The Prodigies War

Chapter 1711 Upside Down Mountain


No matter what other people thought, Tang Suke seemed extremely arrogant as soon as he joined the battle, holding a knife to kill, opening and closing, forcing Gu Zangxin and Hua Xingli to the point where it was difficult for him to get out for a while.

Both were also annoyed.

"I'm afraid you won't be a mad woman?"


A fierce and unparalleled peerless battle broke out in such a confused way because of Tang Su's arrival.

In the distance, Lin Xun, who hadn't really left, couldn't help but laugh and laugh, this woman... is really fierce!

"Right now, there is too much movement here. In the next time, I am afraid that there will be more powerhouses coming. Do you want to stay?" asked Ahu next to him.

"Let's go."

Lin Xunlue made a decision as soon as he pondered.

In the past, being able to grab food from the tiger's mouth was because he was unprepared, and there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. Now it is different. There are not only Gu Zangxin, but also Hua Xingli and Tang Su in the field.

It is undoubtedly unwise to seize the opportunity at this time.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two walked away without any hesitation.

As for the slaughter and battle near the black mist gully, neither Lin Xun nor Ahu were too lazy to pay attention.

Along the way, Lin Xun refined the treasure-refining Dao Qi he had captured, and integrated it into the broken blade, again condensing a treasure pattern of life.

That is to say, on the broken blade today, there are already eight natal treasure patterns, and only two will be able to transform once again!

"In less than seven days, we must leave this treasure refining place and go to the depths of Kunlun Ruins. At that time, the real danger will come..."

Ahu said, "Ever since ancient times, no one has been able to explore all the secrets of the Kunlun Ruins. We only know that the deeper we go, the more terrifying and bizarre it is, filled with many taboo-like powers."

"When I came here this time, I also heard that in the Kunlun Ruins, there is a peach tree, and the fruit on it is called the wonderful flower of heaven and earth, the wonderful fruit of the Great Dao, and swallowing one can be worth hundreds of years of suffering. Xiu, the most amazing thing is."

Lin Xun couldn't help but be surprised: "There really is a peach tree in this world?"

Ahu said: "Nature is true,

Because in the past, someone got one by chance and coincidence. It is said that this peach tree grows in the 'five-color wonderful soil' and absorbs the power of the Dao of the heavens as nourishment, and is regarded as the real 'the treasure tree of the Dao'. "

Five-color wonderful soil!

Lin Xun's heart moved.

He remembered what Wudi Lingwu said, there are four sacred trees in the world, Kunwu, Fusang, Jianmu, and Cangwu, all of which were born from the source of chaos, and naturally have Dao patterns belonging to the source of chaos.

According to rumors, as long as the "soul root" of these four kinds of sacred woods is collected and nurtured with the four kinds of innate divine materials, chaotic soil, five-color wonderful soil, clear and turbid star soul sand, and the first qi water of the beginning of the day, one can be cultivated. A seedling of the Chaos Origin Tree!

At that time, raising the seedlings of the Origin Tree of Chaos into the body will have an immeasurable effect on the cultivation of Emperor Dao.

When fighting in the emperor realm, who can control a chaotic source tree, and whoever has the background of comprehending the "law of chaos", is far from comparable to other emperor realms!

Although the Emperor Realm is still far away for Lin Xun today, it would of course be better if he could collect some treasures that he would need in the future.

For example, Lin Xun now has the root of a hibiscus tree!

Wu Que once said that when you get the five-color wonderful soil, you can nurture the original root of the hibiscus tree, and sooner or later will give birth to a new "spiritual root"!

However, Lin Xun did not expect that in the Kunlun Ruins, there are treasures such as five-color wonderful soil that are enough to make the emperor's heart move.

"When the time comes, I will act with you."

Lin Xun made a decision.

Ahu smiled and said, "It couldn't be better."

In the following time, the two continued to patrol the treasure refining field, searching for the treasure refining Dao Qi.

Two hours later.

Above the vast and magnificent mountains and rivers, Lin Xun and Ahu, who were flying away, suddenly stopped.

At the same time, an exclamation sounded from a distance.

"It's terrible, what kind of treasure refining Dao Qi is that, why is it accompanied by such terrifying Kunlun Divine Flame?"

"The purple divine flames are like the ocean, turning into thousands of ominous birds and overwhelming the earth, and the supreme saints are not their opponents!"

"Up to now, at least seven or eight great saints have perished, and they were all burned to ashes, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed."

Accompanied by the noisy voice, a group of figures moved from a distance, each with a panicked look, looking overly frightened.

"What happened?"

Lin Xun stopped one person and asked.

Soon, he knew why.

Very far away from this place, there is an upside-down mountain, and on the upside-down mountain, there are many treasure-refining Dao Qi.

Among them, there is a treasure-refining Dao Qi that is the most miraculous. It has evolved to create a vision of "The Great Dao Chapter".

Over the past few days, I don't know how many cultivators have come to try to subdue this treasure-refining Dao Qi, but without exception, they all failed.

And just today, the treasure-refining Dao Qi like the "Great Dao Chapter" seemed to be provoked, setting off a billowing Kunlun divine flame, spreading out from the upside-down mountain.

Those divine flames took on a magnificent purple color and turned into ferocious birds that filled the sky, killing all the cultivators nearby and fleeing in a hurry.

Some unlucky people were incinerated and obliterated on the spot!

After understanding this, Lin Xun and Ahu looked at each other, and after a brief discussion decided to move on.

A treasure-refining Dao Qi that can be turned into a "dao chapter", how miraculous should it be?

After a while.

The two finally saw the "hanging mountain".

Under the sky, a majestic mountain hangs upside down, with its bottom facing the sky and its peaks hanging down. The whole body is covered with a dazzling glow of divine flames, illuminating that piece of heaven and earth in a splendid, as if burning.

At this time, near the Hanging Mountain, a group of ferocious birds with a size of several dozen meters were flapping their wings and charging frantically.

These ominous birds were all transformed by purple divine flames. When their wings flapped, the divine flames poured down like a waterfall, burning the void, and the momentum was astonishing.

Many cultivators hugged their heads and fled in all directions, roaring, screaming, and screaming constantly.

The scene is chaotic!

However, Lin Xun and Ahu also noticed that there were more than a dozen figures, not afraid, who were struggling to fight and kill those purple flames, approaching the Hanging Mountain.

"Look, isn't that Wen Qingxue of Panwu Dao Court?"

Ahu suddenly pointed to the distance.

There, there is a figure as beautiful as a fairy, with hair fluttering like ink, holding a silver jade Ruyi, and a mysterious Dao map flows out.

As she stepped, the mysterious Dao map glowed, and it resolved the attacks of the purple flames one by one, which looked extremely miraculous.

"And the Tao Jianxing of the Zhan Clan!"

Almost at the same time, Lin Xun also noticed that in another position, Tao Jianxing, who was arrogant and mighty, was marching forward with a bloody banner.

The blood-colored banner was screeching, scarlet and dazzling, and a pair of "God Stepping on a Tail" was branded on it, and the fluctuations emanated completely suppressed the purple ominous birds.

In addition to Wen Qingxue and Tao Jianxing, there were other powerhouses in the field who were also approaching the Hanging Mountain.

For example, Lingkezi of Nanhua Ancient Temple, holding a wooden fish, recites Buddhist scriptures.

There are also some holding treasure seals, or holding bronze mirrors, or painting scrolls above their heads...

Those treasures are obviously not ordinary things, they have magical effects and can withstand the impact of purple divine flames.

If it weren't for this, with the power of the Purple Divine Flame, which was enough to kill the Great Sage, even if they were like Wen Qingxue, it would be difficult to stop them!

"Look, they are all for that treasure refining Dao Qi."

Ahu Mei's eyes brightened, revealing a touch of exclamation.

Lin Xun also noticed that on the upside-down mountain, there is a "Great Way Chapter" shining brightly, and its light is like a road, reflecting the heavens!

From a distance, it is very impressive.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe that just a treasure-refining Dao Qi could produce such an incredible vision?

Lin Xun had also obtained a lot of treasures to refine Dao Qi before, but compared with this "Great Dao Chapter", it was completely the light of fireflies, unable to compete with the sun and the moon.

At this moment, Lin Xun was also moved.

"How can you give this opportunity to others? Ahu, you stay here first, and I'll come when I go."

Lin Xun said quickly.

It's not that he is reckless, but that he has all the wonderful fires, and he is not afraid of those Kunlun divine flames.

"it is good!"

Ahu nodded in agreement.

She also saw that this was an excellent opportunity.


Lin Xun moved away from the void, did not hide his figure, and rushed towards the Upside-Down Mountain.

"Hey, it's that Lin Xun from the ancient wilderness!"

"Is this guy too impatient to live, and is he planning to compete with Wen Qingxue and the others?"

Soon, in the nearby area, many powerhouses noticed Lin Xun, and when they recognized his identity, they couldn't help but be astonished.

At the same time, Wen Qingxue, Tao Jianxing and others also noticed Lin Xun, adding a competitor was hard not to attract attention.

But soon, they closed their eyes and rushed forward with all their hearts and minds.

Although they each had treasures to rely on, those purple divine flames were too domineering and terrifying, which caused them great disturbance when they moved forward.

Now, there is still a long way to go to get close to the Hanging Mountain.

Moreover, the further forward they were, the more terrifying the impact they suffered, which made them have no time to worry about it, so they could only do their best to rush forward.


The void vibrated, the flames poured out, and a ferocious bird transformed by the purple divine flame descended from the sky and slaughtered the approaching Lin Xun.

The terrifying torrent of flames raged, with the power to burn the sky and destroy the earth.


On the top of Lin Xun's head, the wonderful Dao fire that evolved into a big cauldron appeared, and with a whirl, all the attacks were swallowed up.

The purple fierce bird screamed, as if it sensed danger, but before it could react, all the wonderful fires swept up, like a big cauldron covering the sky, suppressing it in one fell swoop and putting it in the cauldron.

This series of actions is just a blink of an eye, from beginning to end, it is extremely easy!


In the nearby area, the powerhouses who originally planned to watch Lin Xun's good show all widened their eyes and looked shocked.


Wen Qingxue, Tao Jianxing and the others also noticed this scene, their expressions changed slightly, and they were keenly aware that the cauldron-like fire floating above Lin Xun's head was extraordinary!


(The temperature has dropped sharply from summer to winter, and I have a cold from the cold, which is really uncomfortable. I will make up for it tomorrow~)

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