The Prodigies War

Chapter 1671 Wu Hengtian

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It has been half a year since the Nine Regions Battlefield ended.

In the past six months, the ancient wasteland has caused a lot of sensation, and I don't know how many people are shocked by Lin Xun's record in the Nine Regions battlefield.

The first person in the Nine Regions Battlefield!

This title is as dazzling as the sun in the sky, but anyone who is a cultivator in the ancient wilderness, who can not know the name of Lin Xun now?

The situation in the world is beyond my generation, and he is the peak among my generation!

This "he" is Lin Xun.

Whether it is those who hate Lin Xun, or those who are afraid of Lin Xun.

Everyone knows that in today's ancient wasteland, Lin Xun's climate has become a reality, and his sharp edge is destined to be suppressed by no one!

However, this does not mean that those who hate Lin Xun will be afraid and bow their heads because of this.

After all, it is an ancient force with a long heritage. How could there be a lack of information that is enough to not fear a supreme saint among the sects?

However, as long as they are not stupid, no major force would dare to attack Lin Xun again.

Lin Xun alone may not be worthy of too much fear, but behind him, there are already many shadows of terrorist forces standing!

For example, the Temple of the Sun and the Moon, the Origin of God Religion, such as Wenxuanjianzhai, Ziweishan Yeshi, etc.

All because Lin Xun once defended the safety of the entire ancient wilderness camp on the battlefield of the Nine Regions, and made friends with a large number of the younger generation of supreme saints.

And behind these young generation of supreme saints, almost all have a great power as the background!

If Lin Xun was killed, how could his peers who fought alongside him on the battlefield of the Nine Regions be indifferent?

This is the place that makes all the great roads of the ancient wilderness most fearful!

Even because of this, many big forces that once hated and opposed Lin Xun still need to worry about whether Lin Xun will take the initiative to take revenge.

This is influence!

It was Lin Xun alone, who had fought for many years, and the power that he had smashed out of his head!



To the surprise of everyone in the ancient wilderness, in the six months after the end of the Nine Territories Battlefield, Lin Xun, a dazzling figure with a radiant radiance and a world like no other, seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, and no news came out.

Some people say that he is retreating.

Some people also said that it is very likely that he has left the ancient wilderness and returned to the "lower realm", because this kind of thing has happened before.

Some people even said that Lin Xun knew that he was too sharp and would easily be jealous of the sky, so he chose to bury his name and live in low-key seclusion...

Of course this seems absurd.

However, there is also news that Lin Xun once used the power of Shenji Pavilion to go to the Great Wall of Diguan and turned the place upside down.

Unfortunately, after this kind of news that is close to the truth, after reaching the ancient wilderness, it is considered by most people to be absurd.

The reason is very simple, who doesn't know, the Great Wall of Diguan is the world of the old monster quasi-emperor?

Not to mention a true saint, even if the king of saints goes, he has to be reduced to a supporting role, not to mention "turning the world upside down".

Sometimes the truth and rumors are always so confusing.

In short, half a year has passed, and the discussion about Lin Xun has gradually calmed down.

During this period of time, I was still a little nervous, worried that the big forces that Lin Xun came to take revenge on, gradually forgot about these things.

It was against this background that Lin Xun and his party started their journey to Sunset Valley!


Sunset Soup Valley.

The place where the Golden Crow lineage is entrenched is also regarded as one of the famous "sacred places" in the ancient wilderness.

Above a magnificent palace made of golden bricks and stones, a head of small golden crows spread their wings, and their wings fluttered with flames.

In the hall, Wu Hengtian was sitting on the central main seat, alone in a daze, with a trace of disappointment between his brows.

He is dressed in a golden robe, with gray beard and withered face. He is the current patriarch of the Jinwu lineage, a terrifying character who has dominated the situation for thousands of years.

However, in recent years, Wu Hengtian has seldom paid attention to clan affairs.

"Little Seven, Little Thirteen... Your revenge will definitely be avenged for you in the future for your father..."

Wu Hengtian murmured with a trace of sadness on his face.

An old servant next to him couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

In the realm of absolute peak many years ago, the seventh prince of the Golden Crow, Wu Lingdao, and the thirteenth prince, Wu Lingfei, were all killed by Lin Xun.

Suffering the heavy blow of the pain of losing his son, the patriarch always feels the pain of dying whenever he thinks of it.

The old servant knew very well how much the patriarch wanted to kill Lin Xun, but he had never been able to seize the opportunity!

Especially in the past six months, with the rise of Lin Xun as "the first person on the battlefield of the Nine Regions" and famous in the ancient wilderness, this is no less than a heavy blow to the Jinwu lineage.

At this time, even if they hated Lin Xun again, the Jinwu lineage would not dare to act rashly!

It is precisely because of this that Wu Hengtian's mood has never been better in the past six months.

The heir was killed, but he was unable to take revenge. This was simply the most cruel torture!

"When the realm of the highest peak came to an end, the sacrificial elder Wuliuchi attacked, but he was shot and killed by this son..."

"Outside the city of Xuesang, all the saints gathered, besieged this son, and sacrificed to the sky--\u003e\u003e

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Wu Xiutong also participated in it, and as a result, all the saints were destroyed by this son alone, the sky fell for ten days, and the huge snow mulberry city was dyed red with blood..."

"Now, this son has become a true sage, and he is famous in the ancient wilderness, and his momentum is in the sky. Which Taoist lineage dares to deal with him?"

Wu Hengtian sat there in a daze, with a gloomy expression on his face, "As a father, if I want to avenge Xiao Qi and Xiao Shisan, when will I wait?"

The old servant comforted: "Patriarch condolences."

Wu Hengtian took a deep breath, and stood up, his eyes were exquisite and intimidating, and there was no trace of sadness in his expression.

At this moment, he showed the majesty of the head of the clan.

The old servant suddenly said: "Patriarch, news came out a while ago that Lin Xun's son had appeared on the Diguan Great Wall and killed Gu Liangqu, the first person in the Diguan Great Wall."

Wu Hengtian was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing again: "If this son really has such ability, wouldn't the entire ancient wasteland respect him? I don't know which one of these absurd rumors spread out. , so ridiculous!"

With that, he strode out of the palace.

A divine tree standing upright, with strong branches, exudes a golden flame of divine brilliance, as if burning, illuminating the huge sunset sun valley.

Fusang tree!

A sacred tree that has been famous since ancient times, was born in the source of the true fire of Samadhi, its tree is open to the sky, and its leaves are burning.

According to rumors, the place of sunset is on this hibiscus tree.

The sacred tree of fusang is the treasure of the Jinwu lineage. The core mystery of the "Sun Sutra" cultivated by the descendants of the Jinwu lineage comes from the Taoist pattern contained in the sacred tree of fusang.

At the same time, the branches, leaves and roots of the divine fusang tree are rare and incomparably divine in the world, and they are of great help to the cultivation of the Jinwu lineage.

At the same time, from the divine tree of Fusang, you can also extract the true fire of Samadhi, which is the first-class domineering divine flame in the world!

Since the ages, the sacred tree of Fusang has become a forbidden place for the Golden Crow.

Few people know that under this tree, there is a prison that is sealed by countless sacred powers.

Few people know that there is an extremely fierce existence imprisoned in that prison.

No matter how many sages of the Golden Crow lineage have used any means to strike, torture, and refine them... so far, they have not been able to kill them!

In the cage, the darkness is incomparable, and the dead silence is deep.

Wu Hengtian came, his expression was icy cold, he stood outside the divine tree of Fusang, and his eyes looked at the bottom of the divine tree from a distance.

"Nie Zha, are you still waiting for that little bastard to save you? Unfortunately, he didn't dare to come at all, so I waited here for half a year, and I didn't see this little bastard."

He opened his mouth, and his voice entered the sealed dark prison.


Suddenly, in the deadly silent prison, a monstrous aura emerged like a substance, like a demon god who had been silent for eternity, awakening at this moment.

At this moment, the divine Fusang tree, which was as high as the sky, trembled violently, the golden light was flowing, and the divine flame was surging.

Vaguely, in that dark prison, there was a figure sitting up, a pair of eyes filled with endless fierceness and hatred.

But soon, he laughed loudly: "As long as this son doesn't die, he will definitely come!"

Wu Hengtian's expression was icy cold, and his mind moved.


The golden whips, which were transformed by the power of the rules and regulations, were violently beaten down, and the figure was ripped apart.

But he continued to laugh, full of disdain and pleasure: "Old Za Mao, when Lao Tzu gets out of trouble, Lao Tzu will give back the blood and hatred accumulated throughout the ages! By then, this sunset soup valley will be gone from the ancient wasteland. Domain delisting!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The whip turned into by the restraining power, every stroke is enough to make the saint suffer to the bone marrow, and suffer from death and torment.

But that figure laughed wildly: "How many times you beat Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu remembers them all in his heart. If you kill these little things, Lao Tzu will go to the ancient starry sky and find Mowu, the old scumbag, to continue the settlement!"

Mowu, the Emperor Mowu, is the most outstanding and dazzling ancestor in the history of the Jinwu lineage, and is regarded as the greatest pride of the Jinwu lineage.

But in the same way, Emperor Mowu is also the enemy who will never forget his figure until his death!

Wu Hengtian's expression became more and more cold, and he was faintly blue.

He came here originally to vent his inner emotions, but the words of that figure made him even more sullen in his heart.

However, just when Wu Hengtian wanted to continue to whip that figure, suddenly, an old servant hurriedly moved into the void.

"Patriarch, this son of Lin Xun has appeared!"

In a word, a cold light burst out from Wu Hengtian's eyes, and his breathing was a little short, "Where?"

This little bastard that killed Xiaoqi and Xiaosan finally appeared after half a year! This made the long-suppressed hatred in his heart almost uncontrollable.

"Just outside our Sunset Valley."

The old servant answered quickly.


Wu Hengtian was stunned, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he realized that something was wrong, "This little bastard shouldn't be here..."

"Hahaha, it's here, it's finally here. I knew that this day was not far away, but I didn't expect that today, it's really here!"

In the dark prison, the figure sounded like a maniacal laughter.

Wanton publicity, as before the ages!

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