The Prodigies War

Chapter 169 Absolute control

Before the chilling and cold voice could fall, the water eagle had already rushed out, shrouded in a dazzling blue luster, terrifyingly powerful.


He grabbed the air with five fingers, and in the air burst, an invisible big hand enveloped Lin Xun's whole body.

Before the blow could land, the terrifying strong wind had already made Lin Xunchang fly upside down, his skin stinging, as if frozen.

He seemed startled and stood motionless.

The wooden house was shattered, and the water eagle escaped from the predicament. Until this moment of destruction, a series of movements were born in an instant, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

If it were another cultivator, it would be too late to react at all.

It's just that although Lin Xun didn't move, his expression was still calm and calm. A pair of black eyes locked tightly on the broken wooden house, looking a bit abnormal.

Shui Ying is a seasoned, alert and experienced powerhouse, and Lin Xun's extremely subtle anomaly did not escape his attention.

Could this guy still have a trick behind him?

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the water eagle felt a terrifying force rushing towards him from all directions, like an invisible tentacle, grabbing his body fiercely, causing the figure he rushed out to fly back suddenly. .


He was severely smashed to the ground, smoke and dust splashed all over his body, and he couldn't help but let out a groan.

At this moment, Lin Xun, who was standing quietly, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

The wooden house has long since been shattered and turned into ruins, but on the ground around the ruins, a round light and shadow appeared at an unknown time.

The light and shadow flowed, and it was like a misty mist, and strands of mysterious and dense spiritual patterns fluttered in it, releasing five kinds of auras of gold, blue, red, cyan, and black.

Overlooking from the sky, in the area centered on the ruins of the wooden house, the colorful lights and shadows turned into a circle and spewed out from the ground. The spiritual lights were intertwined and the spiritual patterns were rolling, which was magical and dazzling.

The water eagle was trapped in it, and the aura seemed ethereal, gentle and powerless, but it suppressed him to the ground, as if he was crushed by the mountain, unable to struggle to get up.

His face changed suddenly,

His eyes were full of astonishment and seemed to be a little confused.

Lin Xun stood in the distance, quietly took out his sword, and stepped forward step by step, Qing Jun's face was still calm like a lake, not disturbed by the waves, but there was a cold murderous aura spreading on his body.

"This is the true face of the Small Five Elements Purgatory Spirit Array."

It wasn't until he walked outside the spiritual formation that Lin Xun stopped, looked at the angry water eagle and said, "So you don't have to be unwilling."

The water eagle was in severe pain, and he could clearly feel that a terrifying force was pressing him, crushing it like a grinding disc, and every inch of his body was being damaged.

He has absolutely no doubts, if it continues like this, maybe he will be ground into a puddle of flesh and die completely!

"It's true that I underestimated you, but do you think you can kill me with this formation?"

The water eagle's voice seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth, hoarse and low, but not angry, obviously not losing his mind.

Surprisingly, Lin Xun smiled and nodded and said, "You're right. Although this formation is powerful, it lacks one of the most important things. I really don't have much hope of killing you with it."

Shui Ying narrowed his eyes, looked at the young man in the distance, looked at the calm and serious look on his face, and his heart sank for no reason.

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What kind of human boy is this?

Originally thought that he was hiding in the dark and would not be noticed at all, but this young man seemed to be born with an extraordinary insight. Not only was he aware of his existence, he even spent many days arranging a well-designed trap.

This is not something ordinary cultivators can do!

What made Shui Ying heart throbbing the most was that the other party was able to arrange a spiritual pattern array at a young age, which completely broke Shui Ying's previous understanding of spiritual pattern masters.

The water eagle has been fighting for more than 20 years and has killed an unknown number of strong people in the Zi Yao Empire. He knows the knowledge of the Zi Yao Empire very well. He knows very well that a teenage boy can be refined by only relying on the cultivation base of the True Martial Realm. How rare and terrifying is the matter of a spiritual pattern array.

At this time, when he saw the calm and calm young man facing him, still maintaining a posture of absolute control, Shui Ying finally felt a hint of crisis.

This young man must have something behind him!

If other peers knew that the water eagle with the title of "assassinating ghosts" was so afraid of a young man among human beings at this moment, I was afraid that he would be laughed to death.

But in the eyes of the water eagle, this is not ridiculous at all!

On the contrary, the more this is the case, the more chilling Shui Ying is. A true martial artist who is only in his teens can make himself fall into a tailspin. It is conceivable that when he grows up, the power he possesses will be more terrifying.

If this kind of person is not killed, it will be a big hidden danger to the entire Wuman clan.

But the sad thing is, at present, the water eagle is completely unable to change, and at present he is not even sure that he can get out of trouble this time!

Suddenly, the water eagle was keenly aware of the power of the spiritual array that was pressing on him, and there was a faint sign of weakness that was not easily detectable.

This shocked his heart and completely confirmed a conjecture he had just made.

"It seems that I am indeed doomed this time. I have assassinated an unknown number of human race powerhouses in my life. I thought I would die in the hands of my stronger opponent, but I never thought that it would be planted in you, a teenager. In human hands, it's really ridiculous."

Shui Ying sighed, his hoarse voice with a hint of desolation, "Can you tell me your name before you die?"

Lin Xun stood outside the spirit formation with a knife, looking at the despondent water eagle, the smile on his lips became brighter.

He loved to laugh from an early age, sometimes flattering and sometimes annoying.

At least at this moment, the water eagle felt that the smile was very dazzling, as if mocking himself.

"You're procrastinating, so am I?"

Lin Xun opened his mouth, the smile on his face subsided a little bit, and he became serious, "You should have seen that the biggest weakness of this spiritual array is the lack of a powerful enough source of spiritual power, so that it can only swing for a while. Power, but over time, the entire spiritual formation will completely collapse due to the lack of spiritual support."

Speaking of this, Lin Xun shrugged and sighed: "No way, there is no spiritual crystal that can be used as a source of spiritual power in this Magic Cloud Ridge, and I can only use some items such as elixir and elixir to recharge. , From the current point of view, this spiritual formation is indeed very useless, in five minutes... no, after three minutes, you will be able to get out of trouble with your strength."

As Lin Xun's voice sounded, Shui Ying's face became ugly a little bit. What he thought was unceremoniously exposed by Lin Xun, which made him a little unable to guess Lin Xun's real intention.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

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The water eagle couldn't help asking, he knew the question was stupid, but he couldn't stand the feeling of being led by the nose.

"The ultimate goal, of course, is to kill you completely."

Lin Xun said without hesitation, "Only in this way, in the next half a month, I can go to the assessment operation with peace of mind."

"Are you sure you can kill me when I get out of trouble?"

Shui Ying stared at Lin Xun's eyes tightly, as if to see through his true thoughts.


Lin Xun replied casually, "If it wasn't for the purpose of killing you, from the moment you were trapped in the thatched hut, I would have had enough time to escape from this place and get the help of the Imperial Black Wind Army Spirit Astral Cultivator as soon as possible. Make sure you don't put yourself in any further danger."

Shui Ying's heart sank and said, "So, the reason why you stay here is because you have the means to kill me?"

Lin Xun thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm not too sure until the last moment."

At this moment, the water eagle suddenly raised his head, and a cold and cruel color shot out from the blue pupil: "I'll ask you one last question, is the Tianshui holy bead still in your hands?"

Lin Xun smiled: "This is what you care about most, right?"

The water eagle nodded.


Lin Xun suddenly raised the sword in his palm, and let out a sound of Qingyue's sword, "Then it's okay to tell you after I kill you."

Shui Ying's pupils shrank, and there was a strong sense of unease in his heart.

He expected that he would only need more than ten seconds at most to break through this damn spiritual formation, but he never thought that Lin Xun would suddenly start at this moment!

Could this guy have already pinpointed the time precisely?


Without waiting for Shui Ying to think about it, suddenly a strange roar of a knife resounded in his ears.

In a trance, the water eagle seems to have a flash of stars falling from the eternal night sky, the sky is falling apart, and everything collapses...

It's like the end!

The deadly dangerous breath stimulated the pores of Shui Ying's body to explode, and he did not know where the strength came from, so that he let out a loud roar, which violently shattered the heavy aura that was pressing on his body, and struggled to get up.

"Just because you are a human bastard trying to kill me?"

In the cold voice, the water eagle agitated the whole body, the whole person seemed to be burning, the momentum was terrifying, and the illusion in front of him disappeared in an instant.

He finally saw Lin Xun's slashing knife, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he slapped it without hesitation.


What Shui Ying didn't expect at all was that the power of the "Little Five Elements Purgatory Spirit Array" that surrounded him had no choice but to help him, but it exploded the moment he started!


The dazzling aura is like a volcanic explosion, and a terrifying air wave is transpired, sweeping a radius of 100 meters, not only powdering the surrounding rocks and trees in an instant, but also completely drowning the water eagle.

And at the moment when the spiritual formation exploded, Lin Xun suddenly dodged to avoid it in the distance.

Standing in the distance, looking at the explosion scene where the fire was soaring into the sky, Lin Xun was holding the sword in his hand, without the slightest relaxation.

So far, everything is under his control, but Lin Xun doesn't know whether a detonated spiritual formation can completely kill a powerhouse like a water eagle.

(End of this chapter)

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