The Prodigies War

Chapter 1770: The Universe and Starry Sky, Mysteries Are Like Darkness

Feng Zen opportunity!

At first glance, everyone present saw that Zhuan Yuheng had realized a ray of opportunity in the avenue of the universe and the heavens, and had the opportunity to enshrine the holy way.


The universe is deep and vast, and one of the stars blooms with great light, and a ray of golden light that falls shrouds Zhuanyu.

He walked towards the five-color Taoist altar in the distance, his figure was dazzling and sacred.

In the end, he ascended the Taoist altar and stood on it, and the breath of the whole person began to produce a wonderful and obscure transformation.


In the end, the bright star melted into a golden light as thick as a waterfall, fell down, and was completely absorbed by Zhuan Yuheng.

It was also at this time that the sound of bursts of Dao was resounding, and in the sky above Zhuan Yuheng, there was a vague "image of sentient beings" emerging, which was immeasurable.

And Zhuan Yuheng is like a master, accepting the belief and worship of all beings.

"Following Zen with the will of all sentient beings!"

Lin Xun and the others were all shocked, some were envious, some were amazed, and some seemed a little disappointed, and so on.

After a while, all visions disappeared.

On top of the five-color altar, an ancient black stone tablet emerged, filled with wisps of light and chaotic aura.

Feng Zen Road Monument!

Only when Feng Chan is a sage can have a tablet of his own and engrave his will and name on it.

This stele will last forever at a height of 9,000 feet above the Fengchan Platform, and it will be blessed with luck from God!

For a time, everyone in the field could not help but be a little restless.

It has always been circulated on the ancient road of the starry sky, but any strong man who can walk out of the Kunlun Ruins alive will have the opportunity to prove the Tao and become an emperor in the years to come!

Don't look at it as just an opportunity, but it is enough to make countless half-step emperors and quasi-emperors crazy!

And this opportunity refers to the power of God's luck obtained from the Fengchan Taoist tablet on this Fengchan platform.

On the altar of five colors,

Zhuan Yuheng used his willpower to engrave his own name on the stone tablet.

Accompanied by a burst of radiance, the monument of Fengchan Dao rose into the sky and slowly rushed into the sky.

One thousand feet.

Two thousand feet.

Three thousand feet.

...until it reached the place of seven thousand feet, the monument of Fengchan Dao stopped, suspended in the air, and covered by the light of stars.

"Seven thousand feet high, amazing!"

Someone was amazed.

Lin Xun was stunned for a moment, and then heard Ahu quickly transmit his voice from the side:

"The higher the position of the Fengchan Dao Monument is, it means that after Fengchan became a sage, the stronger the transformation, the more the power of God's luck will be obtained."

"It's really not that simple that this Zhuanyu Monument can be suspended at a height of seven thousand feet."

Only then did Lin Xun understand.

In his field of vision, in the high sky above the Fengchan Platform, there are densely densely packed monuments of the Fengchan Dao suspended. Some are bright and bright, like stars, while others are dim like a meteorite.

Moreover, the heights of these monuments to Feng Chan Dao are indeed different.

Near the distance of 3,000 feet, there are the most monuments of Fengchan Dao, most of which are dull, like meteorites.

The distance of 6,000 zhang is relatively rare. With Lin Xun's consciousness, he can accurately judge that there are 798 Taoist monuments there.

Today, Zhuan Yuheng's Monument to Fengchan Dao is also located in this area, and it is very far ahead.

Near the distance of 9,000 feet, the number became increasingly rare. There were only forty-nine steles of the Fengchan Dao, and most of them were below 9,000 feet and above 8,000 feet.

There are only three Taoist monuments that can reach the nine thousand zhang area.

The dao monuments in this area are bright and flaming, brighter than the stars, and the weather is magnificent, far from ordinary and comparable.

These are all left by the strong men who have been sages and sages on the Fengchan platform in the ages since ancient times!

Lin Xun couldn't help but feel a little strange. Zhuan Yuheng, a top ten great saint on the starry sky great saint list, can only float at a height of seven thousand feet.

In this comparison, what kind of terrifying powerhouses are those monuments that are far beyond Zhuanyu Heng?


On the five-color Taoist altar, Zhuan Yuheng let out a sigh.

For other people, being able to enshrine the holy Tao and keep the Taoist monument here forever is a great creation.

But obviously, Zhuan Yuheng was a little dissatisfied.

He shook his head, turned and walked down the five-color altar.

It was also at this moment that Lin Xun clearly felt the change in Zhuan Yuheng's aura, and his every move carried a kind of power.

Like a leader of the holy way, the breath is full of great majesty!

This is the charm of a sage, and it is different from a sage. The so-called "seeing the sages and thinking together", becoming a sage, if you have the foundation of becoming a supreme sage king!

Everyone's pupils narrowed slightly, and they all showed strange colors.

Zhuan Yuheng ignored this. He found a place at will and sat cross-legged, as if he wanted to meditate on the changes in his body.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past years, after a peerless person named Chan a sage, he took action to prevent others from taking the fortune, and it happened more than once!

Every time, there was continuous bloodshed, and the casualties were astonishing.

Fortunately, Zhuan Yuheng didn't do that.

In the next time, whether it was Hua Xingli, Tang Su, or Lin Xun and Ahu, they all abandoned their distracting thoughts and began to meditate.

The universe is vast, cold, and grand, with hundreds of millions of stars twinkling in it, and the essential power of the Dao of the Heavens is also contained within it.

As long as you capture the slightest opportunity in the various avenues, you can be like Zhuan Yuheng, and you can make Zen a sage in one fell swoop!

Time passed little by little.


The familiar avenue fluctuations sounded again, and a star in the sky and cosmos shone brightly, and a red beam of light fell, bathing a thin man in light cyan armor.

"Nie Jianchen! How could it be him..."

Some people were surprised, they didn't expect that this thin man would be the second to realize an opportunity.

Just like Zhuan Yuheng, Nie Jianchen walked up to the five-color Taoist altar step by step, the qi in his body transformed, and the "image of all living beings" also appeared in the sky above his head. ..

This proves that he is also relying on the "willing power of all living beings" to seal Zen.

Immediately, a stele of Feng Chan Dao appeared, and when Nie Jianchen put his name on it, Zhuan Yuheng, who was sitting cross-legged in the distance, opened his eyes.

It was only when he saw that Nie Jianchen's Monument to Feng Chan was only suspended in the air at a height of 5,000 meters, Zhuan Yuheng closed his eyes again.

Even so, Nie Jianchen was overjoyed and refreshed.

He strode down the five-color Taoist altar, looked around, and finally, like Zhuan Yuheng, chose a position and meditated.

Everyone looked different, and their moods were also different.


Only Lin Xun didn't pay attention to this at all. He was meditating, and his consciousness seemed to be flying, flying high into the sky, flying into the depths of the universe...

An indescribable feeling of vastness and loneliness arises spontaneously.

The universe is vast and vast, as if it is boundless and boundless. Being in it makes people feel a sense of insignificance and confusion.

I don't know where the future is, and I don't know where the return journey is!

Gradually, Lin Xun's consciousness flew deeper and farther, and all he saw along the way were the vast stars and the cold and lonely Zhou Xu...


Lin Xun didn't notice that, on him, the dark copper block left by the "refining treasure mother furnace" quietly appeared with an obscure ripple.

At the same time, in Lin Xun's consciousness, he captured a boiling, dazzling, tumbling area of ​​Zhou Xu, which turned into a huge flame vortex.

In front of this vortex of flames, the huge giant is no different from the tiny ants. It is too big, like a huge black hole in the universe, but there is a terrifying flame flowing.

The stars near the flame vortex seemed to be burning, crimson incomparably red, and the billowing flames flew out.

For a moment, Lin Xun's spiritual sense was extremely painful.

But at the same time, there are also obscure and mysterious insights that come to my mind——

The source of treasure refining!

A place where the origin of the Dao is covered with nearly 10,000 kinds of treasure refining divine flames.

The treasure-refining mother furnace that once refined the Nine Emperor Soldiers was born from the vortex of flames called "the source of the treasure-refining path"!

Lin Xun felt a wave in his heart.

He never imagined that when he sensed the opportunity of Feng Chan, he would actually be able to gain insight into such a world-shattering secret!

Until his mind returned to calm, Lin Xun's consciousness continued to swept into the depths of the universe. On the way, he had conducted many inductions, but in the end he found nothing.

However, his state of mind was extremely calm and clear.

Because he didn't have any idea of ​​what he was going to achieve in the first place, whether it was by virtue of the will of all sentient beings or by the power of the Dao's vow, it was no longer a problem for him.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xun's spiritual sense has flown out an unknown distance, and in the vast universe, he has been constantly sensing, and his soul can't help but feel tired and powerless.

"The Great Sage is huge and immeasurable, but in front of this vast universe... but it seems too small..."

An indescribable loneliness surged in Lin Xun's heart, the vast sea of ​​stars, boundless Zhou Xu, as if a person was walking alone, the whole place was cold and silent, unspeakable depression, helplessness and confusion.

Gradually, his consciousness seemed to melt, and he was lost in the boundless universe.


Suddenly, Lin Xun's mood produced instinctive vigilance.

The Divine Consciousness that is spreading in the depths of the universe is also abrupt. The vast universe, even if it continues to deepen, when will it end?

But if you don't go deep, how can you sense the opportunity contained in this universe?

Originally, Lin Xun was just curious and asked for nothing, but when he really began to sense it, his consciousness had sensed the depths of this universe, so he gave up like this, but he was unwilling.


try again!

Lin Xun abandoned his distracting thoughts, and his consciousness continued to sense the depths of the universe.

The familiar feeling of loneliness, depression, helplessness, and loss reappeared spontaneously, but Lin Xun no longer paid attention to these.

His consciousness is like the moon full of blue sea, the moon shines in the well, and is no longer affected by the sky and clouds.

Gradually, his consciousness showed a kind of blankness, not being sloppy and lost, but a sense of self-forgetfulness after focusing on nothing else.

It didn't take long before a sound like a morning bell and a twilight drum resounded in his heart, looming and ethereal.

In Lin Xun's consciousness, it was like being electrocuted, and it was like being slapped in the head, producing a wonderful feeling!


(The update has been sent, and I still owe you one more update! And at the end of the last chapter, Ahu was written as Wen Qingxue... It has been revised!)

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