The Prodigies War

Chapter 1762 Strolling on Kunlun

Why does the Tibetan community regard Lin Xun as a heretic that must be killed?

On the one hand, it is because of a piece of Bodhi wood that has forbidden power sealed, but more importantly, Lin Xun has mastered the [Dazang Si Sutra]!

Just like before, Lin Xun looked at the escape method of Po Kudu, using a magical power in the [Dazang Si Jing].

There was silence in the field, and Zhuan Yuheng, Tang Su, Nie Jianchen and others were all awe-inspiring.

They also saw the identities of Sha Liuqing and Kudu, but they didn't expect that Lin Xun would be targeted by them.

This is the successor of the second of the three giants of the dark world!

Once caught, there are endless troubles.

Realizing this, Tuo Chenghai, who was originally depressed and vomiting blood, couldn't help but rejoice and gloat.

He knew very well that since entering the Kunlun Ruins, the number of descendants and descendants of the Six Great Courtyards, the Ten Great War Clans, and the descendants who died in the hands of Lin Xun were unknown.

Yan Chunjun, Lu Ang, Gu Zangxin, Tao Jianxing, Kun Jiulin, Xu Lingkun, Wen Qingxue... These are all well-known top figures.

In addition to these, until now at least hundreds of strong people have died in the hands of Lin Xun!

If these things are spread out, which major force on the ancient starry sky can accommodate this child?

Now, even the dark world is eyeing Lin Xun, which is undoubtedly worse!

As Kudu said before, unless Lin Xun does not set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky in this life, he is bound to suffer a blow from unknown forces.

"Laughing so happily, your face doesn't hurt anymore?"

Lin Xun suddenly opened his mouth and looked over.

Tuo Chenghai's face froze, he was furious, and suddenly stood up: "Lin Xun, do you really think I dare not do anything to you?"

"Want to learn from each other?"

However, Tang Su looked expectant.

Tuo Chenghai had a black line on his forehead, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood.


At this time, Zhuan Yuheng suddenly made a sound.

Follow his gaze,

Seeing that high in the sky, a monument of Fengchan Dao was suspended at a position of seven thousand feet, and it was on a par with the monument of Fengchan Dao that belonged to Zhuan Yuheng, and it was even slightly higher!

There was also a burst of restlessness in the field, and all eyes looked at a beautiful shadow on the five-color Taoist altar.

Because, this is Ahu's stele of Fengchan Dao!

It is also the only existence that surpasses Zhuan Yu Heng Feng Chan's achievements so far!

"If you don't dare to fight with Miss Tang Su, why don't we learn from each other?"

Ahu's robe fluttered and he walked down from the five-color Taoist altar with a smile.

She has a graceful demeanor and a dazzling presence, with a pair of watery eyes, and her eyes are firmly fixed on Tuo Chenghai.

"Humph! Unlike him, Lin Xun, I never bully women."

Tuo Chenghai snorted coldly, and sat down again with a gloomy face.

"How about it?"

Ahu looked at Lin Xun, a little worried.

Although both Sha Liuqing were killed, their appearance destroyed Lin Xun's state of mind when he sensed the opportunity of Feng Chan.


Lin Xun said casually, putting his hands behind his back and looking at the sky above his head.

It's just different from before. In his eyes, this side of Zhou Yu has become different.

No one knew that in the previous deep induction, Lin Xun did not know that he had peeked into the origin that belonged to the birthplace of the "Treasure Refining Mother Furnace".

And also got an incredible insight!

"By the way, why did you choose to enshrine Zen with the 'Voluntary Power of All Beings'?"

Lin Xun was a little puzzled. He asked Ahu and obtained the will of all beings to become a sage. He can indeed transform his own strength, possess the power of a sage, and he can step into the realm of the supreme sage in the future.

But in comparison, it is better to seal Zen with the "Great Dao Wishing Power"!

To enshrine Zen as a sage based on the will of all living beings, one must also seek well-being for all living beings, such as educating all living beings with one’s own holy way, and preaching to the world.

It looks simple, but it's actually not easy!

Moreover, once you don't do this, you will be constrained by the "willing power of all living beings", which will have a great impact on your future practice.

And to seal Zen with the power of the Great Dao will not be affected by this.

Ahu smiled and said: "This is also very good. The Dao I seek has not reached the point where I can make Chan a sage. When there is a chance in the future, I would also like to start a sect, educate and enlighten sentient beings, teach them Taoism, and teach them wonderful things. meaning."

Lin Xun didn't say anything else.

This is the way to seek, and everyone seeks differently.


Soon, Hua Xingli also realized the opportunity of Fengchan and boarded the five-color Taoist altar.

He is different from Zhuan Yuheng, Nie Jianchen, and Tang Su in front of him. The power of Fengchan triggered by him is actually a grand Daoguang!

Above his head, a terrifying vision of 'Three Thousand Demon Domains, All Spirits Transformed into Tribulations' appeared!

"Follow Zen with the power of the Great Dao!"

Lin Xun's eyes narrowed.

Almost at the same time, there was a burst of exclamations in the field, and everyone including Zhuan Yuheng and Tang Su couldn't help showing shock.

Because this is so far, the only existence in the field who has Feng Chan as a sage, which is unique.

"Unexpectedly, this Hua Xingli has opened up a brand new magic way, which has been recognized by the power of Fengchan..."

Zhuan Yu's gaze at Hua Xingli has changed.

Other people's minds can not be calm.

Especially when I saw that the Fengchan Dao Monument belonging to Hua Xingli rushed into the sky at an astonishing speed, breaking everyone's previous achievements in one fell swoop, and reaching a distance of eight thousand feet, there was a burst of exclamations in the field.

This achievement is more than astonishing, and it overwhelms the achievements of some ancestors who have shined here in the past years!

"Among all the Demonic Courts, there will be one more remarkable figure in the future..."

Ahu couldn't help but be surprised.

Hua Xingli, a peerless figure who is far inferior to Xu Lingkun and Zhuan Yuheng on the Starry Sky Great Sage Ranking, can create such a dazzling achievement when he was enthroned as a sage, which no one thought of before.

"Brother Lin, you are the only one left."

Hua Xingli stepped down from the five-color Taoist altar, his head was covered with snow-silver hair, and his cheeks were still pale and sickly.

But all over the body, there is a great majesty that stands above the sky.

Many people also looked at Lin Xun.

Indeed, Lin Xun is the only one left on this Fengchan platform who has not sensed the opportunity of Fengchan.

They couldn't help but look different.

The previous Lin Xun, how domineering and powerful, has been unable to achieve Zen in the Holy Dao for a long time, shouldn't it be... Really because of the interference of Sha Liuqing, he completely missed this supreme good fortune Bar?

At this moment, Lin Xun smiled and walked towards the five-color Taoist altar in the distance.

His pace is leisurely, like walking in the courtyard, indescribably comfortable and casual.

Everyone was just startled.

What is he going to do?

It should be noted that no one can approach the five-color Taoist altar before they realize the opportunity of Fengchan!

This has been tried many times before.

But now, Lin Xun did not seize the opportunity of Fengchan, but went to the Five-color Taoist Altar, which naturally made people feel very strange.

"Lin Xun, are you unwilling, but you must know that in the past years, there are many people who arrived at Fengchan Platform just like you, but did not seize the opportunity of Fengchan!"

Tuo Chenghai couldn't help but speak, it seemed to be a reminder, but it had a strange smell of yin and yang, as if he was watching a joke.

Ahu frowned and said nothing, because she couldn't understand what Lin Xun was doing.

Zhuan Yuheng, Tang Su, Nie Jianchen, Qi Xianyu and others were all concerned about Lin Xun's abnormal behavior, with doubts and confusion.

All this, Lin Xun ignored it.

And in his state of mind, there is a resonant sound of the Dao like Hong Zhong Dalu, which is deafening:

"Walk on the stars and walk on Kunlun!"

A line of verses, but it seems to have a magical power, so that in Lin Xun's mind, scenes of grand cosmos scenes emerge.

There is a huge flame vortex like a black hole in the starry sky, which turns into a source of treasure refining, and thousands of fires flow out, burning the stars.

There is a boundless sea of ​​stars, Zhou Xu is cold and lonely, walking alone, and eternal loneliness.


All kinds of sights and all kinds of experiences were all sensed by Lin Xun before.

At this time, these scenes are like flowing water, flowing through Lin Xun's state of mind, without any shock.

Let the universe be boundless, the stars are hundreds of millions, and the mysteries of the avenues of the heavens are hidden...

I am wandering at ease, moving forward!

In a trance, Lin Xun seemed to see that there was a person here in the past, strolling up, above Xiaoyao Zhouxu!

At this time, Lin Xun stepped onto the five-color Taoist altar.

Easy and casual, like walking on the ground.

Everyone's pupils shrank, he... actually climbed up?

This is incredible!

Before, they had tried one by one, but before they could get close, they were stopped by the forbidden power emanating from the five-color Taoist altar.

But now, Lin Xun has become an exception!

Upon entering the five-color Taoist altar, Lin Xun's expression was unwavering, only a pair of black eyes showed a hint of enlightenment, and his heart was open-minded.

He looked up at Tian Qiong Zhou Yu, waved his sleeve, stretched out his right hand, and turned his palm to the sky.

"The sun and the moon are lifted up by the sleeves, and the heavens enter the palm prints!"

A line of verses, as if resounding in the depths of my mind.

In Lin Xun's field of vision, the vast silence was like the boundless universe, reflected in the pupils, as if it had shrunk countless times.




In the field, there was a burst of exclamation.

Everyone couldn't calm down, and one by one showed shock and looked at the universe.

There are countless stars twinkling, some bright and bright, some dim.

Before, they had sensed one by one and captured the opportunity of Feng Chan, and the stars among them also turned into a force of Feng Chan, falling down and integrating into their bodies, making them transform into saints.

But now, in their field of vision, the countless stars in the cosmos are all releasing splendid rays of light, dense like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky!

The heavens are like trembling grains, and Zhou Xu is shining brightly, illuminating the starry sky, and it is incomparable, like a miracle is being born.

That incredible scene shocked everyone present!

Even at the foot of the Kunlun Hill, many cultivators who had no chance to reach the Fengchan Platform were shocked at this moment, and all looked into the depths of the sky.

Originally, it was obscured by the dark Chaos Qi, and nothing could be seen.

But at this time, there is a dazzling brilliance, lit up in the chaotic air, illuminating the gray sky, and it is holy and dazzling!

There was a sensation in the audience, and everyone was stunned. What happened on the Fengchan platform?


There will be more updates before 10pm!

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