The Prodigies War

Chapter 1606 Invincible style

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The voice also showed a touch of disappointment.

She stood at the top of the city, bathed in the darkness of the night, and her delicate figure seemed to be independent and attracted the attention of countless eyes.

But she ignored it all.

Because the person she was looking for was not there.

Just like what she said back then...

"My world is very small, and it can only hold you alone."

But at this time, none of the saints from the Eight Regions could be calm, and their expressions changed.


Who is he?

But what is certain is that this mysterious and terrifying woman came to find someone, not to save the ancient wilderness camp!

But for Lao Ha, Zhao Jingxuan, and the others, there was a burst of sigh in their hearts.

Years have passed, and she is still the same as before, she has never changed, and only cares about one person.

"Girl, I don't know who you are looking for? In this ancient wilderness, there is no one I don't know."

Shaohao suddenly opened his mouth and his voice was gentle.

Before, the situation was urgent, and the city of protecting the Tao was about to fall, and they all had the heart to sacrifice their lives.

But with the arrival of this mysterious woman, everything changed!

She easily tore a crack open in the forbidden formation of the Nine-layer Holy Path that was surrounded by three thousand kilometers outside the city.

The vast and huge Eight Regions Allied Forces could not stop its pace, leaving a bloody road between heaven and earth, with mountains of corpses and seas of blood piled up in it.

Even the supreme sage shot, she was crushed to death with one finger, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle!

This undoubtedly seems incredible.

But at the same time, because of her arrival, the huge battlefield fell into a stalemate, and the atmosphere was eerily dead.

Invisibly, it gave the ancient wilderness camp a chance to breathe!

Hearing what Shaohao said,

People like Ruo Wu, Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen and others couldn't help but wonder, yes, who is she looking for in the darkness of the eternal night alone?

There was silence, her figure bathed in the eternal night, she seemed unaware from beginning to end, ignoring anyone.

Standing silently for that moment, she raised her head slightly and looked towards the sky, as if she was looking for something.

Finally, she turned and strode away from the city wall.

It seems that the person she was looking for has not been found, the living beings in this city, and everything in this world is irrelevant.

Shaohao and the others were all tense.

All the powerhouses in the Eight Regions Alliance were refreshed, and this incredibly powerful woman was not here to rescue the ancient wilderness camp.

"Get out of the way, make way for this girl!"

The sharp-eyed golden-robed man shouted and gave an order.

Everyone can see that with such a woman, she is simply an invincible existence, too terrifying and terrifying.

If you can make her disappear quickly, that is undoubtedly the best result!

For a time, the expressions of many experts in the ancient wilderness camp changed again.

Even Zhao Jingxuan couldn't sit still and couldn't help but say, "Xiazhi, I know you're here to look for Lin Xun, but he's not here now."

Lin Xun!

Just a few words, like a strange magic, made her who had turned to leave suddenly stopped there.

It was just a stagnant action, but it made all the powerhouses of the Eight Regions Allied Forces tense and their expressions changed drastically.

Did this woman actually come to look for Lin Xun?

Looking at the entire Nine Regions battlefield now, who could not know Lin Xun's name?

However, no one thought that such a mysterious and terrifying woman would be related to Lin Xun!

Because in the past two years, no one knew that the existence of this mysterious woman seemed to appear out of thin air.

At this time, Shaohao and the others finally came to their senses. It turned out...she came for Lin Xun!

For a time, their hearts were tumbling. In the past, they didn't even know that there was such an unbelievably powerful woman by Lin Xun's side.

"I know."

The summer solstice did not look back.

When she came this time, she had already captured all the breath about Lin Xun, but unfortunately, it was just the breath.

His people are not here.

So, she plans to leave.

"But what you don't know is that this city was built by Lin Xun with all his hard work. There are many of his friends in this city. If this city falls, when he comes back, do you think he will be better off?"

Zhao Jingxuan took a deep breath and said seriously.

"Also, look at all the people outside this city, they are enemies outside the Eight Regions, it may not matter to you, but in the past two years, they have tried to kill Lin Xun more than once, and they have even killed Lin Xun. Treated as enemy number one."

Right now, only Xia Zhi can save the current situation, and Zhao Jingxuan can only do everything possible to save Xia Zhi.

She knows the Xia Solstice too well. This girl with a mysterious origin has never cared about everything except Lin Xun!

The summer solstice is silent.

And the Eight Regions Allied Forces all changed their faces, secretly shouting that it would be worse!

"Xiazhi, look!"

Suddenly, Lao Ha stood up, pointed at Zhao Jingxuan, and said, "She is the woman of the eldest brother, if she dies, the eldest brother will definitely be heartbroken, using this method to keep you, you can call me despicable, but I am not. admit."


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Speaking of this, Lao Ha's eyes turned red, "But eldest brother, he has been born and died in the past two years, and he has paid so much hard work to finally win the hope of winning once. If he loses like this... it would be a pity!"

In a word, everyone clenched their fists.

Yes, if the city is broken this time, the ancient wilderness camp will be completely over...

Zhao Jingxuan sighed in her heart, but she also knew that Lao Ha did this to keep the summer solstice, but she didn't mind anything, she was worried...

Sure enough, at this moment, Xia Zhi turned around and looked at Zhao Jingxuan. The clear and calm gaze made Zhao Jingxuan feel uncomfortable for a while.

After a while, Xia Zhi withdrew his gaze, and his voice was still so calm that there was no ripple, "Without my consent, it doesn't count."

Everyone's eyes were slightly different.

Zhao Jingxuan was not annoyed by this, but had a feeling that it really was, because this was the Xia Solstice she knew.

"Girl, if you want to leave, please leave immediately."

The man in the golden robe spoke in a deep voice, and he felt more and more bad.

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to the other supreme saints: "Get ready, as long as this woman chooses to stay, she will attack with all her strength, and at the same time, arrange for others to attack the city with all her strength, this formation has been broken, as long as the army rushes in, the overall situation can Certainly!"

The eyes of all the saints from the eight regions are flashing, and they agree to come down.

At this moment, Xia Zhi turned around, and in his fair-skinned right hand, there was an extra bone spear, with wisps of starlight lingering on it.

The complexion of the man in the golden robe and others changed suddenly.

On the huge battlefield, countless strong men from the Eight Regions camp also froze.

Zhao Jingxuan, Lao Ha, Alu, Shaohao and others were relieved and showed their gratitude.

"I just don't want to disappoint him."

The figure of the girl is slender, standing above the void, the light of eternal darkness lingers, holding a bone spear in her hand, although she is alone, she has the aura of overlooking the heavens.

The words fall.

She stepped up.

Between heaven and earth, the day is like night, and the invisible murderous intent spreads from her figure, filling the ten directions.

For a time, a terrifying bloody vision appeared in the void, countless corpses piled up, and countless blood water spread, like purgatory, being stepped on by her feet!


The golden-robed man's expression changed greatly, and he gave the order without hesitation.

The dozens of supreme saints who had been waiting for it for a long time, almost immediately locked their Qi Qi on Xia Zhi and attacked brazenly.


The sky is turned upside down, the sun and the moon have no light.

The splendid holy treasure, the turbulent Taoist law, and the terrifying holy Taoist law are intertwined, overwhelming the sky and covering the Xiazhi person.

Shaohao, Lao Ha and the others suddenly changed their expressions, but when they were about to attack, they saw an incredible scene——

Xia Zhi raised the bone war spear in his palm, an inconspicuous action, but it brought together the dark power of the eternal night covering the sky and the earth.

She stepped forward, accompanied by the eternal night, all the attacks from all directions, like a vulnerable bubble, before they got close, they burst into pieces and dissipated into the void.


Her figure suddenly stepped forward, flashing out of thin air, and the white bone war spear produced a cold and shallow groan, like a whisper of death that reached the heart.

A supreme saint was directly pierced, and his body instantly disintegrated in the darkness of the eternal night, disappearing into ashes.


"too horrible!"

The golden-robed man and the others had numb scalps and split eyes.

Before, Xia Zhi traveled alone from far away, and wherever he went, blood and death all along the way, he never used weapons from beginning to end.

Originally, this was already terrifying and heartbreaking.

But now, when the Xia Solstice who mastered the bone spear attacked, those supreme saints discovered that they far underestimated the horror of this mysterious woman!


Soon, another supreme saint was pierced and blood spilled into the sky.

Seeing the summer solstice walking in the air, like the master in the eternal night, he started to kill, no nonsense, no hesitation, his demeanor was calm, and it was terrifyingly calm.

The white bone spear, surrounded by the clear starlight, floats in the eternal night, nothing is broken, and the sharp point points, there must be a supreme saint to be executed!

In just a blink of an eye, five supreme saints died tragically, all of which were fatal in one blow. As long as they were targeted, they could not dodge or resist.

In the distance, the Allied Forces of the Eight Regions are chilling, like falling into an ice cave, and the souls of the dead are flying.

At the top of the city, Shaohao, Zhao Jingxuan, and the others were all gasping for breath, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

Originally, to them, Lin Xun's combat power was already against the sky and could not be measured by common sense, but compared to him, Xia Zhi was undoubtedly very against the sky and even more terrifying.

Her movements are simple and crisp, but she is invincible, killing the top saints like tearing pictures, she is absolutely crushing!

From beginning to end, I have never encountered an enemy of Yihe!

"Come on, stop her!"

The golden-robed man's eyes were split open and his eyes were red.

The strength of the Xia Solstice made him feel terrified, and he had to mobilize all the supreme saints on the battlefield to come and attack together.

Whoosh whoosh!

From all directions, the other Eight Regions Supreme Saints who originally attacked the city in different areas, realized that it was not good, and came together.

For a time, in front of the city that protects the way, the place where Xiazhi stood by the virtual became the eye of the storm on the entire battlefield!

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