The Prodigies War

Chapter 2067 The proudest person

Wu Que's shot is like an unexpected surprise.

"Your injury has recovered?" Lin Xun asked.

"It's impossible to recover so quickly."

Wu Que's fierce aura has long since subsided. At this moment, he is like a young man with a bright smile and full of wildness.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Almost 30% of the combat power I had when I was at my peak."

Lin Xun's eyes were erratic, and with 30% of his combat power, he killed an emperor with one arrow at the fourth level?

When it is in its prime, it is not lacking, how can it be strong?

Look at the sword spirit leaves plucked from a distance, and think about the terrifying figure that is still dormant in the depths of the broken blade...

Lin Xun suddenly found that he seemed to be the weakest one, which was really a sad thing.

Wu Que suddenly said: "Little Master, I may not be able to wake up for a long time, unless..."

"Unless what?" Lin Xun asked.

Wu Que seemed a little hard to tell, he coughed dryly, and said, "Well, you know, little master, I have refined a lot of treasure essence over the years, and I have barely recovered some vitality..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Xun understood and said, "Emperor?"

Don't nodded and added, "The more the better."

Lin Xun's lips twitched imperceptibly, and said, "You can rest assured, I will definitely collect more emperor treasures in the future."

Wu Que also seemed a little embarrassed, and said, "Little Master, you saw it just now, although I swallowed some imperial treasures before, I also recovered some combat power, just like killing the old thing just now, it is completely useless. Hard work."

Ye Ye said coldly: "The blow just now seems to take away the strength of your body, and it seems that it is not effortless."

Wu Que's smile froze, his eyes staring at Ye Ye, and he said, "Little Master, if you let me swallow this little sword spirit, within a day, my severely damaged vitality will be completely restored."

Ye Zi's voice calmly said: "I'm different from you, I don't need to refine the Emperor Treasure Essence to repair myself, and I'm sure that although you are a tool spirit like me, the Taoism you possessed at your peak is absolutely impossible to compare. I'm taller."


He said calmly: "In this comparison, if you want to swallow my thoughts, it is no different from a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

His words were as sharp and direct as his swordsmanship, causing Wu Que to be stunned for a while.

He said in surprise: "Little master, this little sword spirit is very sharp."

Ye Zi corrected: "My name is Ye Zi, not Little Sword Spirit."

Seeing that the two of them were pointing at Maimang, Lin Xun hurriedly stopped them and pulled them apart, otherwise, they would have to fight.

"Little Sword Spirit, next time we meet, I'll give you a taste."

In the end, Wu Que said this sentence with a smile, and returned to the Spirit Bow of No Truth, falling back into silence.

"This guy……"

Ye Zi thought about it and commented, "It's very bad."

Full of gunpowder flavor.

Lin Xun couldn't help laughing and said, "Let's go."

He remembered Xi, and his heart was heavy again, and the smile on his face faded.

Taking a deep breath, he began to act, first collecting the spoils left on the battlefield, and then moving towards the distant starry sky.

"Where?" Leaf asked.

"Dark World." Lin Xun thought without hesitation.

"Aren't you worried about Xi?" Ye Zi couldn't help saying.

"She will come to us." Lin Xun's voice was low.

"But in case..."

"There is no case."

"I understand."

During the conversation, Lin Xun and Ye Ye had disappeared in this vast starry sky.

And not long after they left.

In the depths of the starry sky, a figure emerged, standing there quietly, and in a pair of eyes, visions such as the changing of the heavens and the illusion of all phenomena were reflected.

He just stood there casually, but he was like a supreme ruler of the starry sky, with a solitary figure, independent from the world.


An extremely submissive voice suddenly sounded, and a burly man with a figure that was almost ten feet tall appeared with black thunder scattered all over his body.

His breath was extremely terrifying, and just one breath and one breath made the starry sky tremble!

But at this time, he stood respectfully on the side of the lonely figure, his head lowered.


The figure cherishes the words like gold, and a word, like the sound of the great road, reaches people's hearts.

"Emperor Shi Tian has appeared in the dark world, and the headmasters of the ancient sect of the gods and the Tibetan realm have all surrendered to him."

The burly man's voice was deep, resounding like muffled thunder.

"It was expected to be so."

The voice of the figure had a hint of ridicule.

The burly man hesitated for a moment, but still said: "My lord, Emperor Shi Tian released a message through the Ksitigarbha Realm, asking you to visit him."


When these two words were uttered from the figure's mouth, the starry sky suddenly dimmed, and countless stars swayed.

The burly man was stiff all over, and it was clearly visible that his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

But seeing that figure was silent for a moment, and sighed: "It's just a dog on the other side of the starry sky, do you really think of yourself as the master of this starry sky?"

The burly man smiled bitterly in his heart. In this dark world, I am afraid that only the Lord would dare to call Emperor Shi Tian like this...

However, he was well aware of the character of the Lord.

One word: proud!

Proud to the core, but also proud to the point of no one!

In fact, not only in this dark world, but even on the ancient starry sky, there are really few who can enter the Lord's eyes.

This kind of pride, or arrogance, has absolute conceit, absolute heritage!

So far, the burly man still clearly remembers what the Lord once said:

The weight of the avenue cannot be overwhelmed by arrogance.

Enemies all over the world, without a trace of arrogance!

In the eyes of a burly man, there is no one who is the proudest person in the world, in the past and present, who can compare with the Lord!

He remembered that there was a visit by an emperor and an ancestor who wanted to discuss the Tao with the Lord, but the Lord only said: "The Dao is silent, the big words are not discernible, and the small road is not enough to discuss the high or low with me."

In a word, the Emperor Ancestor was embarrassed and angered and walked away.

"Tell that old dog that this seat is going to the other side of the starry sky."

The figure suddenly said.

The burly man was stunned and couldn't help reminding: "My lord, now everyone knows that with the arrival of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​the path to the other side of the starry sky has long been cut off again."

The figure said, "So what?"

The burly man smiled bitterly. How could Emperor Shi Tian not see through such a clumsy excuse?

"Go, when the time comes, I will chat with this old dog."

The figure waved.

The burly man nodded and walked away.

And that figure turned his eyes to the direction Lin Xun left, and he muttered in his heart:

"Master gave you the supreme good fortune left in the Kunlun Ruins. I want to see how big a storm you can make in this dark world..."

After a long time, his figure gradually disappeared without a sound.


dark world.

Since ancient times, there have been titles such as "the land of all evil" and "the realm of turmoil".

There are no rules here. If you want to survive, you must either be hard enough or strong enough!

There are many legends about the dark world, but almost all of them are related to crime, killing, blood, and turmoil.

The territory of the Dark World is incomparably vast, divided into thirty-three domains, and the area is so wide that it does not give way more than the forty-nine states of the Hongmeng World.

Great Nightmare City.

Located in the "Cold Airspace", one of the "Thirty-Three Regions" in the dark world, there are countless cities like this in the cold airspace.

The Great Nightmare City is very dilapidated, some of the city walls have collapsed, and the buildings in the city are even more pitiful.

This is normal.

In the dark world, the order is broken, and every day there is an unknown number of bloody killings, and the aftermath of the battle is enough to make any city unable to survive for too long.

The Great Nightmare City seems dilapidated, but it is not easy to survive until now.

Unlike the outside world, an ordinary city like Great Nightmare City, no force can occupy it for a long time. Just last year, Great Nightmare City just had a new city owner.

The previous city lord was killed by the current city lord "Crocodile Daoren".

If you go back a thousand years, Great Nightmare City has successively replaced one hundred and forty-nine city lords, and every city lord died.

And this situation is not uncommon in the dark world.

In the dark world, occupying a city can attract countless strong people to attach and form forces, so that they can better survive in this bloody and turbulent dark world.

Yes, it's all about survival!

After all, a person's strength is too weak. Only by having his own power can he live longer in the dark world.

Very late in the evening.

Lin Xun's figure appeared outside the Great Nightmare City.

The night is coming, and outside the Great Nightmare City, only scattered figures come in and out.

"Fellow Daoist, you look very good, do you need any help?"

A dark-skinned, thin and vigorous young man in black came, and took the initiative to greet Lin Xun.

"What can you help me with?" Lin Xun glanced at the other party.

The black-clothed youth smiled and said, "As long as the price is enough, you can sacrifice your life."

Lin Xundao: "I'm new here. Do you think if I want to live longer here, what should I do to prepare? I want to hear something useful."

Saying that, he threw a storage bag away.

Opening the storage bag, the young man in black smiled more and more enthusiastically: "Fellow Daoist, I can only say, you have found the right person! It's not scary when you first arrive, but the scary thing is that you haven't figured out anything yet, and your life is gone. It can be seen that fellow Daoist is a smart person."

Lin Xun glanced at him and said, "I hope you'd better be smarter."

The black-clothed youth froze in his heart, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, when I can make money with peace, I will never do some stupid things."

The young man in black looked around and said, "This is the most dangerous place outside the city, and it is inconvenient to talk. Please move and come with me."

Having said that, he has already walked towards the Great Nightmare City in the distance.

Lin Xun put his hands on his back and followed.

He does need a local snake to understand something, provided that the local snake better not act too stupid.

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