The Prodigies War

Chapter 1770 Refinement Road Starry Sky

The mountains and rivers are barren, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, and the sand and dust are all over the sky.

There is no grass here, no life fluctuations, only the raging wind howls like a piercing knife, making whimpering sounds like ghosts and gods crying.

Lin Xun's consciousness spread, and after a while, a haze appeared between his eyebrows.

Not only is there no vitality here, even the power of the Dao does not exist, and it cannot be sensed!

Heaven and earth are covered with the power of the Great Dao, so that the spiritual energy, vitality, chaos energy and other mysterious powers required for practice will be born.

It is like the water in a river, and practitioners are like fish fighting for crossing in the water. Without water, what kind of cultivation is there?


Lin Xun rose into the sky, his figure soaring into the sky, thousands of feet, thousands of feet

Soon, he came to the top of the sky dome and looked down from the void, only then did he notice that the place he had just stood on was a star.

However, this star looked extremely desolate and dim.

"This is where?"

Lin Xun's expression is uncertain, if it is placed in one world, there will be a world order and Zhoutian rules.

But here, the aura that belongs to the "world" cannot be sensed at all.


Lin Xun continued to soar and fly high. Gradually, he saw many stars in his field of vision, some bright and dazzling, some dim, some converging into a nebula cycle, and some turning into a river of stars.

"Above the stars?"

Lin Xun was startled.

What you see in front of you is undoubtedly extremely magnificent and magnificent, the stars are uneven, and the surrounding is boundless.

But after a long time, it will inevitably give people a feeling of loneliness and confusion, as if lost in it, not knowing the way back, not knowing the way forward.

It didn't take long for Lin Xun to come to a bright and dazzling star, and he flew into it. His consciousness spread and explored for a long time, and Lin Xun's brows became more and more frowning.

Here, there is still no vitality and the beginning and end of the avenue!

Lin Xun does not believe in evil,

In the following time, his figure flickered, traversing the starry sky, appearing on the surface of one star after another, searching for a long time, and searching for a long time.

But in the end, nothing!

It seems that the huge starry sky on this side is abandoned by the avenue, and there is no vitality at all.

And Tarin Xun, like a prisoner in exile

How could this be?

After a few hours, Lin Xun stood on the starry sky with a cloudy expression on his face.

There is no vitality and the power of the Dao, which means that there will be no power for cultivation. After a long time, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Just as worldly people are destined to starve to death without food, if practitioners do not have the vitality and Dao power to practice, they are also destined to gradually weaken until death!


Suddenly, Lin Xunxun flipped his hand, and an ancient bronze instrument appeared.

It is shaped like a lamp, the surface is covered with dense and obscure avenue texture, and the place of the wick is a pointer like a dragon and snake.

Zhou Tianqianji leads!

A treasure obtained from passing through the secret realm of Tongtian.

When you get lost in the boundless sea of ​​​​stars, fall into the obstacles of heaven and earth, and stray into a terrible dilemma, you can use this treasure to infer the way of life!


As Lin Xun urged to release this treasure, the pointer like a dragon and snake glowed, hummed and rotated, and finally the brilliance was restrained, and the pointer was fixed in one direction.

The haze between Lin Xun's eyebrows was swept away, and it was indeed feasible!

The next moment, he started to act, using "Zhou Tian Qian Ji Gui" to guide the way, he flew away from the starry sky and swept into the distance.

time passes little by little

Zhou Tianqianji's pointer would occasionally change direction, and Lin Xun would also adjust the orientation of the flying dungeon accordingly.

In the vast starry sky, he was the only one flying alone, and he did not encounter any danger along the way, but the ubiquitous atmosphere of loneliness and silence was depressing.

three days later.

Lin Xun had to stop and continue to fly above the starry sky. His physical strength was exhausted to the point of drying up.


After a while, Lin Xun's figure appeared on a star, took out some magic medicine, and began to meditate cross-legged to recover his strength.

In this vast starry sky, there is no vitality or aura at all. Fortunately, Lin Xun has a large number of magical medicines and spiritual things stored on his body, which is enough for him to not have to worry about replenishing his physical strength for a long time.

But Lin Xun felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He has been flying away for a few days, but he still hasn't found a "way of life". If it takes a long time, no matter how much treasure he has, he is destined to be completely exhausted one day!

"In the next time, you must save your physical strength, and you can't waste the slightest bit. However, it is not appropriate to save only, you must come up with a safe way."

While meditating, Lin Xun pondered.

"There is no vitality, no Dao power, just like being abandoned by the sky. I have never experienced such an experience before, but for me, it is an unprecedented training opportunity!"

"I have made Chan a sage, and the next step is to become a sage king. If I can break through in such a situation that is like a 'desperate situation', the transformation that will result is destined to be no trivial matter."

Thinking of this, Lin Xun suddenly moved in his heart, "There is no great aura here, if it breaks through the realm, will it trigger the 'Holy Dao King Tribulation'?"

"There's something interesting about this ghost place!"

In the end, Lin Xun smiled, and before he knew it, his mood had quietly changed.

Before, he regarded this starry sky as a cage, desolate and lifeless, and there was no Dao, which was depressing, like being exiled, and eager to jump out of the cage.

But now, he has discovered that such a place that looks like a "desperate" is a rare tempering place!

If you can survive this desperate situation, what other desperate situation will you not be able to survive in the future?

Moreover, by practicing in it, you can also experience insights that you have never experienced before. This experience is also destined to have an immeasurable beneficial effect on your own Taoism!

After a stick of incense.

Lin Xun took action again.

In the starry sky, his figure was completely relaxed, and he precisely controlled every inch of his body with his huge power of consciousness, so as to save the physical strength that he had to consume when flying.

At the same time, he was in an empty state of mind, pondering and comprehending the Huang Ting Sutra of the Great Dao, and tempering the god of the five internal organs in his body.

No matter how desperate or not, as long as the state of mind is the same, everywhere is a place of practice!

This time, Lin Xun's physical strength was on the verge of drying up after five days of flying away. Compared with the last time, if he had been supported by the same strength, he had lasted for two more days!

"Yes, there is progress, as long as you use the power on your body accurately, the longer you can persist in the future."

Lin Xun had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

The Great Sage is huge and immeasurable, and the power he possesses is of course astonishing.

But if you only want to be big, but you can't use this kind of power fully and perfectly and accurately, it is undoubtedly a waste!

"In the past, I was able to fight against a group of enemies because of my solid foundation and path, but I didn't use the power I possessed to the fullest."

Realizing this, Lin Xun's heart seemed to have broken a layer of shackles, and a spring-like feeling poured out.

"Pao Ding can dismember a cow without much effort. What he relies on is his deep cognition of things and his way of using his own power. When the skill is in line with the Dao, it is the most perfect for power. use"

"This kind of imperial use of power can not only be used for flying, but also in battle."

"By that time, maybe you will be able to defeat ten guilds with one force and break ten thousand tricks with one method!"

This realization lasted for several days. Lin Xuncai woke up from meditation. He looked up at the starry sky, his black eyes were deep and bright.


Lin Xun set off again.

This time, after a full ten days, his physical strength was exhausted.

"That's the magic of power."

Based on the starry sky, Lin Xun was so emotional.

From this day on, he completely emptied himself, no longer stuck to finding a way of life, and traveled alone in the starry sky, cultivating and realizing it all the time.

Occasionally tired and tired, I will sit and recover.

Walking is also Zen, sitting is also Zen.

Walking on the starry sky, the Taoist body is natural.

Miaodi will know in her heart, and knock on the road in desperation!

half year later.

Lin Xun's figure is like a feather, floating forward in the starry sky, his mind is on the edge of sleep but not sleep, and the spiritual platform is a little clear.

In the land of the five internal organs, there is a thunderous roar, and the charm of the five colors, five aggregates, five elements and five virtues is circulating.

In a trance like chaos, like sleeping but not really sleeping!

This situation continued for a full three months.


On this day, Lin Xun's body suddenly trembled, and he straightened his spine.

At this moment, the Qi machine that he had accumulated for a long time was completely released, and the five internal organs suddenly rushed out of the five radiances of blue, red, black, yellow, and white, and condensed a halo like an embryo in the void. Breathe in, create a wonderful rhythm like life.

The five viscera gods!

The Dao Huang Ting Jing is divided into four realms, namely, the five aggregates, the five colors, the five flavors, and the five virtues.

When he first practiced, Lin Xun easily stepped into the Five Aggregates with his own cultivation base in the Great Sacred Realm, and in the land of the five internal organs, he accumulated a wisp of the true spirit of the Taoist Palace.

The real spirits of these Taoist palaces are like illusory dharma images, extremely vague, showing five kinds of divine splendor, blue, red, yellow, white, and black.

And now, with Lin Xun condensing the "five viscera god embryo", his understanding of the Great Dao Huang Tingjing has broken through a new realm and reached the five-color realm!

In this state, the five real spirits in the land of the five internal organs will condense into reality, showing their own "hue", such as the Aoki real spirit, which will show the hue of "green and green for ever and ever".

At this time, five completely different "hues" are reflected in the five internal organs!

Until reaching the "Five Flavor Realm", the five true spirits will break out of the "Five Zang Divine Embryo" and have their own "flavor", just like the different flavors that each person exudes.

And the "Five Virtues" is to have their own consciousness and Taoism!

At this point, the "god of the five internal organs" can be tempered and transformed into five dharma bodies, each of which is not weaker than the deity, and each has magical powers and mysteries.

It was also on this day that Lin Xun, as a sage, made a breakthrough from the late stage of the Great Sacred Realm to the ultimate perfection!

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