The Prodigies War

Chapter 1624 The world is shaking

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Ancient wasteland, Shenji Pavilion.

In front of a quiet and ancient temple, Mr. Miaoxuan put his hands behind his back, staring into the distance, but his heart could not be calm.

Three years have passed since the opening of the Nine Territories Battlefield. If nothing else happens, perhaps this battle of the Nine Territories will come to an end today.

And this time, can the ancient wilderness camp change the pattern of inevitable defeat in the past and stick to the end?

Mr. Miaoxuan couldn't see through it either.

"In the first battle of the Nine Territories, the ancient wilderness camp suffered a fiasco, and the casualties were not counted. In the end, there is no one in a thousand who can return alive."

"In the second battle of the Nine Territories, the ancient wilderness camp only held on for less than half a year, and was completely destroyed. In the end, only a few dozen people were lucky enough to get their lives back..."

"This time, what will be the result?"

The more he thought about it, the more restless Mr. Miaoxuan felt.

This time, the great world came, and a group of real top figures emerged, but compared with the other eight domains, the difference was still too great!

After a long silence, Mr. Miao Xuan suddenly remembered that his senior brother Mr. Shen had said something when he left three years ago.

"On the battlefield of the Nine Territories, if there is a glimmer of hope that can reverse the defeat of the ancient wilderness camp, then this glimmer of hope lies in this son of Lin Xun."

It's just that Lin Xun is really okay?

Mr. Miao Xuan was not at all sure.

How cruel and terrifying the battlefield of the Nine Regions is, it is simply impossible to turn the world around with the strength of one person!


At this moment, a grand Dao sound suddenly sounded in the sky, and the power of the law of heaven and earth began to shake in different areas of the entire ancient wilderness.

The Battle of the Nine Regions is over!

Mr. Miao Xuan raised his head abruptly, his eyes bursting with light, as if he could penetrate the mysteries of nine heavens and ten earths.

Almost at the same time, the ancient Taoist lineages and ethnic forces distributed in different areas of the ancient wasteland all noticed the sky phenomenon at the first time.

"Three years have come,

The Battle of the Nine Regions ends today! "

"This time, my ancient wilderness camp... how will the battle situation be?"

"Hope... I hope those bullshitting you must come back alive..."

"It must not be bad news. We have lost for too long and have been humiliated for too long. If we lose again, it will be difficult to raise our heads in the future."

The great figures, old monsters, and veterans of countless ancient sects are also nervous at this moment.


In the sky, the sound of Taoism continued to roar, and in the vast ancient wasteland, the boundless territory, and different regional cities, the grand, majestic and majestic sound of Taoism was resounding everywhere.

Even ordinary cultivators were alarmed and realized that the three-year-long battle of the Nine Territories came to an end today!

"This time, our ancient wilderness... can we win?"

I don't know how many people are nervous.

The battle of the Nine Territories is not only about the honor and disgrace of the ancient wilderness, but whether the ancient wilderness can survive for a long time in the future will be affected.

Who can not pay attention?

"Don't talk about winning, at least don't lose too badly..."

Many people sighed inwardly.

Everyone knows that after two disastrous defeats in the battle of the Nine Territories and the decline of the boundless years, it is too difficult and too difficult for the ancient wilderness camp to win the battle of the Nine Territories!

The sound of Daoyin was still roaring in the sky, like the sound of a vast horn when the battlefield ended, causing all beings in the ancient wilderness to fall into a kind of tangled, nervous, and uneasy emotions.

Just waiting for a result!

In different areas of the ancient wasteland, before the teleportation portals to the battlefield of the Nine Regions, figures began to appear.


Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain.

Located in the north of Dongshengjie, at this time, in front of Xuanhuang Divine Mountain, which is 10,000 zhang high and covered in golden radiance, many figures have already gathered.

Those figures are almost all big figures from various ancient Taoist lineages, such as the origin of the gods, the temple of the sun and the moon, the Taidao sect, and so on.

At this time, their eyes were all staring at the top of Xuanhuang Divine Mountain, where there was a portal to the battlefield of the Nine Regions.

When the sound of the sky is clear, this portal also hums and slowly opens in the void.


One after another figure emerged from the teleportation portal.

"came back!"

"Okay! As long as there are living children back!"

For a time, there was a burst of loud noises in the field, all with surprise, surprise and excitement.

Because when the battle of the Nine Territories came to an end in the past, there were almost very few cultivators who could return from the Nine Territories Battlefield alive.

But now, just after the end of the third battle of the Nine Regions, so many figures have emerged, which is naturally surprising!

"How's the battle going?"

There was an old antique from the Temple of the Sun and Moon who couldn't help but let out a sound like thunder.

All of a sudden, the lively atmosphere in the audience was silent.

"Ancestor, we won!"

At this time, Mi Hengzhen walked out of the teleportation array, and when he heard this, he couldn't help laughing.


The audience was silent again, and countless old monsters almost couldn't believe their ears.

"Hengzhen, you mean... our ancient wilderness camp won?"


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The old man couldn't help but ask again.

Mi Heng took a deep breath and said, "Yes, our ancient wilderness camp won. A year ago, we swept the Eight Regions camp and defeated all enemies!"

Every word, like the sound of thunder from the avenue, resounded through the heavens and the earth, and smashed into the hearts of every big man.

They stared wide-eyed and looked at each other, as if hearing an impossible miracle, unable to recover for a while.

Sweeping the Eight Domains camp?

Defeat all enemies?

It's just... just incredible!

"Hengzhen, let me ask you again, is this... true?"

The old antique looked in a trance and spoke out in disbelief.

Like Mi Hengzhen, the powerhouses who just returned from the Nine Territories Battlefield couldn't help laughing, feeling in their hearts, not only those big men, but even themselves, until now when they think of everything they experienced in the Nine Territories Battlefield, they also have Dreamy feeling.

Mi Hengzhen looked firm and said, "Ancestor, don't doubt, we really won! In this battle of the Nine Regions, our Ancient Wilderness Region overtook the Eight Regions, unmatched, and won a great victory!"

"We... actually won!"

An old monster couldn't control his emotions, he cried out in excitement, his eyes were red.

"Quick, tell me quickly, I want to know how you defeated those Eight Regions smashes, this is a joy that has never been seen in ages!"

A big man was ecstatic.

"I won... I won... Hahaha... I finally wiped away the shame of the ancient wilderness and won a big victory today!"

Some people laughed wildly, and the tears flowed down with laughter.

It's not easy!

Since ancient times, in the battle of the Nine Territories, the ancient wasteland has suffered an unknown amount of humiliation and blood and tears, and the accumulated anger and hatred are higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

Now, finally, the revenge has been avenged!

For a time, the entire vicinity of Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain was filled with cheering, boiling, and cheering voices resounding through the sky.

This kind of thing also happened in different areas and different portals in the ancient wasteland.

When Xiao Cangtian, Ye Chen, Ruo Wu, Xiao Qinghe, Yue Jianming, Ye Mahe, Ji Xingyao and other strong figures returned to the ancient wilderness.

It also brought good news and good news about the battle of the Nine Regions!

For a time, the world was sensational, and the entire ancient wasteland was completely boiling.

And when the news of the victory spread like a hurricane, so did the details of the victory.

"What? He Lin Xun alone to pacify the enemies outside the Eight Regions?"

Those who got the news for the first time were the ancient Taoist lineages in the ancient wilderness. When they learned of Lin Xun's feats in the Nine Territories battlefield, they were all shocked and lost their temper.

"How is this possible? How did he do it?"

"Are you alone, you can turn the tide and turn the tide?"

I don't know how many exclamations sounded, and I don't know how many big people couldn't sit still and trembled.

Three years ago, before entering the battlefield of the Nine Regions, two supreme saints were born in the ancient wilderness, namely Shaohao and Ruowu.

One man and one woman, like the sun and the moon in the sky, became the most eye-catching existence in the ancient wilderness.

At that time, Lin Xun hadn't become a sanctification, and he was only the king of the Nine Tribulations Realm. Although he was famous all over the world, he was not a great existence for many ancient powers.

Just like that sentence, under the saints, all are ants!

But after these three years, everything about Lin Xun is completely different.

He is not only a supreme sanctification, but also has an invincible potential in this realm. He is invincible in the battle of the Nine Regions alone!

This certainly looks incredible!

"Who would have thought, who would have thought..."

I don’t know how many big people sighed, and their emotions were complicated.

This Lin Xun, who has no family or sect, is alone. When he rose from the ancient wilderness, he offended many great forces, and he did not know how many ups and downs he had caused.

Some hate it, some hate it, and some admire it.

But no matter what, after his rise, until today, he has never joined any Taoist lineage, and he has always been fighting alone.

One person, what is it?

For those ancient Taoist lineages and ethnic groups, it is difficult for a person to become a big climate without backing and power to cultivate!

However, it is such a person who dominates the battlefield of the Nine Regions, overpowering the camp of the Eight Regions, and is regarded as "the first person in the battlefield of the Nine Regions"!

It is such a person who rebuilds the ancient desolate city that protects the way, protects all the strong in the ancient desolate region, and in the end, turns the world around and avenges the shame of countless ancestors in the ancient desolate region!

It is also such a person, who is absolutely holy, such as the supreme among the saints, who has won the great victory of the battle of the Nine Territories for the ancient wilderness camp!

From now on, who would dare to underestimate such a person?

"This love is bigger than the sky. No matter who it is, no matter what power it is, it must be recognized! Because without Lin Xun, there would be no ancient wilderness today!"

There is an old antique who is very excited and shouts loudly.

This view has become a common cognition of many sect forces.

Yes, Lin Xun contributed greatly to the victory of the ancient desolate region in the battle of the Nine Regions.

This kind of supreme achievement is enough to cover all sentient beings, benefit the world, leave a name in the history, and be remembered for generations to come!

Even those who hate, hate, and hate Lin Xun can't change this fact!

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