the Red Rain Domain Lord and the Xuan Chong Domain Lord only felt suffocated, as if seeing the endless darkness coming, drowning the hall, and the boundless fear spreading throughout the body like a cold current.

A person's name popped up in their minds——

Emperor Baqi!

The most brutal and ruthless emperor in the dark world once ruthlessly slaughtered millions of souls in order to refine a magic weapon.

He also broke into an ancient battlefield alone, collected and swallowed the countless heroic souls left behind, just to cultivate a terrifying secret technique.

According to rumors, the deity of the Great Emperor Baqi is an ancient alien serpent, born from a source of turbidity, with eight heads and eight tails.

Each head controls an innate evil talent magical power!

The dark world is never short of vicious and ruthless people.

But in front of the Great Emperor Baqi, they were far inferior.

Fengtu Demon Emperor's buttocks seemed to be stabbed by needles, he stood up in a rush, bowed his head and saluted: "Fengtu has seen my uncle."

"After so many years, the courage is still too small."

That figure stood still, glanced at Fengtu Demon Emperor, shook his head, and seemed a little disappointed.

The Demon Emperor Fengtu was silent and did not dare to argue.

"You don't have to be surprised. This time I broke through the barrier and came out on a whim. I was very quiet and thoughtful. I happened to hear that there was some trouble in your cold airspace, so I came to take a look."

The figure sat down casually, and saw him wearing a wide-sleeved black robe, his face was handsome and fair, and his eyes were like scarlet gems, with a strange and deep icy luster.

Even if he just sits casually, the aura emanating from his whole body is still terrifying and boundless, reflecting the vision of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and a vision of howling ghosts and gods.

The domain masters of Hongyu and Xuanchong trembled all over their bodies, their faces turned pale, and they were restless.

In the cold air domain, they are the supreme beings that make countless ruthless people fear and awe, but in front of Emperor Baqi, they dare not even lift their heads!

The Demon Emperor Fengtu respectfully stood on one side and said in a low voice, "Master, you come here, even if it is a huge disaster, it can be easily wiped out."

The Great Emperor Baqi snorted, expressionless, and said, "Fengtu, you are already at the third level of the Emperor Realm, and you still don't understand. In the eyes of my generation, nothing is easy? Just like this black demon Emperor, who can sweep the cold airspace within two months, how could it be an ordinary role?"

Feng Tu Demon Emperor's face stiffened and he was embarrassed.

"Where is this person?" Baqi the Great asked.

The Demon Emperor Fengtu hurriedly said: "I have ordered him to come and apologize within three days. If he is still jealous of our Shenzhao Ancient Sect, he will definitely not dare not come."

Emperor Baqi frowned, a hint of displeasure flashed in his scarlet pupils, "If it were the Heikong Demon Emperor, since he dared to do this, he would no longer have any fears, and you are still delusional that the other party will It is too stupid to be afraid of the power of the sect."

The wind slaughtered the devil emperor with cold sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, he even regretted asking the sect for help. It's not good to send someone, but to send Master Baqi, it's like a nightmare.

"Give you a stick of incense and collect all the information about the Demon Emperor Heikong, including what he has done in the last six months. The more detailed the better."

Emperor Baqi gave the order in a cold voice.


The Demon Emperor Feng Tu hurriedly accepted it.

In fact, as the first domain master of the Cold Air Domain, the Demon Emperor Fengtu knew so much about the Demon Emperor Hei Kong that he didn't need a stick of incense to collect all the information about the Demon Emperor Hei Kong.

Emperor Baqi casually flipped through it, but found nothing worth noting.

However, when he saw what happened to the Demon Emperor Heikong in the last two months, a strange color flashed in the scarlet eyes of the Great Emperor Baqi.

After a while, he raised his head and stared at the Demon Emperor Fengtu, seeing the latter's heart tremble, and his whole body felt uncomfortable.

"If my guess is correct, this sword demon Daoyuan is the real murderer. As for the Demon Emperor Heikong... it's just a character who takes the blame."

Emperor Baqi spoke, and with a single sentence, the two domain masters Fengtu Demon Emperor, Hong Yu and Xuan Chong were all stunned.

Sword Demon Daoyuan?

That's just a supreme quasi emperor, how could it be the real murderer?

The Great Emperor Baqi didn't explain. He looked at the information and said in a low voice, "Is this Sword Demon Daoyuan really only appearing in the cold airspace in the last two months?"


The Demon Emperor Fengtu said without hesitation, "With this son's spirit and skill, if he had been in the cold air before, it would be impossible for no one to know about it."

The Great Emperor Baqi laughed suddenly, and a pair of scarlet pupils shone with a strange glow, "No wonder when I broke through the barrier, I felt a whim, and I was very thoughtful. It turns out... it's because I'm going to meet that baby again..."

At the end of the day, his cold and icy voice was rarely filled with a hint of emotion.

long, long ago.

He was ordered by the sect, in order to descend from the ancient starry road to the ancient wasteland, he first sealed the Taoist body with a taboo-like secret method, entered the "Yinjue Ancient Realm" as the emperor, and then sneaked into the "Diguan Great Wall". After several twists and turns, he finally reached the ancient wilderness.

The purpose is just to do one thing -

Destroy the Great Wall of Diguan!

In this way, the power of Shenzhao Ancient Sect can drive straight in and descend on the ancient wasteland, thus taking control of this world that is regarded as "the place of origin of ten thousand Taos".

Because in the ancient records of Shenzhao Guzong's ancient books, the main battlefield of the "Ten Fang Dao War" in the ancient times broke out outside the Great Wall of Emperor Guan in the ancient wilderness!

Since the ancient times, the Great Wall of Diguan has been known as "the first day of the ancient wilderness, the place where the emperor's realm stops".

It was also through this battle that the ancient wilderness was smashed, its world source was shattered, turned into a small world, and sank beside the ruins.

In the battle of the ten directions, a group of emperors existed in the ancient wilderness. In order to resist the last nameless emperor, they joined forces to guard the Great Wall of Diguan, killing the world upside down and turning the world upside down.

So far, outside the Great Wall of Diguan, there are still countless remaining heroic souls and fragments of the world after the fall of countless immemorial emperors.

At that time, Shenzhao Ancient Sect and Ksitigarbha Realm were all forces under the command of the previous Wuming Emperor, and they also participated in this battle, but they suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, after the Shifang Dao War ended, although the forbidden order power controlled by the previous Wuming Emperor Zun turned into three major disasters, it enveloped the sky over the ancient wilderness.

But the Great Wall of Diguan has never been destroyed, and it still stands on the front line of the battlefield, like immortality!

Therefore, for the ancient sect of Shenzhao, only by destroying the Great Wall of Diguan can truly dominate the ancient wilderness and control the "land of origin of ten thousand Taos" that is blocked by the taboo order.

Back then, Baqi came for this.

It's just that his cultivation base has only the power of the quasi-emperor realm, and it is impossible to do this. In desperation, he has to devote himself to dormant.

To this end, he also specially seized the house, killed an elder named "Fan Qi" of the ancient wilderness Tongtian Sword Sect, and occupied his body.

For Ba Qi, although his cultivation base was sealed, his wisdom and inheritance are still there. As long as he is carefully trained, he will definitely be able to cultivate a leader who can lead the general trend of the ancient wilderness.

As long as you control this person, it is equivalent to controlling a chess piece that can subvert the ancient wilderness in the future.

Yun Qingbai was his chosen successor.

In fact, Yun Qingbai did not let him down. In just a few decades, he has shown an incomparably dazzling light, and is regarded as the number one person in the same realm in the ancient wilderness!

But later, he inadvertently heard that a baby boy with the talent of swallowing the sky was born in the place that sank beside the ruins and was regarded as the "lower realm"...

The great abyss swallows the sky!

In this world, perhaps only the ancient gods of the gods and the world of Ksitigarbha, who had been dispatched by the previous Wuming Emperor Zun, knew best that this kind of talent does not belong to the ancient starry sky at all!

After that, Ba Qi took Yun Qingbai to the lower realm without hesitation.

What he didn't expect was that the willpower of the last Wuming Emperor had already arrived one step earlier with the help of the forbidden order.

It was also at that time that Ba Qi learned that the last nameless emperor who had crossed the other side of the starry sky since ancient times was just to arrest a woman named Luo Qingxun.

And the baby boy with the talent of swallowing the sky was born by Luo Qingxun.

Later, the forbidden order force appeared, covering the sky over the Zi Yao Empire, and Ba Qi took action, depriving the baby boy of his original spiritual veins.

To this day, Emperor Baqi still clearly remembers how heart-rending the crying of the baby lying in the swaddling clothes, the bright red blood gurgled out from his open chest...

The only thing that made Emperor Baqi regret was that after he deprived the baby boy of his spiritual veins, an unexpected accident happened before he had time to do other things.


The fourth one is delivered!

This chapter has already revealed part of the Great Wall of Diguan, which has stopped the imperial realm from time immemorial, the battle of the ten directions that broke out, and what Baqi did in those years.

So, stop talking about goldfish water...

In addition, tonight is gone, in order to speed up the plot, the next outline needs to be redesigned.

It will continue to explode tomorrow!

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