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Kunlun Ruins.

The sky and the earth are vast, and the void is filled with a thick chaotic energy. Between the mountains, rivers, and trees, there is a powerful vitality.

It is as if it has been silent for eternity, and it is inaccessible, exuding a primitive and desolate atmosphere.

Standing in it is like going back to the beginning of chaos!

The sky here is lofty and distant, glowing with a dark blue color, with stars moving in it, and chaotic qi hanging down.

On the ground, the mountains are ups and downs, and the vast expanse, standing in them, feels extraordinarily small.


The vast wind gallops between heaven and earth, like a horn from ancient times.

With a wave of void fluctuations, the figures of Lin Xun and Ahu appeared out of thin air.

For a moment, Lin Xun's body sank suddenly, almost falling from the void, and he turned the whole body's strength, and then stabilized his figure.

"What an amazing power of the law of order!"

It was also at this time that he noticed the difference in this world.

Here, just like the habitation of ancient gods, the power of the order of heaven and earth is extremely strong and solid, and there is a kind of oppressive power of the avenue.

According to Lin Xun's estimation, if the strong people below the holy realm are here, they will be instantly oppressed, and their hearts will collapse, and their bodies and spirits will die violently!

"No wonder most of the people who come to Kunlun Ruins are at the level of the Great Sacred Realm. Ordinary saints here will inevitably have the feeling of 'walking with a heavy load, tied hands and feet', and their own combat power will be greatly restricted..."

When Lin Xun thought about it, he looked around and saw that the place where he stood was a vast wasteland with gravel everywhere.


Suddenly, a wisp of blue flame swept out from the ground, like lightning, smashed and came, and wherever it passed, the void was burned and torn apart.

The terrifying aura made Lin Xun's eyes narrow, and he suddenly revolved the Great Endless Devouring Sutra. A mouthful of the Great Abyss floated and sank all over his body, engulfing the wisp of blue flames.


But in just a moment, Lin Xun gasped.

This quiet blue flame is extremely domineering, and it contains an obscure law power. It rampages like a fierce blade, and the aura of destruction and incineration it exudes makes Lin Xun's body burn.

But soon, under his suppression, this wisp of blue flame was smashed and wiped out.

And Lin Xun's expression has become a lot dignified.

It's just a ray of flame, but that dangerous power is enough to easily kill the existence of the true saint level, which makes Lin Xun how can he not be vigilant?

"This is the treasure refining field, like a small world. The most dangerous thing is the various strange flames distributed in it. It is called the 'Kunlun Divine Flame', which can only be seen in the Kunlun Ruins."

Ahu on the side explained, "The Kunlun Divine Flame you just resolved is only the most common one, not to mention how dangerous. The really powerful Kunlun Divine Flame will show two colors of gold and purple."

"The golden divine flame will evolve into various treasure forms, such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds. When the supreme saint encounters it, he has to go all out."

"Purple divine flames will evolve into vegetation, rivers, clouds, birds, beasts, and even various rare spiritual bodies. This divine flame is undoubtedly the most terrifying. If you encounter it, you'd better run away."

"These two kinds of divine flames, gold and purple, are what the world calls 'Soul Destroyer Wind Flame'. When it appears, it is like a hurricane passing through the border, and the aura of destruction is amazing."

"In addition, it is rumored that this treasure refining place also has a mysterious flame that blends with turbidity, coexistence of yin and yang, and black and white. In the holy realm, you will die if you touch it."

After a pause, Ahu reminded, "This is not the source of fire, it cannot be subdued, nor can it be ingested and imprisoned."

Lin Xun nodded and said, "Is it important to refine the Taoist Qi?"

Ahu said: "Of course, the higher the quality of the treasure refining Dao Qi, the greater the effect on repairing and improving the treasure."

She flew forward: "Let's go, we also start to act, and when we find the treasure-refining Dao Qi, you will understand at a glance."

Lin Xun's figure flickered and followed.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers are vast, ancient and primitive, and the rich vitality flows in the chaotic air, which permeates the void, making Lin Xun's whole body become lively.

This is undoubtedly a world that is extremely suitable for the cultivation of the supreme sage.

In the ancient wasteland, without the support of the most excellent Cave Heaven and Paradise and divine medicine, with Lin Xun's current state, he would not be able to practice at all.

The reason is very simple. The spiritual energy in the ancient wilderness is far from being able to satisfy Lin Xun's cultivation, which is like a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, the aura of this treasure-refining place is strong, and ordinary saints may be suppressed and feel tied.

But to Lin Xun, this place seems to be a blessed place to comprehend the great truth of the Dao!

He has picked some plants and trees, all of which are very common, but they contain a surging vitality that is as strong as a substance. If they are taken outside, they can be called rare spiritual materials.

But in the treasure refining field, it spreads like weeds and can be seen everywhere.

"Why haven't you seen living creatures?"

Suddenly, Lin Xun spoke up.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers are vast, the sky is high and the earth is far away, lush and full of life, but there is absolutely no shadow of birds and beasts.

Not even a single living ant!

Ahu quickly said: "This is the treasure refining place, and it has been like this since ancient times. In the past, there were cultivators who wanted to stay here to cultivate and did not plan to leave, but later..."

"What happened after that?"

"All dead, without exception."

Lin Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a cup of tea.


, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Tianjiao War Chronicles!

p; Ahu suddenly paused, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said, "Look."

This is a rugged and precipitous mountain, no grass grows, but on the cliff on the side of the mountainside, there is a rainbow-like airflow floating in the air, and the light and rain are gorgeous.

Just like a fountain, it just emerges, but it is a colorful and magnificent avenue of airflow.

Lin Xun's eyes lit up: "Refining treasure Dao Qi?"

"Not bad, looking at its appearance, it's not bad."

Ahu said, his figure fluttered, and he came to the void near the cliff of the mountain, but did not approach,

She pointed, "Brother Lin, as long as the treasure refining Dao Qi is integrated into the treasure, the treasure will be repaired and improved, which is extremely wonderful."

Lin Xun also approached, and he saw that on the cliff, the treasure-refining Dao Qi was like a spray of divine rainbow, exuding a holy and mysterious aura.

"Be careful, though, before taking it."

With that said, Ahu grabbed his hand, and an invisible force spread, but before he could get close to the treasure-refining Dao Qi, a group of dazzling flames swept out of the cliff!

There are more than a dozen flames, each of which is light blue, like a group of sharks smelling blood, and with a bang, Ahu is defeated.

Ahu was in no hurry, a green banana fan appeared in his palm, and he waved it casually.


The gust of wind howled, swept the void into collapse, and the group of flames was instantly destroyed, turning into wisps of fire and annihilating and disappearing.

Ahu put away the banana fan, and then said: "If you encounter the treasure-refining Dao Qi in the future, you must be vigilant first. Every place where the treasure-refining Dao Qi is born will be accompanied by the Kunlun Divine Flame."

As soon as she reached out and grabbed it, the treasure-refining Dao Qi that was like a rainbow was absorbed, and then threw it to Lin Xun.

"Come and try."

Lin Xun's heart moved, but he did not refuse, and took out the broken blade.


With the influx of treasure refining Dao Qi, Broken Blade trembled violently, as if cheering, and obscure Dao pattern patterns emerged.

However, the treasure refining Dao Qi was quickly consumed, and the changes in Broken Blade became silent again.

But even so, Lin Xun clearly noticed that the appearance of Broken Blade had improved a little, even if it was just a little, it was amazing!

It should be noted that Broken Blade is now Lin Xun's natal holy soldier. He is nurtured in his body almost all the time, but if he wants to produce such a transformation, he will not be able to achieve it within three or five months.

But now, with the treasure-refining Dao Qi, such a transformation only takes a few short breaths.

The comparison of the two is naturally surprising.

"No wonder everyone is scrambling to enter the Kunlun Ruins. In the outside world, you can't see such a wonderful 'Dao Qi' at all."

Lin Xun praised.

Ahu pursed his lips and smiled: "This is just an ordinary treasure-refining Dao Qi. In the past years, someone had seized a treasure-refining Dao Qi that was 'like a basalt martial art and powerful like a dragon'. The holy soldier has been promoted to the rank of the quasi-emperor soldier. This incident caused a big sensation at the time."

Lin Xun was heartbroken. He remembered that among the treasures on his body, the Broken Blade, the Spiritual Bow of No Truth, and even the Pagoda of No End, all had some defects.

If enough treasure refining Dao Qi can be collected, can they be repaired one by one?

Next, the two moved on.

The Treasure Refinement Land is like a small world, extremely vast. From entering to the present, Lin Xun and the others have not met anyone else, so they are considered lucky.


Not long after, a mighty river appeared in the sight of the two of them, the waves rolled and rolled up thousands of layers of snow.

"Hold on."

Suddenly, under the cover of Lin Xun's consciousness, he suddenly noticed a trace of abnormality, and immediately stopped by the river.

The river was tumbling and the water mist was transpiring. In the middle of the river, there was a snow-white lotus flower that flickered and appeared in the waves.

If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"This is a treasure-refining Dao Qi!"

Lin Xun's black eyes were bright and he recognized it.

Ahu couldn't help but be surprised: "Yes, it seems that the appearance is unusual, and it has evolved into a scene of ice and snow lotus."

Immediately, she showed a cautious look: "Brother Lin, when ingesting this thing, you should be careful. This thing is so extraordinary, and the Kunlun Divine Flame that accompanies it is destined to be unusual."

Lin Xun nodded.

However, just as he was about to make a move, a sword chant resounded—


A silver sword energy came from the sky in the distance, it was thousands of meters long, thick and bright, and the target was not Lin Xun and Ahu.

But the treasure refining Dao Qi in the middle of the big river!


Before the sword qi approached, the river surface seemed to explode, and a dense rush of divine flames rushed out.

How powerful is that sword energy, it can be frozen by the overwhelming ice and snow divine flame in an instant, solidified in the void, and then shattered by every inch!


Lin Xun's black eyes narrowed, and he and Ahu dodged together, because after the group of ice and snow god flames shattered the sword energy, they rushed towards them aggressively.

Apparently, they were the culprits!


(The class will start tomorrow morning, and the manuscript is gone, Alexander, it seems that I can only stay up late to fight~)

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