The Prodigies War

Chapter 1850: Unknown Land

Hongmeng World!

Swinging the boat, all of them stopped their movements at this moment, their eyes were dazed, and their hearts were shocked.


Unbelievably big!

In front of it, the stars are as small as dust, and in front of him, Xinghe is like a white jade belt hanging around his waist.

The chaotic aura filled the air, covering the great world of Hongmeng with mysterious light and shadow.

outside the courtyard.

Lin Xun was also silent and shocked.

When he arrived at the "Diguan Great Wall" in the ancient wilderness, Lin Xun was shocked and felt a very small feeling.

At this time, compared with the Great World of Hongmeng, the Great Wall of Diguan seems too small...

"Hehe, another group of country bumpkins who haven't seen the world."

A burst of laughter floated from far away.

Only then did Lin Xun notice that on the nearby starry sky channel, there are many bounded ships shuttling, densely packed.

That burst of laughter came from a world ship.

That realm boat looks like a giant sword with a length of thousands of feet, giving people a majestic and sharp feeling, as if it can penetrate the galaxy!

On the world ship hangs a battle flag flowing with dazzling Daoguang, with the words "Qiankun Dao Court" written on it.

On the world ship, a group of men and women leaned on the railing and looked into the distance.

"This is the 'Qianyuan Sword Ship' of the Qiankun Taoist Court!"

Someone gasped.

Qiankun Dao Court, that is one of the six major lines of the Megatron Starry Sky, the ancient starry sky road, the heavens and the sky, who can not know?

"In the eyes of these proud people, we outsiders... are really no different from hillbillies."

Some people laugh at themselves, with envy and yearning in their voices, and there is also a sense of inferiority complex.

Even the quasi-emperor realm characters sighed in their hearts, knowing that they were ridiculed, but they couldn't feel any anger.

Because, the other party is Qiankun Dao Court!

A behemoth powerful enough to be feared and feared!

Witnessing such a scene,

Looking at the reactions of the people on the boat, Lin Xun realized how terrifying the influence of the Qiankun Taoist Court, one of the Six Great Courtyards, was.

Being ridiculed, I don't even dare to get angry!

"Dude, that is the descendant of Qiankun Dao Court, you don't seem to be very afraid."

On the wall of the courtyard in the distance, the boy in linen opened his mouth with a smile. He noticed Lin Xun's expression, which was different from others.

Lin Xun glanced at the guy and said nothing.

At the Kunlun Ruins, Yan Chunjun, the black-robed sword sage Gu Zangxin and others from the Qiankun Taoist Court all died in his hands.

The boy in linen suddenly said: "Dude, we are about to arrive at the great world of Hongmeng. The place is too big to imagine. Do you have any place you want to go?"

Lin Xun nodded.

"Then why don't we act together?"

The boy in mai's eyes brightened, "I'm here this time purely to travel the world. We just happen to be able to travel together. You already accepted that Jin Tianxuanyue, so you can also consider accepting a little brother like me."

In the voice, there is anticipation.

But before Lin Xun could speak, the young man in linen was picked up by the old woman and led into the courtyard, no matter how much he shouted.

Lin Xun laughed. If the young boy in mai followed him, it would be like following a demon king who could cause trouble at any time. The best thing to do is to stay away.

"When the 'Contest of Taoism' held by the Sixth Avenue Court starts, you must come, buddy. I look forward to seeing you again."

In the distance, the voice of the boy in linen could be heard.

Controversy over Taoism?

Lin Xun had also heard of this, but he was too lazy to pay attention, and he didn't intend to get involved at all.

After all, if you count your fingers, the three major forces in the Sixth Avenue Court, Honghuang, Qiankun, and Panwu, all regard him as a thorn in their eyes. They started issuing bounties as early as six years ago, and they are wanted all over the world.

If he appeared in such a "contest of Taoism", once his identity was exposed, the consequences would definitely be unimaginable.

Jin Tianxuanyue has been standing silently beside Lin Xun, graceful and picturesque.


Suddenly, she cried out in surprise.

I saw Fufeng Sword Emperor, who was dressed in cloth robes and had a clear appearance, had appeared in the field without knowing when.

"Girl, I'm about to arrive in the great world of Hongmeng, and I'm going back too. You have to take good care of yourself in the future."

Fufeng Sword Emperor exhorted.

Jin Tianxuanyue hummed, and there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

"Go, I'll have a chat with little friend Yuxuan."

Sword Emperor Fufeng said, looking at Lin Xun next to him, Jin Tianxuanyue saw this, and wisely retreated temporarily.

"Little friend, no matter what wrong Xuanyue makes in the future, you can punish her. You don't need to care about my Jin Tianshi's attitude."

Sword Emperor Fufeng looked at the great world of Hongmeng in the distance, took a deep breath and said, "In short, this girl will be your Taoist servant in the future. Whether she lives or dies, it has nothing to do with me, Jin Tianshi."

Lin Xun nodded: "As long as she listens to me, I will not regard her as an outsider."

Sword Emperor Fufeng smiled and said, "I'm relieved to have this little friend."

He pointed to the great world of Hongmeng in the distance, and said, "Little friend, do you know how to view this world in the eyes of the emperors?"

Lin Xun was curious.

There was a sigh of emotion in the eyes of Sword Emperor Fufeng: "In a word, I don't know how high the sky is. It is so big that even the strong emperors often feel their own insignificance. Since ancient times, no one has known where its boundaries are. "

Lin Xun couldn't help gasping for breath. An Emperor Realm, with every move, could suppress the power of a small world, but in front of the Great World of Hongmeng, he would feel insignificant!

"Do you know that the entire Hongmeng world today is known to people as just the tip of the iceberg. In this world, there are still many 'unknown places'."

Emperor Fufeng said, "Some of those unknown places are too dangerous, like a forbidden area, and some are like a desperate situation, but if you enter, you will have no return."

"Even the behemoths such as the Six Great Courtyards and the Ten Great War Clans have not been able to get a glimpse of the whole picture of the unknown land after constant exploration since the boundless years."

"In the final analysis, because the Hongmeng world is too big, and some unknown places, even the emperor's realm dare not step beyond the thunderous pool."

Unknown land!

Lin Xun firmly remembered this title.

"For the people of the world, if you go to a cultivating sect, you can leap over the dragon gate and fly into the sky."

Sword Emperor Fufeng's eyes were deep, "But for the behemoths such as the Six Great Courts and the Ten Great War Clans, whoever can explore and lay down more 'unknown places' will be able to gain the upper hand in the battle of Taoism."

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows: "Why is this?"

"Because the unknown land is full of unimaginable unknowns, there are countless dangers, but there are also countless opportunities and good fortune."

When Emperor Fufeng said this, he gave an example that was talked about by the world.

In the Primordial Period, the 'Qingmang Sacred Mountain' where Xuanhuang Dao Ting was located was originally an "unknown land", primitive and ancient, never discovered by the world.

The founder of the Xuanhuang Daoting School, after trekking here, found a "Dao tablet" born in the origin of chaos on this mountain, and realized the Dao in one fell swoop, thus creating the "Xuanhuang Daoting", an ancient and shocking world. Taoism.

This "Dao Stele" is also called "Xuan Huang Dao Stele", which is the treasure of Xuan Huang Dao Ting.

Since then, Qingmang Sacred Mountain has been regarded as the place of "Tao Court" and is well known to the world.

When Lin Xun heard this, he couldn't help gasping for breath. A Taoist tablet has become a Taoist force! And Qingmang Sacred Mountain, which originally belonged to an unknown land, is also famous all over the world!

Does this mean that in that "unknown place", there are also other opportunities that are not inferior to the "Xuan Huangdao Stele"?

Sure enough, the next moment Sword Emperor Fufeng said: "In the past, apart from Xuanhuang Dao Court, almost all other major forces have gained unexpected benefits from the 'Unknown Land'."

"Some of them have unearthed rare and blessed places that are astonishing all over the world."

"Some have found some unknown and mysterious spiritual objects and minerals, which further expanded their own power and territory."


According to Sword Emperor Fufeng, in that unknown place, just like the unknown worlds, there are also unexpected opportunities and creations.

There are caves that are enough to shock everyone in the world, and there are mysterious and unpredictable congenital spirits, minerals, sacred treasures, and precious medicines...

From the ancient times to the ancient times, from the ancient times to the present, in the past countless years, I don’t know how many forces and cultivators have gone crazy to explore the unknown.

But most suffered heavy losses.

Only a few powerful and extremely powerful cultivators have obtained coveted creations from the unknown.

Because of the unknown land, there are also countless unknown dangers.

Although for countless years, unknown places have been explored by unknown forces, and some places have been reclaimed and turned into treasure places for cultivators to live and practice...

But up to now, there are still too many "unknown places" that have never been explored. Even if they are emperors, they don't know how vast the "unknown places" are!

Knowing this, there was only one thought left in Lin Xun's heart, this Hongmeng world... It's really too big!

It's no wonder that the characters in the emperor realm feel small and express the emotion of "I don't know how high the sky is."

"Little friend, there is no doubt about the power of the Six Great Courts and the Ten Great War Clans. They represent the top forces on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, but after arriving in the Hongmeng World, don't underestimate some other forces and lineages."

Emperor Fufeng reminded, "Like Nanhua Temple, Dayin Pure Land, and some other ancient imperial clans, the background is also extremely powerful."

Lin Xun nodded.

On this day, after talking with Lin Xunchang for a long time, the Sword Emperor Fufeng floated away.

The world of Hongmeng seems to be close at hand, but after a full half-month shuttle in Zhou Xuzhong, the swinging boat finally arrived.

Looking at it from a close distance, you can only see chaos and countless stars circulating in the atmosphere of chaos.

Hongmeng, the beginning of chaos, does not know how big or how wide it is.

This is the origin of the name of Hongmeng World!

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