The Prodigies War

Chapter 198 Fame

The mission area was boiling all of a sudden, Master Xun took action, and many cultivators who waited here after assigning missions saw hope.

They are looking forward to what kind of unique works will be made by Master Xun this time!

"Damn it, Wang Lin, you have the shit luck this time!"

Someone was jealous, said sourly.

The cultivator called Wang Lin was a dignified man, and it was Lin Xun who took over the task of Bu just now.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily true. We have only heard that Master Xun is very powerful. As for how powerful he is, no one knows. Wang Lin, don't be too happy."

Some people deliberately said the opposite to stimulate Wang Lin.

For this, Wang Lin just laughed and listened without arguing. In his opinion, these guys were all jealous!

"Wang Lin, how many materials have you prepared for refining the spirit tool this time?"

A friend who has a good relationship with Wang Lin couldn't help but ask.

This question is extremely critical. Spirit pattern masters will also fail in refining spiritual tools. This is very common, so when refining spiritual tools, they will prepare a few more spiritual materials for backup.


Wang Lin said casually.

"Three copies? That's a little too small, but with Master Xun's proficiency, the failure rate of his refining shouldn't be too high."

The friend said this, but it made Wang Lin feel a little uneasy. He knew very well that the more unique and powerful the spiritual tool, the higher the failure rate in refining.

"Never mind, if there's not enough spiritual material, I'll prepare a few more."

Wang Lin pretended to be free and easy and said with a smile, but in fact he had already started to figure out how much he would have to pay if he prepared a few more spiritual materials.

After all, the value of spiritual materials needed to refine a human-level mid-grade spiritual tool is not as simple as casually talking about it.

Just in the midst of these bursts of discussion, time passed, and more than an hour passed without knowing it.

During this period of time, the cultivators who came to the Lingwen Master Commune heard that Master Xun had begun to accept the task of refining equipment, so that the number of cultivators gathered in this task area was also increasing.

As the "lucky man" in the eyes of everyone, Wang Lin received more attention, which made him feel a little pressure.

Everyone is waiting, wanting to see what kind of human-level mid-grade spiritual weapon can be refined by Master Xun this time, and will it be as unique as yesterday's snowfall sword?

Is it a well-deserved reputation, or is it a false name?


Suddenly, a melodious voice sounded, and the eyes of many cultivators present lit up. This was the sound of a task being completed.

It didn't take long for everyone to see a maid hurriedly arrive with a rectangular jade box and hand it over to a person in charge of the mission area.

The person in charge is an old man, with a thin figure, a stern look, and a stern expression. Anyone who is familiar with the old man knows that his name is Guan Pinghu.

Guan Pingchao looked at the jade box, and said in a deep voice, "The 37th task is completed. If the person who assigned the task is present, you can now receive the items."

Number 37?

Many cultivators were taken aback.

Wang Lin was also a little surprised at the moment, and immediately reacted, shouting: "Yes, yes, this task is exactly what I assigned!"

Saying that, he rushed over, took out the voucher for the cloth assignment, and handed it to Guan Pinghu.

At this time, the audience suddenly became a sensation!

In just over an hour, Master Xun completed this human-level mid-grade spiritual weapon? The speed at which this spirit tool is refined is unbelievable!

The reason why they hesitated just now was that they never thought that this quest No. 37 would be related to Wang Lin. After all, it only took more than an hour from receiving the quest to completing the quest. Who would have imagined that in such a short period of time, Master Xun would only Finish

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into a work?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Lin, looking at the jade box in his hand, with deep curiosity in their eyes.

But to their disappointment, Wang Lin obviously did not want his treasure to be seen by others. Under the guidance of Guan Pinghu, he entered a secret room.

In this way, instead of dispelling everyone's curiosity, it made them more and more itchy.

It didn't take long for Wang Lin to come out. He looked weird at the moment, he seemed shocked, unexpected, and ecstatic. He seemed to be suppressing his excitement and excitement, but the undisguised joy between his brows betrayed him.

"How about it?"

"Wang Lin, take out your treasure and let everyone open their eyes?"

"Yeah, let me wait and see the works of Master Xun."

Many cultivators could not help shouting.

"Everyone, I can only tell you that Master Xun is more than worthy of the name. In my opinion, his accomplishments in the spiritual pattern will definitely exceed the estimates of all of you, I can't believe it!"

Wang Lin took a few deep breaths and said with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

There was an uproar.

What kind of work was it that could make Wang Lin so satisfied and speak such words of admiration and admiration?

Unfortunately, when they wanted to ask questions, Wang Lin had already left in a hurry.

"In one hour and thirty-six minutes, I completed a human-level mid-grade spiritual tool, and looking at Wang Lin's happy appearance, this spiritual tool is probably the same as yesterday's Snowfall War Saber, with a unique and extraordinary power. "

Someone calmly analyzes.

"So, didn't this Master Xun complete this task at one time, and there is no possibility of failure at all?"

Many practitioners also fell into contemplation.

If yesterday’s rumors about Master Xun are a bit exaggerated, then at this moment, when they have witnessed everything that was born in Wang Lin, everyone fully realizes that this Master Xun’s attainments in the spiritual pattern are absolutely unfathomable. !

At this moment, a loud shout of excitement came from afar: "What? Three pieces of Master Xun's works are being sold on consignment in Lingbao District!? This time I must win one!"

Immediately, the cultivators in the mission area looked at each other in dismay, and immediately stepped forward subconsciously, rushing towards the Lingbao area.

When I arrived at Lingbao District, I saw that the vast and empty area was crowded with figures, and there were black heads everywhere.

"Jia Zhen, the person in charge of Xialingbao District, please don't crowd. If you cause riots, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, Jia Zhen had to stand up to maintain order. He had a wry smile on his face at the moment, how could he have imagined that the three spiritual tools from Master Xun would be so sought-after.

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly quote the reserve price!"

"Yes, I'm smashing the pot and selling iron today, and I have to take down a spiritual tool from Master Xun!"

"Huh? Smashing the pot and selling iron? I think you should give up."

There was a lot of discussion, and before the bidding started, it was full of gunpowder.

Those cultivators who came from the mission area were dumbfounded when they saw such a scene. What is the popularity?

That's it!


On the same day, a snowfall war knife, a blood copper war spear and a pair of high wind war boots made by Lin Xun were sold for 13oo silver coins, 16oo silver coins and 1ooo silver coins, respectively, shocking the audience.

This news was like a storm, and soon spread to Yanxia City, causing another uproar.

The average price of human-level mid-grade spirit tools on the market is within 2oo-3oo silver coins, and even the most expensive ones can only be sold for 6oo silver coins at most.

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coins around.

However, the human-level mid-grade spiritual artifact refined by "Master Xun" has sold for a sky-high price of more than 1,000 silver coins, which is too astonishing in itself.

The most incredible thing is that if it's just one piece, every piece of spiritual artifact that can be refined by "Master Xun" can be sold for more than a thousand silver coins, which is not easy.

what does that mean?

It means that the spiritual tool refined by "Master Xun" does have a unique and wonderful place, otherwise, it would be impossible to sell such a sky-high price!

All of this gave the name "Master Xun" a mysterious halo, which once again attracted the attention of many people, and even some spiritual masters in Yanxia City couldn't sit still and began to pay attention to all this.

Looking for a master?

Who is this guy? Why was there such a big storm in Yanxia City in just two days?

In any case, the sudden appearance of the "Looking Master" from the Lingwen Master Commune, like a comet streaking across the sky over Mist, has attracted too much attention in just two days, and has become a mysterious place full of mystery. characters.


When Lin Xun 6 continued to complete the two weapon refining tasks, he decided not to continue.

With his current strength, if he continuously refines three human-level mid-grade spiritual weapons, his physical strength will be exhausted, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

When leaving the Lingwen Master Commune, Chu Feng told Lin Xun about the sensational things that happened in the mission area and Lingbao area today, which surprised Lin Xun.

Immediately, he frowned. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. He doesn't want to be paid too much attention.

"From tomorrow onwards, I plan to only take over the tasks in the mission area, two a day." Lin Xun thought for a moment before making a decision.

Chu Feng nodded and agreed readily.

After leaving the Lingwen Master Commune, Lin Xun went straight home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xue Jinduan sitting by the stone table in the center of the courtyard, drinking by himself.

Seeing Lin Xun, Xue Jin said directly: "Boy, is the 'Master Xun' that has been spread around the city these two days, is it you?"

Lin Xun said in surprise, "You know that too?"

Xue Jin said: "Nonsense, I'm not deaf, how can I not know about this? Do you know that if you do this, your situation will become very dangerous?"

He looked with a rare seriousness, "A spirit pattern master who suddenly appeared, and has a unique accomplishment in the spirit pattern, it will definitely attract the attention of countless eyes, I can even tell you, now I'm afraid there are Many forces have sent spies, the purpose is to find out your details!"

Lin Xun's expression also became serious.

Xue Jin continued: "Whether it is good intentions or malicious intentions, once you are targeted by these forces, it will only make your situation troublesome and full of variables!"

When Lin Xun was about to speak, Xue Jin said, "Don't count on the Spirit Rune Master Commune, there are many ways to find out your details, remember, never put your hopes on others."

Lin Xun was silent for a moment, then asked, "Lao Jin, what do you think I should do?"

Xue Jin suddenly laughed, and returned to that lazy look, stretched out a finger and shook it.

Lin Xun said, "A jar of soul burning wine? A deal."

Xuejin shook his head: "No, it's a bottle of soul wine every day."

Lin Xun was stunned and said, "Alright."

Xue Jin stretched a long slack and said, "From tomorrow, you can continue to do your thing, and you don't have to worry about other things."

At the end of the day, the others were already lying in the corner, and fell asleep like a tired alcoholic.

Lin Xun suddenly smiled knowingly, he knew that Xue Jin finally decided to take action!


ps: The second update is a little later tonight, and I will try my best to make the third update tonight.

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