The Prodigies War

Chapter 1778 Strength Recovery

At the foot of Xuelai Mountain, in front of the city.

At dusk, Nan Leipeng appeared here with a group of strong people from the Sangmu tribe.

Nan Leipeng frowned and said worriedly, "I don't know if Lin Daoyuan brought Nan Qiu here..."

After leaving Sangmu, they went through trials and hardships, and rushed towards the Xuelai Mountain at almost full speed, in order to prevent Lin Xun from going to Mu Xiuyuan for revenge.

But along the way, Lin Xun and Nan Qiu were not seen.

This made Nan Leipeng worry about gains and losses, and he was quite uneasy, lest Lin Xun would do something offensive and offend Tianxing Sword Sect.

If this is the case, their Mulberry tribe will also be implicated!

"Well, I just hope that kid won't do such a stupid thing."

The other strong mulberry tribesmen also sighed.

"Let's go, go to the advanced city to inquire about the news."

Nan Leipeng took a deep breath and headed towards the city.

"Look, people from the Sangmu tribe are here."

"The leader is Nan Leipeng. I heard that the marriage contract between Nan Qiu and Mu Xiuyuan was facilitated by him."

As soon as they entered the city, Nan Leipeng and others keenly felt that something was wrong.

The cultivators I saw along the way all looked strange, looking at them with curiosity and inexplicable strangeness.

This made Nan Leipeng and others feel uncomfortable, and their hearts were a little heavy. Could it be that the most unwilling thing happened after all?

"Brother Lei Peng!"

Suddenly, a tall old man in brocade came up with a big laugh, "I haven't seen you for many years, you may be more and more capable."

Nan Leipeng recognized the other party at a glance. It was an elder of the Youshui tribe, named Shui Xiangdong.

"Brother, don't laugh at me, you have probably heard about that girl Nan Qiu's divorce, right?"

Nan Leipeng smiled bitterly, he had a good relationship with Shui Xiangdong.

Shui Xiangdong sighed: "I heard,

Today's matter is so noisy, it's hard to know, but I didn't expect that this girl Nan Qiu was so amazing. "

Nan Leipeng was stunned, and then said displeasedly, "Brother, are you watching my joke?"

Shui Xiangdong was stunned: "What a joke, don't you know that today Nan Qiu, this girl, can personally find Tianxing Jianzong!"


Nan Leipeng and his party were shocked. If they were struck by lightning, this matter actually happened!

"Where's Nanqiu?" Nan Leipeng couldn't help asking.

Shui Xiangdong said: "I heard that the Tianxing Sword Sect was placed in the 'Tianxing Pavilion'."

"Quick, go to Tianxing Pavilion!"

Nan Leipeng was in a hurry, and he left in a hurry with a group of people without thinking about anything else.


Nan Leipeng's heart was numb, Nan Qiu was obviously caught by the Heavenly Sword Sect, how to remedy this?

Tianxing Pavilion.

When Nan Leipeng and his party arrived, it was already dark, and the attic with a height of 100 meters was lit up with lanterns.

In front of the attic, stood a group of descendants of Tianxing Sword Sect.

This is the Tianxingjianzong site, and outsiders are not allowed to go over it without authorization.

But at this time, Nan Leipeng couldn't care about this, and said anxiously: "My mulberry tribe Nan Leipeng..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huo Ran, a descendant of the Tianxing Sword Sect, turned around and said, "Are you guys from the Sangmu tribe?"

Nan Leipeng said quickly, "Exactly."

Although he is a saint, he doesn't dare to take the air at all. He knows the power of Tianxing Jianzong better than anyone else.

Behind him, the other strong Sangmu tribesmen were also apprehensive.

"Everyone, please, I have already received the oral instruction from the headmaster, and I am here to wait for you fellow Daoists."

But I saw that the descendant of Xingjianzong showed a bright smile that day, and with incomparable enthusiasm, humbly and politely issued an invitation.

Nan Leipeng's head buzzed, what did this girl Nan Qiu do to cause the headmaster of Tianxing Sword Sect to issue an oral order?

The other people around him also changed color, and their hearts jumped.

Taking a deep breath, Nan Leipeng asked bitterly, "This fellow Daoist, did Nan Qiu do something wrong to actually... make your sect headmaster angry?"

The descendant of Xingjianzong looked a little uncomfortable that day, but he still smiled: "Everyone, please follow me, Miss Nanqiu is doing well now."

"Welcome all of you!"

The other descendants of the nearby Tianxing Sword Sect bowed and saluted at this moment.

Nan Leipeng was stunned, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did Tianxing Jianzong become so polite and polite?

"Everyone, please come with me."

The descendant of the Tianxing Sword Sect smiled and started to lead the way.

Nan Leipeng, who was in a daze, and the others looked at each other, and they all followed up with full of doubts.

When he entered the Tianxing Pavilion, he saw Nan Qiu sitting in front of the table in the center of the hall, with several maids standing obediently beside him, just like a master.

This made Nan Leipeng and others stay for a while, what's the situation?

"Uncle Nine!"

Nan Qiu got up and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Nan Leipeng said angrily, "It's not that I'm worried about you girl, it's just, you... how are you..." with a confused look on his face.

"Slow talk everyone, I'll take a step back first."

The descendant of the Tianxing Sword Sect who led the way smiled and hurried away with a group of maids, leaving the huge palace to their Musang tribe.

Nan Qiu took this opportunity to inform the events that happened in front of Tianxing Jianzong today.

After listening, Nan Leipeng and his group were all stunned, each with a wonderful look, their hearts tumbling and stirring, and they could not calm down for a long time.

The man who was carried back to the tribe by Nan Qiu was so oppressed by Tianxing Sword Sect that he bowed his head!

Who dares to believe it?

At the very least, Nan Leipeng and the others couldn't believe it. After repeated questions, they finally reluctantly accepted this fact.

"No wonder Shui Xiangdong, an old man with eyes higher than the top, will take the initiative to greet me today, no wonder those descendants of the Tianxing Sword Sect treat us so thoughtfully, no wonder..."

It took a long time for Nan Leipeng to express his emotion.

Others were also excited.

This time, Nan Qiu was a blessing in disguise and got the help of a noble person! In the future Tianqu Realm, who would dare to underestimate their Musang tribe?

Nan Leipeng asked nervously: "Nan Qiu, our tribe has neglected that Young Master Lin before. Will he...will hate us for this?"

"Don't worry, in the eyes of people like him, why would he care about these little things?" Nan Qiu couldn't help laughing.

What a majestic person, Ninth Uncle, but now he looks like a child who made mistakes, which was rare in the past.

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Nan Leipeng was relieved, but he felt a little regretful. If he had known that the young man was so amazing, he should have treated him with the most solemn etiquette.

It's too late to start dating now...


Snow Lai Sacred Mountain.

In the Paradise Cave, Lin Xun meditated quietly, his whole body was like a big abyss, engulfing the rolling spiritual energy that came from all directions with all his strength.


The radiance of the gods stirred, and the light of the Dao light roared.

In the end, the power of the spiritual veins buried under the Xuelai Mountain and the pure spiritual energy gathered between the heavens and the earth were also drawn, and rushed to the blessed land where Lin Xun was located.

For a time, the sky and clouds changed, and the ten directions were filled with rumbling sounds of Taoism.

The entire Skywalking Sword Sect was shocked, and the high-level bigwigs were shocked, thinking that something shocking had happened.

When it was judged that this was because of the movement caused by Lin Xun's cultivation, they were all dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

What kind of terrifying cultivation must this be to achieve this step?

"Tianqujie, when did such a heaven-defying figure appear? He is also a supreme sage, but in front of him, why does it always make me feel as small as an ant..."

Gong Yangqi looked in a trance, and a storm surged in his heart.

For all this, Lin Xun Ruan was unaware.

He was immersed in cultivation, and Xue Lai Sacred Mountain was worthy of being the place where the first sect in the Tianqu world was entrenched. The spiritual energy was extremely rich, and it could almost meet his cultivation needs.

three days later.

Lin Xun's own strength recovered more than half.

seven days later.

Lin Xun's own strength recovered to 80%.

... As time went by, Lin Xun was like a bottomless pit, greedily swallowing the majestic spiritual energy that this world gave birth to.

This made the cultivators of the Tianxing Sword Sect miserable, because when they were cultivating, they couldn't absorb the spiritual energy at all, and they were all occupied by Lin Xun alone!

ten days later.

Only then did Lin Xun's qi gradually subside. His strength had completely recovered to its peak state, and the unpredictable aura of the Great Dao was surging all over his body. Even sitting there, he exuded a sense of intimidation and swallowing the universe. Contempt.

"The next step is to prepare for the attack on the King of Saints. With my current sage's body and the path to perfection, as long as I catch a chance, I can follow the trend..."

Lin Xun thought for a moment, then started to meditate again.

During the six years of torment in the dead starry sky, his Taoism has undergone many subtle and wonderful changes.

Now that his strength has recovered to the peak of perfection, Lin Xun has the opportunity to comprehend and appreciate the benefits these changes have brought to him.

It was also on this day that the "Tianqu King's Battle", which attracted worldwide attention, kicked off in a huge martial arts field in front of Xuelai Mountain.

The young generation's top figures from the four major sects and the thirteen tribes all participated in it, staged one after another exciting duel.

When Nan Qiu's figure appeared, it became the focus of attention of all the cultivators in the audience!

Everyone knows that this Musang clan woman is no longer the laughing stock of the divorced marriage, but a dazzling character that even Tianxing Jianzong has to treat with respect.

To everyone's surprise, Mu Xiuyuan, who had suffered the humiliation of kneeling, actually participated in the battle of the King of Heaven Song as if he was nothing, and performed extremely well.

It's just that every glance that looks at him has brought some complexity, some pity, and some gloating, and so on.

The Tianqu King Battle went on for three days, and in the end, ten strong performers with the most outstanding performance were competed, and Mu Xiuyuan was the well-deserved number one.

And Nan Qiu was also among the ten people.

"Why haven't you come yet..."

At the end of the Battle of the Heavenly Song King, the head of the Tianxing Sword Sect, Gong Yangyu, had been a little distraught and anxiously waited in his heart.

"Look, it's the world ship! The big figures of Danding Daozong are here!"

Suddenly, someone shouted excitedly.


(Make up before 11pm~)

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